Tag: stripe

  • What I saw somewhat recently #97: November 22, 2022

    Enjoying a martini and Leon Bridge’s Tiny Desk concert There aren’t enough links in the world to describe the amount of information I’ve been ingesting lately. The Twitter takeover, the FTX fraud, the hacking of FTX, and the crypto winter. All while maintaining my steady diet of whacky ephemera and art inspiration topped with a…

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  • How long does it take to transfer a Stripe account?

    I updated Stripe Transfer’s website with new testimonials and a downloadable PDF that provides a rough timeline for transferring accounts on Stripe. When customers are in a time crunch, they generally ask you two questions; how long will this take? how much does it cost? We offer free estimates for Stripe Transfer since we cannot…

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  • Top 3 reasons to transfer Stripe subscriptions from one account to another

    After transferring tens of thousands of subscriptions in my side gig, StripeTransfer.com – which is a service that helps individuals and businesses transfer their Stripe subscriptions from one Stripe account to another – I’ve come across three main reasons this service is needed. While there have been other reasons I’ve been asked to migrate or…

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #88: November 24, 2021

    The above photo is a small Rainbow Trout fry that I pulled from the creek in my yard. It looks like it may have had a run-in with a Heron, Mink, Raccoon or some other predator. Let’s get to some random links that I managed to set aside for y’all. OK, that is good enough…

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  • Introducing StripeTransfer.com

    Over the last few years I’ve been able to help several companies transfer Stripe Subscriptions from one Stripe Account to another. Some of them were simply moving from one geography to another while others were acquisitions to or from the United States. Recently, the number of inquires I’ve had for this service from my hire…

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  • Jonnie Hallman on burn out

    Jonnie Hallman, who created Cushion and a bunch of cool stuff you’ve probably seen, burned out building his start up: Then, on Cushion’s 5-year anniversary, I experienced my first panic attack. Read his post for the full story. But the entire post resonates so much with me because with Plain I (and Kyle, my co-founder)…

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  • What I saw this week #38: April 7, 2017

    Don’t forget, you can see all posts in this series by skimming through the what-i-saw tag. Now, onto this week’s links. Video: Puffer fish artist – Absolutely incredible stuff from such a small little fish. Andy Baio is back – Not only is he blogging again but Upcoming has re-launched. Stripe Atlas – The program is…

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  • A guide for starting a business from Stripe

    Patrick McKenzie, writing in the awesome Stripe Atlas Guide: We put together this guide to cover many of the details you’ll need for your business in its first year. New to business? Just starting out? Read this guide from Stripe.

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  • Migrating Subscriptions from one Stripe account to another

    Update June 2021: I’ve had enough interest in this service that I’ve created StripeTransfer.com — Please visit this site to schedule your consultation. Learn More at StripeTransfer.com One of my recent client programming projects (hire me here) was to help a company migrate all customers, cards, plans, and subscriptions from one Stripe account to another…

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  • Stripe’s API documentation

    Stripe has had best-of-breed API documentation for the last several years. They’ve just made it even better with a “quickstart tour” that works wonderfully. Anyone documenting an API should look very closely at what Stripe has done. Much of their success is very likely due to them caring about their docs. /via John Collison on Twitter.

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