Micro.blog open sources iOS and Mac apps

Manton Reece:

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the longevity of Micro.blog and where we need help to continue to grow the platform and community. As we approach 4 years since the public launch, there are some parts of the platform and supporting services that should be shared more widely, so that I’m not the bottleneck on every little change.

This is a great move. We open sourced Unmark because we wanted it to last beyond us. As a result, we’ve gotten a lot of great contributions from people that use it and also the codebase itself benefitted. I hope the same thing happens for Micro.blog.

I don’t write iOS/Mac apps very often (I only have three very simple apps under my belt over the last decade plus) but I might take the next rainy lazy morning to grab the source of Micro.blog for Mac. It is the way I interact with Micro.blog the most by far and there are several features I have wished it had.

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