Nominated for Tech Blog of the Year

NEPA BlogCon 2016 is fast approaching and with it comes this year’s nominations for Blog of the Year in several categories. Out of nowhere last night, as I was hiking the Dunmore Pine Barrens (again), my Twitter notifications were springing to life as I realized that my blog has been nominated in the Tech category.

I’m humbled and honored that someone took the time to nominate my blog. Who ever did that, thank you. Especially in the tech category. I’m not sure I’ve ever tried to classify my blog’s content since it is a personal blog and site, but I have covered a few things in tech I suppose.

If  you find the time go and vote for your favorite blogs in our area. Whether or not you vote for my blog be sure to check out all of the other great blogs that have been nominated. I’m going to set aside some time this evening to visit each one and see what they are all about. You can also vote on NEPA Scene.

On the chance that you’re visiting my blog because of this nomination, welcome! Consider subscribing! But, I thought I’d point to a few recent tech-related blog posts since my latest posts have mostly been about hiking and flying my UAV and you might be puzzled as to why my blog was nominated in this category.

Here are just a few:

I wish I wrote more and, honestly, I wish I wrote a lot more about tech-related things. I’d like to share more code and stories about things I’ve made or fiddled with. I have a few decades worth of posts that I could sit down and write. Perhaps this nomination will motivate me to get off my duff and do just that.

I’ve attended, and even sponsored, the NEPA BlogCon for several years running. You can see some past posts in the NEPA BlogCon tag. This year I’m not in the position to sponsor but I do hope to be able to attend. It is a great conference and great event that I’m really happy happens in our area.

Update October 11, 2016: I lost. But at least I lost to my friends at NEPA Geeks.

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