
  • NFL overtime rules suck

    Update: Many of you are coming here because you are watching a football game right now and you too think that the NFL overtime rules suck. Welcome to my site – I share your pain. The Steelers lost in overtime today. Chris mentioned that the NFL’s overtime rules suck, and I agree – when the […]


  • I wonder if I can survive without my right eye?

    This isn’t to say that I don’t enjoy my eyes, its just that lately my right one has been giving me some trouble. One out of three blinks yields some strange feeling in my right eye-lid which feels like someone is flipping my eye-lid up. There is no pain, so please keep your sympathy cards […]


  • Some of the best movies I’ve never seen

    Chris and I are catching up on some classics. Being born in 1980 makes it pretty tough to have seen some of the classics. Just old enough to know about the movies, just young enough to have not been able to see them until later on in life. There are thousands of movies that I’d […]


  • Steelers run the ball

    Expect to hear that a lot this weekend as Tommy Maddox pretends to be an NFL quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Since the Steelers defense is doing pretty well, and their running game is decent, they should manage to pull away with a win. Sports Four has an entry up allowing you to weigh in […]


  • Morning coffee

    I look forward to waking up to morning coffee. Wake up nice and early (typically between 7 – 9am), put on a pot of coffee, open up NetNewsWire and catch up on what’s going on. On ocassion our crew will have a meeting in the morning to plan out the day. It doesn’t happen every […]


  • I work for a Weblog Network

    I never thought I’d say that. In second grade when the teacher came around to me and asked “What do you wanna be when you grow up?” – I can guarantee my answer was not “A CTO from a Weblog Network”. In fact, I can’t even tell you what my answer was when I was […]


  • I plan on using this blog for something useful, but I just haven’t nailed that down yet

    Being that I already run a successful blog, I am not sure what I will use this account for. But I’ve been wanting to have a place for “just me”. And this might become that place. Now if I could just find a way to edit the templates…


Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.