Giving Instapaper a whirl
Instapaper, a read-later service by Tumblr‘s Marco Arment, has been popping up in front of me for months. I’ve seen two of my friends, Justin and Jonathan, rave about it. So I thought it was time I gave it a spin. This morning I’ve installed the bookmarklet from the site, installed the free version of […]
See you at LessConf?
I’m happy to announce that I’ll be speaking at LessConf in Jacksonville, Fla. on October 17th. The title for my talk is still tentative but the main subject will be about how startups should measure success. I have a lot to say about how startups measure success in a global market like the Internet. Too […]
Baker Tweet
Own a bakery? Want to notify your customers when fresh baked goodies are ready via Twitter? Look no further than Baker Tweet. A simple device that sends canned Twitter updates with the push of a button. Love it. This has me wanting to work on my own device that will update Twitter for no other […]
Almost all of Tumblr is down?
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Nothing is stated on their Twitter account. Their staff blog is silent (yet not down). Of course, neither is Marco Arment’s Tumblog (he’s a staff member). And yet my dashboard is down, my Tumblog is down, and so are many others. The message appears to suggest that they know about this downtime. […]
How SLR cameras work. Aperture, Shutter, and ISO explained.
Want an easy way to learn how aperture, shutter speed, and ISO affect a photo using an SLR camera? This simple flash application shows you a live preview of what a photograph would look like while you slide the values of all three up and down. A great way to learn.
The official Flickr iPhone application. Stick with the mobile site.
Flickr recently released an official application for the iPhone (link opens iTunes). I agree with John Gruber, the design of the application is well done in many areas but it doesn’t feel very "Flickr-like" and isn’t as good as Flickr’s mobile site for the iPhone. My biggest gripe, besides the application crashing every few minutes, […]
Our new ride, Mary Ann, is a 2007 Honda Civic LX
If you follow me on Twitter, Facebook,Tumblr or my wife on Flickr than you know that we’ve picked up a new car. We decided on a 2007 Honda Civic LX. After our major Jeep FAIL last week we knew we needed something. For many months we’ve wanted to have a smaller, more economical and eco-friendly […]
Help Panic become more transparent
This is excellent. After our interview was published yesterday Steven Frank of Panic has now posted a call for help on his Tumblog. He’s asking what the community thinks Panic should do to become more transparent. "In short, what can we do to help you better?" Asking the community to help forge Panic’s new communication […]
An interview with Panic on transparency in software development and Coda 2.0
My thoughts on transparency in software development got me thinking about a particular application that I use on a daily basis, Coda. I think it is safe to say that most Coda users, of which I consulted six for this post, are not just Coda users, they are Coda plus other software users. Why? Because […]
Well ok then.
MAP: The Museum of Animal Perspectives
I wish I thought of this! The Museum of Animal Perspectives is, exactly what it sounds like, a collection of videos taken from the perspective of animals by literally putting a camera on an animal. Awesome.
Two buttons, one hole.
I assure you this link is SFW. Ever wonder why men’s dress shirts have two buttons and only one hole? Ben Gray knows and is willing to let you in on the secret. Via Pat Dryburgh.
Chris Clark’s proposal for minimizing windows on Mac OS X
With Snow Leopard comes a markedly better way of handling window minimization into the Dock however Chris Clark feels as though it could be done better. His proposal is to minimize the windows directly behind the application icon on the Dock. I like it.
Cicada skins
After climbing a tree at Lehigh University in an attempt to capture a cicada I ended up finding several skins left on a tree at about eye level. Go figure. There is tons of information on Cicadas on Wikipedia. Worth perusing.
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard review
The only review of the latest version of Mac OS X you’ll ever need to read, John Siracusa’s review of Snow Leopard.
Thoughts on transparency in software development
Corporate transparency has always been a lesson in balance, a constant struggle between altruism and self-preservation, and proves itself to be a different challenge to each company striving to stay as transparent to their customers as possible while maintaining their foothold in their space. Nearly no other business is impacted by corporate transparency more than […]
Our 10th Anniversary party invitations
For our 10th anniversary, which was on the 27th of August, we received an incredible gift from Eliza’s mother Carla – an anniversary party in our favor. Since she told us many months in advance that she was going to throw us this party we were able to help with some of the planning and, […]
My good friend Gary Vaynerchuk‘s new book "Why Now Is A Good Time To Crush It! And Cash In On Your Passion", also called "CRUSH IT!", is set to ship on October 13th. The new Web site for the book includes a sample chapter which gives a pretty good glimpse into the style and message […]
Matt Mullenweg’s suggestions for starting a bank
With so many lessons to learn from, and so many companies doing such a bad job or being dug in too deep, now seems like the perfect time to start a bank. Leveraging some of that information Matt Mullenweg weighs in on starting SafeBank and what it would do differently. Interesting read and comment thread.
A late lunch
A late lunch with a few friends on a hot Thursday.
Can we please disable Tumblarity? Please.
(via fightfirewithariot) Except this is exactly what is happening. Tumblarity has increased the amount of content on Tumblr, that is indesputable, but it probably hasn’t increased the amount of unique or even good content in equal measure to the junk. I would also argue that Tumblarity doesn’t build incentive to interact with the community by […]
Hands on with the Canon EF 1200 f/5.6L Lens
Hands on video with Juan A. Pons from Outdoor Photo Gear using a Canon EF 1200 f/5.6L lens which measures 38 inches, weighs in at 36 pounds, and costs $120,000. Interestingly enough, the footage makes me think it is worth the money.
KFC’s Double Down Chicken Sandwich. Deplorable. I need one.
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] "If it tastes good, it is probably bad for you." We’ve all heard this saying and for the most part it is true. Although I tend to like all food (my vice in life) – most of the food that you crave, that you pine for, that you’d be willing to walk […]
Tag channels by Tumblr
I think this is a genius feature. Tag channels by Tumblr combines a normal tag search with a slider to filter your results based on the number of times something was "liked". Tumblr is moving faster than anyone in their space and still managing to put out high-quality features.
\”Always on\” by Adam Lisagor
Better writing about the iPhone 3GS’ camera you will not read. Via John Gruber.
\”Always on\” by Adam Lisagor
Better writing about the iPhone 3GS’ camera you will not read. Via John Gruber.
\”Always on\” by Adam Lisagor
Better writing about the iPhone 3GS’ camera you will not read. Via John Gruber.
\”Always on\” by Adam Lisagor
Better writing about the iPhone 3GS’ camera you will not read. Via John Gruber.
\”Always on\” by Adam Lisagor
Better writing about the iPhone 3GS’ camera you will not read. Via John Gruber.
\”Always on\” by Adam Lisagor
Better writing about the iPhone 3GS’ camera you will not read. Via John Gruber.
\”Always on\” by Adam Lisagor
Better writing about the iPhone 3GS’ camera you will not read. Via John Gruber.
Another Orbweaver
Eliza spotted this little guy yesterday. Left him alone. I have enough pictures of cross orbweaver spiders.
The Broph
As if we could hide from the Broph in a pub.
Zen-coding, snippets for the rest of us
Jonathan Christopher of Monday By Noon talks about snippets and zen-coding, a "Set of plugins for HTML and CSS hi-speed coding", in a nice piece about his experience with same. I’ve been dabbling with zen-coding plugins with Coda for about a week. Loving it.
Project Retweet
Retweeting, or the act of relaying a tweet to your followers with attribution to the original author using ‘RT @username msg’ in a message on Twitter, is about to change a bit. Biz Stone has shared their vision for how Retweeting could become integrated into Twitter. I like this. First of all, Retweeting has become […]
Reblog from Google Reader
The Google Reader team has added Tumblr to its new "Send to:" list. Nice.
This is not Things roadmap, yes it is
More opaque than transparent but I believe this is a pretty good mix. Cultured Code shares some insight into upcoming version(s) of Things. More software companies should offer insight like this.
Workspace pano
Inspired by Chris Masto’s Workspace shot on Flickr – here is my way-too-messy desk. Made with Pano for iPhone.
All in a day’s catch
A few photos from fishing the other night with my friend Johnny. I posted a pretty wicked toothed Walleye on that night but we ended up with a pretty decent catch in a relatively short period of time. Huzzah.
Les Paul, guitar legend, is dead
I’m not a guitar player, but I’m a very, very big fan of guitar players. The world lost perhaps the most influential slayer today. Les Paul has died.
Major security problem on (a non-issue, see update)
Summary update: If you read this entire post you will learn that it was only my account, and the account of the company that I had access to, that was affected. This was not a widespread issue with all accounts. Here is what I learned from all of this. — original post below
What I learned from the situation today
Have you ever said something and say "That didn’t come out right"? What about this? Have you ever been a little less than patient and do or say something a little bit too soon? Or, or maybe this? Have you ever thought you were doing something exactly the way that you should only to look […]
Why you don’t need a URL shortening service if you use WordPress
I was in the mood for a long post title. Sue me. My thoughts on URL shortening services are pretty public but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have a need for them. I prefer over any other URL shortening services that I’ve used to-date. With dying I thought that there was always […]
Grrr teeth!
This guy had some wicked teeth!
Re-watching The West Wing
Easily one of my favorite TV-series of all time. Thanks to Tim Crowe for reminding me. Tim, you’ve just taken up a huge portion of the rest of my summer. And I shall love every second of it. Here we go, Season 1 Disk 1 Episode 1.
Facebook acquires FriendFeed
TechCrunch reports that Facebook has acquired FriendFeed. I suppose my question last week about who uses FriendFeed now has an answer: Everyone that uses Facebook.
These aren’t the droids you’re looking for URLs
Page not found. Error 404. Those of us that build Web sites for a living have all had to deal with creating these pages. Planning for people to stumble across a URL that we don’t plan on is fairly important to the user’s experience on your site. However, many 404 pages could be done better. […]
Does anyone use FriendFeed? If so, how?
I’ll try to keep this a short and sweet question, but this one does have a bit of background so let me catch you up. FriendFeed is leading the way in many areas. Their API is really, really well done. The stuff they do real time is great. The fact that they have groups, allow […]
Setting thumbnails on Viddler
A feature that has been sorely needed on Viddler since day one has now finally made it out of cold storage and onto the main site. Using an image that you upload, rather than using a still frame from within the video, as the video’s default thumbnail (or, the frame you see before you hit […]
The Sambo Swag in his natural habitat.
Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.
Series archives: Diversions, WIS, typicalday