Search results for: “google”

  • Matthew Smith on faking it until you make it

    Matthew Smith in his interview with the always excellent The Great Discontent: Then people started asking me to build more things, like customer databases. I would nod in agreement as if to say, “Of course I can do that,” and then I’d get off the phone, crap my pants, and go do research on Google, ask questions…

  • An App you install from the web

    From Dark Sky Company, the guys behind the relatively new web app Forecast,  comes a great post about how web applications can perform as well as native applications: Granted, some apps must be native: OpenGL-based games, for example, or apps that access hardware capabilities that are not yet exposed to the browser (a shrinking list); but I don’t…

  • Gary Vaynerchuk’s 19 people you should follow on Twitter list

    My good friend Gary Vaynerchuk chose your’s truly as #4 of 19 people he thinks should be followed on Twitter. He says of me:  his new project is something that I think has the real chance of blowing up in 2014. Keep an eye on him. I think he’s a great follow and someone who’s…

  • Single User Utility In a Social System

    Don’t get knocked off your feet by the sheer strength of my agreement with Fred Wilson on Single User Utility In a Social System: One of the most important lessons we took from delicious was the value of single user utility in social systems. It might seem odd that systems designed to leverage interactions between…

  • Flickr Premium?

    Danny Nicolas has been keeping up with my Flickr commentary of late about how Flickr should create a more affordable, less feature-rich account type and he has a few things to add: I feel as if most people currently paying for Flickr Pro don’t take advantage of all the features offered. I might even go…

  • The web we lost

    Anil Dash waxes poetic about the web of turn of the century before Facebook and Twitter. But then talks about what is happening now: But we’re going to face a big challenge with re-educating a billion people about what the webmeans, akin to the years we spent as everyone moved off ofAOLa decade ago, teaching…

  • It all starts as a hobby

    Tom Tunguz on how so many big products and entire companies started out as just a hobby. He should know:  Google AdSense’s internal CRM is a Rails app called Toothpaste that I cobbled together one (late) night that now serves the global team. What is your hobby project?

  • Souvenirs Entomologiques

    Jean-Henri Fabre, circa 1879 in Souvenirs Entomologiques: We all have our own talents, our special gifts. Sometimes these gifts seem to come to us from our forefathers, but more often it is difficult to trace their origin. A goatherd, perhaps, amuses himself by counting little pebbles and doing sums with them. He becomes an astoundingly…

  • My island on this ocean

    Me, over four years ago: As it stands I post what I’m currently doing to Twitter, I am testing out Pownce with mobile blogging, events, links, and files, I post mobile phone photos to Flickr (as well as the occasional screenshot), videos go on Viddler, bookmarks end up on Ma.gnolia, tasting notes end up on Cork’d, and my thoughts on Appleproducts find their way…

  • Tim Cook’s letter about Apple Maps

    Tim Cook: We launched Maps initially with the first version of iOS. As time progressed, we wanted to provide our customers with even better Maps including features such as turn-by-turn directions, voice integration, Flyover and vector-based maps. In order to do this, we had to create a new version of Maps from the ground up.…

  • Jean-Louis Gasse on Apple Maps

    Jean-Louis Gasse on Apple Maps: The ridicule that Apple has suffered following the introduction of the Maps application in iOS 6 is largely self-inflicted. The demo was flawless, 2D and 3D maps, turn-by-turn navigation, spectacular flyovers…but not a word from the stage about the app’s limitations, no self-deprecating wink, no admission that iOS Maps is an…

  • James Duncan Davidson on Maps in iOS 6

    Speaking of Duncan… James Duncan Davidson on Maps in iOS 6: I might be in the minority here given the raised pitchforks in many quarters, but I like the new maps in iOS 6. Yes, a lot of people are running into holes in the data set. Others are finding that the queries that they…

  • Notes on iOS 6 for iPhone 4 and iPad 2

    In case you don’t follow me on Twitter; (really, how can you live with yourself?) earlier today I tweeted a few notes about iOS 6 on my iPhone 4 and iPad 2. I’ve taken those tweets and put them below. iOS 6 note: The new Maps application is pretty fast even on the iPhone 4.…

  • What an investment in GitHub could mean

    GitHub: Today we are partnering with Andreessen Horowitz and announcing our first ever outside investment. The amount? $100,000,000. Even in today’s money this is a fair amount of capital for GitHub to have on-hand. What will this be used for? GitHub mentions, in several of the quotes posted to various tech news outlets, that they…

  • More on linking by Matthew Ingram

    Matthew Ingram wrote a good piece entitled Why links matter: Linking is the lifeblood of the web for Gigaom. First, about giving credit: In the days when newspapers ruled the world of information, giving credit to other outlets was (and often still is) discouraged. Rewriting or “matching” a story that someone else broke — or…

  • Nexus Q

    I’ll withhold judgement on the Nexus 7 until I have one in my hands. But I’ll immediately call the Nexus Q a dud without ever having laid eyes on it. Terrible industrial design, marketing, and execution.

  • Nexus 7

    The Nexux 7 is a 7" tablet from Google. Naturally it runs Android but it runs a version of Android that no one else has yet and, if Android’s track-record stays intact, not many older Android-powered devices will ever run. I’m skeptical only because I’ve never seen an Android device that I’ve liked. But who…

  • Reeder 3 for iPhone release (now supports Fever)

    The latest release of Reeder for iPhone has just hit the App Store. All sorts of goodies in this release – copiously described and illustrated by Shawn Blanc. However, a big, big thing that most posts aren’t mentioning is that Reeder 3 for iPhone supports Shaun Inman’s Fever. Why is this a big, big thing?…

  • The new Foursquare app

    Foursquare just updated their iOS application and I think it is great. MG Siegler sums it up: A day into using it, I agree that new Foursquare is a significant improvement in a lot of ways. There’s always been a lot more data than check-ins flowing through Foursquare, but much of it was hidden behind…

  • The Samsung Chromebook Series 5 550

    CNet takes a good look at Samsung’s new Chromebook 5 550. It appears that the launch of Google Drive has done wonders for Chrome OS.

  • Farhad Manjoo spends a week with Bing

    Like Mahdi Yusuf’s month-long foray using DuckDuckGo Farhad Manjoo spends a week with Bing. His first impressions were good: The new Bing is like the old Google—your results are presented on a clean, uncluttered page consisting of a lot of links and a few unobtrusive ads. But, like so many others, he realized how trapped…

  • Mahdi Yusuf spends four weeks with DuckDuckGo

    Mahdi Yusuf after spending four weeks using DuckDuckGo in place of Google for search: This brings something very interesting to light, I have gotten really good at processing information returned from Google searches. I can quickly determine what is a useful result and what isn’t. After using DuckDuckGo for one week I can concur with…

  • James Cameron to mine asteroids?

    So, let me get this straight. The guy that wrote, produced, and directed an amazingly successful blockbuster movie about how greedy, evil people were mining the natural resources of another planet to the detriment of thehabitatand natives is now funding mining on extraterrestrial bodies? Got it. /via The "I said hot when I meant warm"…

  • Pay with Square

    Square is rethinking the card case model and going more for an application that allows you to pay at Square-enabled merchants just by having your phone in your pocket. They call it Pay with Square. I love the idea. And, as I’ve said before, I really, really want these types of systems to take off…

  • Instagram is a network, not a camera

    Derek Steen, friend and co-worker, on Twitter. First, @cdevroe removes comments from his blog. Now, he’s uploading DSLR photographs to Instagram. Talk about hipster… — Derek Steen (@djsteen) March 23, 2012 I realize he was poking fun. But I wanted to address this topic anyway so I thought I might as well reply to him…

  • My iPad 3 event predictions

    Looking at Apple’s invitation to March 7th’s iPad 3 event may give away exactly what is on the agenda. This wouldn’t be the first time Apple has dropped not-so-subtle hints in their invitations. Here is the short list of things I think Apple is hinting at with their invitation. Retina Display. If you’ve ever used…

  • How Pinterest makes money

    Josh Davis: If you post a pin to Pinterest, and it links to an ecommerce site that happens to have an affiliate program, Pinterest modifies the link to add their own affiliate tracking code. If someone clicks through the picture from Pinterest and makes a purchase, Pinterest gets paid. They don’t have any disclosure of…

  • Is Page listening to Jobs?

    According to the biography of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson Jobs reportedly told Google’s Larry Page: [figure] out what Google wants to be when it grows up. It’s now all over the map. What are the five products you want to focus on? Get rid of the rest, because they’re dragging you down. They’re turning…

  • Delivery Status – A package tracking widget for Mac OS X

    The post on GAget was mildly popular. I’m happy about that. It means that more people are seeing a useful Mac OS X Dashboard widget than may have otherwise. Especially since Apple hasn’t updated their Dashboard widget directory since very early in 2011. Well, here is another widget I suggest taking a look at. Whenever…

  • Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again

    At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan…

  • Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again

    At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan…

  • Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again

    At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan…

  • Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again

    At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan…

  • Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again

    At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan…

  • Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again

    At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan…

  • Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again

    At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan…

  • Using search as the location bar

    Joseph Parish on The Verge: "Experian Hitwise has released its yearly search term statistics and once again, Facebook and YouTube top the list. The remainder of the top 10 includes three more Facebook-related terms, a couple of Yahoo! variants, craigslist, eBay, and MapQuest. Of course it’s highly unlikely that all the millions of people putting…

  • Netflix 2.0 for iOS

    Just as I was saying that the best UI for Netflix was on the Apple TV comes [Netflix 2.0 for iOS]( ios&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CDUQFjAB&url= While the Apple TV Netflix UI is still better this version for iOS is vastly improved.

  • I’m happy with iPhone 4S, iOS 5, iCloud

    I don’t get it. During Apple’s press event, no matter which live blog I was following, the writers were constantly "yawning" whenever the event would – in their opinion – "drag on". Apple has just given launch dates for some of the most sophisticated, affordable, and approachable technology the world has ever seen and they…

  • How to: Put a Mac running OS X Lion to sleep

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] As I outlined in [_Recent software problems_]( >"Since upgrading to Lion my Mac isn’t going to sleep. It is frustrating as I’m the type of person that never, ever shut my Mac down. Instead I usually would just close the lid and be on my way. But, now, when I come back…

  • Ireland, ready for our arrival

    We’ll be heading to Ireland in a few months. According to these two screenshots from Google Maps Ireland is ready for our arrival.

  • I wouldn’t shop at

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] I thought I’d drop a note, for Google more than anything, that I wouldn’t shop at (which I won’t link directly to). This site comes up on Google as having some fairly great deals on products like DSLR camera lenses. What I will link to is a forum thread where some…

  • Informed enough to be misinformed

    Inside sources, rumors, conjecture and even reasonable assumptions based on experience and knowledge – all lead to what can only be called educated guesses. For years I’ve been following the speculations thrown-out by industry pundits in order to formulate my own opinion of what’s to come at Apple’s next event. This year is no different…

  • Being able to follow a recipe doesn’t make you a chef

    It is easy to fall into the trap of being a copy cat. From infancy we’re trained to become copy cats. Write your alphabet like this, wash your clothes like this, get a job like this, become successful like this! It is all pretty absurd and altogether rather unavoidable in some cases. The trap I…

  • Georgify makes Hacker News readable in Chrome

    Fan of Hacker News? Use Chrome? Georgify does a nice job of making Hacker News much more readable.

  • New Browser releases make me nauseous

    You know that feeling you get when two of your friends ask you to do something different on the same day? That feeling in your stomach when you don’t know which one to let down? You sit there agonizing over the choice between two friends, two things great things to do! Firefox 4 was released…

  • Tumblr, audience, and engagement

    The success of The Watercolor Gallery thus far has been extremely gratifying. I really enjoy the effort it takes (and believe me it is an effort) to find art to feature, to dig for the details of a painting or an artist online, and to describe what inspires me about it.And so far that effort…

  • The iPad apps that I use most

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Since posting about the iPhone apps that I use most I’ve had a few requests to do the same for the iPad. So, here are the iPad apps that I use most. I check, read, and write email on the iPad every single day. I actually prefer using the iPad to…

  • Going a little command line crazy

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] I’m not sure why but I’m on a command line kick lately. Not just the Tron Legacy style for Terminal but I’ve now begun using iTerm2 as my Terminal application of choice. I have it in a second Space on Mac OS X fullscreen with 3 shells running. The first shell is…

  • Teach a friend about RSS

    For the last few years I’ve been hearing chatter that RSS "is dead", yet, I still continue to use it every single day. So, I thought – lets turn this on its head. Lets bring RSS "back" by teaching at least one friend how to use it. Why? The vast majority of people that surf…