Tag: manton-reece
Diversions #2: From Chicago to Assateague
Diversions is the central hub for news about the membership, behind-the-scenes details of my personal projects, as well as a wide variety of links to people, places, and things that inspire me. Chitown! I spent a few unseasonably warm days in Chicago on a work trip with the NerdPress team. It was my first time meeting…
Disbanding the POSSE
For the past several years I’ve been POSSE-ing. In Indieweb terms that means to publish content on my own site and syndicate it to other platforms. I’ve decided I’m going to discontinue using automation in favor of manually writing posts for each of the platforms I want to post to. I’m doing this for 3…
Micro.blog adds Flickr support
Manton Reece: This is for people who have a Flickr account that has gone unused, but who know there’s value on Flickr if only it was easier to remember to use it. Nice simple feature. I’m sure many will dig it. Glad to see Flickr being added to anything these days. All Flickr fans should…
Micro.blog open sources iOS and Mac apps
Manton Reece: I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the longevity of Micro.blog and where we need help to continue to grow the platform and community. As we approach 4 years since the public launch, there are some parts of the platform and supporting services that should be shared more widely, so that I’m not…
Trial Micro.blog for podcasting
Manton Reece: To celebrate the launch of version 1.1, we’re enabling podcast hosting for all paid Micro.blog accounts for the next 2 weeks. You can publish a podcast episode to your blog via Wavelength, or upload an MP3 directly on the web. We take care of generating a podcast feed and all the other details.…
Cypress is now available for free on Micro.blog
If you’re a member of Micro.blog you can now choose to use Cypress as your theme for free. Log in and click on your Design settings page, and choose the theme. That’s it. I’m happy that this came together. I thought it might be fun to make a Micro.blog theme and when I tossed the…
Micro.blog launches Discourse help center
Manton Reece: The idea is to use the web forums software Discourse and combine it with all the content from our original help site. This looks like it will be very helpful. A place where the Micro.blog team can add new content and the entire community can easily add their own helpful information, ask questions,…
My typical day
Here is a general overview of a typical day for me. Routine makes me happy but it also lends to my productivity. The more each day is the same the more I can accomplish. I’m sharing it because I would like to see other people post their typical days – as mundane as they may…
Micro.blog for Teams
Manton Reece: Today we’re launching a new feature on Micro.blog: support for multi-user blogs, so your whole team can write posts on a shared blog. We think it’s going to be great for small companies, families, and schools, with everything from shared photo blogs to podcasts. This is a big update. You may remember that…
Those who share, receive (or, how to get noticed or get work)
I touched on this topic in 2017 in How do you get work?. But let me just pull one sentence from that post: The clear way to get work is to share work. The same thing goes for getting “noticed” if that is something you want or need. You have to put things out into…
A new interview with Manton Reece of Micro.blog for 2019
Last year, around this time, I published an interview with Manton Reece – founder of Micro.blog (M.b) – about how the platform was growing and what the goals for 2018 were. It was such a great interview and it helped me to understand the direction that M.b was going that I knew I had to…
One year of Micro.blog
Manton Reece: A little over a year ago we started rolling out Micro.blog to Kickstarter backers. So much has happened since then — from new Micro.blog platform features to companion apps like Sunlit and Wavelength — that I wanted to highlight a few milestones. See also, my interview with Manton earlier this year. So much has…
Daily blogging is freeing
Dan Moore on how blogging every day for 100 days lessened the pressure of publishing: But once I committed to writing once a day, I was focused on getting something out. I still wanted to be proud of it, but there wasn’t as much pressure. It could even be something really short, or just a…
The day I interviewed Manton Reece (audio)
Recorded January 19, 2018 A very short audio bit I recorded on my way out of work last Thursday, the day I interviewed Manton Reece. I’m publishing this bit for no other reason than I need to publish more of these audio bits! Download audio.
An interview with Manton Reece of Micro.blog
I have fond memories of the very early days of WordPress (when it had just been forked from b2/cafelog), of Twitter, of Brightkite, of App.net, of Mastodon… just to name a few. The early days of any platform or so important to what they will become. They are the most fun to watch. The early…
Noah Read’s tech predictions
Prompted somewhat by my technology prediction time capsule, Noah Read takes a stab at what he thinks we’ll see (or, won’t see) in 2018. He has some interesting takes. Most of which I agree with. I do not think I agree with this take, though: AR will be a passing craze, while at the same…
Micro.blog is now public
Manton Reece: Micro.blog is now available to anyone. There’s a limit of 100 new sign-ups each day, so that we can better respond to feedback as the community grows. I’ve been using Micro.blog on the web, Mac, and iOS for a few months and the community there has been great. In fact, the vast majority…
Micro.blog for Mac beta
Micro.blog: Mac users can use the native Micro.blog for Mac app. It’s a free download and supports most of the same features as the iOS version. You can see a short video of it on Manton’s blog. You’ll even notice a rather handsome avatar make an appearance. Unfortunately I cannot give this a spin yet…
Colin Walker: \”Should replies be posts?\”
Colin Walker, in a post on whether or not replies to other posts (or, comments) should be their own posts: There has to be a line, a point where a comment is just that and not a reply. It’s a question of semantics but not everyone’s answer to "what is a comment and where does…
Colin Walker: \”Should replies be posts?\”
Colin Walker, in a post on whether or not replies to other posts (or, comments) should be their own posts: There has to be a line, a point where a comment is just that and not a reply. It’s a question of semantics but not everyone’s answer to "what is a comment and where does…
Colin Walker: \”Should replies be posts?\”
Colin Walker, in a post on whether or not replies to other posts (or, comments) should be their own posts: There has to be a line, a point where a comment is just that and not a reply. It’s a question of semantics but not everyone’s answer to "what is a comment and where does…
Colin Walker: \”Should replies be posts?\”
Colin Walker, in a post on whether or not replies to other posts (or, comments) should be their own posts: There has to be a line, a point where a comment is just that and not a reply. It’s a question of semantics but not everyone’s answer to "what is a comment and where does…
Colin Walker: \”Should replies be posts?\”
Colin Walker, in a post on whether or not replies to other posts (or, comments) should be their own posts: There has to be a line, a point where a comment is just that and not a reply. It’s a question of semantics but not everyone’s answer to "what is a comment and where does…
Colin Walker: \”Should replies be posts?\”
Colin Walker, in a post on whether or not replies to other posts (or, comments) should be their own posts: There has to be a line, a point where a comment is just that and not a reply. It’s a question of semantics but not everyone’s answer to "what is a comment and where does…
Colin Walker: \”Should replies be posts?\”
Colin Walker, in a post on whether or not replies to other posts (or, comments) should be their own posts: There has to be a line, a point where a comment is just that and not a reply. It’s a question of semantics but not everyone’s answer to "what is a comment and where does…
I want a dual-camera, edge-to-edge screen, waterproof iPhone SE
I miss my iPhone SE. Everything I ever wrote about it here on my blog was awash with my overwhelming love of the device. I still believe it is the best phone Apple has made to date. The only reason I use an iPhone 7 Plus is the camera. I said I wouldn’t switch from…
Webmention on Micro.blog
Manton Reece: We’ve been improving Micro.blog’s support for Webmention. When you reply to a post on Micro.blog, from the web or iOS app, it will ping the site you’re replying to, giving that site a chance to include the comment. Kudos to Manton as Webmentions seems to work beautifully is Micro.blog. The improvements show and…
WWDC 2017 recap
I wanted to take a few moments to jot down a comparison between my wish list for this year’s WWDC and what was announced. Also, towards the end, some quick thoughts on the surprises that were announced. Here are my wishes, in order from the previous post, and whether or not we got them. Shared…
JSON Feed WordPress plugin
Manton Reece just released the JSON Feed WordPress plugin into the WordPress directory. Making it mad easy to install and support the new spec. WP Admin → Plugins → Add New, then search for “jsonfeed”. I’ve updated to this version in the directory so that all future updates come from there as well.
Manton Reece on JSON Feed
Manton Reece, co-author of JSON Feed, in an interview with Ben Brooks: With JSON Feed, it’s not about disrupting RSS exactly. RSS is great and widely deployed; it’s not going anywhere. But we can take what was good about RSS, improve a few things, and maybe jumpstart new tools and apps that work together. Developers…
Manton Reece and Brent Simmons have created a new specification for creating feeds using JSON. They write: We — Manton Reece and Brent Simmons — have noticed that JSON has become the developers’ choice for APIs, and that developers will often go out of their way to avoid XML. JSON is simpler to read and write, and…
No-pressure blogging
Manton Reece: I love that blogs can scale from the trivial to the important. The microblog post about what you had for breakfast. The half-baked rant about something you’re passionate about. And sometimes, the rare essay that really hits the mark and makes people think. Publishing most of my "tweets" here first has led to…
Dreamhost supports Micro.blog
Jonathan LaCour, SVP, Product & Technology at Dreamhost: We’d like to make it as easy as possible to launch a WordPress-powered microblog on DreamHost that integrates well with Manton’s upcoming Micro.blog service. In order to support that mission, DreamHost is kicking in a $5,000 pledge to the Kickstarter. Nice move Dreamhost.
The Micro.blog stretch goal
Manton Reece has added a thoughtful stretch goal to Micro.blog’s Kickstarter campaign: If the Kickstarter reaches $80,000, I will use some of the money to make my very first part-time hire for Micro.blog: a community manager. The community manager will help set the tone for the service, work on documentation and best practices, and be…
Micro.blog’s iPhone app
Manton Reece recently published an update to Micro.blog’s Kickstarter showing a video demonstration of the iPhone app he’s creating for the service. He mentions a really important point that I think many are missing (as I mentioned just a few moments ago). He says (at 53 seconds into the video): Now, you can have Micro.blog…
App.net shutting down
Dalton Caldwell: We envisioned a pool of differentiated, fast-growing third-party applications would sustain the numbers needed to make the business work. Our initial developer adoption exceeded expectations, but that initial excitement didn’t ultimately translate into a big enough pool of customers for those developers. I’ve been a paying subscriber to App.net for the entire life of the platform (that is, until…
Independent microblogging
Manton Reece re: Medium’s recent announcement that they are laying off 1/3rd of their team: The message is clear. The only web site that you can trust to last and have your interests at heart is the web site with your name on it. He’s right of course. He has said it a million times.…
Manton Reece on Twitter at 10 years
Manton Reece, like me, recently passed his 10 year anniversary on Twitter. I like this point he makes about how to see Twitter going forward: It used to be impossible to imagine that Twitter could fail. And today, it’s still unlikely to vanish or even change much overnight. But the web will be better if…
Manton Reece regarding the forthcoming micro.blog: Renaming a product before its official launch may not seem like a big deal, but in this case it gives the app a new importance. Just by renaming it, the app feels more ambitious. It forces me to devote more attention to it, which means saying goodbye to some…
Manton Reece on AMP
Manton Reece on AMP: I want the web to be faster. Breaking links should not be part of the solution. AMP is terrible. As is any solution that changes the URL. When wap.* or m.* was "a thing" I hated that too. Now, more than ever, there is less reasons to change the URL to…
We know better now
Manton Reece, on his blog, on podcasting lock-in, the open web, silos, and more: While the open web still exists, we really dropped the ball protecting and strengthening it. Fewer people’s first choice for publishing is to start a web site hosted at their own domain. Like the destruction of Pennsylvania Station, sometimes you only…
E1: Publishing a test
Something new! 🙂 http://cdevroe.com/media/audio/e1.mp3 Inspired yet again by Manton Reece and his Timetable microcast I’ve decided to start sharing some audio bits here on my site. Today I recorded a few short test bits and ended up listening to this one and thought it a perfect representation of what to expect from me. So, here…