
  • Rewrote most of my static site generator over the last few days. Cut the build time in half at the same time as doubling the number of files it deals with. The latest update adds monthly blog post indexes.


  • What I saw somewhat recently #98: December 15, 2022

    I have decided that #100 in this series of link lists will be the last “What I saw somewhat recently”. Today’s list is #98. I’ll try to get #99 out sometime in January and #100 will be a look back through all of the previous links.


  • I’m trying to decide which text editor I want to write my blog posts in. Left to right: Sublime Text, MacDown, VS Code


  • Looks like we’ll all be in line trying to buy the iPhone 15 EU running iOS 17 EU. iEU?


  • I don’t understand the push towards self-driving cars? Do you really think a robot can merge onto a highway while eating a bowl of breakfast cereal and putting on eyeliner? I don’t think so!


  • Over many years of watching YouTube videos something has become clear to me; quite often, the fewer views a video has the more information I seem to glean from it. A 3-hour presentation on fine art photography from many years ago? 55 views? <3 A poorly lit, hard to hear, video of some guy in […]


  • By opening Slack, Teams, and Discord on your computer at the same time you’re running all of the JavaScript ever written since the time of the Egyptian pyramids.


  • This weekend Eliza and I tried some experiments in the darkroom with paper negatives that failed completely. It is good to be humbled from time-to-time.


  • Making backups of my site’s content is easier than ever. Just like my photo library I now have 4 complete back ups that will seldom be very far out of date.


  • Developed two rolls of Tri-X last night. One I have no idea where it came from – and it looks like the camera had a light leak (selective memory?). But the other looks terrific. I can’t wait to spend some time in the darkroom.


  • Disbanding the POSSE

    For the past several years I’ve been POSSE-ing. In Indieweb terms that means to publish content on my own site and syndicate it to other platforms. I’ve decided I’m going to discontinue using automation in favor of manually writing posts for each of the platforms I want to post to. I’m doing this for 3 […]


  • Spent some time this morning making adjustments to dates in RSS feeds. I think they should be accurate now. Sorry to all subscribers for the odd RSS behaviour the last few days.


  • Zhenyi Tan is on a tear

    Zhenyi Tan, who I linked to back in April about his app History Book (which I still use), is on a bit of a tear. Just take a look at Tan’s website post archive and count the number of times you see the word “Launch”. His most recent projects; a Time Machine inspired UI ontop […]


  • I’m going into year 3 of learning film photography and darkroom printing. One thing is abundantly clear, both of these disciplines are wholly separate. If you find yourself good at one and struggle with the other, do not feel bad. Both require skill. Both can be raised to the level of art. It is OK […]


  • What is Apple’s policy for updating things like rsync on macOS? The preinstalled version is very old.


  • iCloud+ email sometimes misclassifies replies as junk mail. I would think that my having emailed the person first would be enough for Apple to know the email isn’t Junk?


  • I’m getting dangerously close to switching away from WordPress and onto Tuff – my personal static site generator. Like any well tended garden, I’ll need to pick weeds and cast seed, but the important bits are done.


  • Hello World 2

    I’m writing this, my first post (actually, it is the second or third) written using my new static site rendering thingy I call Tuff. Twenty plus odd years ago I copy and pasted my way to having my first blog. I was writing HTML by hand then and just copying the bits and pieces that […]


  • Spent about 90-minutes in the darkroom making this print. It is an 11×14 print from a 6×6 neg taken in 2020 at Keuka lake in New York State.


  • I must be out of my mind. I started building a static site generator.


  • Yesterday I took a stranger’s portrait. It was quick, likely poor lighting, and may not turn out at all. But I’m super happy that I worked up the courage to ask.


  • Cleaned and organized the darkroom for winter sessions.


  • My favorite ways to view photographs, in order: books, iPad (someone’s website, or in Flickr app), YouTube on TV.


  • I have the whole day off and I have so much internet to do.


  • Why use 1 hashtag when 25 will do? 😊


  • Brent Stitcher on owning your audience

    Brent Sticher, who writes a lot about my favorite programming language PHP (don’t @ me), writes about the history of his personal blog and Twitter account and how he now owns his audience. The entire post is worth a quick read. I wanted to back him on on this bit: I’ve managed to build a […]


  • Recent Mastodon vibes

    There is a lot being written about Mastodon lately. And it isn’t just being published on Mastodon. Both Time and Wired have published about Mastodon and its creator within the last week. I wanted to post my current thoughts about the platform to capture the moment. Things are changing rapidly. A lot of things are […]


  • What I saw somewhat recently #97: November 22, 2022

    Enjoying a martini and Leon Bridge’s Tiny Desk concert There aren’t enough links in the world to describe the amount of information I’ve been ingesting lately. The Twitter takeover, the FTX fraud, the hacking of FTX, and the crypto winter. All while maintaining my steady diet of whacky ephemera and art inspiration topped with a […]


  • The bricking of an iPhone in three waves

    The above series of images were made on a recent trip to Ocean City Maryland and are very likely the reason why my iPhone became what is known as a brick. Let me back up. I’ve used my iPhones underwater ever since Apple said they were IP-rated for a reasonable amount of water resistance. I’ve […]


  • I took a nap. Can’t recommend it enough.


  • We’re going down down in an earlier round, and sugar we’re going down swinging. 🎶


  • TIL Vivaldi, in addition to building a browser chocked full of features like email, to do lists, contact management, and note taking, also has a blogging service and now a hosted Mastodon instance. Productive team!


  • Poll, of sorts: How do you balance creation vs consumption? I often wrestle with myself on how much I read or watch compared to how much I write or make or create. My desired ratio is 90/10. Unfortunately it is more like 10/90.


  • I’m at the age where I totally understand why Mister Rogers changed his sweater and shoes when entering his home.


  • I wish Apple would transition away from using photos from Yelp in Maps. First, license the photos in such a way that we no longer need to navigate out of the Maps app. Allow people to submit their own photos to locations. Slowly remove Yelp altogether.


  • Matthias Ott on publishing

    Matthias Ott: Longtime readers will recall Stop worrying, hit publish. Ott’s post is a great example of the point he is trying to make. In the post he is simply relaying a story he heard on a podcast. Of what value could that be? By sharing how that story moved him, he moved several others. […]


  • Skittish is closing down

    Andy Baio reflects on his decision to shutdown the quirky and cool Skittish: I always knew there would be risk building something like this during the pandemic. Fortunately, I built it in a way where nobody would be burned: we fully honored the terms of our grant funding, it never had investors, never took on […]


  • Wordle is showing a full cover nag screen and The NY Times is advertising the official board game in pre-roll ads on Twitter. They must be having trouble making that milly back.


  • Any tips to achieve better focus when using a lens adapter? I picked up an adapter to use FD mounts on my 90D. The results are dreamy! But, I wouldn’t mind the ability to dial in focus.


  • People seem to retweet things they disagree with, or they think is downright false, thus amplifying that which they think is wrong. 🤔


  • Instagram is slowly turning into a worse version of YouTube and TikTok.


  • If I were to direct a documentary about YouTube I would title it “Added to Watch Later”.


  • I wonder if people that are banned on a social network know that they don’t have to spend millions or billions on acquiring a competitive social network — they can just start a blog for free. *shrugs*


  • Stupid now supports Dark Mode. It automatically switches with your device settings. Keen eyes may notice a few accurate constellations fly by. Also, a new featured artist Daniel Howden.


  • A Day in the Life – Pennsylvania, USA. Fall and winter is hot tub time ‘round here.


  • If you use Apple’s Podcasts app, be sure to check the Downloads section. You may have a ton of episodes downloaded unintentionally. And they take up space.


  • Tolkien did an awful lot of work to create the world of middle-earth and its histories, peoples, languages, etc. And yet he kept the month names from the Gregorian calendar?


  • LOL at Joey Sneddon’s write-up on Vivaldi. “Furthering its unstated, but much evident ambitions to replicate absolutely everything in existence inside itself, the latest version of the Vivaldi web browser comes with a new productivity feature.”


  • I’m starting to like Elon’s plan for Twitter more and more. Just get it over with already.


  • Stop relying on Google

    Slowly, over the last decade, I’ve been pulling myself away from using Google services. Over 10 years ago I tried instead of Google Search. It took a few years, but once it stuck, I haven’t turned back. I bet the number of searches I make on Google per month is in the single digits. […]


Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.