Google has over 60 million profiles. Not users.
I’m glad someone is finally saying it. Eric Eldon for Aol/Techcrunch: "That’s not 62 million active users, though — a point that everyone covering these numbers seems to have missed. It’s just the number of total users. And specifically, it’s the number of new surnames that Allen’s team has tracked being created on the service. Because […]
How to add personal documents to your Kindle
Somewhat related to my last, Adi Robertson on The Verge provides a quick step-by-step on how to add personal documents to your Kindle. I’m cataloging these in hopes of one day buying Eliza a new Kindle and I inherit her old one. Shh, don’t tell her.
Send e-books to your Kindle using Calibre
Last night I needed to transfer an EPUB file to Eliza’s Kindle from my Mac. It turns out that Kindles no likey the EPUBs. (I didn’t know this, I’ve never really used one.) So, after a bit of searching I found Calibre that, while it doesn’t have the best looking UI, is sort of the […]
Will the next Apple TV be really inexpensive?
Horace Dediu of Asymco thinks so. Him, on Twitter: I’m starting to believe that if and when Apple TV is updated the hardware price will be surprisingly low. As you may very well know Eliza and I use our Apple TV a lot. We don’t use all of the features but we use it daily. […]
Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again
At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan […]
Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again
At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan […]
Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again
At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan […]
Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again
At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan […]
Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again
At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan […]
Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again
At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan […]
Why the Louis C.K. \”experiment\” will not work again
At least, not in the same way. Andrew Mayne wrote on Google : "Much of the sales were generated by the news sites and blogs covering the story. This works great once, but is hard to repeat it. Other comedians, even established ones aren’t going to get as lucky. The publicity was a black swan […]
Sharing screenshots with Dropbox and Alfred
Alex Knight proposes a pretty painless way of sharing screenshots using Apple’s built-in screenshot utility, Dropbox, and an Alfred extension. I think I’d still prefer Skitch but if you don’t this seems like a nice workflow.
Using search as the location bar
Joseph Parish on The Verge: "Experian Hitwise has released its yearly search term statistics and once again, Facebook and YouTube top the list. The remainder of the top 10 includes three more Facebook-related terms, a couple of Yahoo! variants, craigslist, eBay, and MapQuest. Of course it’s highly unlikely that all the millions of people putting […]
Book covers for The Hobbit from all over the world
The Tolkien Library features covers for The Hobbit from all over the world. Most of which are fantastic. Oh, and you saw the teaser trailer, right? /via Coudal Partners.
GAget – A Google Analytics Widget for Mac OS X
The Mac OS X Dashboard is something I seem to use less and less. I think the Dashboard widget is a fantastic way to build small applications or utilities to help people keep track of something, do some quick math, etc. but these widgets don’t seem to get as much attention as they deserve. There […]
PHP 5.4 to have a built-in web server
I’ll leave the comparisons to other languages and frameworks out of this and just say that I’m happy to see that PHP 5.4 will have a built-in web server for doing things like local development without the need for installing Apache. Excellent.
Skitch for iOS
Wow, I never saw this coming. Skitch, an application I’ve written about many times, is now available on iOS. /via CNet.
The King Arthur Flour blog is amazing
I suggest subscribing to The King Arthur Flour blog. Watch this video (embedded below) on how they use their blog to market their product. But, it doesn’t sound as humdrum as that. You can tell they love what they do.
Tips for using Tweetbot
If you’re using Tweetbot on your iPhone I suggest following @tweetbot on Twitter. They tweet a bunch of great tips like this one: Tap and hold on an Avatar to quickly Follow, Direct Message, Mute, Add to a List or Report for Spam. #TweetbotTip — Tweetbot for iPhone (@tweetbot) December 17, 2011
A fair and balanced comparison of the Kindle Fire and iPad 2
Well, not really.
- on Google
If you use the Google you may want to add the page to your Circles. So, to recap, you can now subscribe to in the following ways; RSS feed, @cdevroecom on Twitter, Facebook page, Google page, and carrier pigeon (coming soon). Oh, I’ve got a personal account on Twitter, Facebook, and Google too.
Fred Astaire would have been a huge hit on YouTube
I like to think that this little number by Fred Astaire, if performed today in a random living room in an unassuming midwestern city using a song from the weekly Top 40, would have been a smash hit on YouTube and gone viral. Then, today, he’d have been a guest on Ellen. Then, tomorrow, he […]
The definition of ignorant
The definition of ignorant is simply"lackingknowledgeorawareness". The realword series features words that are often misused.
Whiskey stones
A friend of mine gave me whiskey stones as a gift. They’re great. If you have a whiskey that you’d like to cool down without watering it down you simply toss a few of these perfectly shaped soap stone squares into the glass for a few minutes. Soap stone is a truly enjoyable material too. […]
CNN for iPad
The CNN for iPad app is nicer than the website.
We’ve been experimenting at work with Mumble. It is a voice chat server that is typically used by gamers. It makes for a great audio backchannel to an otherwise text-only watercooler.
The definition of Communism
Many people born over the last half-century have the habit of misusing, abusing, or flat out being ignorant of the true definition of words. Myself included. So I thought I’d start a series here on the blog that, quite simply, points to a few of these that I’ve noticed over the last three decades and […]
Homemade pizza recipe
As you may well know I love a good New York style pizza. But this recipe from Joanne Cronin reminds me how much better homemade pizza is. "Sometimes there’s nothing quite like pizza. And it’s at its absolute best when it’s a homemade pizza – thin and crispy with your own favourite combinations." Precisely.
Netflix 2.0 for iOS
Just as I was saying that the best UI for Netflix was on the Apple TV comes [Netflix 2.0 for iOS]( ios&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CDUQFjAB&url= While the Apple TV Netflix UI is still better this version for iOS is vastly improved.
An even better Spotify Alfred extension
Jeff Johns has released an update to his Spotify Alfred extension. The man’s an addict. He has Alfred extensions for Skype, Bluetooth, Caffeine, and Screen Sharing.
Definition of Apple fanboy
Jim Dalrymple’s definition of an Apple fanboy hits home for me. Especially this particular part of the definition: "someone that loves to get the job done instead of working on their machine" When I began my switch to the Macintosh nearly a decade ago my single biggest reason that I trumpeted to friends was that […]
Isaac Newton’s notebooks
Speaking of Isaac Newton. The Cambridge Digital Library: "Cambridge University Library holds the largest and most important collection of the scientific works of Isaac Newton (1642-1727). We present here an initial selection of Newton’s manuscripts, concentrating on his mathematical work in the 1660s. Over the next few months we will be adding further works until […]
The Path clock scroll thingy
Hot on the heels of the Path app’s menu being reverse engineered into CSS3 and CoreAnimation is the Path app’s clock face that appears when you’re scrolling down through your timeline being reverse engineered by Florian Mielke.
Twitvid turning into a social network?
File this under "I doubt this will work." Something must have told the Twitvid team that this is a logical direction to take Twitvid but I don’t see it. Broad category social networks have, more or less, been done and will, more than likely, stay the same as they are now for a long time. […]
What I use an Apple TV for
I saw this link that John Gruber posted about a recent report on the habits of Apple TV owners and, at the end of it, he mentions how some of his Twitter followers use the Apple TV. He says: "And lots of DF readers on Twitter[are telling me](!/search/gruber apple tv)they use Apple TV just for […]
iBooks 1.5
I haven’t seen this covered much. The new iBooks has some pretty great features including fullscreen mode and a new theme for reading at night. Fantastic update.
It’s happening. Twitter changed.
Remember when I said this yesterday? "What would happen if, say, tomorrow Twitter decided that all Twitter clients (third-party and official) had to show some fairly obtrusive ads or you’d need to pay a few dollars per month to use the service?" It turns out Twitter did change the next day. (I knew nothing of […]
The history of Twitter for iPhone
From Tweetie 1 to Twitter 4 Jeremy Stanley gives us the history of Twitter for iPhone and some screenshots. /via Shawn Blanc.
Twitter for iPhone, TweetDeck updated for #letsfly
In an effort to unify the experience across multiple devices and platforms Twitter has released updates of Twitter for iPhone and the Mac version of TweetDeck. I think it is a good thing for the official applications to all feel and work very much the same. However, for obvious reasons long-time users of Twitter may […]
Don’t be a free user? I’m not so sure.
Pinboard founderMaciej Ceglowski suggests demanding to pay for services that you like that might be free. In fear that free services that are popular are not sustainable. It is a great post. But it raises some questions from me. How would paying for a service ensure it won’t sell out? Maciej suggests that free services […]
Spring is gone.
Today’s cold snowy start made me think of how much I’ll miss times like the one pictured above. I’m already looking forward to spring.
Twitter major redesign; Let’s Fly.
Speaking of free services making major changes; Twitter has announced a major redesign that unifies all of their UIs.
Twitter Viewer by Aaron Swartz
Twitter Viewer is a simple service by Aaron Swartz that allows you to link to an entire conversation on Twitter. Twitter should offer this. /via John "I cut in line once" Gruber.
Map Tales
This is great. Map Tales is a simple but great service to share just about anything using a map. Check out Jeremy Keith’s examples.
Kitchen Dial has touch-free mode
Kitchen Dial, a simple iPhone application that converts things like quarts to cups and vice-versa, has a touch-free mode where you can tilt the iPhone in different directions to make your selection. This way you don’t have to smudge your iPhone screen with cookie dough. Instapaper ships with a tilt-scrolling feature that, rather than scrolling […]
You’re never the focus group. You’re always the focus group.
I have a few friends that are very different from me. While they do use the Internet to look up information from time-to-time and they use their phones to pull up maps, check sports scores, and check email – they don’t use the Internet to communicate. They don’t use Twitter or Facebook – though they’ve […]
Add yourself to LinkedIn’s \”Do Not Contact List\”
I’ve tried to delete my LinkedIn account on several occasions. But finally there is a way to remove your email account from their contact list (which is different from simply deleting your account apparently). /via Dave Semon on Twitter.
Add yourself to LinkedIn’s \”Do Not Contact List\”
I’ve tried to delete my LinkedIn account on several occasions. But finally there is a way to remove your email account from their contact list (which is different from simply deleting your account apparently). /via Dave Semon on Twitter.
Add yourself to LinkedIn’s \”Do Not Contact List\”
I’ve tried to delete my LinkedIn account on several occasions. But finally there is a way to remove your email account from their contact list (which is different from simply deleting your account apparently). /via Dave Semon on Twitter.
Add yourself to LinkedIn’s \”Do Not Contact List\”
I’ve tried to delete my LinkedIn account on several occasions. But finally there is a way to remove your email account from their contact list (which is different from simply deleting your account apparently). /via Dave Semon on Twitter.
Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.
Series archives: Diversions, WIS, typicalday