Search results for: “google”

  • Inside Carwanna

    Taken in February 2009 in [Carwanna in Carbondale, PA](,27586,27856,28060&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&cp=22&qe=Y2FyYXdhbm5hIGNhcmJvbmRhbGUsIHBh&qesig=rnnUGI7sMdrWWB_iEJN9KA&pkc=AFgZ2tl_Ea3FNMFocT7IS2XjL-tw25HxZAjPAkR_WWCzogwGUTX19RvVMqZDTJUKRIe6KD1TksqZKya4PPGRWxwZrPfGGijd1A&client=safari&rls=en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=carwanna carbondale pa&fb=1&gl=us&hq=carwanna&hnear=Carbondale, PA&cid=11571800602353308970).

  • Slow down. Focus.

    The world of information is speeding up. It has been since the beginning of man. What used to take years to get from one end of a continent to the other now takes an instant of time to span the globe in all directions. This is a good thing. Now more than ever in history…

  • 20 Things I learned about Browsers and the Web

    From the Google Chrome team comes one of the better designed websites/applications I have ever seen on the Web to-date. It is a book, of sorts, that explains the Internet, the Browser, and everything in between in a way that even our Moms can understand. Illustrated by Christoph Niemann.

  • Browser market share. The war that never ends.

    Usually when there is a war there is a winner and a loser and a lot of casualties in between. It would seem that in the browser wars there is no clear winner, no clear loser, and the bodies are piling up. With no end in sight. Here are the statistics for the last 30…

  • The iPhone apps that I use most

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] I’ve been using an iPhone for 3 1/2 years. I’m not of the sort that installs or purchases a lot of applications – but I have tried out a few over the years and some have stuck. They’ve stuck so well that I use them on a daily basis. Here is a…

  • Good can come from squeezing Adobe.

    What do I think about this recent "movement" to uninstall Flash? Glad you asked. I think it is great. Flash has certainly been a tool to help us get to where we are today and no one could argue with its ubiquity. It is a tool that was good enough to get the job done…

  • There’s a new API in town at Viddler

    Or, the video in which my head explodes. For more information, see the Viddler developers page. Note: If you are using Google Reader you may not be able to see this video. The Reader team is dragging their feet on supporting Viddler’s latest embed code. Come on over to my site to see it.

  • The tools of The Watercolor Gallery, so far

    We live in an increasingly interesting world where creating something from nothing is getting easier and easier. Several years ago I would say that it was easier than ever to set up a new website and get going. The same is true today, of course, but I am just as astounded by this fact today…

  • Everyone is playing Oregon Trail online I guess

    Over 1,000 people found my post on playing Oregon Trail online yesterday. Yes, yesterday alone. Since I linked to it 18 months ago nearly 100,000 people have found that post via Google, Bing and other places and the day-to-day visitors to that post is growing faster than any other page on this site. It seems…

  • Steve Jobs at D8

    The unread count in Google Reader went from a relatively low number to an incredibly high number yesterday evening because Steve Jobs got on stage at D8. You can either read the transcript or watch the videos if you want to catch up. My favorite bits are the real story behind the iPhone’s inception (which…

  • Twitter, Facebook and soon the world!

    OK, maybe not the world. But, this is simply a friendly housekeeping / reminder post to let you know how easy it is to keep up with the latest posts from this here site. In order of my recommendation: The RSS feed. – This gives you everything. Notes, links, photos, videos, etc. I suggest Google…

  • cp /world * /goog

    Not the best syntax in that title but you get the point. Someone’s copy machines are working pretty hard. AppleTV = Google TV. App Store = Chrome Web Store. Amazon S3 = Google Storage. There are a few other examples coming out of Google I/O this week too. Granted, though, that some of these products are…

  • Viddler and VP8

    Google has open sourced VP8 and is using it as a basis for an entire open web media project. We at Viddler believe in our customers having choice. That’s why, hot on the heels of our support for HTML5 playback using H.264 on the iPad/iPhone, we’re announcing support for encoding into VP8 also. I’m really…

  • Gmail’s drag/drop image insertion

    Looks like my recent switch back to Google Chrome is already paying dividends. The Gmail team has now moved a much loved lab feature that allows you to drag and drop images from your desktop onto a new message and have it automatically attach and/or insert directly into the message out into the open. I…

  • Chrome is faster than lightning

    So Chrome is faster than Safari again. Not one month ago I said: "I’m back to Safari. I still love Chrome but Safari’s latest update made it edge out Chrome for speed. Speed, it seems, is the killer feature for me in Web browsers." It seems I’m going to follow the speed and it turns…

  • My Top Sites in Safari

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] I’m back to Safari. I still love Chrome but Safari’s latest update made it edge out Chrome for speed. Speed, it seems, is the killer feature for me in Web browsers. Until this latest release the Top Sites page in Safari was too slow for me to find useful. Now, however, it…

  • Ch-ch-changes on the site and ads

    Just a quick link to the site because I’ve switched to a different template from The Theme Foundry. I was itching to do a theme from scratch myself but thought better of it considering how busy I am currently. I’ll leave designing to designers for now. I also changed the way that ads are displayed…

  • Voting for new NFL overtime rules

    I’ve said it before, I believe the NFL’s overtime rules suck. Harsh words, I know. But I’m not alone. That post just-so-happens to be one of the more popular pages on this blog – it being the page people click on when searching for "NFL overtime rules suck" on Google. Today there was a vote…

  • Using an Airport Express to extend a wireless network using the LAN port

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Recently Eliza and I signed up for Netflix. Ever since moving into our new apartment I haven’t had the Xbox 360 connected to the Internet because of the location of my cable modem/router and because the Xbox 360 does not come Wifi-enabled by default. This hasn’t been too much of an issue…

  • The Chromium Bookmark Manager

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] A few days ago I updated to the latest nightly build of Chromium, something I do every few days using TechCrunch’s Chrome-Up application, and was elated to discover that Chromium finally has a Bookmark Manager. Up until this release I was unable to edit any of the bookmarks that I had imported…

  • These are a few of my favorite things

    I have different reasons for saving favorites on each service that I use. I figured I’d take some time to explain the reasons by listing out the services on which I save favorites and why. Also of note is that these reasons happened naturally and were not the result of me trying to think of…

  • All Chrome all the time

    I’ve been using Chrome as my default browser for nearly six months. It won Best Browser in my Best of 2009 list. I didn’t even realize it had been that long until I went back through some of [the things I wrote about Chrome here in First initial, last name]( chrome). To be more specific,…

  • Chrome overtakes Safari for 3rd place among browsers

    According to Mashable (via Net Applications via The Apple Blog) Chrome has surpassed Safari for third place among browsers in terms of market share. I’m as big an Apple fan as anyone but this is pretty well deserved on speed alone.

  • Joining the drum line for Realtime RSS

    I remember when I first learned about RSS. At the time my personal Web site was running on some homegrown content management system that I built myself using ASP. So I was tasked, unlike many people today, with creating my own feeds. I had to learn what feeds did and why they were beneficial, read…

  • The best of 2009 as told by me

    In November 2008 I put forth a list of things I thought were the best Web sites, applications, and various other things that I came across in 2008. I said "They are simply works that I feel should be awarded with the recognition of being the best that I’ve personally found this year." I’m doing…

  • French toast made with cinnamon bread

    Like last time I used this recipe. It was a little sweet for me (typically I do not order my french toast with cinnamon or powered sugar) but it turned out really good. The bread was from [Bingham’s Restaurant](’s restaurant kingsley pa&sll=51.47653,-0.286825&sspn=0.070672,0.123596&ie=UTF8&hq=bingham’s restaurant&hnear=Kingsley, PA&ll=41.740194,-75.699749&spn=0.081464,0.123596&z=13&iwloc=A) (Google Map link).

  • Cozy Corner Cafe in Carbondale, PA

    Had breakfast here yesterday. It was pretty good but I wouldn’t add Cozy Corner Cafe to my favorite places within 2 hours of my home list. It would do in a pinch, though. Something has to be said that they don’t come up, at all, in a Google Maps search though. Hmm. Update: Since Google…

  • Instapaper is the drugs man, the drugs!!

    In mid-September I wrote that I was going to give Instapaper a whirl. And for a day or two I did but it didn’t stick. Turns out I was doing it wrong. I was trying to use Instapaper as a way to sync a "reading list" between two computers (in this case, my iPhone and…

  • How much money is being made on the H1N1 virus?

    I’m no medical expert, but one has to wonder about the finances behind having a global pandemic – or at least the appearance of one. The H1N1 virus, or swine-flu, is no doubt a virus that should be taken seriously. If you have the symptoms of the virus you should take action to get the…

  • Pete N’ Reenie’s in Eynon, PA

    On Wednesday my friend Chris and I ate dinner at Pete N’ Reenie’s in Eynon, PA – a 50s-style burger/shake joint. The food was delicious, the service was good (the owner was our waitress), and the place is altogether great. I think Pete N’ Reenie’s is going to quickly become one of my favorite places…

  • How to find the message count for a search result in Gmail

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Like I’ve said before, I’ve been on Twitter since November 2006 and I wanted to know the total number of followers my account has ever had. Even though I’ve only (and I say that with humility) got 1,700 followers currently – how many times has my account been "followed" over the last…

  • The next version of Webkit’s Web Inspector

    I’m a big fan of Webkit. Although I had been a die hard fan of Safari for a while I’m now using Google Chrome as my primary browser. The great thing about Chrome is that it too uses the Webkit rendering engine. I’ll catalog my reasons for using Chrome in another post. The next version…

  • My poor buddy list

    In late August I opened iChat, as I typically do, only to see that no one was online. Having quite a few people in my buddy list this makes for a strange occurrence. I rarely see an empty buddy list. A few hours go by and I check it again, still – no one. After…

  • Our 10th Anniversary party invitations

    For our 10th anniversary, which was on the 27th of August, we received an incredible gift from Eliza’s mother Carla – an anniversary party in our favor. Since she told us many months in advance that she was going to throw us this party we were able to help with some of the planning and,…

  • Zen-coding, snippets for the rest of us

    Jonathan Christopher of Monday By Noon talks about snippets and zen-coding, a "Set of plugins for HTML and CSS hi-speed coding", in a nice piece about his experience with same. I’ve been dabbling with zen-coding plugins with Coda for about a week. Loving it.

  • Donovan’s Restaurant in Archbald, PA

    Adding to my 2hourfavs list is Donovan’s Restaurant in Archbald, PA. Donovan’s serves breakfast and lunch and is your quintessential "hole in the wall" diner. Although there is a much nicer, more welcoming side-entrance to Donovan’s the first time we visited the diner was through the less-than-welcome front door. If you saw it, and I…

  • Using Twitter favorites to retain value and reduce distraction

    To many of you this may seem like a no brainer but I thought I’d share the way I use Twitter’s favorite feature anyway because I’ve found it very valuable over the last few months. In nearly every Twitter application, and on the site itself, you may favorite a Tweet with minimal effort. On the…

  • Safari Glims = broken keyboard shortcuts

    Keyboard shortcuts, both for the browser itself and for Web sites that take advantage of them, can be extremely powerful. Google Reader set the precedent for keyboard shortcuts by working through a stream of information using J to advance and K to move backward through the stream. The Big Picture, Ffffound, and now Tumblr’s Dashboard…

  • New labels in Gmail

    I’ve never used labels but Google’s recent updates to Gmail may lead me to use them. Do you use labels? If so, how?

  • A PHP Wrapper for’s API

    Jeff Johns, fellow Viddler team member and jogger (although he’s much more accomplished than I in that area), recently wrote and released an open source PHP wrapper for Freewheel’s API. Much needed by the Viddler team, open for the world.

  • Add a progress bar to your Viddler uploads

    We get this question a lot at Viddler: How can I add a progress bar to my uploads using the Viddler API? We’re always asked if this is something included in our API wrappers. Until now, it hasn’t been. That’s where phpViddlerUploadify comes in. This extension to phpViddler, our PHP wrapper for our API, makes…

  • What you get and don’t get with the iPhone OS 3.0 update if you have an original iPhone

    Eliza and I have original iPhones. Day one iPhones. They are just shy of 2 years old. They’re still gorgeous, still work well, and we couldn’t be happier with them. Today Apple released the third version of their iPhone OS aptly named iPhone OS 3.0. This release boasts several improvements and new features – however,…

  • Chrome for Mac developer preview and extensions

    Ever since Google release Chrome, their browser, I’ve been waiting with bated breath for Chrome for Mac. Thanks to my friend Jake Dahn I got a copy of the developer preview. Its really fast. Faster than Safari on the Mac. I’m excited for a more stable and complete beta at which point I plan to…

  • Designing for Big Data, by Jeffrey Veen

    First of all, a note to all event holders – please take the care and time to record all of your speakers with slides like this. Web 2 Expo did a fantastic job putting these videos together and the world would be a better place if all of these tech conferences that are sprouting up…

  • Why I’m not blocking the DiggBar, yet

    If you haven’t heard of the DiggBar, and the hoopla it has created over the last week or so, allow me to fill you in. The DiggBar is a new feature of, a social news Web site, that puts a tool bar of sorts on top of any page on the Web. This bar…

  • Twitter should buy (or, Yes! URL shorteners DO suck)

    So the Internet is (was on April 3rd) ablaze with the talk of how bad URL shorteners are ever since Joshua Schachter, the guy that built and sold, jotted down his thoughts on them. These facts are nothing new and, I’ll bet, do not allude those that built these services. But, they see a…

  • The new

    Simply Recipes, which used to live at, now has it’s own domain It also has a slightly updated design, information architecture, and more. One thing I did like was that when the update was announced, they had taken steps to make sure that everyone’s feed subscription didn’t go stale. However, I don’t like…

  • Photos from the Scranton, PA Photo walk

    Before I reveal a few of the photos that I took during our Photo walk this past Sunday in Scranton, Pennsylvania – I wanted to post an update to how it turned out, and perhaps some thoughts about having another one and what I’d do differently. Sameer, Chris, Eliza and I were the only people…

  • Dokdo or Takeshima? Not a tiny issue.

    Who owns this relatively small set of islands and reefs found halfway between South Korea and Japan? This has been in dispute for centuries. I find this most recent post by The Big Picture fascinating. "Isolated, tiny and desolate, The Liancourt Rocks are the center of an international dispute that dates back to the 15th…

  • Lost and still not yet found: Atlantis

    In fact, it could be argued that Atlantis was ever lost at all – but that isn’t why I’m writing this post. How awesome is this blog post from Google? A few weeks ago (and I’m just getting the chance to read this now) there was some rumors being spread around the Interwebs that some…