Search results for: “ipad”

  • Everyone should own an Apple TV

    Shawn Blanc during his review of the iPad event: For $99 I think anyone with a Mac and a television should own an Apple TV. I’ll go one step further. I think anyone with an iPhone, iPad, or iPod should own an Apple TV. Nay, two steps further. Anyone with a TV should own an…

  • Better OS X updates in Mountain Lion

    Since the Mac App Store debut I’ve been disappointed with the way Apple had three unique ways to update the OS, the applications on my Mac, and the applications on my iPhone and iPad. I’m very much looking forward to Mountain Lion’s consolidation of two of these. Serenity Caldwell for Macworld reports: Software Update, possibly…

  • Apple updates iBooks, releases iBooks Author and iTunes U app

    While the phrase "Apple has changed the education landscape" may be a little premature I certainly believe that today it has provided the world with the tools and devices to do exactly that. Today Apple updated iBooks to version 2 which can now display much more interactive books than it did previously. While iBooks has…

  • Delivery Status – A package tracking widget for Mac OS X

    The post on GAget was mildly popular. I’m happy about that. It means that more people are seeing a useful Mac OS X Dashboard widget than may have otherwise. Especially since Apple hasn’t updated their Dashboard widget directory since very early in 2011. Well, here is another widget I suggest taking a look at. Whenever…

  • Will the next Apple TV be really inexpensive?

    Horace Dediu of Asymco thinks so. Him, on Twitter: I’m starting to believe that if and when Apple TV is updated the hardware price will be surprisingly low. As you may very well know Eliza and I use our Apple TV a lot. We don’t use all of the features but we use it daily.…

  • Skitch for iOS

    Wow, I never saw this coming. Skitch, an application I’ve written about many times, is now available on iOS. /via CNet.

  • What I use an Apple TV for

    I saw this link that John Gruber posted about a recent report on the habits of Apple TV owners and, at the end of it, he mentions how some of his Twitter followers use the Apple TV. He says: "And lots of DF readers on Twitter[are telling me](!/search/gruber apple tv)they use Apple TV just for…

  • Kitchen Dial has touch-free mode

    Kitchen Dial, a simple iPhone application that converts things like quarts to cups and vice-versa, has a touch-free mode where you can tilt the iPhone in different directions to make your selection. This way you don’t have to smudge your iPhone screen with cookie dough. Instapaper ships with a tilt-scrolling feature that, rather than scrolling…

  • Goodbye chronological. Hello realtime. Sad face.

    In the good old days of the web I was able to subscribe to any site and receive updates via my feed reader for every post that the site made in the order that they were published.Even though RSS feeds typically only held a finite number of items in them the feed reader I used…

  • Shawn Blanc on the Kindle Touch

    Shawn Blanc on the Kindle Touch: "For the past year and a half I’ve been reading books on my iPad and never felt a need for a Kindle. However, after now using the Kindle Touch for several hours a day over the past few days, I feel as if all the accolades I ever heard…

  • Apple Retail Stores now offer self-checkout via the Apple Store app

    Now when you’re visiting an Apple Retail Store and you already have an iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch) in your pocket with [the Apple Store app]( installed you can scan the barcodes of the items you want to purchase, pay with a credit card, and walk right out of the store. This is excellent.

  • iPhone 4S has 100 less standy-by hours than iPhone 4

    Interesting observation by Shawn Blanc: "It’s interesting that the iPhone 4S, though it has an extra hour of 3G talk time, has 100 less hours of standby time." He wondered what could the iPhone 4S be doing when "off" that the iPhone 4 does not? I doubt it is the A5 chip since the iPad…

  • WordPress for iOS 2.9

    A very, very nice update of [WordPress for iOS]( was been released. The application for iPhone and iPad now has a simple content editor and the QuickPhoto feature can now post images from your Library instead of going straight to the camera. Although I wish the app supported Markdown format (rather than just HTML) I’ll…

  • The parts of Lion that I like

    Chris Coleman on Twitter last night: All of the things that are great on iOS are the same things that are absolutely worthless in OS X Lion. Since upgrading to Lion I’ve come to love many of the iOS-lessons-learned that Apple had decided to bring "Back to the Mac" and so I was puzzled by…

  • Ludum Dare

    A 48-hour solo hackathon for game developers to create a game. Pretty fun. Shaun Inman, who just released The Last Rocket for iOS, put together a quick game called Data Entry Sentry that works on an iPad (or any Webkit browser). Fun to play. I don’t know where he gets the energy.

  • Recent software problems

    I’ve been having some software problems lately and I thought it would be interesting to jot down what they are. Or, maybe just cathartic. Fun for me more than for you, dear reader, but alas this is my blog and I can cry if I want to, cry if I want to, you would cry…

  • Reeder for Mac hits the App Store

    I just did something I’ve been waiting months to do. I purchasedReeder for Mac from the App Store. It isn’t very often that I am so anxious to pay for something that I have been using for free. In fact, I can’t remember any other application that I’ve wanted to purchase more than Reeder for…

  • Monitoring upgrades from the pub

    The upgrades to Viddler Business accounts are pouring in. We are monitoring them on the iPad 2.

  • How to set post slugs using WordPress for iOS using Slugger

    Justin Blanton finds that his Slugger WordPress plugin, which he adapted from my own Slugger plugin back in early 2007, is still useful today when publishing from WordPress for iOS on either the iPhone or iPad. I concur as I use WordPress for iOS extensively.

  • WordPress for iOS 2.7.1. Two key updates.

    Even though there is yet to be an announcement on the WordPress for iOS blog, 2.7.1 has been released on the App Store and it comes with two key updates (at least from this blogger’s chair). Photo and video uploads now work on iPad 2 Made the post status (such as "Draft") more clear in…

  • How the Internet is affecting my attention span and how I’m planning on fixing it

    We’ve all heard it before – and at this point I’m sure we’ve all experienced it – the Internet is having a profound effect on my attention span. From the first days of hypertext to the era of Twitter the messaging of the net is getting shorter and shorter while at the same time increasing…

  • I think I need a haircut. And a neck.

    iPad 2’s infinitely useful PhotoBooth application.

  • Why eBooks cost more than paperbacks

    Last night I grabbed the sample of a book that I was debating the purchase of from the iBooks Store on my iPad. When I read through only a few pages of the book I knew I wanted to purchase the entire book. But then I saw the price and it confused me. It wasn’t…

  • Going a little command line crazy

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] I’m not sure why but I’m on a command line kick lately. Not just the Tron Legacy style for Terminal but I’ve now begun using iTerm2 as my Terminal application of choice. I have it in a second Space on Mac OS X fullscreen with 3 shells running. The first shell is…

  • I’m heading to Florida for MagicRuby

    Not many people know how well suited Viddler‘s platform is for developing on top of. Kyle Slattery and I are heading to Florida in a few weeks to attend Magic Ruby to let some talented Ruby developers know just that. We’ve set up a special page on Viddler just for Magic Ruby to help let…

  • Use your Mac with AirPlay using AirPlayer

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Erica Sudan has made a nice little utility called AirPlayer (look for the download link in the list at the bottom of the page) that makes it dead simple to use your Mac as an AirPlay destination device. Sort of like turning your Mac into a TV with an AppleTV attached. I…

  • Slow down. Focus.

    The world of information is speeding up. It has been since the beginning of man. What used to take years to get from one end of a continent to the other now takes an instant of time to span the globe in all directions. This is a good thing. Now more than ever in history…

  • Reeder for Mac (beta)

    The new Reeder for Mac beta is out and it is wonderful. It ties together Reeder for iPhone and Reeder for iPad (both of which I’ve bought and paid for). I’m 100% sure that I will be purchasing Reeder for Mac too – when its fully baked. My fears are being squelched. Sort of.

  • Browser market share. The war that never ends.

    Usually when there is a war there is a winner and a loser and a lot of casualties in between. It would seem that in the browser wars there is no clear winner, no clear loser, and the bodies are piling up. With no end in sight. Here are the statistics for the last 30…

  • The iPhone apps that I use most

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] I’ve been using an iPhone for 3 1/2 years. I’m not of the sort that installs or purchases a lot of applications – but I have tried out a few over the years and some have stuck. They’ve stuck so well that I use them on a daily basis. Here is a…

  • Good can come from squeezing Adobe.

    What do I think about this recent "movement" to uninstall Flash? Glad you asked. I think it is great. Flash has certainly been a tool to help us get to where we are today and no one could argue with its ubiquity. It is a tool that was good enough to get the job done…

  • What ‘Back to the Mac’ really meant

    In a post entitled ‘Back to the PC’ Horace Dediupostulates that the title of the recent Apple media event – ‘Back to the Mac’ – was a fantastic play on words. Where we all assumed it meant that Apple was refocusing everyone’s attention on the Mac from the iPhone/iPod/iPad, Dediu suggests something else. Jobs himself…

  • \”I told you so.\”

    Fred Wilson quips about how he doesn’t like to say "I told you so" because he thinks it sounds mean but, deep down, really wants to say it.Fred’s direct involvement in some of the best services on the Web (besides Viddler sadly (hint Fred hint) shows that the guy can see a winner a mile…

  • \”I told you so.\”

    Fred Wilson quips about how he doesn’t like to say "I told you so" because he thinks it sounds mean but, deep down, really wants to say it.Fred’s direct involvement in some of the best services on the Web (besides Viddler sadly (hint Fred hint) shows that the guy can see a winner a mile…

  • \”I told you so.\”

    Fred Wilson quips about how he doesn’t like to say "I told you so" because he thinks it sounds mean but, deep down, really wants to say it.Fred’s direct involvement in some of the best services on the Web (besides Viddler sadly (hint Fred hint) shows that the guy can see a winner a mile…

  • \”I told you so.\”

    Fred Wilson quips about how he doesn’t like to say "I told you so" because he thinks it sounds mean but, deep down, really wants to say it.Fred’s direct involvement in some of the best services on the Web (besides Viddler sadly (hint Fred hint) shows that the guy can see a winner a mile…

  • \”I told you so.\”

    Fred Wilson quips about how he doesn’t like to say "I told you so" because he thinks it sounds mean but, deep down, really wants to say it.Fred’s direct involvement in some of the best services on the Web (besides Viddler sadly (hint Fred hint) shows that the guy can see a winner a mile…

  • \”I told you so.\”

    Fred Wilson quips about how he doesn’t like to say "I told you so" because he thinks it sounds mean but, deep down, really wants to say it.Fred’s direct involvement in some of the best services on the Web (besides Viddler sadly (hint Fred hint) shows that the guy can see a winner a mile…

  • \”I told you so.\”

    Fred Wilson quips about how he doesn’t like to say "I told you so" because he thinks it sounds mean but, deep down, really wants to say it.Fred’s direct involvement in some of the best services on the Web (besides Viddler sadly (hint Fred hint) shows that the guy can see a winner a mile…

  • Video: My guest appearance on Wine Library TV

    For those of you that follow me on Twitter or have read my post on the Viddler blog you’ll already know that I was a guest on Wine Library TV on Friday. This episode was a long time coming. Gary and I had tried to align our schedules for a pretty long time but never…

  • Viddler and VP8

    Google has open sourced VP8 and is using it as a basis for an entire open web media project. We at Viddler believe in our customers having choice. That’s why, hot on the heels of our support for HTML5 playback using H.264 on the iPad/iPhone, we’re announcing support for encoding into VP8 also. I’m really…

  • Steve Jobs says \”Nope\” to Mac App Store

    In my "Is there a future for Mac software?" post I postulated: "I sometimes sit and wonder what sort of applications could have been made for the Macintosh if, say, Apple had opened up an App Store that supported iPhone, iPad, and Mac? Would the river of money have been split into three smaller tributaries?…

  • Steve Jobs says \”Nope\” to Mac App Store

    In my "Is there a future for Mac software?" post I postulated: "I sometimes sit and wonder what sort of applications could have been made for the Macintosh if, say, Apple had opened up an App Store that supported iPhone, iPad, and Mac? Would the river of money have been split into three smaller tributaries?…

  • Steve Jobs says \”Nope\” to Mac App Store

    In my "Is there a future for Mac software?" post I postulated: "I sometimes sit and wonder what sort of applications could have been made for the Macintosh if, say, Apple had opened up an App Store that supported iPhone, iPad, and Mac? Would the river of money have been split into three smaller tributaries?…

  • Steve Jobs says \”Nope\” to Mac App Store

    In my "Is there a future for Mac software?" post I postulated: "I sometimes sit and wonder what sort of applications could have been made for the Macintosh if, say, Apple had opened up an App Store that supported iPhone, iPad, and Mac? Would the river of money have been split into three smaller tributaries?…

  • Steve Jobs says \”Nope\” to Mac App Store

    In my "Is there a future for Mac software?" post I postulated: "I sometimes sit and wonder what sort of applications could have been made for the Macintosh if, say, Apple had opened up an App Store that supported iPhone, iPad, and Mac? Would the river of money have been split into three smaller tributaries?…

  • Steve Jobs says \”Nope\” to Mac App Store

    In my "Is there a future for Mac software?" post I postulated: "I sometimes sit and wonder what sort of applications could have been made for the Macintosh if, say, Apple had opened up an App Store that supported iPhone, iPad, and Mac? Would the river of money have been split into three smaller tributaries?…

  • Steve Jobs says \”Nope\” to Mac App Store

    In my "Is there a future for Mac software?" post I postulated: "I sometimes sit and wonder what sort of applications could have been made for the Macintosh if, say, Apple had opened up an App Store that supported iPhone, iPad, and Mac? Would the river of money have been split into three smaller tributaries?…

  • Is there a future for Mac software?

    Warning: This post may have a slight taste of jealousy when you bite into it at first but I tried my best to only use a teaspoon. iPhone was, as Scott Forstall recently put it, a gold rush for developers. Simple, relatively inexpensive applications for iPhone that hit the top paid, popular or featured lists…

  • Mike Matas’ new Web site

    Mike Matas, the designer behind things like Delicious Library, many of the iPhone’s interfaces, Photo Booth, and most recently the iPad’s Maps and Photos applications, has a brand new Web site. Stunning and cool.