Weigh in: April 27, 2009
If I were to graph my week of activity it’d look something like the silhouette of a camel standing in the sunset. The beginning of the week started out great with a really great basketball session on Monday and Wednesday and we finished off the week strong with some basketball on Sunday evening. In between […]
Omlettes for breakfast
Mmm, bacon. Seriously, if you don’t like cast iron – we may not get along. I won’t hate you or anything, I just won’t invite you to parties, want to hang out with you and discuss topics that are important to you, or generally take your opinion on anything seriously.
Junto posters by P’unk Avenue.
I have yet to find the time to make the trek to Philadelphia for Junto, "a club of mutual improvement", but I have been paying attention to the visual works of P’unk Ave – the design studio run by my friend Geoff DiMasi and his excellent team – for the club. Namely, the posters. I’ve […]
Random 60: What can save newspapers?
[viddler id-5ef97dad h-280 w-420] Random 60: What can save newspapers? Favorite on Viddler. Can anything save newspapers? Today I’m joined by Rob and Bernie, two of my coworkers, and we all have simple ideas that may help save the newspapers for us. For Rob he thought he needed to see more talk about technology in […]
Eliza Devroe’s photos from the Scranton Photo Walk
And that makes three. My lovely and talented wife Eliza posted her photos (and I forgot to link to them) in early April. She’s got some excellent shots of Scranton and the trains at Steamtown. In case you missed them, here are mine and Sameer Barkawi’s photos from the Scranton Photo Walk.
I may become a fruit hunter
Speaking of fruits… In my travels through the wonderful world of Viddler videos I came across this video interview with Adam Leith Gollner, the author of The Fruit Hunters: A Story of Nature, Adventure, Commerce, and Obsession. [viddler id-ce207ceb h-357 w-420] I may just have to become a fruit hunter. Sometimes I find it difficult […]
Jennifer DiDonato interviews Pete Thomas
Eliza and I are big fans of The Biggest Loser, a reality show about people trying to losing weight, and so when I saw that Jennifer DiDonato (Viddler member whom I interviewed on The Viddler Spotlight many months ago) interviewed the Season Two "at home" winner Pete Thomas I knew I just had to share […]
Sameer Barkawi’s photos from the Scranton Photo Walk
Last night Sameer Barkawi finally published a few of the photos he shot during our Scranton Photo Walk last month. He’s got a few gems in this set. Oh, and in case you missed them, here are mine.
The Lady and the Pooks
Moments after this photo Pookers stole the Twizzler for himself.
A little more mobile friendly
Since I’m posting mobile photos and notes to this site rather than a third-party service I figured I’d make those pages a little more condusive to viewing on a mobile platform. Also, to make my life a little easier, I’ve also set up a few little scripts to do things like Twitter a link to […]
Game time
My Sixers sweatshirt watches the game from the bleechers. I’m playing really well tonight too. Must be the Playoffs.
Mid-night Dogwood
I just had to take a photo of this tree. I think it is a dogwood (if I’m wrong please correct me). This Dogwood is in full bloom and is on Jefferson Avenue in Scranton, PA. I wish I had seen it during the day.
Spring buds
Taken: April 17, 2009 in Mayfield, Pennsylvania. The buds on the trees are pop, pop, popping into these really great explosions of tree life. Reds and greens of all shades, future leaves that will create the food that the tree requires to produce this year’s growth, next year’s seeds, and the energy it will need […]
The term I use to describe my artistic distortion series when I see the lights in them is ‘squiggle’.
Submit your handwritten haiku
Howard Hall, whom I’ve mentioned before and whom also leaves really great comments here on First initial, last name, is asking for some handwritten haiku for his fantastic haiku blog (non-breaking space). It couldn’t be more easy to participate: "I’d love to be able to post a few guest haiku of the handwritten variety. Anyone […]
Tweetie for Mac – a new Twitter client
Yes, another Twitter client (I’m cdevroe by the way). However, this one comes from atebits – the company that brought us the highest ranked Twitter client for the iPhone, also named Tweetie. Tweetie for Mac, which I’ve been using all morning, allows for multiple accounts, posting from the browser, auto URL shortening, and much more. […]
Weigh in: April 20, 2009
A bad start to the week and a strong finish resulted in me not losing a single pound this week on the diet. I didn’t hide this fact either. On Tuesday I let my competition know that his chance was now. I hope he took it. This week I’m going to try very hard to […]
Kossman Pizza
Brian is making his famous pizza. Looking forward to it.
Red gate
A red gate at Aylesworth Park in Jermyn, PA. I never knew this park was here.
Roosevelt School
Long since abandoned. Fixer upper?
9ball frustration
Chris is frustrated at his miss on the 9 ball.
Bringing it all home again with a little bit of a g33k twist
I’ve done it before and I’m doing it again – I’m bringing all of my media back to this site (now called First initial, last name by the way). I’m going to be making small adjustments, enhancements, and do some all-out-late-night hacking in order to get this site up to snuff to handle notes, links, […]
Random 60: Stop complaining!
[viddler id-2e3a01e h-280 w-420] Random 60: Stop complaining! Favorite on Viddler. In the world of social media everyone has a voice. If you only have 1 follower on Twitter (I’m cdevroe, btw) or the only friends you have on Facebook (I’m on there too) are your relatives – it doesn’t matter – you have a […]
Viddler on the deck
Finally a stretch of days near 70F! If only I could see my screen I could work out here more often.
Yesterday’s sunset
Sunsets can always inspire. Though they are very hard to capture with even the best equipment.
The Egyptian hieroglyphs from LOST episode \”Some Like It Hoth\”
Since I’ve seen more than a few people reference the fact that Jack Shephard was erasing some Egyptian hieroglyphs and information from the chalk board in last night’s episode of LOST, which was brilliantly entitled "Some Like It Hoth", I figured I would post some screenshots from that moment. Something I hadn’t really noticed, which […]
The Egyptian hieroglyphs from LOST episode \”Some Like It Hoth\”
Since I’ve seen more than a few people reference the fact that Jack Shephard was erasing some Egyptian hieroglyphs and information from the chalk board in last night’s episode of LOST, which was brilliantly entitled "Some Like It Hoth", I figured I would post some screenshots from that moment. Something I hadn’t really noticed, which […]
The Egyptian hieroglyphs from LOST episode \”Some Like It Hoth\”
Since I’ve seen more than a few people reference the fact that Jack Shephard was erasing some Egyptian hieroglyphs and information from the chalk board in last night’s episode of LOST, which was brilliantly entitled "Some Like It Hoth", I figured I would post some screenshots from that moment. Something I hadn’t really noticed, which […]
The Egyptian hieroglyphs from LOST episode \”Some Like It Hoth\”
Since I’ve seen more than a few people reference the fact that Jack Shephard was erasing some Egyptian hieroglyphs and information from the chalk board in last night’s episode of LOST, which was brilliantly entitled "Some Like It Hoth", I figured I would post some screenshots from that moment. Something I hadn’t really noticed, which […]
The Egyptian hieroglyphs from LOST episode \”Some Like It Hoth\”
Since I’ve seen more than a few people reference the fact that Jack Shephard was erasing some Egyptian hieroglyphs and information from the chalk board in last night’s episode of LOST, which was brilliantly entitled "Some Like It Hoth", I figured I would post some screenshots from that moment. Something I hadn’t really noticed, which […]
The Egyptian hieroglyphs from LOST episode \”Some Like It Hoth\”
Since I’ve seen more than a few people reference the fact that Jack Shephard was erasing some Egyptian hieroglyphs and information from the chalk board in last night’s episode of LOST, which was brilliantly entitled "Some Like It Hoth", I figured I would post some screenshots from that moment. Something I hadn’t really noticed, which […]
Freestyle football skills
[viddler id-1a226617 h-357 w-420] This video comes from Viddler member a fantastic site for those passionate about football (not the American-version). I see these videos pop up from time-to-time on my radar and I always want to share them. The leg grabs are of particular awesomeness. There are a ton more too.
The Egyptian hieroglyphs from LOST episode \”Some Like It Hoth\”
Since I’ve seen more than a few people reference the fact that Jack Shephard was erasing some Egyptian hieroglyphs and information from the chalk board in last night’s episode of LOST, which was brilliantly entitled "Some Like It Hoth", I figured I would post some screenshots from that moment. Something I hadn’t really noticed, which […]
A bookmark for Eliza
In the same vein as the Thank You card I made for my brother and his family comes this – a bookmark that I made back in January for Eliza. Since I’m just now getting the chance to post about this bookmark I thought I’d take some time to share the process I went through […]
A large, black, grey, and yellow-dotted salamander
Date taken: April 1, 2004 Clifford, Pennsylvania. Five years ago today: I’m a little late posting this one but five years and about two weeks ago today I found this salamander – who was quite large – sitting on the steps outside of our apartment in Clifford, PA.
Another Brightkite break
Jacob Burke, like me, is taking a Brightkite break. His reasons are very close to my own. He writes: "There are things about the site that had me hooked for quite a while. But, I am starting to notice that it gets annoying to update my status on Brightkite and then go and check Twitter […]
Random 60: How many different kinds of fruit have you eaten?
[viddler id-c7f9af6a h-280 w-420] Random 60: How many different kinds of fruit have you ever had? Favorite on Viddler. Did you catch that? Right in the middle of today’s Random 60 I decided to switch this episode from "favorite fruit" to something much more interesting – how many different kinds of fruit have you had?. […]
The WordPress Help Center
From the "why hasn’t someone done something like this until now" category comes Crowd Favorite’s latest venture; The WordPress HelpCenter. Alex King, who has been hacking on WordPress even longer than I have, has more details about the launch of this service. Great idea, I hope it works out well for them.
Why I’m not blocking the DiggBar, yet
If you haven’t heard of the DiggBar, and the hoopla it has created over the last week or so, allow me to fill you in. The DiggBar is a new feature of, a social news Web site, that puts a tool bar of sorts on top of any page on the Web. This bar […]
Random 60: How would you use The Force?
[viddler id-4fea0a7c h-280 w-420] Random 60: How would you use The Force? Favorite on Viddler. My friend Chris Coleman and I, from Panera Bread, discuss what we’d do if we had The Force. Chris, who I must thank for allowing me to use his shiny Kodak Zi6 to record today’s Random 60, says that he’d […]
Weigh in: April 14, 2009
Well, I’ve got good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first? Ok, I’ll give you the bad news first. The bad news is that I didn’t have a great weekend insofar as the amount of food I ate. I didn’t eat anything bad. Just a little too much. (What can I […]
A blog by any other name
This personal blog of mine has been around for a long time. It started in 1996 but it wasn’t called then. Over the years it has, for better or worse, transformed more than a few times. It has changed names, domains, services, software, designs, and purposes. Today it changes again. I’ve decided that my […]
Random 60: Getting songs stuck in your head
[viddler id-42f6c806 h-280 w-420] Random 60: Getting songs stuck in your head Favorite on Viddler. Today’s random 60 topic was suggested by Sam. Thanks Sam. Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? How did it get there? Maybe you listened to the radio, or a friend is addicted to a song and […]
Random 60: Game systems
[viddler id-52419522 h-280 w-420] Random 60: Game systems Favorite on Viddler. As it stands I have, setup and working, an original Nintendo, Xbox 360 (which I use for Connect360), and a Nintendo Wii. The Wii is slowly replacing the original Nintendo completely while the 360 ends up being my media center more than my gaming […]
Flickr isn’t as big as you may think it is
Every now and then someone will bring up Flickr’s size in conversation. When that happens I usually find that people generally think Flickr is much larger than it really is. The brand recognition that Flickr has with its own user-base is impressive. If you are a Flickr user (like me) you are generally a fan […]
How to take better photos – Kyle Slattery
Kyle Slattery, friend and coworker who is studying in Germany this semester, recently wrote "How to take better photos" which is a small compilation of tips that he’s gathered over his few years of taking photographs. Blog posts like this are everywhere. Page through my Photography tag and you’ll see a ton of tips and […]
Random 60: Tons of notebooks!
[viddler id-c20ff788 h-280 w-420] Random 60: Tons of notebooks! Favorite on Viddler. Ruled, unruled, graph, small, large, single subject, multiple subject, drawing, sketching, and loose leaf. I seem to have notebooks for just about everything and, I actually tend to use them! It never really dawned on me how many notebooks I actually had in […]
Taking a Brightkite break
I’ve decided to take a short Brightkite break. I have a laundry lost of things that I would love to see Brightkite do (search my site for Brightkite) and it has been a while since they’ve done any updates. Presumably because they’ve been in the middle of a business deal (which is understandable). I have […]
Carbondale, PA Music & Wine Festival
I’d be remiss not to mention that Carbondale, Pennsylvania is having a Wine & Music Festival on June 20, 2009. Mayor Justin Taylor, who is pretty active on Facebook, created a Facebook group for the event. (Not sure why he didn’t chose to create an event on Facebook, rather than a group, but at least […]
Random 60: Laptop or Desktop?
[viddler id-93f0ad3 h-357 w-420] Random 60: Laptop or Desktop? Favorite on Viddler. Laptops are more powerful today than the computer used to launch the Space Shuttle in the 1960s. That is a fact. Look it up. That said, some people prefer desktops with much larger storage devices, displays, amounts of RAM, etc. I’ve been using […]
Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.
Series archives: Diversions, WIS, typicalday