Search results for: “ipad”

  • Observations on the computer-mediated reality landscape

    The future won’t look this stupid. I promise. For the past several months I’ve been doing research on computer-mediated reality (CMR) – that is, when what’s real is somehow changed, interrupted, distorted, or otherwise effected by a wearable computer. This "ability" isn’t new and it is a nuanced superset of many different types including mixed reality…

  • The new MacBook Pro with Touchbar

    Sarah Parmenter: By the time 2016 rolled around, I was overdue an upgrade and I thought the new MacBook Pro’s were enough of an upgrade to warrant a new purchase. After all, it had been 4 years. A lifetime in hardware you use every day. I was in the exact same boat as Sarah. I…

  • Jason Fried on the Apple Store experience

    Jason Fried: But in the last few years, the stores have really turned me off. I don’t like stepping into them. They don’t make me feel welcome — rather they make me feel like I need a good reason to be there. Of course I have a reason to be there, but I don’t like the fact…

  • A tablet and a notebook in one

    John Gruber: To me, an iPad in notebook mode — connected to a keyboard cover — is so much less nice than a real notebook. And the difference is more stark when compared to a great notebook, like these MacBook Pros. There are advantages to the tablet form factor, but no tablet will ever be…

  • Improving Photos for OS X and iOS and iCloud Photo Library

    I’ll start out this post, as most empathic developers would, by saying that I realize how hard syncing is. It is incredibly hard to get right. The fact that it works at all is magic. It is amazing. And I’m tickled that I even have it. That being said, we’re a few years away from…

  • Mornings

    For about 10 years now I haven’t set an alarm unless I had a plane or bus to catch. My belief is that if my body needs to sleep it will and if it doesn’t it won’t. For the most part this has worked out just fine for me. I’m not someone who needs to…

  • While Photos on OS X began to slow down

    While Photos on OS X began to slow down at 10,000 photos, Photos on iOS is starting to slow down as I approach 40,000 photos on my iPad and iPhone.

  • Year one of the Apple Watch

    In January I wrote: The Apple Watch could be called a flop if it sold so poorly and customer demand or interest was so low that Apple totally shelved the project. But they haven’t. I’m willing to bet they made a lot of money on the Watch so far (far more than any of their…

  • Observations about “tweeting” from my site

    It is hard to believe that it has been over 6 weeks since I began posting status messages from my site rather than through Twitter or Facebook. Here was my first status update. Here are some observations that I’ve made: I figured out my process of updating, and replying, within about 10 days and have…

  • A few iCloud Photo Library observations

    Somewhat related: Photo stats and observations. I began the switch to iCloud Photo Library a few days ago and so far it has been a mixed experience. Since weaving a good narrative is not in my wheelhouse, here is a laundry list of observations that I’ve made over the last few days. iCloud Photo Library…

  • In reply to Manton: If the iPhone SE…

    In reply to Manton: If the iPhone SE ends up with a 6 or 6+ quality camera in it I’ll likely be switching to it late summer. But the 10” iPad still feels perfect to me. Side note: I look forward to when Barley 2.0 supports Web Mentions so that Manton would have been notified…

  • Apple Event take: I’ll be upgrading from an iPhone 6…

    Apple Event take: I’ll be upgrading from an iPhone 6 to the iPhone SE as soon as possible. I’ll likely wait to upgrade to the 9.7-inch iPad Pro until Belkin updates their QODE Ultimate Pro keyboard.

  • Photo stats and observations

    As I’ve been moving my photos from Picturelife into Photos for OS X over the passed two weeks I’ve run across some interesting observations so I thought I’d jot them down. ![]( 2016-03-11 07.19.29-1457698947518.png) Here are some statistics in no particular order: We take a lot of photos in October, August, and June. This is…

  • Continuum is great

    In Gruber’s link to The Verge’s review of the Lumia 950XL and the Continuum feature (the feature that allows mobile apps to run like desktop apps when the phone is connected to an external display): I’ve seen Continuum demoed, and technically it is impressive. I’m not sure though that it’s something anyone wants or needs.…

  • uMake

    Speaking of very different use cases for the iPad Pro … how about as a 3D sketch tool? uMake makes a pretty compelling use case I think. Obviously this sort of thing can be done with a Wacom tablet or even with an older iPad. But with a Wacom tablet you’d need to bring along…

  • Firefox for iOS

    Firefox for iOS just hit the App Store and will work on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Why would you use Firefox for iOS? Benjamin Mayo of 9to5Mac: You might want to use Firefox for iPhone and iPad if you use Firefox on the Mac, due to UI similarities for the browser chrome or just…

  • Split-Screen on El Capitan

    Josh Ginter: It’s taken a little while, but OS X El Capitan’s split-screen multitasking (see also, iOS 9 for iPad) has become one of my favourite features of Apple’s latest desktop OS. Ditto.

  • Issues with iOS 8.4.1

    Until recently iOS 8 has been a fairly solid release. I had issues with iCloud syncing — as everyone has — since the beginning but overall iOS 8 – 8.4 gave me little trouble. I do not know if updating my iOS devices (iPhone 6, iPad Air 2) to iOS 8.4.1 is the culprit but…

  • Jeremy Keith wrote 100 words for 100 days

    What an amazing feat by Jeremy Keith: I missed the daily deadline once. I could make the excuse that it was a really late night of carousing, but I knew in advance that I was going to be out so I could’ve written my 100 words ahead of time—I didn’t. I didn’t go twelve days…

  • Thoughts on Apple’s Spring Forward Event

    I’m going to follow MacSparky’s lead here and provide a laundry list of thoughts now that what happened yesterday has sunk in a little. While reading this keep the following things in mind; I own a 2012-era 13” MBPr, an iPhone 6, and an iPad Air 2. I love all of these devices and the…

  • The names of Apple products

    So, Apple may be looking into building a car. With approaching 200 billion in cash, and yesterday CEO Tim Cook saying that their biggest asset is innovation, and that they plan to continue to invest very heavily into R&D, I would say you can bet that Apple is “looking into” a wide variety of possibilities. Some…

  • Flick Scrolling

    Simon (simurai): Flick Scrolling in short: An idea of a new gesture that extends scrolling content on a touch-screen. Instead of letting momentum stop the scrolling, you can decide exactly where it should stop. Pretty cool. I’d really like this on my iPad.

  • App rot

    Marco Arment: I picked on the iPad earlier because its problem is deeper and more visible than on the iPhone today: while the iPad has most of the pricing and competitive pressure of the iPhone, the iPhone’s immense installed base can hide the problems for longer. The iPad has a much smaller installed base, so…

  • Yes, it is more work to subscribe than to follow, but that is OK with me

    Fred Wilson, in A Founder’s Notebook, describing how “hard” it is to subscribe to a blog that isn’t on Tumblr but is on the open internet. My only complaint is that its not on Tumblr, where it would be an instant and easy follow. It takes more work to follow a blog when its on…

  • How I use Unmark

    Some have asked how I use Unmark, our to-do application for bookmarks. We only just recently redesigned, rebuilt, and released Unmark so I waited a few weeks to write this post until my habits formed more clearly. Every link I see goes into Unmark On average I will see between 2 and 50 links per…

  • Paprika, recipe manager for iOS and Mac

    Shawn Blanc’s The Sweet Setup continues to prove its worth. This time Steven Owens sticks his neck out to say that Paprika is simply the best recipe manager for iPhone, iPad and Mac. To put it simply, Paprika provides all the features you need to be an organized and effective home cook. Paprika also works…

  • The Sweet Setup

    Today Shawn Blanc launched The Sweet Setup, a resource to find the very best applications for your Mac, iPhone, or iPad. There are so many fantastic apps and other tools to help us with all these tasks. And that’s why I built this site. Because I want to use the best tools for whatever the…

  • Turning off Push Notifications worked. Now to go one step further.

    On March 14th I turned off Push Notifications on my iPhone, iPad, and Mac. I no longer get interrupted by text messages, calendar notifications, tweets, email messages, or software updates. If I want to see if I have any new messages I have to check myself. At first this may seem like a recipe for missing very important notifications…

  • Dear Apple, Please don’t make a watch.

    Nick Bilton of The New York Times: In its headquarters in Cupertino, Calif., Apple is experimenting with wristwatch-like devices made of curved glass, according to people familiar with the company’s explorations, who spoke on the condition that they not be named because they are not allowed to publicly discuss unreleased products. Such a watch would…

  • Push notifications are the new blog comments

    Craig Hockenberry opened the kimono on development of Twitteriffic 5: Personally, I find myself actively disabling notifications in most of the apps I install these days. Notifications are great when used in moderation, but it’s very easy to use them to the point of distraction. Since I read Twitter as free time permits, I don’t…

  • Well, I got her a mini

    Me, not even a month ago: I’ve already made a deal with myself not to buy any more products, from Apple or any other company, that do not include a retina-quality display. And. Unlike John, Eliza and I will be waiting for an iPad mini that has a Retina Display. Well, I got her a…

  • A short Microsoft Surface review

    Me, in June: Actual judgements about the hardware aside (since, unsurprisingly, these aren’t yet on the market) this looks like the best work to come out of Microsoft since the Xbox 360. This isn’t me grading on a curve either. I’m not giving them extra points for finally making something that looks like it could…

  •’s new API feature: Stream Marker has a new API feature called Stream Marker.Dalton Caldwell: Multiple times a day, I switch between my laptop and my phone. It’s frustrating that I have to ask myself “have I seen this post?” as I scroll through My Stream. Today we’re adding support for Stream Markers to the API. This will allows clients…

  • Watching @veen via Be Square

    I’m loving Be Square on the iPad over coffee in the morning. Oh, and Jeff Veen’s "How the Web Works" is great. As always.

  • Make an app, game, movie, music budget

    People make budgets for everything. Vacations, new cars, gas, a new home, gym memberships, etc. Some even budget in a morning coffee from their favorite barista everyday before work. Why is it, then, that some still have an issue with paying for an album on iTunes? Most applications on the App Store are only a…

  • Chad Williams on iOS 6 features you may not know about

    Chad Williams has a great list of features in iOS 6 that are new that you may not have heard about: The auto-dim feature got significantly improved in iOS 6. The best improvement is brightness adjustment in the lock screen. Before, in a dark room, I would be blasted with the iPad or iPhone’s default…

  • Tweetbot filters to silence the junk by Justin Williams

    Three cheers for Justin Williams’s collection of excellent Tweetbot filters to help silence check-ins, hashtag nonsense, old-style retweets, and even anything dealing with Internet Explorer. Some are fun, most are downright vital. You’ll need Tweetbot (you are using Tweetbot on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, right?) /via David Chartier.

  • Missing iOS 6 features for some devices

    Dan Frakes and Serenity Caldwell at Macworld give a run-through of iOS 6 installation and what this latest release means for each device. Some features won’t be available to all iOS 6 devices. Naturally. Here is one example, though, that I lament. Flyover and turn-by-turn navigation features of the new Maps app are available on…

  • I like Amazon and the Kindle

    I don’t mention Amazon or the Kindle as much as I mention Apple and the iPad on my blog. But don’t let that be any indication of my ignorance of how good the Kindle product line really is. Eliza has had a Kindle for a long time. Loves it. Adores it. Prefers to read on…

  • How I use lists on Twitter

    The way I use lists on Twitter is pretty straight forward. I hand-curate about a dozen lists into categories of things I’m interested in. Over the years I’ve seen people complain that they don’t want to do the heavy-lifting of managing these Lists. But I’ve found that lists is a feature that has kept Twitter…

  • Wikiweb – An app for visualizing Wikipedia connections

    Wikiweb: A delightful Wikipedia reader for your iPhone and iPad that visualizes the connections between articles. Sounds gimmicky at first but watch the video demo and you’ll quickly see how this could be not only useful but fun. /via Hacker News.

  • Why Microsoft is making Surface

    John Gruber, on why Microsoft needs to be the one making Surface (and not a third-party like HP or Sony): The intention is obviously to slow the iPad down, but the radical shift in Microsoft’s strategy is about the fight over the profits that remain after Apple’s. The math no longer works out for the…

  • Is Surface Microsoft’s next chapter?

    Yesterday I wrote: I think Microsoft should focus and invest in making this their flagship product… Joshua Topolsky of The Verge on Microsoft’s "shift" with the Surface: That’s a big shift, and it’s an important one. The announcement of the Surface shows that Microsoft is ready to make a break with its history — a history of…

  • Microsoft Surface

    Microsoft Surface, a name that was reserved for Microsoft’s table-sized device not that long ago, is now a tablet device that runs Windows 8 and comes with an ultra-thin keyboard. Actual judgements about the hardware aside (since, unsurprisingly, these aren’t yet on the market) this looks like the best work to come out of Microsoft…

  • Reeder 3 for iPhone release (now supports Fever)

    The latest release of Reeder for iPhone has just hit the App Store. All sorts of goodies in this release – copiously described and illustrated by Shawn Blanc. However, a big, big thing that most posts aren’t mentioning is that Reeder 3 for iPhone supports Shaun Inman’s Fever. Why is this a big, big thing?…

  • Matt Mullenweg on a much more simple WordPress

    First, yes please. Now, Matt Mullenweg on what tablets should mean to WordPress: How we democratize publishing on that sort of platform will not and should not work like WordPress’ current dashboard does. It’s not a matter of a responsive stylesheet or incremental UX improvements, it’s re-imagining and radically simplifying what we currently do, thinking…

  • Coda 2 and Diet Coda available May 24th

    Not-so-hot on the heels of my interview with Panic in September 2009comes Coda 2 and its sister? iPad app Diet Coda – both available on May 24th. Coda 2 looks like an amazingly big update.

  • Nilai: Introducing Previews

    See also: Introducing Smart Labels. Nilai has quickly morphed from being a simple list of links to many lists of links each with their own purpose. Using Smart Labels, which are getting smarter with each release, members of Nilai can save links into these lists with a single click. Sometimes the purpose of saving these…

  • Why I’m building Nilai

     I’ve got a new nights and weekends project and its name is Nilai. Nilai is a simple bookmarking service and over the last few weeks I’ve been having a lot of fun working on it in my spare time. In fact, I have found it so valuable to me that it is now my homepage…

  • Instapaper 4.1

    Instapaper 4.1 just hit the shelves. Here’s Marco Arment with what’s new: The biggest two changes are the six_awesome_new reading fontsand the distraction-free, full-screen reading interface. I just updated Instapaper for my iPad and iPhone. For free. Marco puts a lot of thought and care into this application and it only costs a few dollars.…