
  • Above the clouds of Texas

    The clouds over Texas Something always strikes me when I’m flying. Whenever I fly I’m inevitably sitting next to or near someone that feels that flying is "old hat". Typically these people are reading the newspaper, sleeping, or just generally not interested in their surroundings. I, on the other hand, am still astounded that it […]


  • Slugger gets updated by Justin Blanton

    Justin Blanton has taken the time to give Slugger (a plugin for WordPress that I wrote to allow you to edit your post’s slug from outside of the WordPress administration area) an overhaul. He took the time to write what he did, and didn’t like, about the plugin and why he chose to fix it. […]


  • Live from SXSW in Austin, TX

    Below, in order, are my notes, thoughts, and random pieces of media that I’m collecting at this year’s SXSW. You can subscribe to my blog with this feed, and keep up to date. Each time I update this page, I will mark the date, time, and location that I am updating. Each date and time […]


  • Weigh in: Week Forty

    Fourty weeks! Though I didn’t manage to weigh in every single week for the last forty weeks, I did manage to do so for over 25 of them. I really can not believe that we’ve hit the forty week mark already. This week was a fairly good diet and exercise week. I wish I had […]


  • SXSW in Austin, Texas – March 9-14th

    I have the privilege of hitching a ride with Viddler to the South by Southwest Interactive and Film Festival in Austin, Texas this coming weekend. Rob and I – February 2007 Look us up in Austin! Having never attended SXSW I’m looking forward to seeing what all the hubbub is about. I’m also looking forward […]


  • 3-months of MeToday

    MeToday, the Flickr group where a group of us have been posting a single photo per day and one of the ways that I "blog", has reached a milestone of 3-months. To celebrate, I’ve put together a short video highlighting some of the photos I’ve posted there, as well as a few that were not […]


  • Private Mason Thurman

    The warm evening sunlight shone through the shades and cast patterns on the office furniture. Eight padded chairs with wooden arm-rests lined the white walls. A small round table with a green leafy plant on it set in the corner with some assorted magazines that were so neatly stacked you could tell no one ever […]


  • Weigh in: Week Thirty Nine

    This week I did manage to get to the gym but didn’t manage to do much cardio. I missed two days of basketball that I would have otherwise gone normally, so that sorta sticks. However, I still managed to get to 196.2 pounds from 198.0 a week ago. I need to focus a little more […]


  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I […]


  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I […]


  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I […]


  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I […]


  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I […]


  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I […]


  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I […]


  • Introducing: The diet stream

    For a long time I wanted to create a way for people to easily follow the most-recent happenings with the diet. A way for non-feed savvy people to get a glimpse of the activity that is going on, week in and week out, with all of the dieters. I’ve finally been able to create The […]


  • Fatblogging about the diet

    Jason Calacanis is "fat blogging". Congrats Jason on the new effort to shed a few pounds. I’m excited to see efforts like the diet in so many shapes and forms out there. There are a ton of people joining the fat blogging movement, even Kevin Smith (who started his diet thing just before Jason did). […]


  • Weigh in: Week Thirty Eight

    So this past week was not that great for the diet. Over 20-inches of snow fell in our area which pretty much locked us inside for about three days. So for the better part of last week, there was low if little activity (though there was some shoveling). Fast forward to the weekend and we […]


  • Recapping the Philly meetups

    So Chris, Mike, Matt, Eliza and I headed to Philadelphia for the Webloggers meetup as well as other activities. This meetup was kind of bittersweet for me since there was so many people that attended it wasn’t possible to get even just a few minutes with each person to "meetup". When we first arrived Jen […]


  • Philadelphia Weblogger Meetup – February 17th

    Though this event is split into two parts, the Philadelphia WordPress Meetup and the Philadelphia Webloggers Meetup to me it is all just about blogging and so I sign up for both. Chris at Ten Stone Bar – April 15, 2006 This Saturday (February 17th from 2:30pm till about 4pm) I’ll be attending the Philadelphia […]


  • Weigh in: Week Thirty Seven

    Right after I wrote my "I’m doing just fine and I actually like the gym" post for week thirty two, the entire schedule got blown away and it has been more miss than hit with the gym. My basketball schedule has been lax since winter started though I get to play at least once or […]


  • Short video tour of my office

    I would start a meme out of this, but those are just plain annoying to most people – so if you feel compelled to follow suit, please trackback this post, reply to my 9rules note, my Viddler forum post, or comment on this blog post. Or, do all of them! Choices! Here is a short […]


  • 5 outta 5 fpoons

    As you may already know, I like Frostys. Though my opinion is that not every Frosty is created equal; meaning that some Frostys are good and some are not so good. It is always a [crap shoot]( shoot) when buying a Frosty. One day you get a Frosty that will literally knock your socks off […]


  • Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee

    9rules, former employer of yours truly and quite possibly the fastest growing brand in blogging, has recently redesigned their site; which was codenamed Ali during development. I am not a huge boxing fan (since I don’t watch boxing all that much I wouldn’t want to call myself a fan for fear of being ridiculed) but […]


  • Live from Viddler HQ, again

    I’m live again from the Viddler HQ in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. I like keeping track of the things we accomplish when we get together not only for myself to review, but also so that you can follow along. 9:30am – Woke up around 6, left at around 7:30, arrived at Viddler HQ – hit up [Starbucks]( […]


  • A long overdue revamp of my site

    I’ve finally had the chance (over this past weekend) to update my site a little. After fiddling with a few ideas that I had I got to thinking that I’d just grabbing a free theme and that working off of it would help save me some time, effort, and a whole lotta headaches. It turned […]


  • Am I the only one that can’t access

    Can someone, or all of you reading this, please let me know if you can get to Viddler‘s site?! In fact, while you are at it – let’s have all the "lurkers" come out and leave a comment on this post. Its de-lurking time! Hit up Viddler’s site, let me know if you can get […]


  • I’m also ok with using Yahoo!

    I’m seeing people flip out all over since the Flickr team notified those of us that have been members since "the beginning" that we’d need to merge our Flickr accounts with our Yahoo! accounts. I guess some people are seeing this as a "big brother" type move or something but I just don’t see what […]


  • Some new Viddler things

    There is a ton of hustle and bustle on the part of the Viddler team, and some of the forthcoming things are by far the most exciting releases Viddler has done to-date. But, instead of focusing on what has yet-to-come, I wanted to point y’all towards a few things that have already been done. The […]


  • Lazy Saturday

    I was planning on doing three separate and unrelated things today. None happened, each for their own reasons. So what did I do? I fiddled. I find it fun to fiddle from time to time. Focus on something small and make minor little adjustments to it, in ways that you normally wouldn’t. I’ll give you […]


  • I found my wallet

    Such as things like this usually go for me, I had put my wallet somewhere I normally wouldn’t have and so I was unable to find it until this morning. To start though, I owe Eliza, Chris, and the kids that were at the Rec-center that day – an apology. Eliza I really thought that […]


  • Me being Rocky

    Viddler is running a little contest to see who can best impersonate their favorite actor and role. I’m no good at impersonations and I couldn’t find a box of chocolates quick enough to put together a Forrest Gump video, so I threw together this short snippet of me training as Rocky. Me as ROCKY This […]


  • A small iTunes issue and an issue of belonging

    My question about iTunes can be found on TheUberGeeks. If you know of the answer, post it there, since it will allow others to benefit from your infinite hacking skills. My other issue is of where some of my posts belong. As most of you know I write for TUG.n and have since starting it […]


  • I lost my wallet

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Wow I’ve never really "lost" anything before. I’ve misplaced things in the past, I’ve pulled my hair out trying to find something, but eventually nearly everything I’ve ever "lost" has turned up somewhere. Not this time. On Sunday morning I discovered that I was wallet-less. On Saturday the last time I can […]


  • The lightning video

    If you’ve been around awhile, you’ll no doubt remember the lightning photos from last May. Hard to believe it was so long ago. Well I was digging through some video and I found the video that Eliza had taken while I took these photos of the lightning. Although the majority of the video is a […]


  • Upgraded to WordPress 2.1

    WordPress 2.1 has been released, and some of the latest features intrigued me (mostly the speed improvements and the fact that one of the official MySQL dudes went through all of the queries), so I’ve upgraded this site to "Ella". If you experience any problems, let me know. If you don’t, upgrade your own blog […]


  • Video encoding option madness

    Today I’ve spent the better part of the day encoding video. Not by hand, iMovie does all of the dirty work for me. Though I’m surprised at how many choices there are with video formats, sizes, resolutions, frame rate, audio quality, compression method, etc. I’m all for choice but is this the only area of […]


  • Tagging with keywords

    I read on TechCrunch that some people are not happy with Google’s nomenclature regarding "tags" or "labels". Personally, I prefer to call them "keywords". I’ve always considered the word "tag" an action verb. I use the word "tag" everyday. But in this way: "I tagged that photo with these keywords." I don’t think this is […]


  • Live from Viddler HQ

    For those of you that do not know, I’m filling in over at Viddler as a Community Evangelist for awhile. We’ve been making great progress so far, and today I’m heading down to Viddler’s headquarters in Bethlehem, PA (about an hour and half from our apartment). You can look at my profile over on Viddler, […]


  • The silence is deafening

    Quick update: PodTech and Seagate held a competition. I entered. They announced the winners. It looked like I won, but I didn’t. But something has gone wrong. There was supposed to be third place winner(s). They did not list a single third-place winner. A number of us asked in the comments, and on our blogs, […]


  • I’m on MySpace

    Why? I signed up a few weeks ago for the very first time as an experiment to see if it really worked. I’ve always heard that if you got onto MySpace, setup your profile a little, and just waited – that people would find you. And I can tell you that it is completely true. […]


  • It looks like I won!

    Seagate and Podtech held a contest to win a 750GB external Seagate drive. I entered. They announced the winners and at first glance it appears like I won. But, if you read the entry word-for-word you will see what I merely came in fourth place first. Congrats to Christopher Penn for his win. Enjoy the […]


  • The conversion rate is growing

    The numbers make it obvious, but the experience makes it real. Recently I’ve had a lot of family members, friends, and even people I’ve never met before tell me that they were "thinking of switching" to the Macintosh platform or, in their words "gettin’ a Mac". Obviously we’re seeing switcher stories pop up all over […]


  • This week at Viddler

    As some of you know I’ve joined the Viddler team for a month to help build up some of the community over there. It has been a fun first three days. I wanted to give an overview of some of the things we were able to do this week as well as give a general […]


  • Weigh in: Week Thirty Two

    I was able to weigh myself however. I was 190.2 pounds on Tuesday morning. You might say: "Some diet this guy is on, he keeps going up and down, up and down!". For me, that is the sign of a diet and exercise program that is working, not failing. I do not want to lose […]


  • A video reply to my recent ideas on entertainment

    Last week I wrote "Stop being entertained by today and try to be yourself" which, in short, was some of my thoughts on how I need to make an effort to do things in the real world and stop doing things just because other people do them. Well, Roxeanne of Beach Walks with Rox, decided […]


  • Recent \”strange\” weather might be worse for us than good

    It was 66-degrees yesterday here in Northeastern Pennsylvania and today it was around 50 and is raining right now. In "Hotlanta" (Atlanta, Georgia) it was snowing (or so reports the National Weather Service). Update: Atlanta also had some fun dealing with a Tornado that did quite a bit of damage. What does all this weird […]


  • Recent \”strange\” weather might be worse for us than good

    It was 66-degrees yesterday here in Northeastern Pennsylvania and today it was around 50 and is raining right now. In "Hotlanta" (Atlanta, Georgia) it was snowing (or so reports the National Weather Service). Update: Atlanta also had some fun dealing with a Tornado that did quite a bit of damage. What does all this weird […]


  • Recent \”strange\” weather might be worse for us than good

    It was 66-degrees yesterday here in Northeastern Pennsylvania and today it was around 50 and is raining right now. In "Hotlanta" (Atlanta, Georgia) it was snowing (or so reports the National Weather Service). Update: Atlanta also had some fun dealing with a Tornado that did quite a bit of damage. What does all this weird […]


  • Recent \”strange\” weather might be worse for us than good

    It was 66-degrees yesterday here in Northeastern Pennsylvania and today it was around 50 and is raining right now. In "Hotlanta" (Atlanta, Georgia) it was snowing (or so reports the National Weather Service). Update: Atlanta also had some fun dealing with a Tornado that did quite a bit of damage. What does all this weird […]


Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.

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