Search results for: “blog”

  • What blogging was

    Dave Weinberger, who started blogging even before me, writes about What blogging was. Your blogroll was a list of links to the bloggers you read and engaged with. It was a way of sending people away from your site into the care of someone else who would offer up her own blogroll. Blogrolls were an…

  • Blogging matters

    Dave Winer, on why comments on a blog post turned bad: What bloggers are guilty of — always — is telling their story imperfectly. It’s the imperfections that make it interesting, and human — and worth it. I have an opinion on many things. Typically I have a rather strong opinion on many things. And…

  • Changes to Evernote, spurred by a blog post

    Jason Kincaid wrote, on his personal blog, Evernote, the bug-ridden elephant. The post met with some very encouraging responses… Two days ago I published Evernote, the bug-ridden elephant, recounting the ongoing issues I’ve had with the service (and, more recently, serious incidents of data loss). The response has been staggering: over a hundred comments on my post, hundreds…

  • The Death of the Blog, Again, Again

    I love that this topic is being discussed on blogs. John Scalzi wrote a really, really great post in response to Jason Kottke’s "The blog is dead" piece. He makes a particularly great point that one doesn’t only have a blog now but that we all have some combination of other platforms that we meet…

  • The blog isn’t dead. It is just sleeping.

    Jason Kottke, writing for Nieman Journalism Lab: The design metaphor at the heart of the blog format is on the wane as well. Ina piece at The Atlantic, Alexis Madrigal says that the reverse-chronological stream (a.k.a. The Stream, a.k.a. The River of News) is on its way out. Snapchat, with its ephemeral media, is an obvious…

  • Advice for new bloggers

    Jim Wang, blogger and investor in my company Plain, recently published a great blog post asking 78 bloggers, yes 78 bloggers, what they would tell someone who is just starting out. Before I give my answer (Jim didn’t ask me but I love blogging so I will answer it anyway) I’d like to highlight two…

  • We need more ways to discover great bloggers and blog posts

    The Zemanta Tech Circle: Tech Circle is a simple way to recommend highly related content from its members to the whole Circle. We’ve long been fans of a well curated blog roll, but with the shift to content streams and mobile consumption, often the blog roll simply never gets seen. This isn’t really new and…

  • Remembering Aaron Swartz – \”You should blog that.\”

    Tantek remembers Aaron’s encouragement to blog ideas and solutions: But the larger point here is that he turned a rant into a positive action. He challenged me to do something about it, to blog what I’d figured out, to provide a clear constructive encouragement instead of just a criticism. And.. If you believe something passionately,…

  • Remembering Aaron Swartz – \”You should blog that.\”

    Tantek remembers Aaron’s encouragement to blog ideas and solutions: But the larger point here is that he turned a rant into a positive action. He challenged me to do something about it, to blog what I’d figured out, to provide a clear constructive encouragement instead of just a criticism. And.. If you believe something passionately,…

  • Remembering Aaron Swartz – \”You should blog that.\”

    Tantek remembers Aaron’s encouragement to blog ideas and solutions: But the larger point here is that he turned a rant into a positive action. He challenged me to do something about it, to blog what I’d figured out, to provide a clear constructive encouragement instead of just a criticism. And.. If you believe something passionately,…

  • Remembering Aaron Swartz – \”You should blog that.\”

    Tantek remembers Aaron’s encouragement to blog ideas and solutions: But the larger point here is that he turned a rant into a positive action. He challenged me to do something about it, to blog what I’d figured out, to provide a clear constructive encouragement instead of just a criticism. And.. If you believe something passionately,…

  • Remembering Aaron Swartz – \”You should blog that.\”

    Tantek remembers Aaron’s encouragement to blog ideas and solutions: But the larger point here is that he turned a rant into a positive action. He challenged me to do something about it, to blog what I’d figured out, to provide a clear constructive encouragement instead of just a criticism. And.. If you believe something passionately,…

  • Remembering Aaron Swartz – \”You should blog that.\”

    Tantek remembers Aaron’s encouragement to blog ideas and solutions: But the larger point here is that he turned a rant into a positive action. He challenged me to do something about it, to blog what I’d figured out, to provide a clear constructive encouragement instead of just a criticism. And.. If you believe something passionately,…

  • Remembering Aaron Swartz – \”You should blog that.\”

    Tantek remembers Aaron’s encouragement to blog ideas and solutions: But the larger point here is that he turned a rant into a positive action. He challenged me to do something about it, to blog what I’d figured out, to provide a clear constructive encouragement instead of just a criticism. And.. If you believe something passionately,…

  • Push notifications are the new blog comments

    Craig Hockenberry opened the kimono on development of Twitteriffic 5: Personally, I find myself actively disabling notifications in most of the apps I install these days. Notifications are great when used in moderation, but it’s very easy to use them to the point of distraction. Since I read Twitter as free time permits, I don’t…

  • 21 tips to start blogging by Chris Brogan

    Chris said not to share this list but also said that every rule on this list was breakable so here is me breaking the rules and sharing the list anyway. My favorite is #3: 3.Start writing. I’m a bit biased but I truly believe everyone should have a blog. And a Twitter account. One thing…

  • Trent Walton on blogs

    Trent Walton on blogs: Places on the web for sharing content and ideas often remind me of real life interactions. Facebook is the everlasting high school reunion. Twitter, which I love, is maybe half cocktail party, half party-line. Flickr & Instagram can be the best way to send a postcard, while LinkedIn is the best…

  • More Google searches for Tumblr than for blog. Unless you act now!

    Quick, everyone run over to Google and search for blog before this happens.

  • How do blogs need to evolve?

    This is a subject that is near and dear to me. It is a bit clich to say this but I’ve been blogging since before it was a common verb. I’ve watched, very closely, as the blogging world has evolved over the last decade and even took some small part in that evolution. It wasn’t…

  • The King Arthur Flour blog is amazing

    I suggest subscribing to The King Arthur Flour blog. Watch this video (embedded below) on how they use their blog to market their product. But, it doesn’t sound as humdrum as that. You can tell they love what they do.

  • 10 steps to better blogging by Dan Frommer

    I know, list posts get all the links, but this list by Dan Frommer is worthy. I’ve been blogging for a very long time and, although I don’t do it professionally, these are all good goals.

  • The blog format is ready for disruption

    The recent chatter about pagination on blog home pages has reminded me of the days when blogging was just getting underway. Back then there were a few pioneers that were testing the waters, experimenting with the designs and layouts of their sites, constantly trying to find the right set of features that a blog needed.…

  • I interviewed Gregg Pollack for the Viddler blog

    Hot off the presses; I interviewed Gregg Pollack over on the Viddler blog. Gregg is from EnvyLabs, the Rails 3 Screencasts, Rails for Zombies and now Code School. All of these projects are powered by Viddler.

  • Backing up Tumblr blogs to Dropbox

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] With Tumblr’s recent downtime I thought it’d be very important to back up The Watercolor Gallery to my computer. I also thought it’d be good to back it up to my Dropbox account. It turns out this is very easy. Simply use the Tumblr Backup application (currently only available for Mac OS…

  • The better days of blogging

    My friend Andrew’s mother Rita recently broke her ankle while hiking. Andrew wrote about it on his blog. The post is both touching and honest. It reminds me of the better days of blogging when people wrote journal entries rather than gadget reviews. When people wrote about how much their day sucked rather than how…

  • The Twitter blog takes one step forward and two steps back

    The Twitter blog has a brand new design and it looks pretty slick. However, it no longer shows trackbacks and/or comments for each blog post effectively losing a few years worth of data. Boo.

  • Yes, Panic has a blog.

    In July of this year I conducted an interview with the co-founders of Panic about transparency in software development which was published in September. Prior to that interview in a short, off-the-cuff, via email, discussion with Steven he mentioned that they had just been putting together a plan for 2010 to help "lift the veil"…

  • Reblog from Google Reader

    The Google Reader team has added Tumblr to its new "Send to:" list. Nice.

  • Missing the old days of blogging

    Michael Heilemann recently had an idea for a comment system based on Twitter @replies. Not a new idea, to be sure, as there are several rather well-documented solutions for this floating around out there. But that isn’t the bit I’m interested in with his post. I’m interested in the bit where he says he misses…

  • Dispatches from the Island – the Weblog of Jorge Garcia

    For a while now I’ve been enjoying Jorge Garcia’s blog which he calls Dispatches from the Island. You may know Jorge from LOST. He plays Hugo "Hurley" Reyes. Side note: Hurley is by far my most-favorite character on LOST. Charlie Pace was always a close-second and when we lost him in Season 3 I always…

  • Where The Wild Things Are – blog

    Turns out Spike Jonze, the guy directing Where The Wild Things Are, has been keeping a bit of a blog about the making of the film.

  • A blog by any other name

    This personal blog of mine has been around for a long time. It started in 1996 but it wasn’t called then. Over the years it has, for better or worse, transformed more than a few times. It has changed names, domains, services, software, designs, and purposes. Today it changes again. I’ve decided that my…

  • Regarding blog comments, again

    I’m behind in my reading and even further behind in my writing. Which is why I’m just now finally writing about something I’ve wanted to since earlier this week even though the original post was written in late February. Ugh. Alex Payne, one of the many talented people behind Twitter, recently wrote on his blog…

  • Roger Ebert, now a blogger

    Roger Ebert is hitting a stride on his blog. He began blogging not too long ago. Well, in the world of blogging it wasn’t that long ago. It isn’t like he hasn’t been writing for longer than I’ve been breathing – he just hasn’t been blogging as long as I have. So take that Roger!…

  • Bourdain’s Mexico blog post and photo journal, now online

    Just prior to each episode Anthony Bourdain and his No Reservations crew publish a blog post and a photo journal. The Season 5 premier is no different. One thing I didn’t realize about this season premier is that the guide for this episode, pictured in the green shirt, is the same chef that took over…

  • The Ansel Adams Gallery Blog

    Ansel Adams, considered one of the best American West photographers, had a studio which is still owned by his family and is named The Ansel Adams Gallery, now has a blog.  Still very fresh, this blog is cataloging some of the activities of the studio, its members, and fans of Ansel Adams. I am of…

  • Ma.gnolia Blog: On Our New Front Doors

    Ma.gnolia, my favorite social bookmarking service, recently switched from merely supporting OpenID to actually restricting all new user signups to use the authentication platform. This received a lot of attention – most good – while Matt Mullenweg (and others I’m sure) chimed in to say that this method shouldn’t be viewed as a good strategy…

  • a photoblog by Rion Nakaya

    Albert Yee suggested some time ago that I subscribe to this photolog and I haven’t regretted it since. Source: a photoblog by Rion Nakaya.

  • Recollecting BlogPhiladelphia

    If I had a dime for everytime someone asked me why I lived in Pennsylvania, instead of somewhere not so "behind the times" like Silicon Valley, I’d probably have a free cup of coffee. But this past week’s BlogPhiladelphia unconference flies in the face of the misnomer that Pennsylvania is indeed "behind the times". The…

  • BlogPhiladelphia – Day 2

    10:00am – Breakfast was again served in the main ballroom. Bagels, orange juice, coffee, cranberry juice, etc. Good stuff. Who is sponsoring the breakfasts? Thanks to them for doing so (if you know, put it in the comments). This morning kicked off with Alex Hillman, of Independents Hall, and Doug Bellenger, of talking about…

  • BlogPhiladelphia – Day 1

    9:00am – Free breakfast always tastes better doesn’t it? I’m sitting at the front most table at BlogPhiladelphia in the Grand Ballroom at the Radisson-Warwick Plaza hotel. Call me the teacher’s pet, but I wanted a good seat. You can watch my twitter and my flickr for updates throughout the day as well. Update: Dave…

  • BlogPhiladelphia – Day 0

    10:00am – I’m going to be "live blogging" the BlogPhiladelphia experience starting today and into Friday. Unlike my previous live blogging attempts I am going to split this experience up by day. Tomorrow is day one of BlogPhiladelphia so today must be day zero! I’m aiming to leave for Philadelphia around 4pm, get a haircut,…

  • Live blogging the iPhone launch

    5:30am – Good morning! I’m going to live blog my entire day. Eliza, my friend Matt, and I are heading to the King of Prussia mall’s own Apple Store to meet up with Rob to get in line for our iPhones. I hope to leave by 6:30am. 10:08am – Probably 40th in line at the…

  • Philadelphia Weblogger Meetup – March 17th

    Mike Stickel, Chris Fehnel, Matt Regula, Timmy Dunn and I on South Street after the last Meetup. This Saturday (March 17th from 2:00pm till about 5pm) I’ll be attending the Philadelphia Webloggers Meetup at Ten Stone Bar & Restaurant. Will you be there? It looks like Tony Green and I will be having a conversation…

  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I…

  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I…

  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I…

  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I…

  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I…

  • The multiple ways that I \”blog\”

    This may seem like a weird topic but it has been burning a hole in the back of my brain for a few days so I thought I’d ask everyone. I’m currently "blogging" four very different ways and I was wondering if anyone else was too. My personal weblog is the first way that I…