
  • Strategy meeting at ViddlerHQ

    Donna, Rob, and I are having a strategy meeting today. Kyle is on his way from Boston. We’re all Macintosh all the time at Viddler.  Actually, I think the entire US team has a Macintosh now, while our team members in Poland need to "upgrade" soon.


  • Turnpike bridge

    The bridge above Clarks Summit at the northern most end of the Northeast extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.


  • Videos from The Future of Web Design in New York City, Fall 2007

    Late last year I was privileged enough to find the time to attend The Future of Web Design in New York City.  Some of my friends were presenting, the Carsonified team always puts together great events, and the event was relatively in my own backyard so the decision to attend was easy. After the conference […]


  • Delicious Library 2.0 has been released

    According to Delicious Monster’s Delicious Blog, Delicious Library 2.0 has been in the works since November 2004.  Wil Shipley, lead developer and owner of Delicious Monster, says: "There are over a hundred new features in 2, and hundreds more bug fixes. I’m very proud of it, and very exhausted. I could blah blah blah a […]


  • Jumping at the Lackawanna State Park

    Date taken: May 25, 2008 Photo credit: Eliza Devroe. Why, what did you do this weekend?  I doubt it was as fun as this.  Was it? We tried our best to injure ourselves and I think Chris was by far the most successful.  Maybe if you ask nicely Eliza will post some of the better shots to […]


  • Photographing a Wedding and then an Earthquake

    This is incredible.  While photographing what seemed like a normal, and beautiful, wedding in Sichuan, China an earthquake, measuring 7.9 on the Richter magnitude scale, shakes the church of the wedding to the ground. These photos are quite stunning and truly tell how this quake hit with seemingly little or no notice at all.  What I […]


  • Beef cattle

    One of our friends raises natural beef cattle. Had a burger today, delicious.


  • Boat rental – Open

    What a beautiful day at the Lackawanna State Park.


  • Jones Beach

    There is an Air Show this weekend and so many planes, including two Blue Angel fighter jets, were practicing overhead at Jones Beach on Long Island.


  • Danny’s sea lion photos

    A sea lion? Yesterday I saw my friend Daniel Nicolas twitter; "there was a seal at the beach! yes i got pictures".  I knew once he published the photos I was going to link to them. But then I got to thinking – did he really mean seal or did he mean sea lion? Once he […]


  • Driving to Long Island, NY

    I am laughing at Eliza. Andrew is hitting construction cones.


  • Lunch at Wendy’s

    We don’t get Wendy’s often. Yeah, classy I know.


  • Sirius radio

    The question isn’t if Sirius satellite radio is cool or not, the question is why is Andrew listening to Sheryl Crow?!


  • The Delaware Water Gap

    Going east from Pennsylvania into New Jersey. Unfortunately the iPhone doesn’t do a great job with scale.


  • The George Washington Bridge

    The GW Bridge costs $8USD to cross (for a car). Better than the $12USD you have to pay to go through the Holland tunnel to the south.


  • Another shot at the moon

    Date taken: May 18, 2008 – 10:24pm EST – The moon, as seen from northeastern Pennsylvania. I found this as I was rifling through a few of my photos that I haven’t yet imported into my photo library.  Getting a photo of the moon without the proper equipment is extremely frustrating.  The awe-inspiring view of […]


  • A new jar for peanut butter

    Ever have trouble getting the last bits of peanut butter out of the bottom of the peanut butter jar?  What is your method for getting it out? Maybe you tilt the jar and shoving a knife all the way to the bottom, which usually ends up getting more peanut button on the knife handle than […]


  • Re-watching Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade

    I’m finally getting around to writing about The Last Crusade. The third Indiana Jones film, The Last Crusade, is as close to my favorite as Raiders of the Lost Ark.  Unlike The Temple of Doom Crusade gets back to Indy’s roots. Same friends, same mission, same pace. Beat the Nazis!  I believe if you aligned the story […]


  • Todd at work

    Todd Troxell, Viddler‘s system admin, does actually exist.


  • TubeMogul’s new tier system – An interview with TubeMogul CEO Brett Wilson

    Brett Wilson A few weeks ago I had lunch with Brett Wilson, CEO of TubeMogul, and we were talking about the partnership between TubeMogul and Viddler. We also talked about surfing and family, but for now we’ll focus on TubeMogul and Viddler. A few days later I asked Brett if I could ask him a […]


  • iTunes tip: Hidden bar graph views from Tekzilla

    This is a pretty neat tip from Tekzilla (friend Tekzilla on Viddler), one that I never knew about, but that I think will come in handy.  If you’ve ever connected your iPod or iPhone to your computer, you’ve no doubt scene the graph in iTunes showing you how much of your space is used for […]


  • The Ta-da List widget is back!

    Over 1 year in the making!  Well, not really, but it has been over a year since version 1.2 of the widget was released.  Now, with version 1.3, the Ta-da List widget is back in action and has been updated to accomodate the changes that 37Signals made to Ta-da List in a recent update. The […]


  • Gary Vaynerchuk’s television appearances

    My good friend Gary Vaynerchuk, host of Wine Library TV, has had the privilege of making some rounds on network television programs such as Nightline, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, the Ellen Degeneres Show, and The Big Idea – so I thought I’d keep a catalog of these appearances here. Here are Gary’s television appearances, […]


  • – Dad?

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] I couldn’t think of a much better title for this link, so I used the title from the actual web site., essentially, is a collection of altered images with men holding babies but having their heads swapped. While the purpose of this site originally was to showcase Dads with their […]


  • Re-watching Indiana Jones: The Temple of Doom

    When I was a kid Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom was one of the more gory movies I had ever seen.  Men having their hearts torn out while they were still living, alligators (which were being portrayed as crocodiles) ripping flesh from bone in a death roll, and voodoo practicing children stabbing dolls.  For a child, all […]


  • Catching up on Mahalo Daily’s Vlog Idol

    If you are a fan of American Idol, particularly its contest style format with judges, auditions, etc. then you may like Mahalo Daily‘s method of finding a new co-host. When I saw that Mahalo Daily was sharing Vlog Idol on Viddler, I actually started watch all of the episodes when they came out.  I wanted […]


  • Connect 360 – The best Apple TV alternative?

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] On Friday, while I was at Viddler HQ fooling around with Rob, I noticed my friend Dan Rubin twittered the following: "if I ditch cable, buy an AppleTV and only watch shows I’ve BT’d (I’ll pay for movie rentals), I’ll save myself over $600/year (ATV included)" Allow me, first, to decrypt this […]


  • My first Amazon Wish List

    You could just get lost on Amazon, couldn’t you?  Every single category seems to have a never ending list of subcategories, each with their own products as you drill down.  I have never "shopped" on  I’ve purchased a few things on the site, usually by someone linking to a product, but I’ve never just browsed around. […]


  • Refacing Government Tender

    This is great.  Joe D!, as he is known on Flickr, decided it’d be neat to deface, I mean – artistically improve U.S. paper currency by adding some doodles.  He managed to create an entire Flickr photo set dedicated to this hobby.  Here are a few samples: Some of my favorites (pictured) are the Spartan, […]


  • The chef is also in Portugal

    In February Eliza and I went to dinner with some friends here in Pennsylvania.  In the foyer of the restaurant we ate at was this chef guy that I took a photo of with my iPhone. Today I noticed that he is also in Lisbon, Portugal.  Small world. Source: Lisbon: Campo Pequeno.


  • Rob at work

    Rob, a Monster drink, and a laptop. The usual scene here at ViddlerHQ.


  • Comic Life Magiq – from plasq

    plasq continues to amaze.  Adding onto the Comic Life brand, which includes Comic Life for Mac and Windows, is Comic Life Magiq.  What is the difference?  Comic Life Magiq is a big brother to Comic Life, it has more "pro" type features like image editing, and it is Leopard-only. "With creative features rivaling ‘Pro’ applications, […]


  • tours ILM campus

    Drool. To be more specific, Open Road TV visits San Francisco’s Presidio, which is now a National Park, and goes on to explain its many changes over the years.  One of the places they stop, is at George Lucas’ Industrial Light and Magic campus. "Explore San Francisco’s fabled Presidio, now a national park, and go […]


  • Re-watching Indiana Jones: The Raiders of the Lost Ark

    Raiders of the Lost Ark debuted in movie theaters in 1981, when I was only one year old.  I don’t remember the first time, nor how many times, I saw this movie – but I do know that I loved it as a child, and now I know I really enjoy it as an adult too. Sure […]


  • Sprint vs. Apple, round one, FIGHT!

    Coming this summer:  Sprint vs. Apple.  Instinct vs. iPhone.  Who has got the guts to win? I’ve seen this reported in a few places, that Sprint is going to spend $100,000,000 on a marketing campaign aimed directly against the iPhone.  Why am I the only one that loves this? For the first time in nearly […]


  • Dan Phiffer’s Web site

    I am not even sure how I came across this site.  A few days ago I found myself browsing Dan Phiffer’s Web site and I have to say, it is probably one of the more innovative sites I’ve seen in a while. There are some drawbacks, however: After visiting the site numerous times you kinda […]


  • Indy catch up

    Catching up on Indiana Jones, in style.


  • Leopard’s Spotlight window isn’t as good as Tiger’s was

    I don’t think I’m alone in this thinking either.  On Mac OS X Tiger, when you searched for something, the list that appeared is much like the list that appears now, under Leopard.  Leopard’s speed improvements for these searches, when compared to Tiger, is undeniable and welcome.  Where Spotlight in Leopard begins to break down […]


  • An electrical storm on Saturn

    Have you checked the weather today?  Oh, but have you checked the weather on Saturn today?  Neither did I.  But it seems, according to yesterday’s Astronomy Picture of the Day, courtesy of NASA, that there is an electrical storm on Saturn that has lasted at least 3 months. Saturn. Early March, 2008. Extraterrestrial storms are not […]


  • Indiana Jones desktop and icons

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] The crew over at the Iconfactory, who are the creators of Twitterrific among many other things, are doing a tribute to Indiana Jones this month.  Here is a snap of my desktop, which I took using Skitch, to see the icons and one of their desktops in action: You too can sport […]


  • The CSS Selector proposal explained for CSS noobs

    I am not well versed in CSS.  I can get around.  I can make a site look pretty good in Safari and horrible in Internet Explorer (look at this site in IE for a great example).  But I’m a hacker at best.  I fiddle with CSS until something looks right, I don’t follow conventions or […]


  • Bethlehem, PA

    Taken while walking to get coffee.


  • MNF – Buffalo, NY

    I am neither a Cowboys nor Bills fan, but I still went to a Monday Night Football game there. Must have been for booze.


  • Pittsburgh beer

    Too many choices? I’d like to think just enough.


  • Sameer Barkawi reviews Iron Man

    My friend Sameer Barkawi, distinguished actor, and fellow writer at TUG.n (though I’ve been absent for a while) recently jotted his thoughts down about Iron Man.  Here are a few key points from the review. "Would I recommend this film? I think so. It’s not a strong recommendation, though. Consider it an appetizer for the […]


  • Table at Panera

    One of the many days of working at Panera. This one Eliza, Chris, and Andrew were there.


  • The missing iPhone ringtone

    You know that ringtone you hear in the iPhone ads?  It is the same ringtone that is not included on your iPhone!  I have no idea why, either. I just downloaded it, dragged it into iTunes, synced it onto my iPhone, and tested the ringtone.  It is great.  It is loud.  It progressively gets louder […]


  • The number one

    The first floor in a parking garage.


  • The Ta-da Lists widget is down captain Keegan!

    Keegan Jones‘ (among others) Ta-da Lists Widget is down! The erring widget. I began reusing Ta-da Lists recently when I found out about the iPhone support.  It works beautifully.  When I think of something while I’m on the go, I can add a ta-da list item with my iPhone painlessly.  When I’m back at my […]


  • Tomorrow’s news

    Taken somewhere around 2am while walking in downtown Pittsburgh.


Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.

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