A comet, lightning, and fireworks
Talk about a photographic trifecta. The Astronomy Picture Of The Day, from July 5th, is a photo taken in January 2007 in Perth, Australia wherein a group of people watching the Australia Day celebratory fireworks catch a glimpse of Comet McNaught and a lightning storm. You might be wondering what the Aussies are doing on the beach […]
Another five random things about me
There is a new 5 things group on Viddler, started by my friend Edwin, and it has turned into a small contest on Viddler – so I threw my hat in again stating a new set of 5 things. Here is that video. If you have the time, consider throwing in your hat as well.
Michael Bay’s – The Dark Knight
REJECTED! You’ve got a love these script spoofs that have been popping up lately. Recently we saw The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull parodied, and now we’re seeing the upcoming Batman epic flick The Dark Knight being written as if Michael Bay were set to write, produce, and direct it. There are some gems in […]
Snö Cove opening delayed, again
It is already over a year late so what is another few weeks? Ryan Leckey, reporting for WNEP-TV news in our local area, covers the story pretty well and has some interesting details. "In addition to the sewer problem, the wall surrounding the Lazy River collapsed over the winter and had to be rebuilt, Carlson […]
A wee fire
The perfect size for a few marshmallows.
Advertising teleconference
Having a teleconference with ten people in Pennsylvania, New York, and Crakow, Poland.
Eating at Cosi
Mmmm. BBQ chicken pizza. Rob had a salad. Cosi is good.
Working on B2B
Putting the finishing touches on Viddler’s B2B site. Photo by: Rob Sandie.
Peach vodka
Haven’t had peach vodka before today. Pretty good!
Wine barrel trash can
Simultaneously testing out cross posting to my site, Flickr, and now Brightkite (just for fun) and showing off my wine barrel trash can.
\”Working\” with Pookers
Pookers is "working" with me today.
\”Working\” with Pookers
Pookers is "working" with me today.
\”Working\” with Pookers
Pookers is "working" with me today.
\”Working\” with Pookers
Pookers is "working" with me today.
\”Working\” with Pookers
Pookers is "working" with me today.
\”Working\” with Pookers
Pookers is "working" with me today.
FriendFeed on the iPhone
FriendFeed, of which I’m a member, recently launched an iPhone-friendly version of their site. Notably, however, they’ve done it in such a way that I much prefer to some of the ways other sites have done it. They detect the iPhone’s mobile browser and automatically format it for you, rather than requiring you to remember […]
iPhone: Troubleshooting touchscreen response
A new Knowledge Base article on the Apple Support Site, which was modified and/or added hot on the heels of my needing an iPhone replacement because of this very problem, addresses the unresponsive iPhone touchscreens. The simple article, which is basically a list of things you can try to see what is wrong with your […]
Ten things you need to know about the upcoming WordPress 2.6
Aaron Brazell, who has done just about as much development on top of WordPress as anyone I’ve ever met, likes to break down each release of WordPress just prior to its release with these lists of things you should know about it. It is obvious that Aaron knows WordPress down to its very core, including […]
WineLibrary TV featured on the iTunes Music Store
Today is a great day for Vayniacs! Wine Library TV, one of the very few podcasts I’ve been subscribed to since nearly day-one, is featured on the front page of the iTunes Music Store! I remember when the show was featured on the Podcast area of the iTunes Music Store, which lead to a sizable […]
\”Working\” with Pookers
Pookers is "working" with me today.
A few fun facts about Star Wars
No where near a complete list of some of the most interesting facts surrounding the creation of what is now one of the most iconic film epics of all time, but there are some interesting tidbits. A few of the more notable omissions on this list, since they nearly mentioned them but somehow failed to […]
Greenland Brewhouse – The first brewery in Greenland
Jot this brewery down as a "must-have in my lifetime". The Greenland Brewhouse is the first brewery in Greenland. That alone makes it attractive enough to give their beer a taste if I should ever find myself on the World’s largest island but to make matters even more interesting they claim to be using only "melted […]
Whistle’s Pub & Eatery
A sports bar in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The crest-like logo is pretty cool because, if you look closely, it does a good job to represent the bar, the city it is in, and the activities that happen there. Though the Happy Hour, on a Friday night, was sorta lame. The place was pretty dead for the […]
Video comparison of a new iPhone and old iPhone’s speaker volume
Since I had to have my iPhone replaced due to dead touchscreen spots, I figured I’d take the opportunity to do a side-by-side comparison of the June 2007 iPhone’s speaker volume with the June 2008 iPhone’s speaker volume. Viddler video: Demo: iPhone volume comparison A very big difference indeed!
A visit from Kyle
Date taken: June 25, 2008 Kyle, friend and fellow Viddler team member, came to work here today. He is wearing a Celtics shirt. He’s from Boston so he can get away with it, I guess.
No, please, not Forstall
Every since Steve Jobs started letting Scott Forstall, and others, help him out with Keynote presentations during Macworld, WWDC, and other presentations made by Apple to the media – I have wanted Steve to remove Scott from the line up. Yes Scott’s presentation at WWDC of the underlying core of Mobile OS X with regards […]
Photos of Snow Leopards
Being that I comment on the Macintosh now and then you might think that this link is to some screenshots of Apple’s next version of Mac OS X. It isn’t. It is actually a bit better than that, at least for me. Steve Winter, wildlife photographer, set up some cameras to take photos of Snow […]
Weigh in: June 24, 2008
We’re back to this? Back to the diet? Yes. We are. I know what you might be thinking, especially if you follow me on Twitter. How can he play so much basketball and still need to get back on his diet? It is because I like food and booze too much. It isn’t due to […]
Get yourself a custom illustrated avatar
My friend Anton Peck, who is an amazing artist, is offering to illustrate an avatar for you from a photo for only $65USD. Here is more on what he is offering to do. "The Original Artwork – You’ll get a large (600 pixels square) layered photoshop document, created in a way that will allow you to […]
Odd snow globe scenes
Most snow globes feature a peaceful winter scene that calms the nerves and makes you think of joyous winters playing in the snow outside of a warm cabin. That isn’t the case for these snow globes. The snow globes featured in this post on Inventor Spot depict odd scenes of people hanging their close in […]
One small plane in one big sky
Date taken: June 21, 2008 A small plane flying in a big sky. Destination unknown.
Picking strawberries at Pallman’s Poultry Farm
One of my berries, overlooking the patch. Eliza harvesting berries. I picked strawberries for the first time on Saturday. Eliza had always been the one to go out picking berries. Last year we attempted to pick some blueberries but that never panned out (the place was picked clean before we ever got there). This year […]
Some photos of last night’s barrage of lightning
Last night, while we were watching a movie, there was a constant flashing outside of our window. The flashing kept getting more and more consistent and, seemingly, closer. One of the strikes was close enough for the power to hiccup and so, after turning off and unplugging just about everything in the house, we managed […]
Date taken: June 22, 2008 Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?
Ice on Mars, confirmed
Yesterday, via Hahlo on my iPhone, I saw @MarsPhoenix twitter this: "Are you ready to celebrate? Well, get ready: We have ICE!!!!! Yes, ICE, *WATER ICE* on Mars! w00t!!! Best day ever!!" I was happy that they’ve been able to confirm what they thought all along and accomplish what the main purpose of the mission […]
Date taken: June 19, 2008 My new nephew, Gavin, born on June 18. His story has yet to be written, yet everyone is already talking about him. (more photos)
Quoting morons isn’t good
Sarah Buynovksy, reporting about a new safety system at a regional airport near me, wrote what I think is a pretty well written and succinct article explaining the system and what it could mean should an accident happen at the airport. But then she throws in two quotes from people in the area (no doubt […]
The first day of Summer, I mean, Winter
Today is the first day of Summer here in North America. The sun will shine longer today than any other day this year. But one must not forget about the rest of the world. Those on the other side of our planet are experiencing the direct opposite; the first day of Winter and the shortest […]
A storm trooper, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and I in Hollywood, California
Today I did a search on my site for Vader and came up empty-handed. I just couldn’t stand for that and so I’m posting this photo of me, taken by Daniel Nicolas, with a storm trooper, Darth Vader, and Boba Fett. As a side note: I paid them $5 to take this photograph. Vader, Fett, […]
Gewurztraminer 107
Date taken: April 13, 2008. A vine post near Seneca Lake in New York. This particular vineyard and wineary had each of their grape vines marked for the type of grape that they had planted. These few rows were marked with Gewurztraminer. I remember the wines here being very odd in color and not great […]
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Yesterday I saw a link from Jason Kottke’s blog to a trailer for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, a new movie starring Brad Pitt. I immediately watched the trailer and was intrigued by both the style of the movie and the story. Jason also linked to a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald of […]
The king of stop, drop, and roll
Actually, the whole stopping part pretty much eludes him. My friend Chris Fehnel isn’t so good at landing jumps. You may remember we did some jumping at the State Park a few weeks back. The photo of us may make it appear like we’re all great athletes and that our skills are top-notch. Not so […]
Not quite a review of The Happening
Christopher Orr "reviews" The Happening in a different way than we’re used to; by giving away spoilers on purpose. His reason for doing so? Because he believes you shouldn’t have to see the movie in order to talk about how bad it was. "M. Night Shyamalan’s latest movie, The Happening, is not merely bad. It […]
The Firefox 3 launch might be more important than you realize
I don’t know how many applications you have installed on your computer but I have enough where there is an update to one of them at least once per week and often times more. Due to this barrage of updates yesterday’s release of Firefox 3.0 may just seem like another run-of-the-mill update to one of […]
The page rendering race
It is a race that has an end at 0.00. Well, not really. But you’d have to think that the speed at which a browser can render a certain amount of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS (the bits that make up every Web page on the Internet) has to have a floor. Meaning, at some point […]
How I’m using Spaces on Mac OS X
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] When Apple released the latest update for Mac OS X Leopard, with the version number of 10.5.3, they updated the way that Spaces worked. As John Gruber pointed out, Spaces now can better focus on "task separation" rather than "application separation". Here is a quick overview and history for you. Spaces is a […]
How to: Delete all photos off an iPhone
Update: Somewhat unrelated, new post called How to: Delete photos from within Smart Albums in iPhoto. For an entire year I’ve wanted to be able to do this easily. And I think I’ve now found the best way to do this without the possible side-effect of losing all of your photos on your iPhone. One […]
iPhone 3G price comparison
You may have already seen this, but if you’re thinking about buying or upgrading to an iPhone 3G next month, you need to see this. Gizmodo took the time to compare the prices, monthly plans, and plan features for the original iPhone, the iPhone 3G, and the leading Smart Phones on AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint. […]
Video demonstration of an iPhone with dead spots
For the last few days my iPhone’s home screen has been acting up. The bottom row of icons has been completely unresponsive. Since they are my least used icons, I only noticed once and a while, and they seemed to work intermittently. Today though, the problem finally showed how bad it was. The bottom row […]
Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.
Series archives: Diversions, WIS, typicalday