Tag: flickr

  • Diversions #9: The garlic of March

    The sun has returned! I mean, it has always been there. Relatively speaking in the same place it was over the last few months. But the Earth’s tilt is such that as it revolves around the nearest star the portion on which I live (the northern hemisphere) is getting ever so slightly closer and faces…

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  • Disbanding the POSSE

    For the past several years I’ve been POSSE-ing. In Indieweb terms that means to publish content on my own site and syndicate it to other platforms. I’ve decided I’m going to discontinue using automation in favor of manually writing posts for each of the platforms I want to post to. I’m doing this for 3…

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  • Glass observations – an update

    One year ago I wrote Glass observations, a post wherein I wrote about the state of sharing photos on the web, and what I thought about the photo sharing app Glass. This morning I read that post anew to see if my opinion still stands – it does. So if you missed it and were…

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  • Micro.blog adds Flickr support

    Manton Reece: This is for people who have a Flickr account that has gone unused, but who know there’s value on Flickr if only it was easier to remember to use it. Nice simple feature. I’m sure many will dig it. Glad to see Flickr being added to anything these days. All Flickr fans should…

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  • Glass observations

    Glass, a new photo sharing app, has been making the rounds this week since it launched to the public, via an invite only roll out, and has had a fair bit of press and photographer fain fare. I gave away a few invites myself. First, a bit of background material you may want to peruse…

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #85: August 5, 2021

    Penelope in a basket This week was full of family visitors and new kittens. Oh, and of course links!

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  • What I saw somewhat recently #78: May 27, 2021

    I missed last week due to being very busy at work.

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  • Photography isn’t my job

    Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. That’s the saying, right? What can also happen, though, is that by doing your hobby as work you can suck all of the joy out of that hobby for yourself. I make some money doing photography. But, by and large, my photography…

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  • Marcus Peddle on Flickr

    Marcus Peddle: Creating portfolio pages is a hassle on WordPress even though there are a number of photography templates. Adding photos is time consuming and I am rarely happy with the layout. Making albums and browsing on Flickr, however, is easy. I can make an album in just a couple of minutes and the layout…

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  • I do not like Reels

    Instagram has been the place that Facebook jams all of its cloned-app-features into for the last few years. When it copied Snapchat it jammed all of the features into Instagram. And now, as it clones TikTok, it is jamming those features into Instagram as well. The Snapchat-like features are easy enough to ignore if you…

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  • Large companies aren’t good homes for beloved services

    (I had no idea what to title this post.) Peter Kafka, reporting for Recode earlier this year, re: Verizon shuttering relatively large services they’ve purchased over the years rather than “bothering” to sell them off (like they did with Flickr): So if Verizon thinks a property with 100 million users is better off dead than…

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  • What I saw this week #55 – February 8, 2018

    I want to be regular with this series. I do. I’ve just been busy. Sorry. Here are some links that you might find interesting. I did.

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  • Is Instagram about to plummet?

    When Instagram first started to hit popularity – long after their failed attempt at being a check-in service – the app was all about photo filters. Anyone could snap a photo with their phone and quickly add a filter to make it look “better” or at least more interesting. It made everyone feel like a…

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  • Join me for MeToday Week on Flickr from May 7 – 13, 2018

    Since Flickr’s acquisition to SmugMug I’ve been thinking about how best to jump back in over there. Back in the old days we posted things called MeTodays (now called selfies) and they were quite a thing. So I think I’ll start there again. Join me for one week of posting MeToday’s to Flickr’s MeToday Group.…

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  • On the acquisition of Flickr by SmugMug

    Thomas Hawk: As someone who joined Flickr back in 2003 pre-Yahoo and has been on the site pretty much daily since then, I thought I’d share my own thoughts on what this acquisition might mean for Flickr users and the larger Flickr community. No one has perspective on Flickr like Thomas. Go read his entire…

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  • YouTube has replaced TV for me (and, how to use the Watch Later playlist)

    I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube lately. More specifically, I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube on my TV lately. Here is how I do it but first, a bit of background on my personal YouTube habits. For the first few years of YouTube the only videos that I would see were the viral or…

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  • Flickr Premium?

    Danny Nicolas has been keeping up with my Flickr commentary of late about how Flickr should create a more affordable, less feature-rich account type and he has a few things to add: I feel as if most people currently paying for Flickr Pro don’t take advantage of all the features offered. I might even go…

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  • My island on this ocean

    Me, over four years ago: As it stands I post what I’m currently doing to Twitter, I am testing out Pownce with mobile blogging, events, links, and files, I post mobile phone photos to Flickr (as well as the occasional screenshot), videos go on Viddler, bookmarks end up on Ma.gnolia, tasting notes end up on Cork’d, and my thoughts on Appleproducts find their way…

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  • 365 photos by Marisa McClellan

    Marisa McClellan is shooting a photo per-day and posting it to her blog (and Flickr account if you’d prefer). Most of her photos are fairly drool worthy but the above tips the scales (you know, because of the cast iron). She’s up to 38 or so. I’ll be watching every single one. Other projects like…

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  • The Web 2.0 Expo experience

    When I first found out that the entire Viddler team would be going to San Francisco for the Web 2.0 Expo – I wasn’t sure of what to expect from the Expo. Would it be a social (tshirt and jeans) or more a professional (suit and tie) type of conference? And really, it turned out…

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  • Hobby projects

    I always like to have at least one or two hobby projects going. All work and no play makes Colin a dull boy you know. Sometimes I’m ready to start up brand new projects, stuff I haven’t done before or whatever. This time, however, I’m thinking about redoing something I’ve already done. (Image missing) I’m…

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