Tag: featured
Does my blog need to support ActivityPub?
I have my reservations about whether or not blogs (specifically my blog) should federate content via ActivityPub. Isn’t RSS enough?
What software should be
It used to be, that I was the first person in line to download new software. I’d sign up for beta access, email developers for early looks at what they were working on, or even install beta software on my daily devices. But as time went on, I valued my productivity more than having the…
On the need to disrupt the structure of a blog
Chris Armstrong, advocating for a digital garden over a blog structure: A blog structure places the highest emphasis on ‘what’s new’… but what’s new has had the least scrutiny and little authority. Robin Rendle linked to Armstrong’s post recently and reading it reminded me of my 2011 post The blog format is ready for disruption.…
How I use Anybox
Saving links to get back to at a later time is a problem with a million great solutions. I even helped create an open source one that is still chugging along, works great, but hasn’t been updated in far too long. My current solution to this problem is an app called Anybox. I’ve been using…
One year at NerdPress
I look back at my first year at NerdPress, what we’ve accomplished so far, and that I’m very excited for what’s next.
Diversions #7: Additional progress
A summary of some travel, the addition, the new laptop, and ActivityPub trials.
Re: Bluesky
We now live in a time where many smaller social networks exist, some of them will likely exist for decades to come, and most of them may never reach hundreds of millions of monthly active users and that is a very good thing for the web. It is a bit messy, somewhat confusing, and totally…
Using static websites as personal archives
Over coffee this morning, browsing my unreads in NetNewsWire, I stumbled on Simon Willison’s mention of Alex Chan’s “Using static websites as tiny archives” post. And then I saw Jeremy Keith also mention it. So I thought I’d mention it to! There’s no web server, no build system, no dependencies, and no JavaScript frameworks. I’m…
Three key takeaways from FinCon 2024
A few NerdPress team members sponsored/exhibited at FinCon 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia this past week and I thought I’d distill the numerous conversations I had with attendees, speakers, and sponsors into three key takeaways. Visiting Atlanta in fall is… very warm! It was nice to be downtown and see the FinCon audience be so enthusiastic…
Thoughts on Automattic vs. WP Engine
In this post, I’m sharing my personal thoughts on the Automattic vs. WP Engine trademark dispute. These views are my own and may not reflect those of my employer or anyone else on my team. Additionally, this should not be seen as a comprehensive retelling of the events from the past few weeks. Much has…
Diversions #6: The Grapes of September
In Diversions #6 I write about making grape jelly, canning projects, a trip to Virginia, and share some links.
My appearance on The Food Blogger Pro Podcast Episode 437
As I mentioned last week on Mastodon, I was invited, along with NerdPress CEO Andrew Wilder, on The Food Blogger Pro Podcast. Here is the episode: It is also, of course, available wherever you get your podcasts. Here are some useful links to the episode in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Overcast. The conversation was wide…
Diversions #4: Tree branches and LLMs
Diversions is the central hub for news about the membership, behind-the-scenes details of my personal projects, as well as a wide variety of links to people, places, and things that inspire me. A bit of housekeeping: I’m turning Diversions public. While a fair number of people have signed up for both free and paid memberships…
Diversions #3: Gardening, Remodeling a camper, Designing an addition
Diversions is the central hub for news about the membership, behind-the-scenes details of my personal projects, as well as a wide variety of links to people, places, and things that inspire me. Living this far north means that for a quarter of our year we seem to do much less outdoors. The warmer weather brings,…
Diversions #2: From Chicago to Assateague
Diversions is the central hub for news about the membership, behind-the-scenes details of my personal projects, as well as a wide variety of links to people, places, and things that inspire me. Chitown! I spent a few unseasonably warm days in Chicago on a work trip with the NerdPress team. It was my first time meeting…
Switcheroo – An open source Little Arc for Safari
This post details a macOS app that recreates features from Little Arc in Safari. The post and source code were available for members only until April 3rd, 2024 and are now public. One of Arc’s best features is Little Arc — a small Quick Look like window that appears whenever you click a link in…
Diversions #1: I have no business owning this camera
This is the first edition of an all-new series of posts and future email newsletter that will be part of a new membership on my personal website. Diversions is the central hub for news about the membership, behind-the-scenes details of my personal projects, as well as a wide variety of links to people, places, and…
The first rebuilding blocks
Korczak Ziolkowski wakes up early on a bitter cold winter’s morning – the same way he has for several decades – after breakfasting and a few mugs of the hottest coffee his palette can stand, he shoulders his tool belt and trods his way in knee-high snow to the eastern wall of the Crazy Horse…
My appearance on This Week in WordPress #285
My thanks to Nathan Wrigley for having me as a guest on This Week in WordPress #285. (YouTube/Apple Podcasts) Show notes There are a few links on the WP Builds website for this episode but I thought I’d share some of the links I mentioned in the episode as well. It was a lot of…
The greatest productivity hack of all time
The greatest productivity hack of all time is working less. Slack recently published new research into desk worker productivity. It is a worthy read – however, it sheds light on something that most desk workers already inherently know: longer hours do not mean greater productivity. I have put a lot of personal focus on trying…
Photos from Chisholm Vineyards in Feburary 2020
For many years now Eliza and I have preferred to slow down and take our time on road trips rather than feeling rushed to get to our destination. We like to visit tucked away places. Do a little shopping. Or enjoy a drink. This usually adds about a day of traveltime to any of our…
Talkers and writers
Mandy Brown, on two modes of thinking and how we should all try to practice both to be useful to our colleagues: “Talkers need to recognize that not everyone loves to think out loud, and that giving space for writing is part of what it means to make use of the best brains around you.…
Dear Arc
As an avid Safari fanatic, I’m reluctant to dive into a new browser backed by any company with a business model I find… elusive. I’ve been giving Arc a spin every few releases since signing up for the beta and each time it has improved a lot. Just yesterday I was chatting with our creative…