Search results for: “blog”

  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I…

  • Fatblogging about the diet

    Jason Calacanis is "fat blogging". Congrats Jason on the new effort to shed a few pounds. I’m excited to see efforts like the diet in so many shapes and forms out there. There are a ton of people joining the fat blogging movement, even Kevin Smith (who started his diet thing just before Jason did).…

  • Philadelphia Weblogger Meetup – February 17th

    Though this event is split into two parts, the Philadelphia WordPress Meetup and the Philadelphia Webloggers Meetup to me it is all just about blogging and so I sign up for both. Chris at Ten Stone Bar – April 15, 2006 This Saturday (February 17th from 2:30pm till about 4pm) I’ll be attending the Philadelphia…

  • Eliza gets a blog, again

    My wife has had a blog in the past. For reasons I still don’t understand, she thinks that she has "nothing to add to the conversation" or that no one cares. So she ended up ditching her last blog. For me, blogging isn’t about other people caring since I could care less about what people…

  • Blog design solutions

    Just a quick note: Blog Design Solutions is available for preorder, and will be released February 20th. Buy this book or…. just buy the book you don’t want to know why.

  • I work for a Weblog Network

    I never thought I’d say that. In second grade when the teacher came around to me and asked “What do you wanna be when you grow up?” – I can guarantee my answer was not “A CTO from a Weblog Network”. In fact, I can’t even tell you what my answer was when I was…

  • I plan on using this blog for something useful, but I just haven’t nailed that down yet

    Being that I already run a successful blog, I am not sure what I will use this account for. But I’ve been wanting to have a place for “just me”. And this might become that place. Now if I could just find a way to edit the templates…

  • Diversions #7: Additional progress

    A summary of some travel, the addition, the new laptop, and ActivityPub trials.

  • I’ll read it too

    Manuel Moreale helps remove a new blogger’s fear of having no readers by committing to be the first. Count me in too.

  • Please publish more (on your website)

    Jeff Triplett urges us to publish more from our own domains. I agree. But it isn’t easy.

  • I have a few images I need to create for an upcoming Hubbub presentation and I used it as an opportunity to trial Pixelmator, which was recently acquired by Apple, for the first time. It is very good. Very Apple-like. Even some of my Photoshop muscle memory translated.

  • As I predicted in February 2023, I’m upgrading to the M4. I went with a Space Black 14″ MacBook Pro with the M4 Pro (14 CPU cores 20 GPU cores, 16 Neural Engine cores), 48GB memory, 2TB hard drive. The cost of which was a fair bit less than my previous laptop. I’ll explain my…

  • “You should go to conferences” – Sophie Koonin

    Sophie Koonin recommends attending conferences for personal and professional growth. I agree.

  • My next computing setup

    The idea of trying to paint the full picture of my computing needs exhausts me for some unknown reason. Even this short post has been a chore. But I thought it important to get some of my thoughts down because it helps me to clarify my own thinking and will hopefully help me make some…

  • Diversions #5: Kayaking Psychonauts

    Few experiences have the serenity of kayaking on a lake. Especially in the evening at sunset. If you haven’t kayaked, I highly recommend it. For years I kayaked very regularly. These days, I hardly ever do. But it is something Eliza and I want to return to. I’m hoping that writing it down will force…

  • Diversions #4: Tree branches and LLMs

    Diversions is the central hub for news about the membership, behind-the-scenes details of my personal projects, as well as a wide variety of links to people, places, and things that inspire me. A bit of housekeeping: I’m turning Diversions public. While a fair number of people have signed up for both free and paid memberships…

  • Hiding container elements based on the state of the Modified Date block in WordPress using CSS

    On my single post template I like to show the date the post was most recently modified to make it clear that it had been edited since it was first published. I also do this on my portfolio entries – which you can see on my Where I series of photographs on the bottom left-hand…

  • Yes, Safari on iPad should be the real Safari

    M.G. Siegler, writing on his newish blog Spyglass: the Safari browser on iPad has always behaved more like the Safari browser on iOS versus the version built for Macs. Just yesterday I had to log into Eliza’s Gmail account via Safari on my iPad. The experience was akin to a 2007 web app with no…

  • Diversions #2: From Chicago to Assateague

    Diversions is the central hub for news about the membership, behind-the-scenes details of my personal projects, as well as a wide variety of links to people, places, and things that inspire me. Chitown! I spent a few unseasonably warm days in Chicago on a work trip with the NerdPress team. It was my first time meeting…

  • An interview with Manton Reece for 2024

    I interviewed Manton Reece about his journey with in 2018 and again in 2019. They’ve been fun to look back on as the service matures, grows, and changes. I’m a big fan of and the community there (follow me there, if you’d like) and Manton was very gracious to agree to be interviewed…

  • Quoting Elliot Jay Stocks on how writing a newsletter feels different

    Elliot Jay Stocks: When I first decided to start a newsletter, I’d assumed it’d be just like publishing a blog, but with a different delivery method — but I was completely wrong. Although I do see blog posts as quite personal outputs, a newsletter is just different somehow. It’s hard to say exactly why, but…

  • Switcheroo – An open source Little Arc for Safari

    This post details a macOS app that recreates features from Little Arc in Safari. The post and source code were available for members only until April 3rd, 2024 and are now public. One of Arc’s best features is Little Arc — a small Quick Look like window that appears whenever you click a link in…

  • The first rebuilding blocks

    Korczak Ziolkowski wakes up early on a bitter cold winter’s morning – the same way he has for several decades – after breakfasting and a few mugs of the hottest coffee his palette can stand, he shoulders his tool belt and trods his way in knee-high snow to the eastern wall of the Crazy Horse…

  • My appearance on This Week in WordPress #285

    My thanks to Nathan Wrigley for having me as a guest on This Week in WordPress #285. (YouTube/Apple Podcasts) Show notes There are a few links on the WP Builds website for this episode but I thought I’d share some of the links I mentioned in the episode as well. It was a lot of…

  • WordPress Plugin: Filter comments by Webmentions

    ⬇ Download on GitHub Donate A simple WordPress plugin to add the option to filter comments by Webmentions in the WordPress admin. A new Webmentions option is added to the list. I’m sprucing up Webmentions on my personal blog and I found it convenient to be able to filter my comments by Webmentions in the…

  • Tuff

    Tuff is my personal static site generator written in PHP. It powers this website, the upcoming website for The Watercolor Gallery,, a few websites I run locally, and a new version of So far, I have no plans to open source Tuff. Changelog

  • Projects

    Below is a list of a few of my projects. Some are free, some are affordably priced. Most are open source. Please consider donating to support their development. If you’d like to read why I make these, I wrote about that. A reliable service that I provide for clients that need to transfer Stripe…

  • Links

    What’s happening now On other platforms Other things

  • Changelog

    This changelog is for my personal website — its layout, pages, content, etc. Version History All updates prior to this were pre-WordPress.

  • About me

    My name is pronounced Kah•lin Dev•roo. I have had a website for 30 years. It helps me to think more clearly and share my ideas and personal work. It is my home and playground on the web. I tend to have many personal creative and professional projects going at one time. While this has caused…

  • Sample Page

    This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this: Hi there! I’m a bike messenger…

  • ActivityPub will cross the chasm in 2024

    In 1991, Geoffrey A. Moore described the challenges of introducing new technology products as Crossing the Chasm. The chasm is this very real gap between the earliest adopters and the early majority adopters of any new technology. By crossing the chasm, the momentum gained usually enables the technology to find market fit. Most protocols, standards,…

  • The greatest productivity hack of all time

    The greatest productivity hack of all time is working less. Slack recently published new research into desk worker productivity. It is a worthy read – however, it sheds light on something that most desk workers already inherently know: longer hours do not mean greater productivity. I have put a lot of personal focus on trying…

  • On ad blocking

    I do not intentionally block ads. I do, however, intentionally block ad tracking. And I think this distinction is important. This morning I read Manuel Moreale’s recent post On Ad Blockers wherein they struggle to find an argument against blocking all ads on the web. “Every time I stumble on a discussion about blocking ads…

  • When my blog goes quiet you know I’m very busy. I’m looking forward to announcing some personal news in early December. This morning I’ve made what is likely to be my final update to my personal website until 2024 (I added my projects to my homepage).

  • Photos from Chisholm Vineyards in Feburary 2020

    For many years now Eliza and I have preferred to slow down and take our time on road trips rather than feeling rushed to get to our destination. We like to visit tucked away places. Do a little shopping. Or enjoy a drink. This usually adds about a day of traveltime to any of our…

  • My less than typical day

    In January 2021 I posted my typical day which resulted in some fun people following suit on their own blogs. Lately, my typical day is less than typical. I’ve been on a tear for about 12 months with side projects. This means that my day is jammed. But here is a glimpse… I accomplish an…

  • Talkers and writers

    Mandy Brown, on two modes of thinking and how we should all try to practice both to be useful to our colleagues: “Talkers need to recognize that not everyone loves to think out loud, and that giving space for writing is part of what it means to make use of the best brains around you.…

  • Reducing my personal hosting complexity

    Have you ever put off a task because you felt like it would take you far too long so you just procrastinate and simply never get it done? I do this all the time. And, for the most part, when I do finally get around to getting the task completed I find out that my…

  • Static first

    In the early days of the modern web – say, the mid-1990s through the mid-00s – my personal website was served statically. It was built with plain HTML (CSS didn’t exist at the time) that I copied and pasted when I needed to create a new entry (the word blog didn’t exist then either). But…

  • Apple Vision Pro is exactly what I hoped for

    I am very happy. For many years I’ve wanted a computing experience that resembles precisely what Apple announced at WWDC just a few short weeks ago. In 2019 I wrote “I want any size screen, any time, any where.” As poorly written as that sentence may be, I think Apple is attempting to deliver just…

  • Will Apple’s headset enhance productivity?

    I’ve written several times about mixed reality experiences over the last 6 or 7 years here on my blog. I recently went back and looked at some of those posts and so I thought I’d sum up my thinking as it stands today, as well as detail what I hope to see from Apple’s headset.…

  • Making Tuff improvements

    My approach to building Tuff, my static site generator that I began working on last November, was to jump in as quickly as possible by publishing my personal website publicly very early in the development process. Doing so forced me to make rapid improvements and to focus on the most important features. By spending 5am…

  • What I saw somewhat recently #100: March 23, 2023

    This is it. The final WIS link list post. This series of posts has spanned 10 years. I’m happy that I published 99 lists of links and that thousands of people have clicked on them to enjoy the interesting, creative, useful, and fun webpages I stumbled upon over the last decade. I’m saddened, however, that…

  • Doubling down on Mastodon

    The ease of Ivory on Mastodon has me sharing a lot more than I had been over the last few years. Ivory is on my phone, tablet, and my laptop. It is very easy to write a post, share an image, boost someone else’s post, link to a good blog post, etc. My homegrown static…

  • Tuff, my static site builder, can build a simple directory for me to view my entire photo library. It creates views for each year and month and also checks various backups – both local and cloud – to make sure the files are properly backed up. It warns me if a file isn’t backed up.…

  • Will my next Mac be my last Mac?

    Perhaps you’ve had this experience… you walk into a place of business and see the computer and software they use to do their scheduling, billing, and ordering and you notice they are decades old. But, have you seen how productive they are? More often than not they are so fast that the computer has a…

  • How to help Mastodon

    There have been several waves of activity on Mastodon since I signed up in 2017. Those waves have increased in frequency and intensity. Admittedly, while I did put in some effort early on, I wasn’t really part of that first wave. I rode in on a much later wave in mid-2022 and haven’t looked back…

  • We had a possible fireball explosion tens of thousands of feet above us in Pennsylvania. Shook our house pretty good at 10:49am Eastern. Now I’m looking for how to properly document it with NASA. I figured this worthy of jotting down on the weblog.

  • What I saw somewhat recently #99: January 19, 2023

    This is the penultimate WIS link list. The final list, number 100, shall reprise all previous link lists and come sometime in February. I’m looking forward to crafting a new link list reborn in a new style and with other themes. Doing anything 100 times isn’t easy so I’m proud of this little series of…