Tag: nerdpress

  • I’m attending #FediForum! I’m looking forward to seeing the progress the community is making on expanding the fediverse. All of us at NerdPress / Hubbub are happy to be supporting the event.

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  • Diversions #2: From Chicago to Assateague

    Diversions is the central hub for news about the membership, behind-the-scenes details of my personal projects, as well as a wide variety of links to people, places, and things that inspire me. Chitown! I spent a few unseasonably warm days in Chicago on a work trip with the NerdPress team. It was my first time meeting…

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  • Favorite Toots now available on the WordPress plugin directory

    Back in early February I submitted the Favorite Toots WordPress plugin I had been toying with on my own website to the WordPress plugin directory. Starting today, it is available publicly there and people can search for it from their own WordPress Admins. The source code is available on GitHub if you’d like to contribute…

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  • Untitled post 7724

    Chicago snaps part 1: A few iPhone captures from last week’s trip to Chicago with the NerdPress team to sponsor the Tastemaker Conference. Hubbub had its own booth while NerdPress had a large lounge with an impressive view. A fantastic work trip.

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  • Hello Hubbub – I’m joining NerdPress

    After a few extremely busy weeks full of rewarding and fast paced work, I’m happy to announce that I’m joining NerdPress as Senior Product Manager. We’ve acquired Grow Social from Mediavine, renamed it Hubbub, and we plan to invest in improving this popular WordPress plugin. Hubbub comes in two flavors; Lite and Pro. Hubbub Lite…

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