Enjoy this week’s links.
- Gareth Wild parks in every spot – This is a level of nerdy that I aspire to.
- Romain Laurent – I dig both the non-motion and motion work.
- My interview with Matthew Cogswell – Worth a mention as his work inspired me to get cracking again.
- You Suck at Excel – This month’s NEPA Tech was all about Google Docs wizardry with Jeremy Brown. It reminded me of this YouTube video by Spolsky.
- Taste, by Li Huaifeng – Winner of the international food photography award. Definitely worthy win. Huaifeng is no stranger to winning photography contests but I cannot find a website for him at all.
- Some lovely ringtones from Headspace – I grabbed these. I might convert them for some nicer alarm sounds on iOS.
- Bouys by Alex Bamford – I’d like a 60x60cm please.
- Joel Meyerowitz on Talk Easy – I don’t subscribe to all things Meyerowitz but the pace and mood of this episode was very nice to listen to. Even if you’re not a fan of his work I recommend.
- Beyond Landscapes – Hans Strand – Gorgeous work.
- 1910 Bee Census map – I would like a modern update to this hanging in my home office.
- Are.na – There are billions of people, so there might as well be a billion different ways to collect information. Like Unmark, but more visual.
- Muse – In the same vein to the above, for the iPad, touch-friendly.
- This HN thread – I don’t visit HN too often. But this thread is funny.
- Flying Stones by Karin Lizana – Her work only continued to get better from here in my opinion.
- Toilet bees – It doesn’t matter where they are, I love honey bees. I can’t wait to have some of our own.
- Art of Mars 8K – Stunning. Put this on your TV while you read a book and sip some coffee.
A nice mix this week. See you next Thursday.