Introducing the Favorite Toots WordPress Plugin

One of the primary ways I find new accounts to follow on social media is by eavesdropping on other people’s favorites. Many social networks make each account’s favorites public but Mastodon does not (yet?). So I wanted a way to show my favorites publicly so that others can look through them. And I’m hoping others make theirs available too.

The Mastodon Favorites WordPress Plugin (now renamed to Favorite Toots) adds an Editor Block so that you can easily add it to you website. It has been submitted to the WordPress Plugin Directory (currently in review) and have I released the code on GitHub.

You can view 50 of my most recent favorites.

This plugin should be considered beta. There is a lot I’d like to improve when I have the time. Perhaps if you would like to contribute to improving the plugin you can fork the code on GitHub and submit a Pull Request. I’ll be keeping the list of Issues up-to-date as best as I can.

If you have any general feedback, send me a mention

Favorite Toots available on WordPress Plugin Directory

I’ve had my favorite toots displaying on my website for over a year. When I built Tuff, my static site generator, I had built a small Tuff plugin (the first!) to fetch my favorite toots and build them into the HTML. However, that meant that the list was out of date. With this update, the oldest my list will be is 6-hours old.

Update March 21, 2024: This post and its links have been updated. The plugin has been renamed to Favorite Toots. It is still in review but should be released soon.

Update March 29, 2024: It is now available!

Last Updated:

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