Search results for: “google”

  • Photo walk in Scranton, PA

    Photo: My friend Sameer on a Photo walk of sorts in Carbondale, PA. Something I’ve wanted to do for some time was to have a Photo walk in Scranton, PA. I would like to have one in Carbondale some time in the near future, but I think we’ll get more support in the Scranton area…

  • Older WordPress posts resulting in Error 500

    Every now and then I experience a 500 Error when trying to access and older post. I really have yet to figure out what is causing this problem but it seems to happen only on old posts. Really old posts. Posts at least 2 or 3 years old. Mainly the posts that I imported from…

  • A Thank You card with meaning

    Searching for the perfect card can be an arduous task. Just walking into a Hallmark, or venturing into the card-section of any store, seems daunting. There are so many cards! You stand there, looking at the upper-third of every single card to decide which one to pull out, look at the front, read it, open…

  • Down south.

    Is cultural influence reciprocal? As 2009 begins many reflect on what has happened this past year. I’ve read many reflections, updates from last year’s resolutions, countless thoughts on World events, and some have jotted down a list of the places that they traveled to in 2008. I had the privilege of traveling to many places…

  • Bob Ross videos

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Speaking of Bob Ross, you can watch a ton of his episodes online. Not all of the videos are complete episodes, so you’ll have to watch the duration closely. But, there are some gems. I blame Troy Rutter for me taking a stroll through my memories and wanting to watch a ton…

  • Feedburner on, Feedburner off

    On Sunday I thought it’d be a good idea to turn on Feedburner, the service that helps you track the number people subscribed to your feed ((Among other things like; what they subscribe with, what they click on in those feeds, etc.)), since I had turned it off a few years ago. Turns out, my reasons…

  • Fluid 0.9.5 released

    Fluid, the site-specific browser that I use for things like Google Reader, Brightkite, Gmail, and also named one of The Best of 2008 on this site, has been updated to version 0.9.5. Reading the changelog you can see that this is a fairly large release when you weigh it against previous versions. You can also…

  • iPhone software update 2.2 released

    For the record I jailbroke my iPhone a few days ago full well knowing that the 2.2 OS update was imminent. I thought it gave me the perfect opportunity to play around with a jailbroken iPhone, build the Qik to Viddler bridge, and still be okay to install the latest update to the iPhone without losing…

  • The best of 2008 as told by me

    It is only mid-November but I’m confident in my choices for this years "Best of 2008 as told by Colin Devroe". This isn’t a list based on popularity, consensus, or a set of rules. They are simply works that I feel should be awarded with the recognition of being the best that I’ve personally found this…

  • Places to see in London (for geeks)

    I have a goal to get to London next year, so this list will come in handy when that happens. For that reason, and because I think everyone visiting London should take a look at this, I’m sharing it here. Simon Willison put this Google Map together and I think it is a fantastic list…

  • Web applications that I use on my iPhone

    "Use on mobile phones and sites you use to keep up to date and others in the loop." And I thought the llama suggestion was going to be tough to write?  What the heck does this suggestion actually mean?  It isn’t like I was able to ask who suggested it, because it was suggested anonymously.…

  • Dipped in Chrome

    Google’s Chrome, the new Web browser by Google, has been getting a lot of attention because of its simple approach to browsing the Web.  But there is more here than meets the eye. It is all about the approach. The new application has its flaws, for sure, but what it gets wrong it makes up…

  • Radioactive llamas with super powers!

    You asked for it and so now you’re getting it. When I installed the Skribit widget on my suggestions page I didn’t realize that some of you would ask for something like radioactive llamas with super powers, but you did, and so now you have me doing Google searches for that very term. It turns…

  • New York style pizza in San Francisco, California

    If there is anything in the culinary world more centering than pizza I don’t know what it is. We all have our favorite toppings, styles, and even ways to eat it. Folded in half, the way all true New Yorkers do, maybe two pieces on top of each other, or even eating it backwards crust-to-tip.…

  • \”I ♥ NetNewsWire (on the iPhone)\” – Justin Blanton

    Justin Blanton weighs in on the NetNewsWire iPhone application: "Since installing the app, I find myself reading news a lot more in bed, before I get up in the morning. I roll over, grab my iPhone (which is sitting on the nightstand because I used a podcast to help me fall asleep) and start rocking…

  • \”I ♥ NetNewsWire (on the iPhone)\” – Justin Blanton

    Justin Blanton weighs in on the NetNewsWire iPhone application: "Since installing the app, I find myself reading news a lot more in bed, before I get up in the morning. I roll over, grab my iPhone (which is sitting on the nightstand because I used a podcast to help me fall asleep) and start rocking…

  • \”I ♥ NetNewsWire (on the iPhone)\” – Justin Blanton

    Justin Blanton weighs in on the NetNewsWire iPhone application: "Since installing the app, I find myself reading news a lot more in bed, before I get up in the morning. I roll over, grab my iPhone (which is sitting on the nightstand because I used a podcast to help me fall asleep) and start rocking…

  • \”I ♥ NetNewsWire (on the iPhone)\” – Justin Blanton

    Justin Blanton weighs in on the NetNewsWire iPhone application: "Since installing the app, I find myself reading news a lot more in bed, before I get up in the morning. I roll over, grab my iPhone (which is sitting on the nightstand because I used a podcast to help me fall asleep) and start rocking…

  • \”I ♥ NetNewsWire (on the iPhone)\” – Justin Blanton

    Justin Blanton weighs in on the NetNewsWire iPhone application: "Since installing the app, I find myself reading news a lot more in bed, before I get up in the morning. I roll over, grab my iPhone (which is sitting on the nightstand because I used a podcast to help me fall asleep) and start rocking…

  • \”I ♥ NetNewsWire (on the iPhone)\” – Justin Blanton

    Justin Blanton weighs in on the NetNewsWire iPhone application: "Since installing the app, I find myself reading news a lot more in bed, before I get up in the morning. I roll over, grab my iPhone (which is sitting on the nightstand because I used a podcast to help me fall asleep) and start rocking…

  • \”I ♥ NetNewsWire (on the iPhone)\” – Justin Blanton

    Justin Blanton weighs in on the NetNewsWire iPhone application: "Since installing the app, I find myself reading news a lot more in bed, before I get up in the morning. I roll over, grab my iPhone (which is sitting on the nightstand because I used a podcast to help me fall asleep) and start rocking…

  • Chewing on bits, bites, and full on meals

    Some prefer to eat three times a day.  Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner.  It seems that lately people in my country seem to skip the first meal, generally eat the second meal on-the-run or too quickly, and eat the last meal of the day far too late in the day. Then you have the health conscious individuals…

  • My homemade Batman shirt

    Eliza and I, along with a few friends, are going to the midnight premier of Batman: The Dark Knight tonight.  As we’ve done in the past, we’re making our own tshirts.  This time, instead of the handwritten shirts, we’re going to do iron-ons. We’ve used iron-ons in the past, for the Star Wars prequel premiers,…

  • Ten things you need to know about the upcoming WordPress 2.6

    Aaron Brazell, who has done just about as much development on top of WordPress as anyone I’ve ever met, likes to break down each release of WordPress just prior to its release with these lists of things you should know about it. It is obvious that Aaron knows WordPress down to its very core, including…

  • Get yourself a custom illustrated avatar

    My friend Anton Peck, who is an amazing artist, is offering to illustrate an avatar for you from a photo for only $65USD.  Here is more on what he is offering to do. "The Original Artwork – You’ll get a large (600 pixels square) layered photoshop document, created in a way that will allow you to…

  • The Firefox 3 launch might be more important than you realize

    I don’t know how many applications you have installed on your computer but I have enough where there is an update to one of them at least once per week and often times more. Due to this barrage of updates yesterday’s release of Firefox 3.0 may just seem like another run-of-the-mill update to one of…

  • How I’m using Spaces on Mac OS X

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] When Apple released the latest update for Mac OS X Leopard, with the version number of 10.5.3, they updated the way that Spaces worked.  As John Gruber pointed out, Spaces now can better focus on "task separation" rather than "application separation". Here is a quick overview and history for you.  Spaces is a…

  • Dryocampa rubicunda

    Perhaps better known as the Rosy Maple Moth, this moth was just outside our apartment building door. My friend Chris just showed up for dinner and Game 4 of the NBA Finals and immediately he said there was a cool looking moth outside.  I grabbed my camera and bolted for the door. On my finger,…

  • WingFest 2008 was a flop

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] I’m writing this under the more than likely false assumption that the directors of WingFest 2008 will actually read it. That the people responsible for the event that took place this past May in Moosic, Pennsylvania on Montage Mountain are savvy enough to open a Web browser and search the Internet using…

  • Turning on Address Book syncing to Gmail on Mac OS X 10.5.3 without an iPhone or iPod touch

    Prior to even upgrading to Mac OS X 10.5.3 I had heard about this feature, from my co-worker Kyle Slattery on Twitter, that you could sync your Mac OS X Address Book to your Gmail contacts. "Sigh, I was excited about Google contact syncing in 10.5.3, but it turns out it’s only for iPhone and…

  • Gary Vaynerchuk’s television appearances

    My good friend Gary Vaynerchuk, host of Wine Library TV, has had the privilege of making some rounds on network television programs such as Nightline, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, the Ellen Degeneres Show, and The Big Idea – so I thought I’d keep a catalog of these appearances here. Here are Gary’s television appearances,…

  • Apple’s iPhone takes Flickr top spot among camera phones!

    All of the mobile photos you see here on my site are taken with an Apple iPhone and then emailed to my Web site for publishing.  It appears that Flickr users are also using their iPhone’s to upload photos to the Web. As of: May 1, 2008 Somewhat recently, according to this graph (pictured), the…

  • How the advertising experiment is going so far

    In very early January I decided to run an experiment where I’d put Adsense on this site for a few months, not do anything differently than I normally would, and see how much a personal site could earn.  Although I only planned on having ads on this site for January and February, they were so…

  • Past designs of this site; some made the cut, some didn’t

    As I work on the next version of my site’s design, which is coming along quite nicely I might add, I figured now would be a good time to take a stroll through the hallways of Colin Devroe Design, Inc. and look at some of the designs of my site that had never made it…

  • Get a job! Use a Job Board.

    Looking for a job? Might I suggest looking through the various Job Boards that have popped up over recent years? You might just find what you’re looking for. 37signals’ Job Board The 37signals’ Job Board is probably "the best one" right now. Currently there are offerings from such companies as Apple, Sony, Amazon, Best Buy,…

  • Jeremy Wheaton Photography

    Jeremy Wheaton, brother of Wil Wheaton ([writer]( Wheaton&sa=X&oi=print&ct=title&cad=author-navigational&hl=en), actor), recently won a prize for one of his photos ([this one actually]( fence.html)). After bouncing around on his site for a little while, I must say that I agree with his brother Wil – he is very good.

  • Weigh in: February 26, 2008

    You may have noticed over the past several weeks I’ve been twittering my weigh in numbers on Tuesdays. This is because since the end of November I’ve been back on the diet. Two factors spurred me to get back on the diet. The first was a trip to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with some friends to see…

  • Tharrrr be ads on this herrrre site!

    So I couldn’t come up with an exciting way to tell you that I’m testing out Google Adsense on my blog for the months of January and February. Sue me. So here is how the ads work, why I’m doing it, and what my goals are. How my system of ad placement works I believe…

  • Traffic via searches can be fun

    I love watching the trends of the traffic on my blog; even if said traffic is not that high. In fact, I think it is much easier to monitor my site’s traffic trends then it is for us at Viddler because I’m able to keep a much closer eye on even the smallest of trends.…

  • Safari 3 on Leopard is almost as good as Camino

    While I await a new build of Camino that works a little better on Leopard I thought it a good opportunity to take Safari 3 for a spin. After using it since my upgrade from Tiger to Leopard I’ve found that Safari 3 is almost as good as Camino and in some ways even better.…

  • A few tips before installing Leopard

    Before returning from Phoenix I installed Leopard on my Macbook with very little effort. Upon my return I wanted to upgrade Eliza’s iBook to Leopard but I had tons of issues. Based on my experience with her laptop I wanted to jot down a few tips for any of you that have not made the…

  • In response to: PHP, MySQL, and Contact Management: Contacts 0.1 by Jon Christopher

    How is this for a long title? My friend Jon Christopher is asking for some feedback on a little side project he is working on. I thought I’d duplicate my comment I made on his post in hopes that if any one that reads this would be interested in following this project too. So if…

  • Syncing bliss with the iPhone

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Something I was worried about with Eliza and I both getting iPhones was syncing. She has data, I have data, we have data! How would I be able to manage keeping all of this data in sync between our two computers and the iPhones without forcing her to only sync her iPhone…

  • Thoughts on the iPhone

    Before I begin gushing about the iPhone I have to mention, especially for those of you that do not have one yet, that you can win one of two free 8Gb iPhones that we’re giving away over at Viddler just for doing simple MeToday videos. Each video you do (one per day per person) is…

  • My thoughts on the WWDC Keynote

    MeToday: June 11, 2007 So I’ve been catching some flack over my MeToday photo that, more or less, described my feelings towards the WWDC Keynote on Monday. Perhaps I’m overreacting, perhaps I’m being a little overly critical, or maybe I just needed more sleep, but the fact remains — I am not alone in my…

  • I need help switching back to iPhoto

    In February of this year I switched from iPhoto to Aperture for very specific reasons. My laptop’s hard drive was running out of space, as it was housing my photo library that was quickly approaching 25,000 photos and pushing about 30 Gigabytes, and I wanted to take advantage of Aperture‘s ability to store photo masters…

  • The Web 2.0 Expo experience

    When I first found out that the entire Viddler team would be going to San Francisco for the Web 2.0 Expo – I wasn’t sure of what to expect from the Expo. Would it be a social (tshirt and jeans) or more a professional (suit and tie) type of conference? And really, it turned out…

  • Notice: Outage

    Over the last few days TUG.n has been down. However, I’ve been experiencing problems with email for months, and I never even knew it. I’ve had everyone from clients to my mother telling me that I did not get their emails. My main personal email address is currently cdevroe(at) and has been for 5 years.…

  • Beware: Twitter updated their API a bit

    My friend Alex Hillman sent me an IM yesterday: "hey, i think twitter might have switched something up on you, on your blog your twitters are there but the time isnt" After doing a little sniffing around I’ve found that Twitter has indeed updated their JSON output for my personal timeline on Twitter and removed…

  • Recapping the Philly meetups

    So Chris, Mike, Matt, Eliza and I headed to Philadelphia for the Webloggers meetup as well as other activities. This meetup was kind of bittersweet for me since there was so many people that attended it wasn’t possible to get even just a few minutes with each person to "meetup". When we first arrived Jen…