Saved this garter from the lawn mower
A busy spring is coming to a close. A pool, garden beds, lawn care, work, side work, art, the gallery, photography and so much more going on all at once. But somehow it felt very balanced. I’m happy about that. Scratching every itch.
This week I have a decent set of links. Enjoy.
- Bob Ross Art Gallery by Connor Rothschild – You have to view this on The Wayback Machine because Bob Ross’ estate reached out to Connor and told him to take it down. Dumb move in my opinion.
- Simone Biles in slow-mo – One of, if not the, greatest athletes ever.
- Shortcut – Watch this art animation until the end.
- How does film ACTUALLY work? – Smarter Everyday gets the film bug. Good explanation.
- Shutter sounds from cameras – This is why we all use film cameras.
- Allen Ginsberg – Doing research. I’m trying to dig into the man before I dig into his work. Suggestions welcome.
- Best practices for Docker Compose – I use Docker Compose for almost all of my projects. And with macOS removing more and more scripting languages from its core I think I’ll end up using it even more soon. Good comprehensive article.
- Piper Haywood’s “Low Moments” – She’s jotting down some failures. I definitely do this. But not mindfully. I think I’ll follow her lead and try to jot some down myself.