Search results for: “blog”
Tuesday Scrapple 2
See Scrapple 1. I’m begrudgingly using Evernote. It is working. But I wish the sync capabilities were equal to Simplenote’s. Tip: Close your inbox. Only open it when you’re reading and/or writing email. Do not leave it open in between. I would like to have a Russian dash cam installed in my car. My drive…
Barley CMS Media Library
Over on the Barley blog we wrote: today we’re very excited to let you know that a brand-new media uploading and management experience is now available This was a lot of fun to work on. But it is even more fun to use. It will make my life a hundred times easier curating The Watercolor…
14 days of committing
It has been 14 days since I said I’d be committing for 30 weekdays straight. I’ve committed code 12 out of those 14 days. (This weekend Eliza and I painted our living room so you’ll have to forgive me for not pulling out my computer.) What have I accomplished? What have I learned? These last…
Flick Scrolling
Simon (simurai): Flick Scrolling in short: An idea of a new gesture that extends scrolling content on a touch-screen. Instead of letting momentum stop the scrolling, you can decide exactly where it should stop. Pretty cool. I’d really like this on my iPad.
Stop caring about follower counts
Matt Gemmell on what has changed for him in 2014 — mainly, that he no longer worries about things like stats, follower counts, and numbers. He now writes for him. But he used to. I’d second-guess tweets and even articles, based on what I thought would appeal to my readers – who were mostly programmers.…
World War Pocket Notes
There are a lot of choices for pocket notebooks so which pocket notebook is the best value? /toby on blogspot: SOooo, that then leads us to… WHICH ONE do I buy? If you write often enough, you start to fill them up, and you have to buy more of them. So which one shakes out…
Instagram hits 300M, gives 5 new filters, then deletes millions of accounts. All on purpose.
This is just me shooting from the hip here, but follow me through the last few days of Instagram news to see if, perhaps, they might have done all of this on purpose. On December 10th Instagram announces they hit 300M accounts and also said this: We’ve been deactivating spammy accounts from Instagram on an…
Tuesday Scrapple 1
Inspired by local blogger and reporter Andy Palumbo’s scrapple posts — I’ve decided to try my hand at it. Today’s scrapple: There are about 3 people in the entire world that know exactly what they are doing and we’re all just copying off of them. Best thing I‘ve found in the last few weeks.…
30 weekdays of commits
Similar to the 30 weekday blog challenge… I’m going to challenge myself, and you dear reader, to 30 weekdays of committing code to one of your projects. Any project. The projects I’m challenging myself to commit to, for 30 weekdays straight, are Barley CMS, Barley for WordPress, or Unmark. What does this mean? I will…
Combo Feeds on Barley CMS
This was fun to work on. Since I did 30 weekdays of blogging I think now I’ll aim for 30 weekdays of committing code to Barley CMS.
What’s Behind the Great Podcast Renaissance?
Kevin Roose for New York Magazine: According to Edison Research, 39 million people listened to a podcast in the last month, the highest number on record. See.
Podcasting is the next big thing
Fred Wilson: As is often the case, a simple little thing turns out to be the big thing. That little thing is that almost every car that has been sold in the past five years has had bluetooth connectivity to the car audio system. These days your phone is connected wirelessly to your car the…
P. Morris, Beloved
Speaking of packaging albums in all-new and innovative ways… P. Morris releases an album that you can only listen to with someone else who also has their webcam on. Think Chatroulette. Brilliant. /via Andy Baio.
Some podcasts from Bijan Sabet
I should have tagged Bijan in my list of podcasts but he posted a few suggestions anyway. His are both photography related: I’m really enjoying Marco’s latest creation, Overcast and as a result I’m listening to more podcasts these days. I too am enjoying Overcast.
The golden age for independent content
Matthew Haughey waxing nostalgic on the incredibly retro That made me think back to posting 4–5 times a day on my own blog, and RSS (and The Time Before Google Reader Was Killed), and even back before that. I tried to think of the ultimate time for the indie web, when I was experiencing…
Don’t Call It Wordsmithing
Ken Ziegler: As copywriters, we have a duty to our profession to remind our peers that there is no such person as a wordsmith in practically any office where copywriters operate with self-respect, dignity, and the freedom to express themselves in words without fear of being slandered by the most terrible of all imaginable portmanteaus.…
Way to go Ello
Well, this is cool. Ello has raised some capital and in doing so they’ve filed as a “Public Benefit Corp.” and made everyone involved sign a mission statement. Jonathan Shieber for Aol/Techcrunch: The company filed in Delaware as a Public Benefit Corp., which Ello says makes it legally impossible under US law for investors to require…
Google Inbox
Google, yesterday: Today, we’re introducing something new. It’s called Inbox. Years in the making, Inbox is by the same people who brought you Gmail, but it’s not Gmail: it’s a completely different type of inbox, designed to focus on what really matters. That “years in the making” part screams “we thought of this before Mailbox but didn’t…
iPad Air 2 Review
Speaking of John Gruber, he just published his review of the iPad Air 2 — a review I’ve been patiently waiting for. I spent a lot of time in this review comparing the new Air 2 to the iPad 3/4. I think that’s fair, because normal people aren’t supposed to even consider replacing their iPads…
Space isn’t everything, people matter too
I love that Toni Schneider is blogging regularly. In a recent post he tries to find the balance of having an open, collaborative office space and one that allows for private time to execute. Ideally, an office would offer both. Open spaces for collaboration/inspiration and private spaces for taking that inspiration and turning into action.…
Podcasts that I listen to
Nearly a year ago I jotted down some non-tech podcasts that I was enjoying at the time. However, today I was tagged by Joe Casabona (Cassy) to jot down those that I’m listening to currently. Here is that list: Astronomy Cast Inspiring Adventurer FreshAir Planet Money TEDTalks Hardcore History Sea Kayak Podcasts The Tim Ferriss…
Invisible iOS Home Screen Icons
Pretty cool trick from _David Smith. Since getting my iPhone 6 a few weeks ago I’ve been continuously trying to optimize the configuration of my home screen. The larger screen means that I now have an extra row of icons to fit onto the screen, but the physical size of device means that I can’t…
Dave Winer on trusting Twitter
Dave Winer recorded a short podcast in response to Marco’s argument about whether or not we should trust Twitter. He says: Apple screwed their developers too. It happened more than once. Good to listen to the other side of this. We’ll see how it plays out over time.
Should Twitter be trust by developers?
Marco says no way. Even though the WSJ is reporting that Twitter is going to try to appeal to developers this week at a conference… he writes: Twitter will never, and should never, have any credibility with developers again. Enjoy it while it lasts, but be ready for it to disappear at any moment. I’m…
Every Project is an Opportunity
Last night I was reading Empire Magazine’s awesome piece with the cast of The West Wing (my favorite TV show of all time). I caught this nugget from Bradley Whitford: Early on in my career I got a part in Revenge Of The Nerds II: Nerds In Paradise. If I hadn‘t done that I wouldn‘t…
A bit of a social break
I’ve recently pushed passed 38,000 tweets and I’m not really sure how I feel about it. To continue to get the most value from Twitter over the years I’ve tried to change the way I use it as often as I felt as though I needed to. I’ve followed hundreds and thousands of accounts at…
Shane Burcaw
Speaking of NEPA BlogCon… the closing presenter was Shane Burcaw. Shane suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Three years ago he started a Tumblog and decided to hit publish. The rest of the story can be found in a book that comes out tomorrow titled after his non-profit foundation; Laughing At My Nightmare. Shane’s presentation was,…
Salvador Dalí in Print
This weekend we at Coalwork sponsored a local blogging event called NEPA BlogCon. You can read more about that on the Coalwork blog. While visiting Misericordia University I popped my head into the Salvador Dalí in Print exhibit, which they have on loan from Elizabeth Marrow. Dalí was a trip. Nice exhibit. (Side note: Check…
Five for the Future (of WordPress)
Speaking of Matt Mullenweg (I’m catching up on his blog)… he has a great suggestion for how companies that benefit from WordPress can contribute to its longevity. He suggests: I think a good rule of thumb that will scale with the community as it continues to grow is that organizations that want to grow the…
Improved Sea Kayak with Gordon Brown videos
Simon Willis, reporting that new, refreshed downloads are now available for the Sea Kayak with Gordon Brown videos: Firstly, I went back to the source file and used improved compression software to produce higher quality downloads at a faster bit-rate. Secondly, each film is now an .mp4 file (rather than .mov) and, at customers‘ request,…
Emoji++ Keyboard
I feel the same way _David Smith does about trying to find Emoji in the default iOS keyboard: I feel like I’m always playing a game of memory each time I’m try to craft my perfectly composed Emoji response. It is pretty painful. So, Smith set out to fix it with Emoji++, a keyboard that…
Tom Hickey
Tom Hickey, of Cork Ireland, on his personal blog in a post titled Stop feeling sorry and start living: I write a blog that’s mainly about my life coming to terms with facial disfigurement. I wanted to share my pain, hopes and dreams, and show you that despite so many setbacks I managed to come…
Being in the paper
Over the years I’ve been in the paper a few times for various reasons. Mostly good. However, something that I’ve learned is that you never really know how you’re going to be portrayed, what information you provide the writer will use or not use, or how the article will come across to the general public.…
Not an iPad nano
Jason Snell, on his still smells-like-a-new-car blog Six Colors regarding whether or not the iPhone 6 Plus is like a small iPad: When Apple announced the iPhone 6 Plus on Sept. 9, I entertained the idea that it might be a replacement for my iPad mini. At last, the promise of a single device small enough…
The death rattle of old Twitter
Can you hear it? I can. Read this, as reported on the very great GigaOm: Twitter’s timeline is organized in reverse chronological order… but this “isn’t the most relevant experience for a user,” Noto said. Timely tweets can get buried at the bottom of the feed if the user doesn’t have the app open, for…
Jess Brown takes the challenge
Jess Brown on taking the challenge to write on his blog: Hopefully my writing will bring an audience and an audience will bring opportunities. It does and will Jess.
It feels good when people say nice things about your hard work
When people are willing to talk or write about your product it is a good thing. It doesn’t matter if what they write is positive or negative — if they write negatively you can fix the issues they mention and if they write positively you can sit back and smile. This morning I walked into…
Hashtag ShareRSS
Marco Arment’s comment on his blog a few days ago got me thinking… we should be doing a better job to promote RSS. So here is one way to try doing it. My RSS feed is To subscribe to my RSS feed you need an RSS reader. There a tons of these for every…
Writing mostly badly but more often
Elizabeth Spiers, one of the founders of Gawker, on her newly revitalized personal blog: So in the interest of rejecting later and discriminating less severely, here is my contract with you, the reader: I will write mostly badly and more often. Not so much that either of us want to slit our wrists, but more…
What I did this weekend
Kyle and I spent the weekend setting up the first coworking space in Scranton, PA — Coalwork. We’ve been working on this for over a year. Not just us two but other members of the coworking community such as Nick Semon, Bruno Galvao, Michael O’Boyle, and Joe Casabona. I’m very glad to finally be seeing all…
We’re in!
Update from yesterday. She was surprised. 😉 We’re in! Coalwork, the coworking group, podcast, blog, and community that Kyle and I founded over a year ago finally has a place to call home in downtown Scranton. This is Scranton’s first official coworking spot. I am totally stoked. Not only to see this finally happening but…
- coming back Sept 1
My favorite kayaking podcast at is coming back on September 1st. Host Simon Willis: We have recorded quite a few fascinating chats and the first will be an absolute cracker. The new podcasts start on Monday 1st September. We‘ll hear from Scott Donaldson who spent almost three months in a kayak, paddling 1300 miles…
The golden age of Twitter is over
I said that this morning to Kyle. That the golden age of Twitter is over. I couldn’t think of a more eloquent way to put it. The Twitter we fell in love with is actually gone already. It no longer exists at all. In fact, it is tough to even see the remnants of that Twitter…
William Shatner and Facebook Mentions
For reference: App Constellations. First, William Shatner has a Tumblog. I’m cool with this. Second, he wrote about Facebook Mentions — yet another app from Facebook specifically created to help “celebrities” with managing their Facebook accounts. He writes: I’m not quite sure why Facebook released this app for “celebrities”. It seems to be ill conceived. I…
Walking the Glen Gour to Strontian
Simon Willis, someone who has been a huge inspiration to my kayaking endeavors with his Sea Kayak Podcasts series, recently went for a hike. I love this bit: Show me an horizon, an overlapping series of ridge lines or a valley stretching into the distance and I yearn to discover what lies behind those hills,…
Rap Genius didn’t raise $40M
It turns out, it was bigger than that. I’ve seen a few tweets and heard a few comments this weekend along the lines of “Rap Genius raised $40M? I quit.” Funny. But pretty far off the mark. Surely you think that while Silicon Valley is willing to be a bit nutty about apps that do little…
Pinboard turns 5
Pinboard, the excellent bookmarking service, recently turned five. Here is Maciej Cegłowski on the Pinboard blog: Now back to some beard-stroking: I see my role much like a small-town praire banker in the 1880‘s. My job is to project an aura of calm, solvency, and permanence in an industry where none of those adjectives applies. People…
Urllib3 and Stripe’s Open-Source Retreat
In April Stripe announced an Open-Source Retreat. A little over a month later they had chosen three grantees. Though unannounced on the company blog, Andrey Petrov wrote about his experience working on Urllib3 at Stripe for two weeks over on Medium: Last week completes my two week grant from Stripe to work on urllib3 full…
Wolfram and the World Cup
Speaking of Wolfram Alpha (I mentioned them yesterday). Wolfram Alpha was used to try to predict the outcome of the World Cup. Again, Brazil is the favorite, but with a 32% chance to win now. After its impressive victory against Spain, the Netherlands’ odds jumped to 23.5%: it is now the second favorite. Germany (21.6%)…
Tesla sort of opens up its patents
Tony Stark, I mean, Elon Musk on the Tesla company blog: At Tesla, however, we felt compelled to create patents out of concern that the big car companies would copy our technology and then use their massive manufacturing, sales and marketing power to overwhelm Tesla. We couldn’t have been more wrong. He also writes that “Tesla…