Coda 2 going private beta
Good news! [Panic has just published a blog post]( confirming that Coda 2 is going private beta. As a Coda user I am super happy that they’ve gotten to this milestone. I found a few things mentioned in the post interesting. "Coda 2 has now been in development for about a year and a half." […]
Short clips from Ireland
An arrangement of short clips from our trip to Ireland.
Helen Mirren on funding films
Interesting bit from [this interview with Helen Mirren]( on the always great The Talks: >"Well from my perspective, a film costs a lot of money. You could build three hospitals with the cost of one film and I take that very seriously. I take the responsibility of being a person involved in a piece of […]
Riverside. Avoca, Ireland.
Taken on October 16th, 2011 in Acova, Ireland. This was just one of many interesting doorways we saw while in Ireland. This one was in the small village of Avoca just a little over a scenic hour’s drive south of Dublin City Centre.
I hope [Treshr]( matures and people use it. I’ve already signed up. I have some things I’d love to give away rather than throw out.
Our view of Treanmanagh, Ireland
Taken on October 17, 2011 in Treanmanagh, Ireland. Sunrise over Lough Caragh in County Kerry as seen from our house in Treanmanagh. Incredible.
Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Courtesy of Instagram.
The Arc Touch Mouse and talent inside of Microsoft
There is a lot of talent inside of Microsoft. It is everything that happens above the talent that inhibits that talent’s ability to make really great things. While [the Arc Touch Mouse]( is very, very interesting and seemingly well done it is still based off an old "mouse" (read: move around your desk and move […]
Not space.
Overlook Bridge
From Rainbow Bridge.
Afternoon coffee
A wee pick-me-up.
Just a little juice
To be a little wine. 24gal.
Think Different.
It isn’t easy to think differently. You can apply this now famous phrase to just about anything in your life and, no matter what you apply it to, it makes for a trying – yet exciting – life or work. I was never much a fan of Steve Jobs. I was always so much more […]
Domenick’s Pizza
Domenick’s Pizza on Main Street in Carbondale and Jermyn are both fairly good places to get a slice. About as close to New York style pizza as you’ll be able to get in either of these towns.
The iPhone 4S: the most popular camera in the world
Given that [the iPhone 4 is already the leading camera in use by Flickr users]( this may seem like a no-brainer but I believe that, in a relatively short period of time, the iPhone 4S will be the most popular camera in the world. A little over [a year ago I wrote about how it […]
Homebrewing Oktoberfest. Eating homemade pizza
Jealousy at this point is natural.
How did I do on my guesses for iPhone 5?
Well, since the new iPhone is called the iPhone 4S and not iPhone 5 I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how [my guesses]( stand up. But, I won’t let myself off that easy. Lets see how I did. – **The camera lens will be on the opposite side of the Apple logo.** […]
I’m happy with iPhone 4S, iOS 5, iCloud
I don’t get it. During Apple’s press event, no matter which live blog I was following, the writers were constantly "yawning" whenever the event would – in their opinion – "drag on". Apple has just given launch dates for some of the most sophisticated, affordable, and approachable technology the world has ever seen and they […]
iPhone 4S has 100 less standy-by hours than iPhone 4
Interesting observation by Shawn Blanc: "It’s interesting that the iPhone 4S, though it has an extra hour of 3G talk time, has 100 less hours of standby time." He wondered what could the iPhone 4S be doing when "off" that the iPhone 4 does not? I doubt it is the A5 chip since the iPad […]
Home-brewed Houblonmonstre Tripel IPA
Mmm, tasty.
How to: Stop a re-usable Keurig coffee filter basket from overflowing all over your kitchen counter
Follow me on Mastodon. And be sure to read my blog. Eliza and I have been using a Keurig for a little while but we recently picked up a re-usable coffee filter so that we can use our own ground coffee rather than the K-cups. With it we’d have the best of both worlds… be […]
Small guesses about iPhone 5
I’ve managed to avoid much of the rumor mill around the new iPhone that is, well, rumored to be unveiled on October 4th. Based simply on my own observations while using an iPhone since June 29, 2007, using the iPhone 4 since its first day, and looking at iOS 5 a little – I’ve come […]
National coffee day
A tribute.
The plight of an early riser
At 10pm I feel like putting on a pot of coffee and working all night. By 11pm I wonder why I haven’t been in bed for an hour. The plight of an early riser.
1 million on Github
Congratulations to all of my friends at [Github]( for [reaching the 1 million user milestone](\_hits\_1\_million\_users.php). Github is easily one of the very best services for developers on the web. If you don’t yet have an account and you are a developer; stop waiting.
A graph of photo services
This [graph showing the relative size of Facebook’s Photos feature]( compared to Flickr, Instagram and other pools of photos is almost comical. There are services that fit in between the size of Flickr and Facebook (such as Photobucket) but it is an interesting way to look at things.
Mr. Rock by Sebastian Krger
This doesn’t fit on [The Watercolor Gallery]( so I thought I’d share it here. Krger is an amazing artist but what makes his work even more amazing is the scale at which he works. This painting of Mick Jagger is 71"x71". Amazing detail at that size.
The new Gowalla
I haven’t used the new Gowalla enough to have formulated a strong opinion but I thought I’d jot down my initial thoughts. Here are some bits from [their blog post announcing the new Gowalla]( Here is the bit I really like: >"The cornerstone for this update is Gowalla’s new Social Guides. We’ve taken the best […]
TextMate 2.0 public beta before Christmas?
So says [the blog]( I’ll believe it when I see it. /via [Shawn Blanc](
WordPress for iOS 2.9
A very, very nice update of [WordPress for iOS]( was been released. The application for iPhone and iPad now has a simple content editor and the QuickPhoto feature can now post images from your Library instead of going straight to the camera. Although I wish the app supported Markdown format (rather than just HTML) I’ll […]
Recording API videos
Matt tried to make me look good.
Google Wallet
It is about time. Paying for things using a phone has been a dream of mine for some time. I’m a debit card type of guy not a cash carrying type of guy. Being able to ditch my wallet altogether and use my phone to pay for something would make things even easier. [Google Wallet]( […]
West-side Scranton
A chilly night.
Derek loves chocolate
What Derek brings to HQ.
Leaving Viddler HQ
Moving out of this building next month.
Google needs a V
I saw this and immediately thought of a company that they could buy.
The parts of Lion that I like
Chris Coleman on Twitter last night: All of the things that are great on iOS are the same things that are absolutely worthless in OS X Lion. Since upgrading to Lion I’ve come to love many of the iOS-lessons-learned that Apple had decided to bring "Back to the Mac" and so I was puzzled by […]
3D Camera mapping brings old photos to life
Although I’ve seen this done with modern photography tricks I don’t recall ever seeing [3D mapping done on old images]( The result is captivating. /via [Laughing Squid](
[If This Then That]( is a web service that allows you to plug into a few other web services and trigger actions based on certain criteria. Example: If I take a photo using Instagram store it in Dropbox as well. /via [Kyle Neath on Twitter](
Six ways to tackle boring tasks
Earlier this year I wrote a rather blabbering post about how you should reward yourself while you’re doing tasks that you don’t like doing. I gave the example of treating yourself to your favorite drink for filing your quarterly taxes. Well, it turns out I’m not alone in thinking that this is a good idea. Timo […]
Innovation’s best friend is routine
Geoff DiMasi on [how to rid yourself of too many decision-based distractions in order to spur innovation]( >"In my estimation, the best way to make innovation happen is to make time for it by making many other things in your life routine. >Put your keys in the same place when you get home each day. […]
M27: Not a comet
Sixteen months or so ago [I suggested]( that you subscribe to the [Astronomy Photo of the Day]( You’ve been subscribed ever since, right? On 1 September [the featured photo was of M27]( a nebula first cataloged simply as being ‘not a comet’ by Charles Messier in 18th century France in his catalog of things that […]
[Footnotify]( is a great extension for Safari or Chrome that enhances the default way these browsers handle footnotes. I’ve been using it for a week and I can’t imagine not having it now.
Thai Thai
Pla Jean. Steamed mussels. These came from a new place in Scranton, PA called Thai Thai. Excellent food.
Save these two kittens
I [warned you]( These two kittens are going to the ASPCA tomorrow if we can not find a home for them. Desperate times call for Sarah McLachlan measures. Oh, Sarah, don’t sue me. Everyone should totally [buy your music](
Found: Two kittens
If anyone wants one or both contact me pronto.
Indy Hall turns 4
Today [Independents Hall](, a coworking space in Philadelphia, turns 4 years old. To think, [I was there on day one]( Congratulations to all involved that have worked very hard and made a big difference in Philadelphia. Alex Hillman, cofounder of Independence Hall, [covers it a bit more thoroughly](
An increase in traffic from StumbleUpon
Fred Wilson about [his daily pageviews nearly doubling recently](\_vc/2011/08/somethings-happening-here.html): >"In the past week, the daily visitors at AVC have gone from an average of 10k per day to over 20k per day. Where is it coming from? Well the answer to that is pretty obvious – StumbleUpon." I too am seeing an increase of traffic […]
Everyone is going Github
A few days ago [I linked to CodeIgniter on github]( Now [Crowd Favorite](, a WordPress development shop, has [moved all of their stuff there too](). It would be so awesome if sometime soon [WordPress]( itself moved to Git and used Github.
Geofences by Flickr
Happily, Flickr is back at doing a little innovating in the photo space. >"Geofences are special locations that deserve their own geo privacy settings. Simply draw a circle on a map, choose a geo privacy setting for that area, and you’re done. Existing photos in that location are updated with your new setting, and any […]
Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.
Series archives: Diversions, WIS, typicalday