Author: Colin Devroe

  • Yesterday, in the garden – May 7, 2021

    Yesterday, in the garden – May 7, 2021 All frames made yesterday at around 7am in the garden.

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  • Tip for NetNewsWire

    Here is a tip for subscribing to new blogs in the middle of a NetNewsWire session. If you are like me (and, lord I hope for your sake you aren’t) then you are stickler for your unread count and you read nearly every single post in NetNewsWire. Because of this anxiety-inducing anal retentiveness I generally…

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #76: May 6, 2021

    Enjoy this week’s links. A nice mix this week. See you next Thursday.

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  • Introducing the Posting Bookmarklet

    Recently there was a discussion on about having a bookmarklet that made it simple to post a link to a page you were viewing. And while there are solutions and workarounds, I didn’t see that there was a standard bookmarklet to do this. So now there is. The Posting Bookmarklet does two simple…

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  • Email: Are you the right person to contact about posting to your website? Me: You’d be better off contacting Albert Einstein.

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  • OSXPhotos – Query with Python

    Rhet Turnbull on Github describes OSXPhotos this way: Python app to export pictures and associated metadata from Apple Photos on macOS. Also includes a package to provide programmatic access to the Photos library, pictures, and metadata. I’m planning to use this to pull the Faces metadata out of and use machine tags to add…

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  • I just published an all-new artist interview with Matthew Cogswell in Los Angeles over on The Watercolor Gallery. Amazing talent.

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  • Reasons to like wasps

    Chris Glass: This wasp dropped from the air and on to my desk — moving carefully, slowly. First of all, there are zero reasons to like wasps. Zero. They should go extinct. We should only allow friendly little bees on this fine planet. Except this wasp, maybe. Follow Chris’ link to see the reasons to…

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #75: April 29, 2021

    Our tulips are opening up Now that I’ve reached 75 of these posts I want to spruce them up a little. I’m going to start posting every single Thursday and I’d like to add a mobile photograph I’ve taken that week. I also plan on going back through all of the posts and making a…

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  • Thanks to everyone that has purchased or donated to my projects lately. I have development chemicals, paper, and a viewfinder I need to buy soon so these donations help.

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  • Today there are updates for both Red Oak and Cypress for! Red Oak gets the ability to choose different colors and Cypress gets Dark Mode! Both options available in config.json. These updates should roll out today.

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  • For a few brief moments this weekend I was able to pull out my two favorite pieces of kit. I’m really hoping I can take a lot more photos on film over the next few months as things open up a little.

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  • What Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram did to blogging — Spotify and Apple Podcasts are attempting to do to Podcasts. Make it dead simple but put it in a silo and position themselves between the creator from the customer.

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  • Red Oak for WordPress is turning out pretty great. Looking forward to getting it out there next week. Red Oak for will be getting bug fixes soon too. Did you know it was already live?

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  • They should try putting an M1 chip in Apple Music.

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  • I made progress on Red Oak for WordPress. Looking like release next week. On it should appear in the Design settings very soon for people to test out. Please report any issues you have. I’m sure there will be some.

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  • Photopea – A free browser-based Photoshop

    Ivan Kutskir, the one-person team behind Photopea: My friends and my family did not know about Photopea during the first four years of development. I was spending a lot of time building it, without making any money or learning new skills. So nothing to be proud of, but the project was fun and I enjoyed…

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  • Thanks to everyone that sent in bugs with Red Oak for I’ve pushed several updates that address all of the known bugs for now. I’m sure there will be more but may not be able to fully test it until people install it.

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  • Dwayne Harris’ typical day

    Dwayne Harris’: Now I “work” at pretty much any time: weekdays, weekends, afternoons, late at night, whenever. But at times that work best for me, in the priority/order I think makes sense, doing things I actually want to spend my time doing. I’m happy so far. Good for you Dwayne. Side note: I appreciate Dwayne’s…

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  • I’m working on a second theme for both and WordPress. This time, it will come to members first (free for members) and then to WordPress for an introductory price. The M.b version is almost ready for beta testing.

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  • Just released the sixth major build of Cypress for WordPress. It includes an image count on portfolio items (see homepage). This is something I missed from my previous theme. It is optional!

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  • The tooltips in Apple’s emoji picker on macOS are infuriating. (If I’m complaining about something this trivial and fatuous, my life must be amazing today. And it is!)

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  • But she’s a girl on Johnny.Decimal

    But she’s a girl…: Things were scattered all over the place, randomly distributed among badly-named folders, and often duplicated. It took my several days of chipping away at it in spare moments to get it all organised, but I feel immensely better for it. She’s doing better than I am. I gave it a try…

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  • Introducing HTML Family Tree

    Today I’m introducing a new project on my Projects page; HTML Family Tree – A simple page to show and navigate a family tree. I spent a lot of time this winter scanning old slides from my grandparents. As I did so I began to see a lot of unfamiliar faces. Many of these unfamiliar…

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  • Mark Jardine on making simple things

    Mark Jardine: I’ve noticed that when I successfully create something simple, I want to make more things as opposed to failing at something complicated. Since January I’ve been spending little bits of time here and there on my projects. Back then I stated it was to join in the fun of releasing small things, rather…

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  • Jerome Carter on the price of film

    Jerome Carter: Film is expensive, and I readily admit that it is a self-indulgent exploration for no purpose other than the sheer existential joy it brings. That sounds about right.

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  • Jordan McChesney on impressing others

    Jordan McChesney, writing for PetaPixel: Then, around June of 2020, something changed. I decided to focus less on what my fellow photographers thought, and decided to focus more of my attention on myself. Since then, I’ve spent more time adding products to my shops, including images that I’d previously considered as ‘not portfolio material’. To…

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #73: March 31, 2021

    If you can believe it, this is my first WIS post from in 2021. I’ve been keeping a small backlog of links that I’ve wanted to share but mostly I’ve shared links here as separate posts. I think once I get to #75 I’d like to do a retrospective and pull forward all of my…

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  • This morning I had a hard time finding a dead simple Apache setup using Docker Compose and a volume linked to my local filesystem. So I created one. In case you need it. May future searchers find it.

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  • James Gurney on NFTs

    James Gurney, in a reasoned post explaining NFTs to his rather large art-focused audience: Does it make sense for every artist to leap into NFTs right now? I don’t think it make sense for me—not yet anyway, until there’s a better solution to the environmental issues. I’m beginning to appreciate people who don’t have quick, one-side-or-the-other,…

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  • A few quick notes about building themes

    It took me just a few days to convert the Cypress WordPress theme for use on Since the layout, design, and styling for most elements was already done – the main work was learning’s theming model and moving the code bits around. I thought it would be a good opportunity to jot down…

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  • Some updates to Cypress for on the way including archive page, some search styling, and pagination thanks to @endonend.

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  • Seth Godin on NFTs and my background

    Seth Godin: The more time and passion that creators devote to chasing the NFT, the more time they’ll spend trying to create the appearance of scarcity and hustling people to believe that the tokens will go up in value. They’ll become promoters of digital tokens more than they are creators. Because that’s the only reason…

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  • Christian McGregor on blogging our choices

    Christian McGregor, in response to my photo library management workflow post: I appreciate the effort people take to post things like this. Every post adds to the pool of knowledge to help avoid easily made but difficult to change mistakes, like Colin’s own findings when depending on Apple Photos as the main tool. I appreciate that Christian…

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  • Iris Photos for macOS

    Iris: Iris is pragmatic and does not impose a certain workflow on you. Just point the app at your photo library on disk, and Iris will take it from there. We also don’t limit you to a single “system” library that can easily fill up your laptop and force you to decide which photos to…

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  • Look at less photos

    Look at less photos, but look at each one with more intent. Given the accessibility of photography I can quickly look at 1,000 images from other photographers in a single sitting and not remember one of them. By slowing down some, with intent, I have found that I enjoy the photos more and I learn…

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  • My current photo library management solution

    In this post I’m going to detail out how I manage my photo library. I have changed my workflow countless times over the years and I have the deep battle scars to prove it. I’ve switched services, storage providers, apps, folder structures, metadata schemes, you-name-it. In 2018 I decided to set out on a sort…

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  • Eesel

    Eesel: Stop wasting time finding your work – eesel brings together all your work in one place. It’s free, works with pretty much any tool you use, and doesn’t compromise on privacy. This looks interesting. Browser extension (Chrome, Edge) that adds search across all of your cloud-based documents. Hopefully they bring it to Safari. I’d…

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  • Cypress is now available for free on

    If you’re a member of you can now choose to use Cypress as your theme for free. Log in and click on your Design settings page, and choose the theme. That’s it. I’m happy that this came together. I thought it might be fun to make a theme and when I tossed the…

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  • I have but a single 8×10 print available currently; the Studebaker – which is a print I have hanging in my house. Starting April 5 I’m going to limit each print I offer to a run of 5 or 10 prints. Then I plan on never offering them again.

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  • I’ve added commercial use licenses for the Wayne County Courthouse photos I created in January. They’ve been re-edited and made larger using Adobe’s Super Resolution feature. If you bought these files you could make your own prints.

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  • Intel cannot compete with Apple. No matter how hard they go at them in their marketing, they do not stand a chance.

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  • Chia

    Chia, from the creator of BitTorrent: A new blockchain and smart transaction platform that is easier to use, more efficient, and secure. Told ya. You can say you heard about Chia here first. That said, I think this is going to be the first of many. Listening to Vitalik, the creator of Ethereum – which…

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  • Johnny•Decimal

    Johnny•Decimal: When we kept everything on paper, organised people had these things called filing cabinets. They stored all of their documents in them in a structured way so that they could find them again. Now those same people store all of their files in arbitrarily named folders on their company’s shared drive and wonder why…

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  • The more I write down my photo library management workflow the more I realize I may need professional psychiatric help. Is there a particular discipline of psychiatry for this?

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  • “If you’re a designer, photographer, or artist using WordPress and are on the hunt for a clean, beautiful theme to showcase your work, take a look at Cypress, a premium theme by my friend Colin Devroe.” — @mikehaynes

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    Over the weekend I was reading an interview with Patrick Collison of Stripe (who had a big weekend) and he linked to this YouTube video interview with Mishka Orakzai the founder of She describes it as the Pinterest of Code. It works really well and seems super useful. She has created extensions for Chrome…

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  • Prepping photos for display and sale on my site is a lot of work. But I’m getting better at it. I’m even including a few secret tidbits with the sale. Its getting fun! Just put up a new set!

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  • launches Discourse help center

    Manton Reece: The idea is to use the web forums software Discourse and combine it with all the content from our original help site. This looks like it will be very helpful. A place where the team can add new content and the entire community can easily add their own helpful information, ask questions,…

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