Hi, I’m Colin
Reverse engineer. Photographer.
Darkroom printer. Blogger.
Curator. Antiquarian.

Blog posts
A hand-curated selection of recently published posts.
On the need to disrupt the structure of a blog
Chris Armstrong, advocating for a digital garden over a blog structure: A blog structure places the highest emphasis on ‘what’s new’… but what’s new has had the least scrutiny and little authority. Robin Rendle linked…
How I use Anybox
Saving links to get back to at a later time is a problem with a million great solutions. I even helped create an open source one that is still chugging along, works great, but hasn’t…
One year at NerdPress
I look back at my first year at NerdPress, what we’ve accomplished so far, and that I’m very excited for what’s next.
Diversions #7: Additional progress
A summary of some travel, the addition, the new laptop, and ActivityPub trials.
Re: Bluesky
We now live in a time where many smaller social networks exist, some of them will likely exist for decades to come, and most of them may never reach hundreds of millions of monthly active…
Using static websites as personal archives
Over coffee this morning, browsing my unreads in NetNewsWire, I stumbled on Simon Willison’s mention of Alex Chan’s “Using static websites as tiny archives” post. And then I saw Jeremy Keith also mention it. So…
Three key takeaways from FinCon 2024
A few NerdPress team members sponsored/exhibited at FinCon 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia this past week and I thought I’d distill the numerous conversations I had with attendees, speakers, and sponsors into three key takeaways. Visiting…
Thoughts on Automattic vs. WP Engine
In this post, I’m sharing my personal thoughts on the Automattic vs. WP Engine trademark dispute. These views are my own and may not reflect those of my employer or anyone else on my team.…
A selection of creative projects from photography, painting, software and other mediums.