Tag: photography

  • \”My Fares\” by Joseph Rodriguez

    Joseph Rodriguez: It was not unusual to see shoe-shiners outside of Grand Central. They’re not there anymore. I think it’s a Banana Republic now. Incredible photo portfolio backed with incredible stories. /via Kottke.

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  • \”My Fares\” by Joseph Rodriguez

    Joseph Rodriguez: It was not unusual to see shoe-shiners outside of Grand Central. They’re not there anymore. I think it’s a Banana Republic now. Incredible photo portfolio backed with incredible stories. /via Kottke.

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  • \”My Fares\” by Joseph Rodriguez

    Joseph Rodriguez: It was not unusual to see shoe-shiners outside of Grand Central. They’re not there anymore. I think it’s a Banana Republic now. Incredible photo portfolio backed with incredible stories. /via Kottke.

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  • Austin Mann’s iPhone 8 Plus camera review

    Austin Mann: While the iPhone 8 Plus looks essentially the same as the phone we’ve had since the 6 Plus, there are some new features in the 8 Plus which really impact creative pros across the board — most notably Portrait Lighting, along with a few other hidden gems. As per usual for Austin, he…

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  • Capturing the ISS’s transit of the Sun during the eclipse

    This is quite a feat. Photographer Trevor Mahlmann figured out where you’d need to be within the path of totality in order to capture the International Space Station transiting the sun during the eclipse. That alone is pretty awesome. But there was a hitch. The land area that you’d need to be on in order…

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  • Aerial photos of a few wineries

    In late April Eliza and I took a weekend day drive to visit some wineries in the tristate area of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. We wanted to visit a few wineries we had never been to before and the beauty of that region alone is worth the drive. We both take tons of…

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  • Multiple photos and videos in a single post on Instagram

    Instagram: With this update, you no longer have to choose the single best photo or video from an experience you want to remember. Now, you can combine up to 10 photos and videos in one post and swipe through to see them all. Fantastic update and finally one that is different than most, if not…

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  • Photos app updated on iCloud

    Jesse Hollington at iLounge: Apple has debuted a major update to its web-based iCloud Photos app at iCloud.com, presenting a new user interface that more closely resembles the macOS Photos app. Major is a good word to describe this update. You’ll even notice the ‘url’ for the app is now #photos2 on iCloud.com. The app…

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  • Thirty days of images

    Each morning, at around 9am Eastern, a new image is published to my blog. I schedule these posts each weekend (I even built a WordPress plugin to help me) and they publish automatically without any other interference from me. I’ve just hit 30 consecutive days of this schedule and I’d like to keep it up in…

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  • How to fix bad thumbnails in Photos on macOS Sierra

    Since updating to macOS Sierra my Photos library will show some bad thumbnails that are either completely black or have black "bars" on them. Here is just one example that I managed to screenshot (see: top left photo). If you come across this issue it is pretty easy to fix. Right-click (or, control+click, or two-finger…

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  • Exploring Conservation Island in Promised Land State Park

    It takes me just over an hour get to Promised Land State Park. (See also, park map.) Because it isn’t too close to home I’ve only been to this park twice. Once two years ago to kayak and again just a few weeks ago with Jonathan Edwards to do a little UAV flying and hiking. We…

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  • Save your Faces before upgrading to macOS Sierra

    I’ve been tweeting, and created a Moment, regarding the fact that Photos on macOS Sierra has gotten rid of the "Faces" feature in favor of a new "People" feature. This wipes out all of your hard work tagging people in photos. Personally this means I’ve lost hundreds of hours. But, you don’t have to. And it…

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  • Dan Rubin’s iPhone 7 Plus ring light portraits

    Friend Dan Rubin took the new iPhone 7 Plus out for a test-drive using a ring light. On whether or not the iPhone 7 Plus is the best smartphone to get for jumping into photography: Is it the best place to start if you’re just trading up to a smartphone for photography? I don’t think…

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  • Tips for new drone owners

    After a few weeks of trial and error, (lots, and lots of error) video tutorial binging, manual devouring, and literally swimming for and losing my first UAV, I thought it might be good to jot down some tips for new drone owners. So here they are, in no order, but all worth considering: Fly over…

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  • Taking flight

    I had been thinking and talking about buying a UAV, drone, quadcopter* (whatever you personally call them) for a long time now. Many months. When they first hit the scene they were way out of my price range. These days they are not only affordable but incredibly capable and simple to use. Of course my…

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  • Add a hobby that forces you to explore

    I’ve been thinking a lot about a quote Matt Mullenweg wrote about earlier this year. It reads: Find three hobbies you love: one to make you money, one to keep you in shape, and one to be creative. I’m going to drop in my own personal suggestion that we add a hobby that also forces us to explore. I’ve noticed something in myself,…

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  • What Photos for OS X and iOS will be able to automatically detect in iOS 10

    Alternate title: My hopes are low for object detection in the new Photos but I still have hope Reddit user vista980622 dig some digital sleuthing and may have come up with the list of over 4,000 objects, memories, and facial expressions that Photos for iOS and OS X will be able to mine all on its own…

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  • Got Loop’d

    It is always a pleasure to be linked to from The Loop. Yesterday, one of my posts about Photos for OS X and what I think can be done to improve it, was linked to (at my behest) by Dave Mark. My link is in good company there. Be sure to check out the other…

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  • Wirelessly transfer files from a GoPro using any computer without software

    Follow me on Twitter. And be sure to subscribe to my blog. (Skip to the bottom of this post if you just want to know how to connect to your GoPro using an internet browser.) As I mentioned my GoPro Hero3+ Silver Edition has been giving me issues lately. It started 6 months ago as…

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  • Thomasz Furmanek, Kayaker, Instagrammer

    I’ve been following Thomasz Furmanek on Instagram for a few years already (right around the time I got my first kayak, the Oru Kayak, which is the same one Furmanek uses). I liked this bit in his photographic interview with Daily Mail: The kayak enables me to travel to remote places and show people these places…

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  • Improving Photos for OS X and iOS and iCloud Photo Library

    I’ll start out this post, as most empathic developers would, by saying that I realize how hard syncing is. It is incredibly hard to get right. The fact that it works at all is magic. It is amazing. And I’m tickled that I even have it. That being said, we’re a few years away from…

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  • Microsculpture by Levon Bliss

    Incredible composite photos of insects by Levon Bliss. My final images are made up of somewhere between 8 and 10 thousand images. He takes as many photos of one insect as Eliza and I do all year.

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  • The cost of Unsplash

    Luke Chesser shares what it cost to run Unsplash in February (minus humans): Hopefully getting a behind-the-scenes look at what it costs to run a site like Unsplash will help you with your own business, or at least give you a better understanding of what’s involved. It is nice when people share information like this…

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  • Is GoPro doomed?

    Those that follow along here on my blog know that I love my GoPro. And I “only” have the HERO 3. See this, this, this, this, and this for examples of me playing around with my GoPro. GoPro’s stock price and sales figures are plummeting. And as I sit here, going over everything they have, and…

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  • A few iCloud Photo Library observations

    Somewhat related: Photo stats and observations. I began the switch to iCloud Photo Library a few days ago and so far it has been a mixed experience. Since weaving a good narrative is not in my wheelhouse, here is a laundry list of observations that I’ve made over the last few days. iCloud Photo Library…

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  • Photo stats and observations

    As I’ve been moving my photos from Picturelife into Photos for OS X over the passed two weeks I’ve run across some interesting observations so I thought I’d jot them down. ![](http://static.public.getbarley.com/colin.getbarley.com/barley-media-uploads/2016/3/Screenshot 2016-03-11 07.19.29-1457698947518.png) Here are some statistics in no particular order: We take a lot of photos in October, August, and June. This is…

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  • Brent Pennington’s photos from NEPA BlogCon 2015

    Brent Pennington, official photographer for NEPA BlogCon 2015, on his blog: I’ve had a unique perspective on BlogCon, both by being the organization’s official photographer and due to the fact that I live with one of the co-organizers. From it’s humble upstart beginnings, NEPA BlogCon has grown and matured into a powerful, full-featured conference that…

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  • Shooting San Francisco with GoPro

    This summer I’ve found myself shooting with my GoPro Hero3 a lot. And not just while kayaking. I really dig the perspective and most of what is captured is fairly Instagrammable. I’ll also mention that the GoPro form factor is less obtrusive than the iPhone in that people hardly notice the GoPro at all. In…

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  • What is a Panoselfie?

    They aren’t new. You can find them if you dig. But they aren’t “a thing” and I think they should be. So, yesterday I created a Flickr group called Panoselfies. I recommend giving it a try. How: Put your phone on pano mode Point it just over your right shoulder Slowly rotate your wrist as the…

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  • Hard Links and Photos for OS X

    Jason Snell, after reviewing the beta of Photos for OS X, has figured out how Apple imports photos into the new Photos for OS X without taking up any additional space: It creates hard links to the contents of your iPhoto library inside the Photos library. If you delete your iPhoto library, the files that…

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  • Salvador Dalí in Print

    This weekend we at Coalwork sponsored a local blogging event called NEPA BlogCon. You can read more about that on the Coalwork blog. While visiting Misericordia University I popped my head into the Salvador Dalí in Print exhibit, which they have on loan from Elizabeth Marrow. Dalí was a trip. Nice exhibit. (Side note: Check…

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  • Flickr Premium?

    Danny Nicolas has been keeping up with my Flickr commentary of late about how Flickr should create a more affordable, less feature-rich account type and he has a few things to add: I feel as if most people currently paying for Flickr Pro don’t take advantage of all the features offered. I might even go…

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  • 365 photos by Marisa McClellan

    Marisa McClellan is shooting a photo per-day and posting it to her blog (and Flickr account if you’d prefer). Most of her photos are fairly drool worthy but the above tips the scales (you know, because of the cast iron). She’s up to 38 or so. I’ll be watching every single one. Other projects like…

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  • How to: Delete photos from within Smart Albums in iPhoto

    I use Smart Albums in iPhoto for a number of reasons, which I plan on covering in an upcoming post, but every once and a while I find a few photos that I’d like to delete. Not just delete from the Smart Album but actually delete from my entire Library. Until today I had not…

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