
  • Recent \”strange\” weather might be worse for us than good

    It was 66-degrees yesterday here in Northeastern Pennsylvania and today it was around 50 and is raining right now. In "Hotlanta" (Atlanta, Georgia) it was snowing (or so reports the National Weather Service). Update: Atlanta also had some fun dealing with a Tornado that did quite a bit of damage. What does all this weird […]


  • Recent \”strange\” weather might be worse for us than good

    It was 66-degrees yesterday here in Northeastern Pennsylvania and today it was around 50 and is raining right now. In "Hotlanta" (Atlanta, Georgia) it was snowing (or so reports the National Weather Service). Update: Atlanta also had some fun dealing with a Tornado that did quite a bit of damage. What does all this weird […]


  • My 2007 Web 2.0 Death list

    Paul Scrivens recently said he’d like to see three "Web 2.0" companies (or services) go the way of the dinosaur in 2007. He also asked for people to post theirs, and there are some great ones in the comments of his post. So here are mine and remember, these are not predictions – just some […]


  • Our first photo day

    Eliza and I had our first "photo day" today. We’ve been meaning to do this for quite awhile but we’ve not been able to find the time until today. Oh, and the fact that the temperature hit 66-degrees fahrenheit didn’t hurt either. One of my favorite things is having a great time while not spending […]


  • Recent \”strange\” weather might be worse for us than good

    It was 66-degrees yesterday here in Northeastern Pennsylvania and today it was around 50 and is raining right now. In "Hotlanta" (Atlanta, Georgia) it was snowing (or so reports the National Weather Service). Update: Atlanta also had some fun dealing with a Tornado that did quite a bit of damage. What does all this weird […]


  • Testing out Viddler

    One of our clients at ChanceCube recently released a public beta of their service; Viddler. I wrote on ChanceCube how much I think the service is great, then I recorded a really quick testimonial using the "record" feature. So, I thought I’d test out their sharing features. I also managed to upload our Wine Library […]


  • Stop being entertained by today and try to be yourself

    Over the last few months something has come to my attention that has slowly revealed itself in a few different forms. Being entertained by "what is happening today" gets boring really fast and finding what your own personal interests are can be increasingly difficult if you are. I suppose this needs a little bit of […]


  • Trying to observe the moon

    My telescope Last night the moon was nearly full and the sky was crystal clear. So I decided to take my Meade 114 eq-asb telescope that Eliza bought me for our seventh wedding anniversary out for a spin to do something relatively simple; look at the surface of the moon. At least I thought it […]


  • Why I’ve not weighed in for two weeks

    Short answer: Vacation. Had some family visiting – which obviously completely knocked me off my diet and exercise routine. I’m really looking forward to getting back into routine, starting today, but I’m not going to weigh in today because I don’t feel it would do too much good. Only two results would come of weighing […]


  • Weigh in: Week Twenty Nine

    This weekend I ate the worst food I have eaten in more than twenty nine weeks. We got together with some friends on Friday night and Saturday night and we at "junk food". When you are invited to a friend’s house for a party, or have one for yourself, and everyone brings "whatever" it seems […]


  • Doing the Panera Bread thing again

    I’ve written about Panera before. How it, and other cafes with free wifi, provide a good solid atmosphere for clearing your head all while getting some work done. Mike thinks I smell, so he is over there. Atmosphere definitely lends itself to attitude – so if you find yourself slugging behind a little – get […]


  • Finger puppets from Niagara Falls in 2003

    Google recently announced the release of their patent search. I thought I’d do a little sniffing around to see what I could find and to my surprise I stumbled onto this patent for a "Finger puppet". In June 2003 Eliza, Chris, and I went to Niagara Falls. We had a great time even though I […]


  • Five questions for successful dieters

    While doing some dishes today I thought of starting a "meme" of sorts. How could I capture the reasons why I think I’ve been successful on the diet and help to encourage those who have not, or who have yet to start their diet. I’ve come up with these five questions, and hopefully my answers […]


  • I need more storage so that…

    I need more storage so that… I don’t have to make rash decisions on what personal data to keep (especially photos) just because I’m running out of room on my laptop. I love using a laptop as my main computer. It’s portable, compact, and works almost as well as a desktop. Currently the main caveat […]


  • Weigh in: Week Twenty Eight

    Last week I was 189.6 pounds and this week I’m up 0.4 pounds and sitting pretty at 190.0 pounds. Let me tell you thought, this is a miracle in itself due to the amount of food I ate. Eliza had some family in this past weekend and she made lasagna (one of many of my […]


  • A dead field mouse

    If you were to go to, or any other service that allows you to create a wish list, and created a wish list – I doubt that a dead field mouse would be in your selections. Apparently my cat thought that a dead field mouse was a perfect gift for me, which is exactly […]


  • Weigh in: Week Twenty Seven

    I weighed in this morning at 189.6 pounds, up 3 pounds since 8 weeks ago. I am very surprised at this number since I thought I’d have gained more than only 3 pounds in that amount of time. My plan is to get down to 185 pounds, and I’d like those 185 pounds to be […]


  • Re: The usefulness of Microformats

    Kyle Kneath recently wrote I just don’t get this whole Microformats thing and I wanted to take a minute to respond to him. Kyle is doubting the usefulness of Microformats, and is also saying that he thinks the learning curve is too hard because of the documentation making things "too hard". First I’ll address his […]


  • The state of the diet

    I’ve been asked in many ways about the state of the-diet. I’ve put off an update until I had chosen a direction to go with it since I’m now in a different stage of the diet than I was before. It took me about 20 weeks to get close to my goal. I never actually […]


  • Not all Frostys are created equal

    Andrew, Chris, Mike, and I appreciate the Wendy’s Frosty. Eliza does too but she thinks the vanilla is good so we’ll leave her out of this discussion. We have a few Wendy’s "near" us. One is in Dickson City (about 10-15 minutes away) and one in Clarks Summit (about 20-25 minutes away)*. Both of which […]


  • Bridges washed out in Clifford

    For those of you wonder how Eliza and I are doing since there was some major bridge damage in Clifford – we don’t live in Clifford anymore. We moved. We’ve not heard of anyone having any serious injuries in Clifford but we have heard that it is a major inconvenience having the only road going […]


  • Keyword Manager for iPhoto

    I was half expecting to write a very long, detailed review of the Keyword Manager for iPhoto. However, I will not. I will just say that if you are the type of person that is willing to invest in their personal data’s future – and the ability to find it quickly and easily, the Keyword […]


  • I’ll bite. I’ll give Twitter a try.


  • I do not recommend installing any Safari plugins

    There are quite a few handy Safari plugins out there. Most of them try to help make up for what Safari lacks, and normally I’d be all for trying to get the most out of your software. Not in this case. I’ve tried a few Safari plugins over the years and most of them, if […]


  • Leopard wish list – Part four: Finder

    My wish list for the Finder is not as extensive as other’s will be. Partly because I do not have as many complaints about the Finder as I’ve seen long-time Mac users have – particularly those you came from OS 7, 8, and/or 9. Fixes As I said, my list of fixes will be pretty […]


  • Leopard wish list – Part three: iChat

    Another application within the Mac OS that is open for most of my day is iChat. Many have chosen to use third-party chatting applications like Adium – but the ability to hold audio and video conferences, and transferring files to those on my list, proves to be indispensable features for me. Fixes I hope not […]


  • Leopard wish list – Part two: Mail

    I’m not as much of a power-user of Mail as I probably could be. There are features of Mail that I simply do not use, and therefore my request for Mail are rather light. However, I do feel that some of my requests make sense, so hopefully they will be included in Leopard. Fixes Here […]


  • Leopard wish list – Part one: Safari

    I fully realize that my "wish list" that I will be publishing is coming a little late to be included in the Spring-time update to the Mac OS – however it is good to note that much of what I am documenting has already been sent to Apple months ago. The first thing I’m going […]


  • Weather on the Boise South Fork

    Dan Bachman of Tattered Fly give us a small glimpse of weather on the Boise South Fork. [tags]idaho, photos, tattered fly, fishing, outdoor, rainbow, sleet, weather[/tags] [slug]boise-south-fork[/slug]


  • I need to vacation in New Zealand

    I’ve wanted to visit New Zealand for awhile. Its been a long time goal of mine, but some of the photos I’ve seen lately (since I’m subscribed), is starting to make me want to get the heck out there sooner rather than later. [tags]photos, flickr, new zealand, vacation[/tags] [slug]new-zealand-goal[/slug]


  • Josue interviewed all of us

    Josue thought it’d be cool if he interviewed me, Chris, Mike, and himself. [tags]josue salazar, colin devroe, chris fehnel, mike stickel, tug, theubergeeks, interview[/tags] [slug]tug-interview[/slug]


  • The story of my first Macintosh

    Originally published in early-May 2004 with the title of "The story of my iMac". I’d say that it began in July 2002. My wife Eliza and I like to catch the live Apple Keynote’s whenever we can. The July 2002 broadcast introduced the iMac 17"flat panel, preloaded with OS X. I mentioned to Eliza that […]


  • Wednesday is actually one of my more favorite days of the week

    My wife Eliza has said before that she loves Wednesdays. So perhaps it is of little surprise that I too enjoy Wednesdays. I have a few reasons for really liking this particular day of the week. LOST New DVDs from Eliza A chance to see what you’ve already done for the week, and what is […]


  • Slugger

    Finally I’ve had the opportunity to build and release Slugger, a plugin that allows me to use MarsEdit to the fullest of its potential with WordPress. Finally. [tags]wordpress, wordpress plugin, plugin, slugger, chancecube[/tags]


  • A reinvigorated approach to driving safely

    Originally posted in April 2004 on TUG with the title "A new approach to driving". I’m reposting this because I plan on doing a slightly better job of driving than I have been lately. Partially due to my wife’s prodding, but also because I found this post and remember that there was a time when […]


  • Everything is chronological

    My good friend Josue is "rearranging" his site. He now has everything setup in small chronological notes. I like it. [tags]josue salazar, weblog[/tags]


  • Gettin’ waxed

    No, not my bikini area – our floors. In preparation for getting our floors waxed we had to move everything, thoroughly sweep and mop the floors, and put the cats in the office. Pickles inspecting the floor After the cats approved of our floors, we put them away. Now I’m just waiting to do one […]


  • 3,037.5 ounces

    This was originally posted on TUG in March 2004. My wife has a problem. An addiction if you will. Not to pain killers, alcohol or any drugs for that matter, but rather to deals. Allow me to explain. My wife’s skill set is a three-pronged sword. First, she is very good at locating ‘deals’ for […]


  • My first letter to Steve Jobs

    I find this pretty hilarious now. I wrote this on TUG in January 2004. Mr. Jobs I must appologize for my ignorance and arrogance. I love my iMac, I really do, but I have always had problems with this or that. Not with the computer itself, mostly just connecting to my other computer. Well, today […]


  • Scott McKenna

    In March 2004 myself and a few friends went to see Scott McKenna at a local Border’s book store. Scott and Nyke performing Borders in Dickson City, PA in 2004 After watching him I wrote: Scott played some Jack Johnson, Dave Matthews and Howie Day all while mixing in some of his own stuff. His […]


  • The misuse of buzzwords

    I have decided to start collecting all of my better posts from various other sources and putting them all on my personal blog. More for the search-ability than anything. This article was first posted to Business Logs, almost exactly as you see it below, and was also featured in a magazine. Speaking from experience, using […]


  • Using the calendar disables sharing in iPhoto

    I have so many posts about iPhoto in my "saved drafts" area that I figured it is time to get rid of one. This one deals with sharing photos in iPhoto – something that is a fairly painful process still. In short, if you pull open a remote Library that you’d like to grab a […]


  • bLaugh: Mac vs. PC

    [tags]mac, macintosh, apple, blaugh, cartoon, funny[/tags]


  • I need a new chair

    For those that have already seen my chair, this post will come as absolutely no surprise. For those that haven’t, let me catch you up to speed with the following photo. My chair as of this morning Why did I let it get this bad? About one week after I got my chair, the thing […]


  • iPod shuffle reset

    If you have a first-generation iPod shuffle and need to reset it, Apple has you covered now. [via Infinite Loop] [tags]ipod, shuffle, apple, software[/tags]


  • Movember

    If only I had facial hair that was recognizable at a distance of greater than 4-inches from my face – I’d participate. [tags]kris krug, fun, movember[/tags]


  • Optimized Firefox 2.0 builds for any Macintosh

    Personally I am not going to be using Firefox 2.0 until at least a single point-release is out, but if you would like to use Firefox 2.0, and you’re on the Mac, I suggest checking out the optimized builds. No idea what Firefox is? Using a program called Internet Explorer? Please do yourself a favor […]


  • Simple Countdown

    We just can’t stop giving away free stuff I guess. Mike has been slaving over a hot G4 for the last few days tweaking and getting the options just right to launch Simple Countdown version 1.0. I begged and pleaded that Simple Countdown would be able to do simple, easy, in-post countdowns and boy did […]


  • Taking full advantage of the things you already own

    Most of us like nice, new things. Whenever something new comes out we ogle at its features, wonder at how we could use them to our advantage, and then eventually buy the product. But how many of us take full advantage of the things we already own? I’m sure some of you out there do […]


  • A kind of invisibility shield

    "Scientists create a kind of invisibility shield by bending microwaves" I find this intriguing of course but I’m of the belief that they are not even close to having anything of real worth. Though I’d love to see a demo. An interesting quote was: "We did this work very quickly . . . and that […]


Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.

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