An interview with Terry Gross from 1998
Terry Gross, by far my favorite radio personality to whom I listen religiously, was interviewed in 1998 on Mothers Who Think for Salon Magazine by Lori Leibovich. I love these few bits. First, a little about Terry’s reputation. "Marcus isn’t the only journalist to swoon over Gross — other colleagues speak of her with reverence, […]
Leave Tiger Woods and all other celebrities alone
George Vecsey "reporting" for the New York Times has a terrible piece about Tiger Woods’ not being very forthcoming about an accident he recently had right outside his own home. Vecsey goes off on Tiger simply because he feels his pen (err, keyboard) is mightier than Woods’ driver. To Vecsey I say; you’re an idiot. […]
Random 60: How do you heat your home?
[viddler id-c82761e0 h-280 w-420] Random 60: How do you heat your home? What type of heat do you use? It seems the possibilities are endless. Wood stove, fireplace, propane, natural gas, electric, pellet stove, maybe you just run in place?, etc. Sound off in the comments!
Twitter theme designer
The folks at Colour Lovers (we’ll excuse the U for now) have put together a really great Twitter theme designer that somehow saves directly back into your Twitter profile. I didn’t realize this was possible so perhaps they have a "deal" with Twitter? Perhaps Twitter should simply buy the app? /via Evan Williams on Twitter.
Field Notes, colors
A lovely video recapping a year of Field Notes Brand note books. I’ve been holding off picking up Field Notes note books for far too long. Today I’ll be counting the change in my piggy bank, cashing them in, and purchasing a pack. /via John Gruber.
Pie Guy, a free web game for iPhone
Pie Guy is a fun game for your iPhone that is free, is installed via the Web (it is a fancy Web page), works offline, and is actually a lot of fun (works sorta like Pac-Man). Neven Mrgan, the developer of Pie Guy, built the game – not only so people can enjoy the game […]
Cooking with cast iron
This morning is when our new apartment started to feel like home.
@elizard painting our new TV stand
We’re repurposing our wine rack into our new TV stand for the new apartment. By we, of course, I mean Eliza is doing all of the work and I’m taking photos of her and posting them on the Internet without her express permission. 🙂
A celebratory snack
Fred Wilson commented on my blog. I’m celebrating a bit.
Fine dining
Sometimes Eliza and I like to treat ourselves.
How the H1N1 vaccine is made
As sort of a follow-up to my How much money is being made on the H1N1 virus? post the other day, Jason Kottke gives what I think is the most readable explanation as to how a vaccine for the virus is made. Interesting stuff.
Instapaper is the drugs man, the drugs!!
In mid-September I wrote that I was going to give Instapaper a whirl. And for a day or two I did but it didn’t stick. Turns out I was doing it wrong. I was trying to use Instapaper as a way to sync a "reading list" between two computers (in this case, my iPhone and […]
The antique store
Need a few things for the new crib.
The story of my avatar
I’m sort of following Fred Wilson‘s lead here (simply because he did it first) but I’ve been thinking about explaining my somewhat odd avatar for a while. The story of Fred’s avatar is much more interesting so I’ll forgive you if you leave to read his instead of mine. *sniff* My avatar is meant to […]
Twitter’s URL shortening technique makes copy/paste difficult
Twitter, by default, uses to shorten URLs for use with SMS, the API, etc. But on its Web site Twitter shows you the original URL (or at least part of it) so that people know where they’ll be going if they click on the link. Or, at least that is why I think they […]
Wrap text around an image with jQSlickWrap
Neat jQuery plugin that makes it dead simple to wrap text around an image. The key point here is that it will actually wrap the text around the contents of the image, not just the bounding box of an image. /via Simon Willison.
A loaf of bread
Very much looking forward to baking bread again this winter.
Bird of Paradise flower (not an orchid)
While in Hawaii last year, visiting Shane and Roxanne in Kailua, Eliza and I found this orchid Bird of Paradise flower behind a few garbage cans near a burger joint we were having dinner at. It just shows you that beauty runs deep in Hawaii. Update: I stand corrected. Mike Cohen commented that this is […]
How much money is being made on the H1N1 virus?
I’m no medical expert, but one has to wonder about the finances behind having a global pandemic – or at least the appearance of one. The H1N1 virus, or swine-flu, is no doubt a virus that should be taken seriously. If you have the symptoms of the virus you should take action to get the […]
Mocha Joe
One sip of a Mocha Joe makes my heart palpitate. @elizard loves them.
A new theme for iPhone, more mobile devices to follow
Last weekend I rolled out an updated theme for this site when your browsing it with an iPhone. The main reason for this is my mobile photos. When I post a mobile photo my site automatically Twitter’s a link to it, like this, and a lot of people flood in to view the photos and […]
@cfehnel being blocked
Love playing in old beat-up gyms. Love seeing Chris get blocked even more.
Hibachi. Fire.
Came across this photo in my library and now I’m in the mood for hibachi.
Playing pick up sticks
Playing with Eric and Terry. I love this game.
A foggy drive
My drive into Viddler HQ yesterday morning was very, very foggy.
Dude at NASA makes a Tricorder with an iPhone
NASA scientist Jing Li (and others) has created a tricorder, ala Star Trek, using an iPhone and a few little gadget bits that is able to ‘sense’ gases in the air. My advice: get this tricorder things to the point where it can repair broken bones and inject medicine into a human’s neck, then move […]
Moving sale row
The moving sale is in full swing (although you can not tell from this image). A lot of people have already been in and out and our "stuff" is following them. Nice.
The next challenge for Web designers, choosing font faces
For years the Internet has challenged those that work on it. At first it was all about how to get the bits from here to there. Then it was how to link them together and to navigate through them. Then it was about adding media. Next came display ports and fitting well-designed information on them […]
Google Chrome’s view source \”oddity\”
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Viewing the source of a page on Google Chrome is, for the most part, a terrific experience. Chrome supports syntax highlighting of the underlying code of a page making it much more readable for us geeks while we look under the hood. However, something I’ve run into of late is that it […]
Google Chrome’s view source \”oddity\”
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Viewing the source of a page on Google Chrome is, for the most part, a terrific experience. Chrome supports syntax highlighting of the underlying code of a page making it much more readable for us geeks while we look under the hood. However, something I’ve run into of late is that it […]
Google Chrome’s view source \”oddity\”
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Viewing the source of a page on Google Chrome is, for the most part, a terrific experience. Chrome supports syntax highlighting of the underlying code of a page making it much more readable for us geeks while we look under the hood. However, something I’ve run into of late is that it […]
Google Chrome’s view source \”oddity\”
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Viewing the source of a page on Google Chrome is, for the most part, a terrific experience. Chrome supports syntax highlighting of the underlying code of a page making it much more readable for us geeks while we look under the hood. However, something I’ve run into of late is that it […]
Google Chrome’s view source \”oddity\”
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Viewing the source of a page on Google Chrome is, for the most part, a terrific experience. Chrome supports syntax highlighting of the underlying code of a page making it much more readable for us geeks while we look under the hood. However, something I’ve run into of late is that it […]
Google Chrome’s view source \”oddity\”
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Viewing the source of a page on Google Chrome is, for the most part, a terrific experience. Chrome supports syntax highlighting of the underlying code of a page making it much more readable for us geeks while we look under the hood. However, something I’ve run into of late is that it […]
A haircut. For me, by me.
As I said in a recent Random 60 about haircuts, I am not too picky when it comes to my hair. Then, on the Twitter, I mentioned that I was thinking of cutting my own hair. Many of you said to go for it. Then, a few days ago Eliza came home with some clippers […]
Flight is possible to man.
Another day, another great letter of note. I know I’ve suggested Letters Of Note in the past but today I must suggest this specific letter. A letter written by Wilbur Wright. My favorite letter so far. "With this general statement of my principles and belief I will proceed to describe the plan and apparatus it […]
Google Chrome’s view source \”oddity\”
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Viewing the source of a page on Google Chrome is, for the most part, a terrific experience. Chrome supports syntax highlighting of the underlying code of a page making it much more readable for us geeks while we look under the hood. However, something I’ve run into of late is that it […]
My question on IAmInLikeWithMyBike
I wanted to know what type of bike I should be saving for this coming spring. I fired off an email to the editor of I Am In Like With My Bike on Tumblr and they posted it to their Tumblog (mistypings and all). Nice. Update: Now I’m finding myself wishing they answered the question. […]
The New York Public Library’s new logo
One of my most favorite branding updates in recent memory, The New York Public Library gets a new logo and Brand New has the scoop. Side note: Glad to know I wasn’t the only one thinking "Simba!!". Image credit: Brand New.
Bird book
New favorite site and now book on my wishlist (which has been recently updated, btw): Bird book. /via Jason Kottke.
Feature list of WordPress 2.9
Speaking of WordPress 2.9, here is an exhaustive feature list from Dougal Campbell.
Flickr gets built-in prints (it is about time)
Yahoo! has announced that Flickr now has built-in Snapfish support through its (still one of the best Web apps ever) Organize & Create tool. It is about time. I hope Flickr and Yahoo! bank some serious dough on this deal.
How to play piano like Philip Glass
Or, as I like to call this particular video – YouTube video of the week. Again /via Jason Kottke.
Quake Live for Mac
I didn’t realize that Quake Live was available for the Macintosh now. Thanks to Sebastiaan de With for letting me know (and for the fancy Fluid icon). There goes a few hours.
The summer’s biggest catch
Photo credit: Eliza Devroe. After a friend and I were talking about fishing this weekend I noticed that I never posted a photo of my biggest catch this summer – a 5-pound bass. As you can see from the photo I was soaking wet. Eliza, my friend Johnny, and myself walked to our fishing spot […]
Two new Twitter lists: Met and NotMetYet
I don’t like to make it a habit of following people on Twitter that I haven’t met. But I’ve made a few exceptions – mostly people I know "online" but not off and celebrities. I was wondering tonight: "How many people do I follow that I haven’t met?". So I created a list for just […]
Weigh in: November 16, 2009
What a great week on The Diet! As I said on the Twitter I was able to get a sufficient level of fitness in this week. On Tuesday I jogged six miles (or 10K), on Wednesday I did the P90X Kenpo X routine, on Friday I fit in another 5K jog, on Saturday I did […]
Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.
Series archives: Diversions, WIS, typicalday