Search results for: “blog”
On the need to disrupt the structure of a blog
Chris Armstrong, advocating for a digital garden over a blog structure: A blog structure places the highest emphasis on ‘what’s new’… but what’s new has had the least scrutiny and little authority. Robin Rendle linked to Armstrong’s post recently and reading it reminded me of my 2011 post The blog format is ready for disruption.…
My appearance on The Food Blogger Pro Podcast Episode 437
As I mentioned last week on Mastodon, I was invited, along with NerdPress CEO Andrew Wilder, on The Food Blogger Pro Podcast. Here is the episode: It is also, of course, available wherever you get your podcasts. Here are some useful links to the episode in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Overcast. The conversation was wide…
Subscribe to my blog
I syndicate my blog posts using a file format called RSS. It allows apps to receive my posts as I publish them, sort of like receiving an email or following someone on a social network. You can use an RSS reader to keep up-to-date with my website without the need to visit it daily. If…
- Posting Bookmarklet
A simple bookmarklet to post links to based on the current page in your desktop browser. Supports text selections. View on Github Donate
Colin Walker on what he gets from blogging
Colin Walker, on his personal blog (which is looking sharp as ever) about what he gets from blogging in public: “I feel compelled to write, to share, and there is an intense satisfaction in doing so. The sharing is a secondary but essential aspect; while journalling is a rewarding process it doesn’t fill the same…
Simon Reynolds on blogging
Simon Reynolds, in December, marking the 20th anniversary of Blissblog: I honestly can’t see that anyone has invented a better format than the blog, at least for what I want to do. Simon’s entire post is dripping with flattering remarks about how enjoyable and rewarding blogging is. Those of us in the 20+ year blogging…
Take care of your blog
Robin Rendle: There will be lonely, barren years of no one looking at your work. There will be blog posts that you adore that no one reads and there’ll be blog posts you spit out in ten minutes that take the internet by storm. Checks out. I blog a lot. I’ve blogged for decades. And…
Montaigne – Blog with Apple Notes
Montaigne: Build a website, blog, or portfolio using nothing but Apple Notes. Pretty cool.
Repost: Andreas Jennische on commenting on
👉 Andreas Jennische @ndreas: Remember is better the more you comment on other peoples posts.
Tom MacWright on blogging
Tom MacWright: There just aren’t as many active blogs as there were in the past. I think this has amplified the benefits of blogging: you can make more of an impact and create more of an identity with a blog than you can with Twitter or any siloed social network. I was just having this…
My 2021 blogging stats
Number of posts per month: Total: 420 See 2020. I posted more to my blog in 2021 than 2020. As I said in my review post, I need to sit down and give a hard think to what my goals for 2022 will be, but I do hope they include sharing more here on my…
2021 in review: blog and projects
I thought it would be fun to review what has happened this past year on my blog, what I had set out to do, and what I’ve accomplished. I’m hoping that by writing this post it will give me some clarity on what I may want to try to do in 2022. January In very…
Pure – A minimal theme for
Chris Hannah: I’ve named it Pure, and that’s mainly because I wanted very minimal styling, and to have it be a pure version of a theme. For the benefit of it acting as a “starter” theme for people that want to maybe want to start tweaking a theme but don’t want to start from scratch. But also for…
- adds Flickr support
Manton Reece: This is for people who have a Flickr account that has gone unused, but who know there’s value on Flickr if only it was easier to remember to use it. Nice simple feature. I’m sure many will dig it. Glad to see Flickr being added to anything these days. All Flickr fans should…
Jeremy Keith’s blog turns 20
Happy belated Anniversary to Jeremy Keith’s blog. Jeremy Keith: Many’s the blogger who has let the weeds grow over their websites as they were lured by the siren song of centralised social networks. I’m glad that I’ve managed to avoid that fate. It feels good to look back on twenty years of updates posted on…
Dave Rupert on blog post hits
Dave Rupert: Two posts that I thought would be bangers got nearly zero reach. The inverse law of blogging strikes again! The Surprise Chain is a post I quite literally worked on for over six years, but it got under a thousand hits. CSS Modules-in-CSS Module Scripts did a little better but I’m not cashing any blogging…
An updated list of film photography blogs by Jim Grey
Jim Grey: It’s time for my annual list of film photography blogs! A great joy of film photography is the community of people who enjoy everything about it: the gear, the films, getting out and shooting, and looking at the resulting photographs. Lots of us share our adventures on our blogs. He removed my blog…
My 2020 blogging stats
Yes, I’m writing this post in July of 2021. I don’t know what to tell you. Number of posts per month: Total number of posts: 353 A rather large portion were titleless status updates. I started off with a bang on January 1 by announcing my full return to the Mac. And here I am,…
- open sources iOS and Mac apps
Manton Reece: I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the longevity of and where we need help to continue to grow the platform and community. As we approach 4 years since the public launch, there are some parts of the platform and supporting services that should be shared more widely, so that I’m not…
Julia Evans \”Blog about what you’ve struggled with\”
Julia Evans: I think this approach is effective because if I struggled with something, there’s a pretty good chance that other people are struggling with it too, and what I learned is likely to be useful to at least some of them! This type of blogging has been a door opener for me. I’ve written…
Julia Evans \”Blog about what you’ve struggled with\”
Julia Evans: I think this approach is effective because if I struggled with something, there’s a pretty good chance that other people are struggling with it too, and what I learned is likely to be useful to at least some of them! This type of blogging has been a door opener for me. I’ve written…
Julia Evans \”Blog about what you’ve struggled with\”
Julia Evans: I think this approach is effective because if I struggled with something, there’s a pretty good chance that other people are struggling with it too, and what I learned is likely to be useful to at least some of them! This type of blogging has been a door opener for me. I’ve written…
Julia Evans \”Blog about what you’ve struggled with\”
Julia Evans: I think this approach is effective because if I struggled with something, there’s a pretty good chance that other people are struggling with it too, and what I learned is likely to be useful to at least some of them! This type of blogging has been a door opener for me. I’ve written…
Julia Evans \”Blog about what you’ve struggled with\”
Julia Evans: I think this approach is effective because if I struggled with something, there’s a pretty good chance that other people are struggling with it too, and what I learned is likely to be useful to at least some of them! This type of blogging has been a door opener for me. I’ve written…
Julia Evans \”Blog about what you’ve struggled with\”
Julia Evans: I think this approach is effective because if I struggled with something, there’s a pretty good chance that other people are struggling with it too, and what I learned is likely to be useful to at least some of them! This type of blogging has been a door opener for me. I’ve written…
Julia Evans \”Blog about what you’ve struggled with\”
Julia Evans: I think this approach is effective because if I struggled with something, there’s a pretty good chance that other people are struggling with it too, and what I learned is likely to be useful to at least some of them! This type of blogging has been a door opener for me. I’ve written…
Cory Doctorow writes about 20 years of blogging
Here are a few bits from Cory Doctorow’s Medium post on blogging: The genius of the blog was not in the note-taking, it was in the publishing. The act of making your log-file public requires a rigor that keeping personal notes does not. Writing for a notional audience — particularly an audience of strangers — demands…
Trial for podcasting
Manton Reece: To celebrate the launch of version 1.1, we’re enabling podcast hosting for all paid accounts for the next 2 weeks. You can publish a podcast episode to your blog via Wavelength, or upload an MP3 directly on the web. We take care of generating a podcast feed and all the other details.…
Robin Rendle on blog post titles
Robin Rendle: I love it when blog post titles are indecipherable to search engines. There are exceptions, like when you want to document a technical thing and so you should have a blog post title describe that but the majority of the time I feel like blog post titles should sound like the chapters of…
Introducing the Posting Bookmarklet
Recently there was a discussion on about having a bookmarklet that made it simple to post a link to a page you were viewing. And while there are solutions and workarounds, I didn’t see that there was a standard bookmarklet to do this. So now there is. The Posting Bookmarklet does two simple…
A few quick notes about building themes
It took me just a few days to convert the Cypress WordPress theme for use on Since the layout, design, and styling for most elements was already done – the main work was learning’s theming model and moving the code bits around. I thought it would be a good opportunity to jot down…
Christian McGregor on blogging our choices
Christian McGregor, in response to my photo library management workflow post: I appreciate the effort people take to post things like this. Every post adds to the pool of knowledge to help avoid easily made but difficult to change mistakes, like Colin’s own findings when depending on Apple Photos as the main tool. I appreciate that Christian…
Cypress is now available for free on
If you’re a member of you can now choose to use Cypress as your theme for free. Log in and click on your Design settings page, and choose the theme. That’s it. I’m happy that this came together. I thought it might be fun to make a theme and when I tossed the…
- launches Discourse help center
Manton Reece: The idea is to use the web forums software Discourse and combine it with all the content from our original help site. This looks like it will be very helpful. A place where the team can add new content and the entire community can easily add their own helpful information, ask questions,…
James Michie’s tips for blogging
James Michie, 10 years ago, wrote a post about what he had learned after a year of blogging. Then, this year, he wrote a very short post to revisit and update that list. He wrote: Ten years on and most of the points in the above post still hold up. Except for number nine, that…
Lucy Bellwood on blogging
Lucy Bellwood: Some of it is using an RSS reader to change the cadence and depth of my consumption—pulling away from the quick-hit likes of social media in favor of a space where I can run my thoughts to their logical conclusion (and then sit on them long enough to consider whether or not they’re…
The most important blog
Seth Godin: Even if no one but you reads it. The blog you write each day is the blog you need the most. It’s a compass and a mirror, a chance to put a stake in the ground and refine your thoughts. And the most important post? The one you’ll write tomorrow. His post is…
Photography blogs in OPML
Back in August I linked to Jim Grey’s list of photography blogs. At the time I subscribed to nearly every single one with an RSS feed. He has since updated the list a bit so I urge you to check it out. I’ve created an OPML file of my photography blog subscriptions which includes most…
Matt Webb’s 15 rules for blogging
Matt Webb finds himself on a bit of a tear on his personal blog: I’ve now been writing new posts for 24 consecutive weeks. Multiple posts a week. How on earth? I just calculated it, and I’ve added the live streak count to the site footer. I wonder how long I can keep it up.…
Austin Kleon reflects on 15 years of blogging
Austin Kleon: Every time I start a new post, I never know for sure where it’s going to go. This is what writing and making art is all about: not having something to say, but finding out what you have to say. It’s thinking on the page or the screen or in whatever materials you…
My favorite #bisect photos from
This month is having a photo challenge to help spur some posts and creativity from the growing community there. When Jean asked for recommendations I threw bisect at her and she accepted it as one of the themes. I thought I’d cull some of the posts as favorites. The first photo is just beyond…
A list of film photography blogs by Jim Grey
Jim Grey: It’s time for my annual list of film photography blogs! A great joy of film photography is the community of people who enjoy everything about it: the gear, the films, getting out and shooting, and looking at the resulting photographs. Lots of us share our adventures on our blogs. I am so very…
Tim Bray on blogging
Tim Bray: But aren’t blogs dead? · Um, nope. Also, this bit: Since most of us don’t even try to monetize ’em, they’re pretty ad-free and thus a snappy reading experience. I’ve successfully monetized niche blogs in the past that made enough for a few incomes. I’ve only tried to monetize my personal blog a…
Chris Coleman has a blog
Chris Coleman: Eventually I ran out of steam, life changed a bit, and the vacuum that this site filled in my day was filled by other things. I was 23 when I started this site. I’m 41 now. A lot has happened in 18 years, but somehow it doesn’t feel like a long time has…
I too miss the old days of blogging but they are never coming back
TTTThis: When you search for blogs now on you see things like ‘Top 100 Blogs.’ ‘How to Make a Successful Blog.’ ‘Most Powerful 50 Blogs.’ But what you really want is 10,000 unsuccessful blogs. Much of the linked piece is likely to be taken as hyperbole but it is mostly true-ish. It is true that…