Tag: chris-coleman

  • Chris Coleman has a blog

    Chris Coleman: Eventually I ran out of steam, life changed a bit, and the vacuum that this site filled in my day was filled by other things. I was 23 when I started this site. I’m 41 now. A lot has happened in 18 years, but somehow it doesn’t feel like a long time has…

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  • Chris Coleman breaks down The Rise of Skywalker teaser trailer

    Chris Coleman, on precedent for Darth Sidious making an appearance in Episode IX: That doesn’t mean that Dark Side users are completely out of luck. The Dark Side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. There are at least two recent examples where followers of the Dark Side were able to…

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  • Chris Coleman brings Boba Fett’s Liar back

    Chris Coleman, writing about a site he built in the 90s on GeoCities: I still have two more or less complete versions of the site, along with lots of spare parts from earlier iterations. Today I’m sharing the 1998 and 1999 designs of the site. The content isn’t significantly different between the two, but each…

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  • Chris Coleman returns

    Chris Coleman, on his 17-year-old and recently unearthed personal blog: I want my platform back. I don’t want algorithms or the cacophony to drown it out. If nobody’s going to see what I write, it’s going to be on my terms. Chris was vital part of my career though he likely doesn’t know it. The…

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  • Eleven and six and twenty

    Thanks to Jeremy for remarking how he forgot his blog’s 15th anniversary (congrats Jeremy!) it reminded me to check and, well, I missed my blog’s anniversary by nearly the same number of days as he did. On Saturday October 1 this blog, my personal blog on my own domain name but not my first ever personal blog,…

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