Search results for: “google”

  • Stop relying on Google

    Slowly, over the last decade, I’ve been pulling myself away from using Google services. Over 10 years ago I tried instead of Google Search. It took a few years, but once it stuck, I haven’t turned back. I bet the number of searches I make on Google per month is in the single digits.…

  • Tom Elenbaas in Iceland shot on Google Pixel 2 XL

    Tom Elenbaas at Gjáin in Iceland, September 2018 In September 2018, when we visited Iceland, we ran into photographer Tom Elenbaas ankle deep in the waters of Gjáin in the south. I took the above photo of him with my Google Pixel 2 XL. I hadn’t revisited his site in a while but I stopped…

  • Google Pixel 4 wishlist

    Yes, I know there have been leaks galore regarding the Google Pixel 4. While I’ve seen the leaks I haven’t paid much attention to them. I’ve tried to ignore them so that I could be at least a little surprised when it is announced. I currently have the Google Pixel 2 XL. I’ve had it…

  • My interpretations of announcements by Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter

    Apple pre-announcing something: “We’re excited to get this in customer’s hands late next year”. My interpretation: “We never pre-announce things. Why are we doing this? We’re terrible at it. In fact, we make fun of other companies for doing it! Steve Jobs would never allow this! (mostly) We must be doing this because some group…

  • Google Pixel Night Sight on a Google Pixel 2 XL compared to iPhone Xs

    My wife has a brand-new iPhone Xs and I have a one-year-old Google Pixel 2 XL. We always compare photos in a variety of situations. When she had the iPhone X my Pixel 2 XL would win handily in a variety of situations. Her new iPhone Xs wins here and there (e.g. in Portrait mode…

  • Google+ shutting down for consumers

    Ben Smith: Given these challenges and the very low usage of the consumer version of Google+, we decided to sunset the consumer version of Google+. Thank heavens. Also, this bit: At the same time, we have many enterprise customers who are finding great value in using Google+ within their companies. Our review showed that Google+…

  • Om Malik on Google Photos vs Apple Photos

    I’ve finally found some time this morning to read Om Malik’s post on Google Photos vs Apple Photos – a post that has been sitting in my Unmark queue since the day he published it. Om Malik: The improvements in Google Photos and lack of magic in Apple Photos sometimes make me wonder if I…

  • A review of the Google Pixel 2 XL and Android 8.1 by a longtime iPhone user

    After 10 years of using iOS as my primary mobile platform I’ve decided to give Android more than just a casual try. This post is my review both of the Google Pixel 2 XL and Android 8.1 as well as a few comparisons I’ve drawn between iOS and Android ecosystems. I’ve been an Apple fan…

  • Seth Godin on Google’s Promotions Inbox

    Seth Godin, in an open letter to Google: Imagine that your mailman takes all the magazines you subscribe to, mixes them in with the junk mail you never asked for, and dumps all of it in a second mailbox, one that you don’t see on your way into the house every day. And when you…

  • Android Excellence on Google Play

    Kacey Fahey on the Android Developers Blog just sort of gave out some awards: Every day developers around the world are hard at work creating high quality apps and games on Android. Striving to deliver amazing experiences for an ever growing diverse user base, we’ve seen a significant increase in the level of polish and…

  • Goodbye Google Instant Search

    Barry Schwartz for Search Engine Land re: Google killing Instant Search: Now as you type, you will only see search suggestions and then be able to click on those suggestions to see the results. The search results will not load any result pages without clicking on a search suggestion or clicking enter. As I said…

  • Goodbye

    BBC: Google is adding a personalised Facebook-style news feed to its homepage – -to show users content they may be interested in before they search. End of an era.

  • Google Assistant for iOS is a clunky mess

    Karissa Bell for Mashable: For starters, Assistant’s iOS app is a confusing, disjointed, mess. You’d think the Assistant would be able to easily link up with all your other Google services, but that wasn’t the case in my initial testing. It isn’t often that I agree with an article on Mashable. However, in this case…

  • Google I/O 2017 wish list

    I figured that since I wrote my Build 2017 wish list and the reviewed that list after the event, and that I plan on doing the same for WWDC this year, it would only be prudent to write down my wishes for Google I/O as well. At first when I sat down to write this list…

  • Cartographic comparison between Google and Apple Maps

    Justin O’Beirne: In this series of essays, we’ll compare and contrast the cartographic designs of Google Maps and Apple Maps. We’ll take a look at what’s on each map and how each map is styled, and we’ll try to uncover the biggest differences between the two. The intro and parts 1 and 2 are already published.…

  • Google’s AMP is a gilded cage

    Terence Eden: If, like me, you made the mistake of trying out AMP on your website – you’re in a tricky position if you try to remove it. Google doesn’t like anything leaving its clutches. I appreciate nothing about AMP. In fact, I don’t click any links that use it in protest. /via Jeremy Keith.

  • Warning: Gmail affected by Google Drive space

    A few months ago I gave Google Photos a trial. I wanted to give the service a real, honest test so I purchased one of Google’s larger Drive plans (1 TB) and started uploading. Google Photos is great. In fact, the only reason I didn’t stick with it was because — like so many Google things…

  • Stop tracking referral spam with Google Analytics

    Nice tip from Scott Buscemi on the Luminary Web Strategies blog: Have you ever logged into Google Analytics and noticed a huge, unexpected spike in traffic to your site? Maybe your last blog post was shared by a huge influencer on Twitter — or maybe you’re the victim of referral spam. One simple click. Be…

  • Why are YouTube and Google+ connected? What a terrible decision.

    Why are YouTube and Google+ connected? What a terrible decision.

  • Hoping Apple sees Google Photos and is inspired to add more search algorithms to Photos on OS X.

    Hoping Apple sees Google Photos and is inspired to add more search algorithms to Photos on OS X.

  • Playback any Google Doc’s keystrokes

    James Somers: If you’ve ever typed anything into a Google Doc, you can now play it back as if it were a movie — like traveling through time to look over your own shoulder as you write. For a while now Google Docs, or Drive, or Docs Drive, or whatever they are calling it today,…

  • Google Inbox

    Google, yesterday: Today, we’re introducing something new. It’s called Inbox. Years in the making, Inbox is by the same people who brought you Gmail, but it’s not Gmail: it’s a completely different type of inbox, designed to focus on what really matters. That “years in the making” part screams “we thought of this before Mailbox but didn’t…

  • Google I/O Keynote 2014

    I do not think it is fair to compare Apple’s WWDC keynote with Google’s I/O keynote. It should be fair. But the two simply do not compare. It should be fair because WWDC and I/O are both developer conferences. WWDC and I/O both begin by largely attended, well rehearsed, staged keynotes by top executives at…

  • Google’s New Self-Driving Car

    Google recently introduced a new self-driving car at Code Conference. This was slightly different than their previous self-driving cars in that they manufactured the entire car as well as the system that drives it. Liz Gannes, at Re/Code: The car — which was conceived and designed by Google, unlike the ones it previously modified —…

  • Google’s Newspaper Archive

    I don’t remember ever seeing this; Google’s Newspaper Archive. Wow. /via Coudal.

  • Glucose level measuring smart contact lenses by Google[x]

    Brian Otis and Babak Parvis on the Official Google Blog: We’re now testing a smart contact lens that’s built to measure glucose levels in tears using a tiny wireless chip and miniaturized glucose sensor that are embedded between two layers of soft contact lens material. Whatever we think about Google these days this sort of…

  • How to turn off Google‘s new Gmail option that allows strangers to send you emails

    Yesterday The Verge revealed that Google “made it really easy for strangers to email you”. Google being Google. No one can out-Google Google. Anyway, TUAW shows how to turn it off.

  • Open Google Maps with Siri

    Just about everyone is saying that the new Google Maps app for iOS is a big win for users. But, one thing that is holding it back from being truly great is the level at which it can be integrated into iOS. Well, here is one tip to open Google Maps with Siri that should…

  • Siri vs. Google Voice Search

    Gizmodo did a side-by-side comparison of Google’s new Voice Search app on iPhone and Siri. Google wins every single time. I’ve been using Google a bit on my iPhone 5 over the last 24 hours or so and it is blazingly fast. Siri, obviously, is far more integrated into iOS and can open applications, set…

  • Apple Maps uses far less cellular data than Google Maps

    Team Onavo: "Our data experts performed an identical series of activities on Google Maps and Apple Maps that included searching for several US cities, addresses and airports and zooming in and out to locate specific locations. On Google Maps, the average data loaded from the cellular network for each step was 1.3MB. Apple Maps came…

  • Eric Schmidt, jinxing Google’s self-driving cars

    Eric Schmidt, on Google’s self-driving cars: self-driving cars should become the predominant mode of transportation in our lifetime I’m glad he said "should" but if anyone can jinx a project it is Eric Schmidt.

  • Google scuttles a few things

    Google recently scuttled a few of their products with very little fanfare. What worries me, and others, is that one day Google Reader will be on this list. I think it is only a matter of time.

  • Google Maps will get better 3D

    I use Google Maps almost daily. Not just for traveling or directions but also to explore the world around me. So, I’m happy that Google is investing time, energy, technology and lots of money into Maps. I’m not too happy about this bit from Frederic Lardinois at AOL Techcrunch: Google doesn’t want to say when…

  • Google removes 1 million links a month from search results

    David Kravets for Wired: Each month, Google removes more than 1 million links to infringing content such as movies, video games, music and software from its search results — with about half of those requests for removal last month coming from Microsoft. Interesting stuff. I’m surprised that number is so low. I’m not surprised that…

  • Google+  still hasn’t caught on in a meaningful way

    Yours truly in August of last year on The plusses and minuses of Google+  – filed under minuses: For any social networking service the single biggest reason they fail is lack of adoption. While Google has become the fastest growing site of-all-time that doesn’t mean that people are using it. In my Circles (get it?)…

  • More Google searches for Tumblr than for blog. Unless you act now!

    Quick, everyone run over to Google and search for blog before this happens.

  • Google has over 60 million profiles. Not users.

    I’m glad someone is finally saying it. Eric Eldon for Aol/Techcrunch: "That’s not 62 million active users, though — a point that everyone covering these numbers seems to have missed. It’s just the number of total users. And specifically, it’s the number of new surnames that Allen’s team has tracked being created on the service. Because…

  • GAget – A Google Analytics Widget for Mac OS X

    The Mac OS X Dashboard is something I seem to use less and less. I think the Dashboard widget is a fantastic way to build small applications or utilities to help people keep track of something, do some quick math, etc. but these widgets don’t seem to get as much attention as they deserve. There…

  • on Google

    If you use the Google you may want to add the page to your Circles. So, to recap, you can now subscribe to in the following ways; RSS feed, @cdevroecom on Twitter, Facebook page, Google page, and carrier pigeon (coming soon). Oh, I’ve got a personal account on Twitter, Facebook, and Google too.

  • Google Wallet

    It is about time. Paying for things using a phone has been a dream of mine for some time. I’m a debit card type of guy not a cash carrying type of guy. Being able to ditch my wallet altogether and use my phone to pay for something would make things even easier. [Google Wallet](…

  • Google needs a V

    I saw this and immediately thought of a company that they could buy.

  • A shorter URL for Google Maps

    > "Starting today, when obtaining a link to a Google Map using the ‘Link’ button on the upper right-hand corner of the page, you now have the option of obtaining a convenient, shortened link by clicking on the ‘Short URL’ check box. Shortened URLs can make it easier to coordinate events and share maps with…

  • The plusses and minuses of Google+

    This might get a little long in the tooth so you may want to top-up that beverage. Google has run me over like a freight train. Over the last few weeks I’ve been living on it instead of Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare. In fact, I made the prediction that Google could replace many of the most…

  • Some thoughts on Google Chrome removing support for H.264 video playback

    I have to say, this makes very little sense. It is the Chrome team’s prerogative to add or remove any feature from their browser that they’d like to but the reasons they’ve given simply do not make much sense. At least not from my desk or the desk’s of others. John Gruber, as he typically…

  • The Logitech Revue/Google TV commercial with Kevin Bacon

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] I’m with Gruber – I have no idea if this will help Google and Logitech sell anymore Google TVs or Logitech Revues but I love this commercial.

  • Google Instant

    I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Google Instant seeing how I like it so much. I think Google Instant is the best thing to happen to search since "the realtime web" services like Twitter and Facebook added search to their services. These two things are not directly connected – I simply see them both…

  • Google vs. Apple – Tech War II?

    Apple vs. Microsoft was a tech war for the ages. The two companies battled each other vigorously. Who won? Some would say Microsoft clearly won based on marketshare while others think they simply sold out and made an inferior product to Apple. However, the clear winner was neither company – it was us, the consumers,…

  • Easy page translation with Google Chrome

    From the department of ‘I never knew I’d really need that’ comes the latest Google Chrome update that makes it dead simple to translate a Web page from many different languages into your native one. I hadn’t realized how many Web sites I’d been missing out on until this update rolled through. Then I found…

  • Google Buzz and the whole Google Accounts fiasco

    Yesterday Google began to release Google Buzz to its Gmail users. Buzz appears to be a compelling service – especially since it plugs right into something many of us use already. For more information about what Buzz is and does visit the Google Buzz site for a nice demo. I can’t have much more of…

  • Switching to Google Chrome Developer channel

    For months I’ve been using Chromium the open source browser that powers Google Chrome. Using Chromium had its advantages and disadvantages. I had the bleeding edge of what was offered by the Chromium team – whether it was stable or not. But, I also had to manually update my personal copy of Chromium on a…