JJ Abrams has robbed me of a significant portion of my life, and it is only going to get worse
JJ Abrams, creator of Alias and most-recently LOST, has stolen a considerable portion of my life away. I was never a fan of Alias, though I know many people out there are and I did catch an episode or two that I found enjoyable. However, LOST has me wrapped up so tightly that I often […]
Can you dance like Scrivs?
I’ve been asking myself that all day, then I dug up this video of me from a few weeks back. And then I realize, yes I’m as white as white can be. Compare my video to Paul Scrivens’ video, and you’ll understand. [tags]9rules, dancing, video, fun[/tags]
I hate headaches
I try my very best to avoid headaches, but once and awhile they creep in on me. Since I do try to avoid headaches, when I get them they are usually pretty debilitating. Most of the time, me having a headache forces me to suspend any activities until it is gone. One of the most […]
Going through a live design
We’re up and running. There is a lot of work to be done here for sure, but that can all be done whilst you’re enjoying what is already here. From now on you can expect small incremental updates to happen, but none that should inhibit you from getting at what you crave the most; my […]
Poker losses and winnings
Chris had a few friends over tonight, myself included, for some poker and darts. The first game of poker went "okay" since I came in second, losing to Ryan (Chris’ brother) after a few hands heads-up. I think I misplayed about 4 or 5 fairly large hands during that game which led to my demise. […]
As the weather breaks…
I can’t wait for Spring. As the weather breaks, I’m going to try to take advantage of it. Yesterday I enjoyed some time on the deck/porch, even though I could only stay out there for a little while, it was worth it. Today we’re supposed to get up to 18 degrees, or 64 for you […]
Repetitive errors
Each time I shower (about once every two or three months), I forget to dry off my left shoulder until last. Its something I’m perfectly conscience of, yet it seems to happen every single time. My toothbrush is in the “medicine cabinet”, which is behind the mirror above the sink, and every time I go […]
Am I the smartest person I know?
I can not tell you how many times I’ve been asked this question. Sarcastically of course. But, I’d like to answer it seriously. No. Not even close. In fact, I generally take the approach that someone might be immensely smarter than I am. That isn’t to say that I freely give of my respect of […]
CocoaDevHouse Dallas
Blake says hello I was unable to attend CocoaDevHouse in Dallas in “body”, but I was able to get their via IRC and Skype. Wanted to thank all those in attendance for keeping me entertained for awhile, and answering some good questions on some cool topics. Side note: I’ve had a chance to sit down […]
I’ve got one ball
Upon reading the title of this post, you’re probably escorting your children out of the room before continuing to read it. But I can assure you, the title is intentionally deceiving. For years I’ve been tied to some type of desk. Obviously having a laptop helps me “unplug” every now and then. But, being in […]
An audio interview with, me…
I hope someone finds this interview with me interesting. I had fun doing it. Thanks Tyme for including me on the BizBlog show.
Highway driving
Scenario: You’re driving down the highway, in the left-most lane of a four lane highway. You notice that your exit is approaching, and you need to get into the right-most lane to exit. You decide that 3 minutes worth of inconvenience is worth risking your life to save yourself from. So, you proceed to change […]
Digg comments
Paul’s team
I’m the white guy from Pennsylvania and I refuse to comment about “the package”. I’m proud to be on such a Mutley Crüe [sic].
Dancing with Drew
Eliza and I agreed, if Jerry Rice won “Dancing with the Stars” we would have freaked. Not that I don’t give “mad props” to Jerry for improving as much as he did, but in the end the competition was not based purely on skill nor improvement, but the number of fans you were able to […]
Umm Moana?
Dude, Moana should have definitely won. I mean, definitely should have. Sara, or Sarah (the woman he picked) is head over heels for the Doctor from Nashville, in comparison to Moana having a true connection that goes much deeper than the “barbie & ken” experience. It’s just bullcrap, because Travis wasn’t up to the challenge […]
Small things change the overall experience
I’m writing this post, while sitting at my dining room (I use this term loosely) table, using Flock. No, not the built in blogging capabilities (they suck), but still using Flock for the second full day in a row. I’m also using my new bluetooth mouse. Though these two things do not change what I’m […]
One thousand per week
The way I figure it, I’m deleting about 1,000 emails per week. This includes approved blog comments, forum notifications, spam, and other stuff I no longer need. How many emails are you deleting per week?
Usually when people offer you a Tic-Tac, its because your breath needs some attention. Abizer, of, offered to send me a bluetooth Apple mouse – which I’ve named Tic-Tac – without ever smelling my breath. Thanks Abizer, this baby is going to get put to some very good use.
I’m enjoying the weekend, but thought I’d hop on for a minute or two, and noticed something that made me feel a twinge of jealousy. I’m generally not a jealous person. For instance, if you roll by me in a brand new Jaguar and think I’ll turn green, you’re probably wrong. I’ll shake your hand […]
Soy Gringo
I’m going to learn Spanish. I fully realize that I’m probably not worthy, yet, to start writing blog posts in Spanish (which I plan on doing in the future), since (spanish slang to follow:) soy gringo. Loosely translated, it means I’m a dirty American. I love this language already! I can’t wait to learn more, […]
I love Paul Scrivens
Not in that Brokeback Mountain kinda way (not that there’s anything wrong with that), but in the way that you would if someone was willing to stand behind those that’d be willing to stand behind him. Today was a rough day. But, when the smoke clears, the only one that will be standing there with […]
Moana will definitely win the Bachelor
I called it before, and having not been able to watch Monday’s episode till tonight, I wasn’t sure if my prediction would hold water. Yet, after watching the latest episode of The Bachelor, I can say with relative confidence that Moana will win the Bachelor.
New TUG stuff
A new member, and a new homepage.
I lost some Flickr views
I’ve had a ton of photos (and screenshots) on Flickr that have gone well over 1000 views. A few of my screenshots are in the 5,000 range. Recently, however, I had a photo that almost surpassed 1000 views in record time, and I was going to mention that fact – except that I lost some […]
Hobby projects
I always like to have at least one or two hobby projects going. All work and no play makes Colin a dull boy you know. Sometimes I’m ready to start up brand new projects, stuff I haven’t done before or whatever. This time, however, I’m thinking about redoing something I’ve already done. (Image missing) I’m […]
The RSS Advisory Board
I wish I was on The RSS Advisory Board. I think I could contribute a great-deal to that effort. *hangs head*
Things I’d love to do, but will never be good at
I’d love to play piano, but no matter how hard I try – I suck. I simply can’t get it. Perhaps its my inability to "hear" music the way musicians do, or whatever, but its something I desire to do and just can’t. I’m considering taking real lessons, and if I do – and they […]
Grizzly Man
Grizzly Man has been talked about a lot [on the Internets recently]( Man) (partially due to the fact that it was on TV for all to watch). My opinion, to be as straight-forward and honest as I know how, is that Timothy Treadwell did everything wrong. As altruistic as he was in the beginning, his […]
This week, has been a fairly good week.
Time to see some talent
I was glad that last night’s American Idol was the last episode of the horrible funny contestants. I was getting sick of it. Now I’m ready to see some fresh talent.
Give, give, and give some more
Helping friends move is something that comes in the “I’ll be your friend” contract, right? I’ve always had more than enough assistance from friends when I’ve moved. So its only fair that I return the favor. However, I think there is something more to helping out your friends then “returning favors”. Many people, including myself, […]
Clickity clank, Clickity clank
I posted this photo on Flickr and some people, including some of the people that commented, were surprised what I develop on. Overall, I really can’t complain. My iBook runs fairly well, it’s incredibly mobile, and it was affordable. However I do find myself craving more real estate, higher resolutions, and a bit more horsepower […]
“Your invite from XXXX to be linked on LinkedIn will expire in XXXX days”. Who cares? Update: Just FYI I’ve been invited to link up with hundreds of people, and I’ve seen very little value in actually following through with it. Hence this reaction. I think I’ll delete my account soon, if for no other […]
Game day
Today the Steelers take on the Seahawks for the title of World Champion. As much as I want the Steelers to win, I’m hoping for an exciting game thats fun to watch. Oh, and a couple of great commercials couldn’t hurt. I wonder how many Apple ads we’ll see?
Indifferent about it being Friday
For some reason, I’m not excited about it being Friday today. Usually I’m at least happy that the week is over and that the weekend is beginning, but this week not so much. The reason this strikes me as weird, is because this Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday (do I have to pay someone for […]
Paula Abdul is putting on a show, and some of the better Idol-wannabes might be suffering for it
Eliza and I, in addition to watching The Bachelor, watch American Idol. As I’ve said elsewhere, I like to watch the beginning (aka the funny part of the season), and then watch the end where they’ve already drilled down to the last four wannabes. This year, at least in my opinion, it seems as though […]
The Bachelor
If there is any amount of justice in this world, Moana will win the Bachelor. I have many reasons for thinking this way, and I’ll keep them between Eliza and I. But it appears that this season’s Bachelor is the most sincere bachelor yet, and seems to have the right motives and the proper strategy. […]
FlickIt 2.1
If you use Dashboard, you should be using FlickIt.
I think I may have just injured myself
The only details I will make public is that I think I ate way too many peanuts this weekend.
The misuse of buzz words
I just couldn’t take it anymore. The misuse of buzz words got to me, so I jotted down my thoughts.
Sometimes I forget about the couch
I have a laptop, and yet sometimes I find myself forgetting the fact that I can be on the couch. No idea why.
Blog design solutions
Just a quick note: Blog Design Solutions is available for preorder, and will be released February 20th. Buy this book or…. just buy the book you don’t want to know why.
TUG Radio
We just launched TUG Radio Episode One. Give it a listen.
An extremely useful meme?
Imagine if someone created a meme that ended up having some type of value? Meaning that it would end up benefiting someone, rather than just being fun for its participants and readers. Imagine a meme where everyone kept adding $2 (or 5, or 10) to a paypal account and at the end we’d have a […]
A ultimatum
If I can’t edit my theme on before March 1st. I’m leaving Oh, and if they charge only a few dollars to allow me to do that, I’d probably consider paying.
Steelers need one more
I was hoping that the Steelers would end up playing the Panthers in the Super Bowl, but they are going to be playing the Seahawks for all the marbles two Sundays from now. I think they have a very good chance (better than 50% which is obvious) to beat the Seahawks. Get ready to wave […]
Mike Rundle, my favorite CSS-linguist, has tagged me. Therefore I shall oblige. Oh, and Steve Smith tagged me too. Four Jobs I’ve Had In My Life Dishwasher, Cook, Tech Support Specialist, Webmaster Four Movies I Can Watch Over & Over No particular order here: Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Sideways, Lord of the Rings Places I […]
THX 1138
Got a gift from Eliza. Thanks babe!
Thank God it’s Friday! Eliza and I have planned to go shopping tonight, something we’ve not been able to do in a while. Personally, I’m looking very much forward to it. She loves me, really – she does.
Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.
Series archives: Diversions, WIS, typicalday