
  • Photos of UPenn Weave Bridge by Albert Yee

    Brilliant photos from Albert Yee the new Weave Bridge at UPenn show that it is pretty stunning. I love when people take the opportunity to make something beautiful in a place where something ‘average’ could have sufficed.


  • The Boxee Box.

    The Boxee Box, a mini-square-ish computer with the sole purpose of running Boxee on a television, is becoming more compelling with every press release. Made by D-Link this little box is being reported to hit the market at under $200 and to have one heckuva remote control. At that size, with that design, that price […]


  • Chrome overtakes Safari for 3rd place among browsers

    According to Mashable (via Net Applications via The Apple Blog) Chrome has surpassed Safari for third place among browsers in terms of market share. I’m as big an Apple fan as anyone but this is pretty well deserved on speed alone.


  • Joining the drum line for Realtime RSS

    I remember when I first learned about RSS. At the time my personal Web site was running on some homegrown content management system that I built myself using ASP. So I was tasked, unlike many people today, with creating my own feeds. I had to learn what feeds did and why they were beneficial, read […]


  • Gravity Wells by XKCD

    XKCD, which I suggested that you all subscribe to nearly one year ago, continues to amaze. Gravity Wells, a recent comic about the relative gravitational pulls of the celestial objects in our Solar System, is one of the very best things I’ve ever seen.


  • Adding one step to Aaron Swartz’s thoughts on hiring programmers

    If you’re in a hiring phase you’ll want to peruse Aaron Swartz’s thoughts on hiring programmers. The process that he walks through could, and should, be used for hiring just about anyone (not just programmers). However, I would add one step to the beginning of the process. Watching that person online. I know it seems […]


  • Eiffel Tower blueprints

    Probably better described as yellowprints these "blueprints" are reproductions (presumably far better looking ones) of the original documents used to build the Eiffel Tower found in a book from 1900. I never really wanted to be an architect, one of the only things I haven’t dreamed of being, until I saw these. /via Jason Kottke.


  • GeoAPI now a service by Twitter

    As you’ve probably read Twitter has acquired Mixer Labs who runs GeoAPI, an API for all things location, and plans to integrate that API and its team directly into Twitter’s offerings. Brady Forrest for O’Reilly Radar on the possible implications of this acquisition: "Second, does this herald Twitter’s moves into being a location provider? At […]


  • Ways of reading by Mandy Brown

    Crap. Crap. Crap. In March of this year I wrote: "Editor’s note: I don’t know Mandy Brown but her blog is definitely in the top three well-written blogs that I subscribe to. Every post is excellent. Her blog will, more than likely, make my Best of 2009 list." Well, I forgot to add Mandy Brown’s […]


  • What Brightkite could be. What Brightkite should be.

    The line between what Brightkite offers and what Twitter offers their respective communities is arguably very thin. Both offer fantastic microblogging features including updates and notifications via SMS, the Web, and APIs. Until somewhat recently, however, only Brightkite offered another layer ontop of these features that really separated it from Twitter without question. Geolocation. Brightkite […]


  • Five best iPhone camera mods

    Thanks to iSmashPhone for including my macro lens for the iPhone in their five best iPhone camera mods.


  • Acorn 2.2 almost ready but you can get it now

    Acorn, my image editor of choice on the Macintosh, is nearing a new release. Gus Mueller, the developer behind Flying Meat software, has a page set up to download the very latest builds of his products. You can now grab a beta copy of Acorn 2.2 which has a slew of excellent updates to test […]


  • The best of 2009 as told by me

    In November 2008 I put forth a list of things I thought were the best Web sites, applications, and various other things that I came across in 2008. I said "They are simply works that I feel should be awarded with the recognition of being the best that I’ve personally found this year." I’m doing […]


  • Chillin with Pickles

    Waiting for the coffee to finish brewing with my buddy.


  • The best shelf in the pantry

    Kyle, I hope your jealous.


  • The Twitter blog takes one step forward and two steps back

    The Twitter blog has a brand new design and it looks pretty slick. However, it no longer shows trackbacks and/or comments for each blog post effectively losing a few years worth of data. Boo.


  • A 70-minute video review of The Phantom Menace

    This is the best thing I’ve ever seen. Watch it. /via Every Star Wars geek I subscribe to. PS. There is a lot of backstory that goes along with this link. An example of which is that Damon Lindelof, the major creative driving force behind LOST and the recent Star Trek film, watched this and […]


  • Cure writer’s block by using Skribit

    Skribit, the very same service I use to allow suggestions on First initial, last name, has finally opened its doors to the public. I suggest checking it out. See what I did there?


  • Waterproofing your iPhone

    As reported by Danilo Campos on Twitter "Any ziplock bag you happen to find in your kitchen will waterproof your phone while allowing the screen to respond." So I gave it a whirl and it works! Neven Mrgan, who I heard this through, brought up a few great uses for this. He said "This means […]


  • French toast made with cinnamon bread

    Like last time I used this recipe. It was a little sweet for me (typically I do not order my french toast with cinnamon or powered sugar) but it turned out really good. The bread was from [Bingham’s Restaurant](’s restaurant kingsley pa&sll=51.47653,-0.286825&sspn=0.070672,0.123596&ie=UTF8&hq=bingham’s restaurant&hnear=Kingsley, PA&ll=41.740194,-75.699749&spn=0.081464,0.123596&z=13&iwloc=A) (Google Map link).


  • Got butt?

    Here is @pookers’ butt.


  • Rt. 6 Bridge

    Taken with my iPhone while getting gas one morning and cross processed in Mill Colour (iTunes link).


  • Tumblr’s Twitter API

    Hot on the heels of WordPress’ Twitter API Tumblr has announced their own Twitter-like API for reading and writing to Tumblogs. I love that they came right out and said that they were inspired by WordPress’ move.


  • WordPress’ Twitter API, to be specific, now has an API that mirrors the Twitter API. This effectively allows any Twitter client, such as Tweetie or Hahlo, to read and write to powered blogs only by changing their API endpoint. Hopefully this feature will be available via a plugin sometime in the near future? /via Tony Schneider.


  • Gorillacam by Joby

    Joby, the makers of the Gorilla flexible tripods, have released a free iPhone camera application called Gorillacam that could be used as a replacement for the default camera app. Tripod not included nor required. /via John Gruber.


  • TeuxDeux – A simple, designy, to do app

    I’ve seen TeuxDeux recommended by several blogs that I’m subscribed to over the last few weeks so I finally took a few minutes to take a look. Turns out it is exactly what it says it is, a simple, designy to do application that is definitely worth a look.


  • Joining Project52

    "Project52 is a personal challenge geared toward getting fresh content on your website. The goal is to write at least 1 new article per week for 1 year." I’ve never liked the word "content" but I love when people set goals before themselves to write more. Anton Peck created Project52 this back in 2007. He […]


  • Something is diverting the Twitter stream

    Last night, long after my "sleep" preference that I have set up on Twitter, I got a text message from Paul Stamatiou via Twitter. I follow Paul, or @Stammy as he’s known on Twitter, but I do not have him turned on for SMS notifications. Odd, I thought. I rolled over and went back to […]


  • Yes, Panic has a blog.

    In July of this year I conducted an interview with the co-founders of Panic about transparency in software development which was published in September. Prior to that interview in a short, off-the-cuff, via email, discussion with Steven he mentioned that they had just been putting together a plan for 2010 to help "lift the veil" […]


  • Yes, Ze Frank is on my Twitter \”met\” list

    I’ve just started following Ze Frank on Twitter. I’ve added him to my "met" list (remember my Twitter lists?) and some have asked why. Well, because he and I met in 2007 in Austin, TX as SXSWi. We had a pretty good chat. Ze is incredibly talented and creative and has an interesting story. If […]


  • Yes, Ze Frank is on my Twitter \”met\” list

    I’ve just started following Ze Frank on Twitter. I’ve added him to my "met" list (remember my Twitter lists?) and some have asked why. Well, because he and I met in 2007 in Austin, TX as SXSWi. We had a pretty good chat. Ze is incredibly talented and creative and has an interesting story. If […]


  • Yes, Ze Frank is on my Twitter \”met\” list

    I’ve just started following Ze Frank on Twitter. I’ve added him to my "met" list (remember my Twitter lists?) and some have asked why. Well, because he and I met in 2007 in Austin, TX as SXSWi. We had a pretty good chat. Ze is incredibly talented and creative and has an interesting story. If […]


  • Yes, Ze Frank is on my Twitter \”met\” list

    I’ve just started following Ze Frank on Twitter. I’ve added him to my "met" list (remember my Twitter lists?) and some have asked why. Well, because he and I met in 2007 in Austin, TX as SXSWi. We had a pretty good chat. Ze is incredibly talented and creative and has an interesting story. If […]


  • Yes, Ze Frank is on my Twitter \”met\” list

    I’ve just started following Ze Frank on Twitter. I’ve added him to my "met" list (remember my Twitter lists?) and some have asked why. Well, because he and I met in 2007 in Austin, TX as SXSWi. We had a pretty good chat. Ze is incredibly talented and creative and has an interesting story. If […]


  • Yes, Ze Frank is on my Twitter \”met\” list

    I’ve just started following Ze Frank on Twitter. I’ve added him to my "met" list (remember my Twitter lists?) and some have asked why. Well, because he and I met in 2007 in Austin, TX as SXSWi. We had a pretty good chat. Ze is incredibly talented and creative and has an interesting story. If […]


  • Brushes. Inventoried and repaired.

    Picked up a copy of Lessons from a Lifetime of Watercolor Painting by Donald Voorhees. I’m going to go through this entire book this winter. First step is to get my brushes inventoried. A few of them were broken so I fixed them (no need to spend money on more).


  • Video: How to Measure Success by Colin Devroe at LessConf in Jacksonville, Florida

    The moment you’ve all been waiting for is finally here. Video of my LessConf presentation is now available, for free, in its entirety courtesy of the guys at LessEverything. Duration: ~59minutes In this presentation I cover how to measure success for a start up in a global market (read: the Internet). I tried my best […]


  • Yes, Ze Frank is on my Twitter \”met\” list

    I’ve just started following Ze Frank on Twitter. I’ve added him to my "met" list (remember my Twitter lists?) and some have asked why. Well, because he and I met in 2007 in Austin, TX as SXSWi. We had a pretty good chat. Ze is incredibly talented and creative and has an interesting story. If […]


  • Cozy Corner Cafe in Carbondale, PA

    Had breakfast here yesterday. It was pretty good but I wouldn’t add Cozy Corner Cafe to my favorite places within 2 hours of my home list. It would do in a pinch, though. Something has to be said that they don’t come up, at all, in a Google Maps search though. Hmm. Update: Since Google […]


  • French Toast recipe

    I made French Toast using this French Toast recipe on Simply Recipes (even with the optional Triple Sec). It was delicious. I recommend.


  • Installing Ruby and RubyGems (including Rails and mySQL) on Mac OS X Snow Leopard

    In case you’ve been living under a rock (where in the world did that phrase originate?) you probably know about Dan Benjamin‘s extremely simple, yet incredibly useful and valuable, step-by-step tutorial for installing Ruby, RubyGems (including Rails and mySQL) on Mac OS X Snow Leopard. I recently had the need to upgrade each of these […]


  • Open a file from Terminal with Coda

    If you’re like me, you love Coda. Well, you may find the need to open a file, or set of files, from Terminal in Coda. Gregory Tomlinson has created a bash script to let you do just that. Update May 20, 2011: It turns out that Tomlinson’s website is down. So, here is a brief […]


  • RSS to Twitter using PHP

    Update January 19, 2010: This script is now available on GitHub. Go forth and fork. Today I noticed that my now ancient PHP script to update Twitter automatically using PHP/cron needed to be updated. It turns out that Twitter stopped recognizing URLs with ? in them as clickable links. Here is an example tweet where […]


  • Sebby

    Dude knows how to eat a lemon… rind and all.


  • Played a game of Risk

    This was my first game of Risk ever. What a perfect day for playing a game!


  • Google DNS, privacy, and you

    Google launched its public DNS offering yesterday. Immediate reactions were "ooo, aaahhh, sweeet!" because we all know Google will nail the technology aspects of an fast, open DNS. Immediately following those reactions, however, came the "Oh great, now they know more about me!" statements. But then came this statement by Steven Frank of Panic (whom […]


  • Homemade chocolate chip cookies

    I won’t lie. I made these from one of those "add butter and water" bags but still, I made them at home. Hence, homemade. Mmm.


  • Bad Tiger, good Tiger

    Remember what I said about leaving Tiger Woods alone? Remember why I said to leave him alone? In case you don’t, here’s an excerpt. "He is keeping personal matters personal and he knows his rights – I’d say that is a role model to look up to, regardless of what happened. But, this silence will […]


  • Random 60: When was the last time you wore a suit?

    [viddler id-5fbc8f85 h-280 w-420] Random 60: When was the last time you wore a suit? I’m wearing a suit. Are you? If not, when was the last time you wore one? Simple question, answer in the comments.


  • The bare necessities

    Shopping list Milk Eggs Inexpensive wines from all over the world Bread Cheez-Its


Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.

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