How the Internet is affecting my attention span and how I’m planning on fixing it
We’ve all heard it before – and at this point I’m sure we’ve all experienced it – the Internet is having a profound effect on my attention span. From the first days of hypertext to the era of Twitter the messaging of the net is getting shorter and shorter while at the same time increasing […]
A few photos of iPad 2
A snowy view
This is what I woke to this morning. Beautiful but unwelcome.
I think I need a haircut. And a neck.
iPad 2’s infinitely useful PhotoBooth application.
New Browser releases make me nauseous
You know that feeling you get when two of your friends ask you to do something different on the same day? That feeling in your stomach when you don’t know which one to let down? You sit there agonizing over the choice between two friends, two things great things to do! Firefox 4 was released […]
Historical video: The early days of Viddler
Yesterday Robert Scoble re-published a video from the days of PodTech, the video podcasting network, that took us down memory lane at Twitter HQ. Robert quipped that he was happy that he stuck to his guns regarding longform videos of this type. He isn’t alone. Not too long after the Twitter video was recorded, at […]
I interviewed Gregg Pollack for the Viddler blog
Hot off the presses; I interviewed Gregg Pollack over on the Viddler blog. Gregg is from EnvyLabs, the Rails 3 Screencasts, Rails for Zombies and now Code School. All of these projects are powered by Viddler.
Why you should never ask permission to clean up code
"Can I take some time to clean up this code? It is horrendous." The answer should always be yes to this question. However, often times we find ourselves up against walls in the form of budgets, time, due dates and expectation and so the typical "powers that be" at companies often veto the request. My […]
Breakfast for dinner
Everyday for iPhone
If you liked MeToday photos (which date all the way back to 2006) or if you’re of the DailyBooth sort you’ll probably like Everyday, an application for iPhone, which reminds you to take a photo of yourself everyday, takes that photo, and also helps you create a video from all of the photos you’ve taken. […]
Jamie Oliver’s TED Prize wish: Teach every child about food
I’ve watched many a TED presentation; Jamie Oliver’s is one of my favorites. His wish? Teach every child about food to help fight obesity and the premature death of millions. Noble, right, fantastic.
Finished. Learned a lot.
Up and out
A photo taken while visiting Liquid Interactive‘s offices. Sweet digs.
Using the Smart Cover on a first-generation iPad
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Already have a first-generation iPad and want to use Apple’s shiny new Smart Cover? Dan Provost, from The Glif fame, has figured out how to use the Smart Cover on the first-gen iPad.
Why eBooks cost more than paperbacks
Last night I grabbed the sample of a book that I was debating the purchase of from the iBooks Store on my iPad. When I read through only a few pages of the book I knew I wanted to purchase the entire book. But then I saw the price and it confused me. It wasn’t […]
Square is safer than a pencil
This is the sort of propaganda the world could live without. Verifone’s CEO, Douglas G. Bergeron,wrote an "open letter" about Square being a potential security risk to card holders because Square could be used to "skim" information from a credit card. Well, one thing he omitted (probably because he’s a bit biased) is that a […]
Watercolor portrait, in progress
I have a lot to learn but I’m never going to learn if I don’t practice, practice, practice. So, here’s me practicing. I hope to finish this one this week and start a new one next week. I’m going to attempt one watercolor per week for a little while to get my legs back.
Tumblr, audience, and engagement
The success of The Watercolor Gallery thus far has been extremely gratifying. I really enjoy the effort it takes (and believe me it is an effort) to find art to feature, to dig for the details of a painting or an artist online, and to describe what inspires me about it.And so far that effort […]
How to create a bulleted list in Notational Velocity
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Following up on [my obvious love for Notational Velocity]( velocity) is this little nugget from Justin Blanton via Twitter. The latest build of Notational Velocity can actually handle bulleted lists in plain text using unicode bullets and some smarts. Here is how you do it, again, via Blanton; "Do [space][some bullet-type char […]
Epic hockey goal
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] see more lulz pichars I’m apologizing now for linking you to Pichars and, inevitably, wasting your entire day.
The Art Of Flight trailer
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] These guys are thoroughly crazy. Wow. /via Devour.
The phone that becomes a laptop, Motorola’s Atrix 4G
I remember rumors of Apple building a display that would allow you to dock your iPhone into it to use it as a computer. Then you’d just undock it and be on your way. That product never saw the light (or was never real to begin with). Motorola, however, has gone and built something fairly […]
The iPad apps that I use most
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Since posting about the iPhone apps that I use most I’ve had a few requests to do the same for the iPad. So, here are the iPad apps that I use most. I check, read, and write email on the iPad every single day. I actually prefer using the iPad to […]
Notational Velocity mapped to a Github wiki
Now that I have Notational Velocity on the command line perhaps I need to map Notational Velocity to a Github wiki too. [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468]
How to pronounce \”Devroe\”
I thought I would follow Shawn Blanc’s lead and let everyone know how to properly say my last name, Devroe. My family has always had to correct people when they take the first stab at it – usually saying Dev-uh’-row or Dev’-row. One of my brothers has actually given up and now goes by the […]
\”You don’t need to be on a diet\”
I can not even begin to count how many times someone has said to me "You don’t need to be on a diet." Oh, really? Because professional doctors say that I’m a few pounds away from obesity so I think I need to be. Like Brandice recently wrote, everyone seems to know better, but you […]
How to pronounce \”Devroe\”
I thought I would follow Shawn Blanc’s lead and let everyone know how to properly say my last name, Devroe. My family has always had to correct people when they take the first stab at it – usually saying Dev-uh’-row or Dev’-row. One of my brothers has actually given up and now goes by the […]
\”You don’t need to be on a diet\”
I can not even begin to count how many times someone has said to me "You don’t need to be on a diet." Oh, really? Because professional doctors say that I’m a few pounds away from obesity so I think I need to be. Like Brandice recently wrote, everyone seems to know better, but you […]
How to pronounce \”Devroe\”
I thought I would follow Shawn Blanc’s lead and let everyone know how to properly say my last name, Devroe. My family has always had to correct people when they take the first stab at it – usually saying Dev-uh’-row or Dev’-row. One of my brothers has actually given up and now goes by the […]
\”You don’t need to be on a diet\”
I can not even begin to count how many times someone has said to me "You don’t need to be on a diet." Oh, really? Because professional doctors say that I’m a few pounds away from obesity so I think I need to be. Like Brandice recently wrote, everyone seems to know better, but you […]
How to pronounce \”Devroe\”
I thought I would follow Shawn Blanc’s lead and let everyone know how to properly say my last name, Devroe. My family has always had to correct people when they take the first stab at it – usually saying Dev-uh’-row or Dev’-row. One of my brothers has actually given up and now goes by the […]
\”You don’t need to be on a diet\”
I can not even begin to count how many times someone has said to me "You don’t need to be on a diet." Oh, really? Because professional doctors say that I’m a few pounds away from obesity so I think I need to be. Like Brandice recently wrote, everyone seems to know better, but you […]
How to pronounce \”Devroe\”
I thought I would follow Shawn Blanc’s lead and let everyone know how to properly say my last name, Devroe. My family has always had to correct people when they take the first stab at it – usually saying Dev-uh’-row or Dev’-row. One of my brothers has actually given up and now goes by the […]
\”You don’t need to be on a diet\”
I can not even begin to count how many times someone has said to me "You don’t need to be on a diet." Oh, really? Because professional doctors say that I’m a few pounds away from obesity so I think I need to be. Like Brandice recently wrote, everyone seems to know better, but you […]
How to pronounce \”Devroe\”
I thought I would follow Shawn Blanc’s lead and let everyone know how to properly say my last name, Devroe. My family has always had to correct people when they take the first stab at it – usually saying Dev-uh’-row or Dev’-row. One of my brothers has actually given up and now goes by the […]
\”You don’t need to be on a diet\”
I can not even begin to count how many times someone has said to me "You don’t need to be on a diet." Oh, really? Because professional doctors say that I’m a few pounds away from obesity so I think I need to be. Like Brandice recently wrote, everyone seems to know better, but you […]
How to pronounce \”Devroe\”
I thought I would follow Shawn Blanc’s lead and let everyone know how to properly say my last name, Devroe. My family has always had to correct people when they take the first stab at it – usually saying Dev-uh’-row or Dev’-row. One of my brothers has actually given up and now goes by the […]
\”You don’t need to be on a diet\”
I can not even begin to count how many times someone has said to me "You don’t need to be on a diet." Oh, really? Because professional doctors say that I’m a few pounds away from obesity so I think I need to be. Like Brandice recently wrote, everyone seems to know better, but you […]
Videos from MagicRuby in Orlando, Florida
[viddler id-dea1f56f h-405 w-640] If you couldn’t attend MagicRuby in Orlando, Florida you can view some short and sweet video interviews with some of the attendees and speakers over on Viddler.
Volkswagen’s 2012 Passat commercial featuring Darth Vader
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] I can not tell you how much this resonates with me. I spent the better part of my childhood trying to move things using The Force.
Going a little command line crazy
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] I’m not sure why but I’m on a command line kick lately. Not just the Tron Legacy style for Terminal but I’ve now begun using iTerm2 as my Terminal application of choice. I have it in a second Space on Mac OS X fullscreen with 3 shells running. The first shell is […]
Weigh in: February 1, 2011
A few steps backward, a few steps forward. The last two weeks have been pretty much a wash – but I’m glad that I’m back on track and headed in the right direction – down. This weekI weighed in, again, at 200lbs. The same asI did on January 18th. SoI’ve lost the 2 pounds that […]
David Karp on Tumblr’s downtime and Tumblr does a 180
I know, my blog is turning into a Tumblr-a-thon. But I’ve done this before when I used to talk about Brightkite, Ma.gnolia, WordPress, Twitter and other services that I become attached to and care about. This is my blog and I can cry if I want to. Here is how David Karp, founder of Tumblr, […]
Jason Fried on downtime
Given my recent spat on Tumblr about their downtime and the messaging coming from their team and investors, I thought this quote by Jason Fried of 37Signals in INC. was apropos: "Of course, all companies experience episodes like this. How they handle the situation is what counts. I’m not talking about fixing the problem—you have […]
37signals dropping support for OpenID on May 1, 2011
I have been a supporter of OpenID for a long time. But I agree with the decision by 37signals to drop it. What could have been never happened and, as it would seem that not much is being done to fix that, it would be better to just get rid of it so as to […]
Again, Tumblr’s investors seem only focused on Tumblr’s traffic
I’ve already said all I’ve wanted to say about why I don’t think Tumblr’s team and investors should be focused solely on traffic. But, it appears they still are. Bijan Sabet, partner at Spark Capital and one of the lead investors in Tumblr, today on his tumblog: "i gotta talk to @davidkarp about this. if […]
Teach a friend about RSS
For the last few years I’ve been hearing chatter that RSS "is dead", yet, I still continue to use it every single day. So, I thought – lets turn this on its head. Lets bring RSS "back" by teaching at least one friend how to use it. Why? The vast majority of people that surf […]
Weigh in: January 25, 2011
The last time I did The Diet I had a "gain week" on the second week. This time it took me 6 weeks to have a "gain week". The reasons? The excuses? They are many. Ridiculously cold weather, the NFL playoffs, eating well, etc. But none of those really matter. Having a "gain week" isn’t […]
I’m heading to Florida for MagicRuby
Not many people know how well suited Viddler‘s platform is for developing on top of. Kyle Slattery and I are heading to Florida in a few weeks to attend Magic Ruby to let some talented Ruby developers know just that. We’ve set up a special page on Viddler just for Magic Ruby to help let […]
Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.
Series archives: Diversions, WIS, typicalday