
  • \”We just posted loads of clips all over the freakin’ place!\”

    Ever since Viddler announced that Tubemogul now supported Viddler as a distribution point, we’ve been seeing this more and more. People that upload their video to every single video sharing site in order to gain exposure for their show, product, etc. etc. I get the point. I see the strategy. And, I can’t really blame […]


  • \”We just posted loads of clips all over the freakin’ place!\”

    Ever since Viddler announced that Tubemogul now supported Viddler as a distribution point, we’ve been seeing this more and more. People that upload their video to every single video sharing site in order to gain exposure for their show, product, etc. etc. I get the point. I see the strategy. And, I can’t really blame […]


  • Baron Woolen Mills by Heather Armstrong

    Baron Woolen Mills Heather Armstrong, also known as Dooce due to the domain name of her Web site, is an excellent photographer. I recommend perusing all of her photos – but you can start with this one. "This is an old abandoned building in Brigham City, a few blocks from the house Jon grew up […]


  • Blurb

    Blurb, seemingly, is a really great way to make books online using your digital photos. I haven’t tried it yet but if their site says anything about their company/books, I think you might enjoy what you get out of giving it a try. They also integrate with Flickr and are running a photo book contest […]


  • Classic photos recreated with Legos

    Tiananmen Square Mike Stimpson does an excellent job recreating classic photos using Legos. Some of the most notable photos include: Tiananmen Square (pictured) V.J. Day Times Square Lunch Atop a Skyscraper More please. (Source: Classics in Lego – a photoset on Flickr)


  • Get a job! Use a Job Board.

    Looking for a job? Might I suggest looking through the various Job Boards that have popped up over recent years? You might just find what you’re looking for. 37signals’ Job Board The 37signals’ Job Board is probably "the best one" right now. Currently there are offerings from such companies as Apple, Sony, Amazon, Best Buy, […]


  • Keegan Jones is coffee shop hopping

    Keegan Jones, whom I spent some time with in New York City late last year, is visiting his hometown in Missouri. He has a pretty neat idea for how he is going to spend the week. "This week I’m home in good ol’ Springfield, Missouri. Each day this week I’ll be working from a different […]



    A screensaver featuring numbers in Helvetica type falling into water in super-slow motion. I have to say that while I don’t even use a screensaver, I’m sitting here tempted to buy a license simply because of how awesome it could be. Alas, I’ll wait to read some reviews of those braver than I. (Source: SCR […]


  • \”We just posted loads of clips all over the freakin’ place!\”

    Ever since Viddler announced that Tubemogul now supported Viddler as a distribution point, we’ve been seeing this more and more. People that upload their video to every single video sharing site in order to gain exposure for their show, product, etc. etc. I get the point. I see the strategy. And, I can’t really blame […]


  • Cabel Sasser’s C4[1] talk: Coda Confidential

    Cabel Sasser, designer and co-founder of Panic, talks at the C4[1] Conference for Indie Macintosh development about the development of Coda, some of Panic’s design decisions with the application, and much much more. (Source: "C4[1] Sasser: Coda Confidential")


  • iPhone in macro

    More or less testing


  • My brain dump after upgrading to WordPress 2.5

    Can you believe how far blogging has come over the last few years? I can’t. I could go on and on about the history of blogging, how I’ve used it over the years, and where it is now that I find really surprising – but instead I just wanted to take a moment or two […]


  • 21 Amazing Alternate Uses for Vodka

    I particularly like the 21st use: 21. If all else fails, just turn the bottle up and drink it, nothing will matter anymore anyway! (Source: 21 Amazing Alternate Uses for Vodka by The Life Hackery)


  • Mmm wine



  • Throwin’ chips

    All in?


  • Viddler breakfast

    Jason made the Viddler team, at least those of us near the office today, some breakfast.


  • Chippewa Lake Park, today

    Chippewa Lake, a now abandoned theme park in Ohio, was once a booming park full of ride enthusiasts and families on vacation. Now it is a rundown, dilapidated and overgrown patch of woods. Sort of like a deep sea shipwreck turned coral reef. This photoset by Flickr user Brian B. shows the current state of […]


  • Chris M. Johnson wants to bring it all together too

    Chris M. Johnson is also going to start to consolidate his "stuff": "One of the problems with all the new and wonderful applications that are coming about as part of the Web 2.0 movement is that information is spread out all over the internet. It can become quite easy to find yourself stretched thin when […]


  • Jeremy Wheaton Photography

    Jeremy Wheaton, brother of Wil Wheaton ([writer]( Wheaton&sa=X&oi=print&ct=title&cad=author-navigational&hl=en), actor), recently won a prize for one of his photos ([this one actually]( fence.html)). After bouncing around on his site for a little while, I must say that I agree with his brother Wil – he is very good.


  • Love – by Eliza Devroe

    Eliza Devroe, my wife, captured a nice photo at a 50th Anniversary party that we attended this past weekend. I’m linking to this photo for two reasons. I think it is a wonderful photo. I wanted to test how I plan to link to photos in the future. Great shot babe. (Source: Love on Flickr […]


  • Peel away wine labels

    Finally! Someone has made some progress in innovation of wine labels. This one allows for a peel away portion to help you remember the wine later on. I know that a lot of people carefully peel away wine labels, or do it "Catch me if you can" style, but now you won’t need to. Neat […]


  • Poll: Should my site send Twitter notifications?

    Ironically you may be reading this note because you clicked on a link from my Twitter account. My site is setup to post links to Twitter, every 15 minutes, if there was a new post here on my site. I try to add a little context by adding the category before the Twitter status (e.g. […]


  • Rick Astley interviewed about \”Rickrolling\”

    Rick Astley, interviewed by the LA Times, talks about "Rickrolling": "I think it’s just one of those odd things where something gets picked up and people run with it,” Astley said. “But that’s what brilliant about the Internet." Yes, that is what is brilliant about the Internet, Rickrolling. (Source:Web Scout – Online Entertainment and Culture […]


  • Rick Astley interviewed about \”Rickrolling\”

    Rick Astley, interviewed by the LA Times, talks about "Rickrolling": "I think it’s just one of those odd things where something gets picked up and people run with it,” Astley said. “But that’s what brilliant about the Internet." Yes, that is what is brilliant about the Internet, Rickrolling. (Source:Web Scout – Online Entertainment and Culture […]


  • Rick Astley interviewed about \”Rickrolling\”

    Rick Astley, interviewed by the LA Times, talks about "Rickrolling": "I think it’s just one of those odd things where something gets picked up and people run with it,” Astley said. “But that’s what brilliant about the Internet." Yes, that is what is brilliant about the Internet, Rickrolling. (Source:Web Scout – Online Entertainment and Culture […]


  • Rick Astley interviewed about \”Rickrolling\”

    Rick Astley, interviewed by the LA Times, talks about "Rickrolling": "I think it’s just one of those odd things where something gets picked up and people run with it,” Astley said. “But that’s what brilliant about the Internet." Yes, that is what is brilliant about the Internet, Rickrolling. (Source:Web Scout – Online Entertainment and Culture […]


  • Rick Astley interviewed about \”Rickrolling\”

    Rick Astley, interviewed by the LA Times, talks about "Rickrolling": "I think it’s just one of those odd things where something gets picked up and people run with it,” Astley said. “But that’s what brilliant about the Internet." Yes, that is what is brilliant about the Internet, Rickrolling. (Source:Web Scout – Online Entertainment and Culture […]


  • Rick Astley interviewed about \”Rickrolling\”

    Rick Astley, interviewed by the LA Times, talks about "Rickrolling": "I think it’s just one of those odd things where something gets picked up and people run with it,” Astley said. “But that’s what brilliant about the Internet." Yes, that is what is brilliant about the Internet, Rickrolling. (Source:Web Scout – Online Entertainment and Culture […]


  • Asaph – Beta

    Dominic Szablewski recently created a really simple blogging system called Asaph. "Over the past few weeks I developed Asaph – a small blogging system, that allows you to instantly post links and images directly from any page on the web." After watching the demo video, I really like how simple the tool really is. Now […]


  • Assaulted NY Times reporter is not pressing charges

    I just have to link to this. A reporter from the NY Times was assaulted for trying to take photos of people putting up illegal posters. Here is why the reporter isn’t pressing charges: "While my assailant’s actions were frightening, they resulted in part from what he interpreted as provocation: that is, my taking pictures […]


  • Rick Astley interviewed about \”Rickrolling\”

    Rick Astley, interviewed by the LA Times, talks about "Rickrolling": "I think it’s just one of those odd things where something gets picked up and people run with it,” Astley said. “But that’s what brilliant about the Internet." Yes, that is what is brilliant about the Internet, Rickrolling. (Source:Web Scout – Online Entertainment and Culture […]


  • The Complete Making of Indiana Jones

    Although this link, specifically, is more about the cover of the book being revealed for the first time, I just wanted to say; Do want! (Source: Star Wars: Community The Complete Making of Indiana Jones Cover Revealed)


  • New growth

    Some buds are starting at the top of this Birch tree.


  • A few steps closer to bringing it all together

    You may have noticed a few new categories here lately. I’ve been making a few adjustments, tweaks, additions, and edits to this site since making my goal to bring everything together here. Here is how things are going down now, how each category will be used, and what the next steps are. Notes have been […]


  • Comparing Safari 3.1 and Firefox 3 Beta 4

    My friend Jon Christopher compares using Safari 3.1 and Firefox 3 Beta 4 as his primary browser and as a browser for developers to use to build their sites. He once again confirms that Firebug, a plugin for Firefox that aids developers in debugging their code, is the main reason many developers use it as […]


  • If by 800 followers you mean…

    My first post to Twitter, and I can’t believe I’m actually confessing this, was about watching Dancing with the Stars with Eliza. That was over a year and a half ago. As of today I’ve posted over 7,600 updates to Twitter and now have over 800 followers. When I first saw that I had nearly […]


  • PownceFS by Richard Crowley

    Richard Crowley, whom you may know as the Flickr guy behind the Flickr Uploader or perhaps from my Avalonstar miniPrix Kart racing video when I was in California last year for Wordcamp, has created a neat Fuse filesystem for Pownce. Essentially what this does is creates a "drive" on your computer that holds each of […]


  • a photoblog by Rion Nakaya

    Albert Yee suggested some time ago that I subscribe to this photolog and I haven’t regretted it since. Source: a photoblog by Rion Nakaya.


  • Sameer Barkawi: Five things you could do besides see 10,000 B.C.

    Sameer Barkawi, friend and fellow geek, provides a list of things for you to do besides seeing the movie 10,000 B.C. "1. Donate bone marrow. 2. Drink 2 gallons of milk in a single sitting. 3. Become an attack dog chew toy. 4. Host amateur acting workshops in your own home. 5. Join the Polar […]


  • Macro RAM chip

    Another one of the examples from the video. Oh, and also a test.


  • Elk Mtn.

    Beautiful day to ski. Too bad I don’t ski.


  • Frozen squeegee

    Maybe it is usable later in the day.


  • A video demonstration of the iPhone macro lens

    Immediately following my post about the iPhone macro lens my site nearly "went down" because of using up too much bandwidth. Shortly after that people were wondering why I hadn’t created a video demonstration of how it works. Well, here it is. Sorry for the quality of the video, it could have been better, but […]


  • Macro dudes

    The photo I took in today’s video demo of the iPhone macro lens.


  • Paul Stamatiou’s Macbook Air review

    Paul Stamatiou, on using the Macbook Air as his primary computer for a little over two weeks: "I have been able to do everything in my daily work on the Air. This includes using multiple spaces, constantly streaming iTunes radio music, using many tabs in Safari, casual Photoshop use, taking notes and recording lectures in […]


  • Project Pedal compares interaction on video sharing sites

    Mike, from Project Pedal a video blog about a documentary, after being featured on Viddler by me, does a really great analysis of his experiences on various video sharing sites including YouTube, Blip, Viddler, and Vimeo. "It’s been interesting though seeing which sites generate the most feedback, interaction, conversations, etc." project pedal (blog): Quality vs […]


  • Snow remains

    It has my permission to go away now.


  • Veerle’s photos of New York City

    I’m not sure if her intent was to have the same, yellowish hue across all of the photos but I think it adds something to them. They all feel warm, even though the weather seems cold. Also of note: I’ve been to New York City and somehow she’s found a few perspectives I’ve never been […]


  • Birds on lamppost

    Date taken: January 11, 2008 Resting on a street lamp on the lower-east side of Central Park in New York City.


  • Google Reader’s keyboard shortcuts help panel

    Hitting ‘?’ at anytime during your use of Google Reader will display this, what I think is an, incredible HUD for Reader’s keyboard shortcuts. Google Reader’s Heads Up Display for Keyboard Shortcuts Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! When I saw this I immediately thought: "Wow, Google really gets this whole web application thing.". But what else […]


Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.

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