Tag: photography

  • Thinking about my use of color film

    (The following is a very quick mind dump. Unedited. Raw.) I prefer black and white over color film for most of my photographic work. I do shoot color film. I mostly like to capture personal memories on color film while reserving black and white for my more serious, thought out photography. I think black and…

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  • “Stop calling it work” – Cedric Raguenaud

    Cedric Raguenaud argues that.. “When we label our photographic pursuits as “work,” we unconsciously impose constraints and expectations that belong in the professional world. Suddenly, we feel pressured to maintain visibility, chase originality, and demonstrate creativity, not for our own satisfaction, but for an imagined audience or abstract standard of success.” Many people, myself included,…

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  • Pixelfed is about to have a moment

    This morning I checked in on Pixelfed, the ActivityPub-powered Instagram alternative. I had created a profile on an instance in 2021 and I check in from time-to-time to see how it is coming along. All told, the experience is fair. But I’m far more excited by how well it is connecting to other platforms. An…

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  • TIL about the iOS Camera app’s QuickTake video feature.

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  • This morning I strolled into the darkroom fully planning to mix a fresh batch of color film chemistry to develop some film tomorrow. I was certain I had at least one fresh pack. I’m all out! And, most places I purchase chemistry is out of stock. I guess I’ll use tomorrow to make more new…

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  • Craig Mod on shooting film

    Craig Mod in Ridgeline Transmission 189 Tōkaidō on Film — People: One of my many todos post-walk has been to dig through the film I shot while walking the Tōkaidō in May. Finally getting to that. To keep things sane, I’ll be batching these photo posts. To start: Here some portraits I took along the…

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  • Going to be near Astoria, Oregon in late Summer? Keith Taylor, who I had a chat with back in April, will have a piece in this year’s Analog Forever exhibit at Lightbox Gallery. Looks like a lovely show.

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  • Untitled post 7849

    Chicago snaps part 2: A few Tri-X photos from walking around downtown Chicago in mid-March. The worm-like aberrations seen on the images is because I didn’t pay close enough attention to temperature while I developed this roll. Live and learn. See also part 1.

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  • A conversation with Keith Taylor – Photographer and Printmaker

    Keith Taylor is a photographer and printmaker with over 40 years of experience in the darkroom. His personal work includes multiple darkroom mediums including gelatin silver, platinum palladium, and his passion polymer photogravure. In mid-March we hopped on Zoom for a 1-hour conversation. This isn’t an interview. It does not have planned questions. It is…

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  • Diversions #1: I have no business owning this camera

    This is the first edition of an all-new series of posts and future email newsletter that will be part of a new membership on my personal website. Diversions is the central hub for news about the membership, behind-the-scenes details of my personal projects, as well as a wide variety of links to people, places, and…

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  • An aerial comparison of Carbondale, PA in 1948 and 2023

    Sometime near 1948 Fiore Cerra took an aerial photograph of Carbondale, Pennsylvania that captured how very different a place it was just 75 years ago or so. I live near Carbondale and the moment I saw Cerra’s aerial I knew I wanted to try to recreate it. Well, in early 2023 I did and I…

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  • I’m excited to finally share a portrait I made of S. Robert Powell Ph.D., the President of the Carbondale Historical Society, back in April 2023. I’m donating the prints and images to the society for their archives.

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  • Yesterday, by pure chance, I met local photographer Rolfe Ross – whose work I’ve followed on Flickr for many years. It turns out his photos were being exhibited in the same venue as Eugene Lucas, whose photos I was there to see. I took some very hasty photographs of the exhibit – which I shared…

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  • Photos from Chisholm Vineyards in Feburary 2020

    For many years now Eliza and I have preferred to slow down and take our time on road trips rather than feeling rushed to get to our destination. We like to visit tucked away places. Do a little shopping. Or enjoy a drink. This usually adds about a day of traveltime to any of our…

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  • Using Wavelength to chat with darkroom printers

    Update July 1, 2024: Wavelength is shutting down July 31, 2024. For the past few days I’ve been testing out Wavelength – a group messaging app that is currently only available on Apple’s platforms. It reminds me a lot of Quill, the former messaging app that was swallowed whole by Twitter just prior to ……

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  • Untitled post 53

    I spent January 1 in the darkroom making prints from a 35mm roll of Tri-X that I finished over the last few months.

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  • Untitled post 67

    Developed two rolls of Tri-X last night. One I have no idea where it came from – and it looks like the camera had a light leak (selective memory?). But the other looks terrific. I can’t wait to spend some time in the darkroom.

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  • Untitled post 76

    Spent about 90-minutes in the darkroom making this print. It is an 11×14 print from a 6×6 neg taken in 2020 at Keuka lake in New York State.

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  • Glass observations – an update

    One year ago I wrote Glass observations, a post wherein I wrote about the state of sharing photos on the web, and what I thought about the photo sharing app Glass. This morning I read that post anew to see if my opinion still stands – it does. So if you missed it and were…

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  • Photographers be aware, WordPress may convert your JPEGs to WebP soon

    This isn’t a “the sky is falling” post. However, photographers that use WordPress should be well aware of upcoming changes regarding image file formats. Sarah Gooding, writing for WP Tavern: WebP, an image format developed by Google, which is intended to replace JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats, will soon be generated by default for…

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #93: April 23, 2022

    Started some seedlings I’ve been spending a decent amount of time on a free word game (coming soon) and the redesign of my website. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t collected a cacophony of links for y’all.

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  • Christopher Parsons’ genius photography Shortcut

    Christopher Parsons: The Shortcut is pretty simple: when I run it, it maximizes the brightness of my iOS device and opens the Glass app. If you download the Shortcut it’s pretty easy to modify it to instead open a different application (e.g., Instagram, 500px, Flickr, etc). It’s definitely improved my experiences using the app and…

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  • Video: Film photo series review The Skateboarders 2021

    Last night’s Twitch stream is now available on YouTube w/ chapters.

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  • Audio: Starting and finishing

    Recorded on February 18, 2022 Join me as I scan some photos and chat about starting things and finishing things. Are you dealing with the same thing? Write a comment! (Audio clip unfound. I’ll try to restore this file in the future.)

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #90: January 6, 2022

    At a recent distillery tasting Wow, 90 of these. I hope at or before 100 I go back through them all and pull forward some of my favorites. I hope most of these links still exist! You may see less of these types of posts since I’ve left social media behind and I think I’ll…

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #89: December 17, 2021

    Penelope says gm. Also, just some quick things that don’t have any specific links that you may want to search on Duck.com; Steph Curry’s 3-point record, the James Webb Telescope, the analysis of the tornadoes that hit the mid-west last weekend. Until next time.

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  • Video: Making paper negatives with a bedroom camera obscura

    A video on YouTube walking through a project I did in March-April 2020.

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  • Video: Sandbridge Beach Houses

    Spend 30-odd minutes with me going through each photo from the Sandbridge Beach House series. This was fun to do, I might do more of them. Also available on Instagram. If you like it, jump over to YouTube and hit the like and subscribe button.

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #88: November 24, 2021

    Rainbow Trout fry The above photo is a small Rainbow Trout fry that I pulled from the creek in my yard. It looks like it may have had a run-in with a Heron, Mink, Raccoon or some other predator. Let’s get to some random links that I managed to set aside for y’all. OK, that…

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  • Datafilm – Log your film photo EXIF data

    Today I stumbled across Datafilm, a free iOS app for film photographers to log their photo EXIF data on the go, via Japan Camera Hunter’s blog. The app is being made by Vincent Tantardini. Datafilm describes itself this way: Datafilm is the note app designed for film photographers, focused on simplicity, ease of use and…

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  • Micro.blog adds Flickr support

    Manton Reece: This is for people who have a Flickr account that has gone unused, but who know there’s value on Flickr if only it was easier to remember to use it. Nice simple feature. I’m sure many will dig it. Glad to see Flickr being added to anything these days. All Flickr fans should…

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #87: October 8, 2021

    Southern BBQ Almost a month since my last list. I’ve been busy. The photo above is a homemade southern BBQ I made last weekend. Smoked brisket, collards, Mac and cheese, cornbread, pickles and onions. All made by Eliza and I. Now, onto the links: I have a backlog the length of a DNA strand. I’ll…

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  • Photographing 40-foot Falls in Archbald, PA just after Hurricane Ida

    40-foot falls is a waterfall I had no idea existed until just this year despite living in this area of Northeastern Pennsylvania for the majority of my life. I heard about it from a YouTube video by Dale Keklock, a local historian of sorts that is painstakingly documenting the now moribund coal industry in our…

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #86: September 11, 2021

    I was recently able to jump on a train and photograph the Engineer. Look for that in my portfolio when I develop the film. Speaking of my photography portfolio, I’ve added several portraits including Max, Anthony, Zombie, and Bill. My goal is far more portraits moving forward. I’d love your feedback on them! You can…

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  • Glass observations

    Glass, a new photo sharing app, has been making the rounds this week since it launched to the public, via an invite only roll out, and has had a fair bit of press and photographer fain fare. I gave away a few invites myself. First, a bit of background material you may want to peruse…

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  • An updated list of film photography blogs by Jim Grey

    Jim Grey: It’s time for my annual list of film photography blogs! A great joy of film photography is the community of people who enjoy everything about it: the gear, the films, getting out and shooting, and looking at the resulting photographs. Lots of us share our adventures on our blogs. He removed my blog…

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #85: August 5, 2021

    Penelope in a basket This week was full of family visitors and new kittens. Oh, and of course links!

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #84: July 23, 2021

    Mine water bubbles up from the earth Long week this week. Perhaps a long month. The above photo is about a mile upstream on the creek that edges our property where frigid mine water spills out. It is both cool and clear and runs all year long. Enjoy this week’s links.

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  • Monthly video vignettes

    Hot on the heels of yesterday’s cringe-worthy boastfulness of the Lightograph “inventor” is this unassuming yet wonderful monthly video vignette from Russel Davies. Russell Davies: For some reason I do these 1-second-every-day videos every month. And I set aside a few hours every month to make a piece of music, which I stick on top.…

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  • Lightograph

    Jeremy Cowart, proposed inventor of the Lightograph: It is not a motion-picture because there is no motion. It is not a photograph because the light evolves. Interesting, for sure. I’m going to watch to see how this plays out but I definitely have mixed feelings about the entire thing.

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #83: July 8, 2021

    If you’re near Endwell, NY you have to eat here With the holiday I stayed off the computer as much as possible as per usual. I have some great links in the hopper but they may take a week or two to get onto these lists as I process them. Here are this week’s links:

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #81: June 17, 2021

    Saved this garter from the lawn mower A busy spring is coming to a close. A pool, garden beds, lawn care, work, side work, art, the gallery, photography and so much more going on all at once. But somehow it felt very balanced. I’m happy about that. Scratching every itch. This week I have a…

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  • Drone pilots, be mindful

    Joanna Thompson, writing for Audubon: On the morning of May 13, Peter Knapp stepped onto an ominously quiet California beach. The night before, he’d noted a horde of boisterous Elegant Terns just starting to incubate their eggs in the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve, 30 miles south of Los Angeles. But the roughly 3,000 birds were…

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #78: May 27, 2021

    I missed last week due to being very busy at work.

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #76: May 6, 2021

    Enjoy this week’s links. A nice mix this week. See you next Thursday.

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  • OSXPhotos – Query Photos.app with Python

    Rhet Turnbull on Github describes OSXPhotos this way: Python app to export pictures and associated metadata from Apple Photos on macOS. Also includes a package to provide programmatic access to the Photos library, pictures, and metadata. I’m planning to use this to pull the Faces metadata out of Photos.app and use machine tags to add…

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #75: April 29, 2021

    Our tulips are opening up Now that I’ve reached 75 of these posts I want to spruce them up a little. I’m going to start posting every single Thursday and I’d like to add a mobile photograph I’ve taken that week. I also plan on going back through all of the posts and making a…

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