Tag: business
Top 3 reasons to transfer Stripe subscriptions from one account to another
After transferring tens of thousands of subscriptions in my side gig, StripeTransfer.com – which is a service that helps individuals and businesses transfer their Stripe subscriptions from one Stripe account to another – I’ve come across three main reasons this service is needed. While there have been other reasons I’ve been asked to migrate or…
Introducing StripeTransfer.com
Over the last few years I’ve been able to help several companies transfer Stripe Subscriptions from one Stripe Account to another. Some of them were simply moving from one geography to another while others were acquisitions to or from the United States. Recently, the number of inquires I’ve had for this service from my hire…
Audio: My armchair analysis of Automattic acquiring Tumblr
Date recorded: August 19, 2019 Yesterday while driving (sorry for the audio quality) I recorded a quick audio bit to distill my thoughts on why Automattic acquired Tumblr. Short-version: Automattic sees Tumblr as an entry point for new WordPress.com customers – especially youth. For someone to go from idea to full commerce or publishing success…
Large companies aren’t good homes for beloved services
(I had no idea what to title this post.) Peter Kafka, reporting for Recode earlier this year, re: Verizon shuttering relatively large services they’ve purchased over the years rather than “bothering” to sell them off (like they did with Flickr): So if Verizon thinks a property with 100 million users is better off dead than…
Scranton Craftsmen – February 2017
Scranton Craftsmen – February 2017 A few years ago I was grateful to receive a guided tour of this interesting steel and concrete fabrication business. I learned a lot.
Microsoft buys GitHub
Satya Nadella: More than 28 million developers already collaborate on GitHub, and it is home to more than 85 million code repositories used by people in nearly every country. From the largest corporations to the smallest startups, GitHub is the destination for developers to learn, share and work together to create software. It’s a destination…
Elon Musk on meetings
Elon Musk, in a recent memo to Tesla employees: Excessive meetings are the blight of big companies and almost always get worse over time. Please get [rid] of all large meetings, unless you’re certain they are providing value to the whole audience, in which case keep them very short. Also get rid of frequent meetings,…
Microsoft for Startups
Microsoft: We’re excited to announce Microsoft for Startups, a new program that delivers access to technology, go-to-market and community benefits that helps startups grow their customer and revenue base. We are committing $500 million over the next two years to offer joint sales engagements with startups, along with access to our technology, and new community spaces…
SPARK Talks at the NEPA Tech meet up in December 2017
SPARK Talks are, by definition, Short, Provocative, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Knowledgeable talks that are loosely timed, on a specific topic (more or less), and allow many presentations to be given at an event. I had never heard of them prior to this month’s NEPA Tech meet up organized by John George. SPARK Talks remind me of Lightning Talks or Ignite.…
The Giving Tree Wellness Center, Penn Avenue, Scranton, Pa – September 2017
The Giving Tree Wellness Center, Penn Avenue, Scranton, Pa – September 2017 In September Mark Keith and I poked our heads into this brand-new business in Downtown Scranton. They have a nice spot (and sensory deprivation chambers).
Presenting at the August 2017 Lehigh Valley Tech Meetup
The Lehigh Valley Tech Meetup is an excellent community in the Lehigh Valley that meets monthly at the Ben Franklin Technology Partners incubator within the Lehigh University Mountaintop campus. The community around the meetup is excellent and the building is amazing*. While the tail-end of my presentation walked through my experience building my first iOS…
Diversity vs. Inclusivity
Estelle Weyl: Interviewing diverse candidates will not create a diverse environment. While the above organizations may have filled that diversity pipeline, that pipeline is full of leaks. Diversity recruiting is really only lip service. Work, school, community and conference environments need to be inclusive. Inclusivity in the sealant that prevents many pipeline leaks. Many companies…
Outsourcing your online presence
Joe Cieplinski: Look, I get that I’m the nut who doesn’t want to use Facebook. I’m not even saying don’t post your stuff to Facebook. But if Facebook is the only place you are posting something, know that you are shutting out people like me for no good reason. Go ahead and post to Facebook,…
Attending Small Agency Idea Lab (SAIL) in Walt Disney World, Florida
Last week I attended SAIL, Second Wind’s Small Agency Idea Lab, at the Boardwalk Resort in Walt Disney World, Florida. This is the first marketing and advertising agency event that I’ve been to (usually attending technology or internet related events) and I really enjoyed myself and learned a lot. SAIL is pitched as a lab and…
A guide for starting a business from Stripe
Patrick McKenzie, writing in the awesome Stripe Atlas Guide: We put together this guide to cover many of the details you’ll need for your business in its first year. New to business? Just starting out? Read this guide from Stripe.
Being on the \”Ask the Web Marketing Experts\” panel
Yesterday I was privileged to represent Condron & Cosgrove (more on this in January) at the NEPA Defense Transition Partnership panel discussion, through the Scranton Small Business Development Center, called Ask the Web Marketing Experts. I was flanked by other experts in the area including Jack Reager of Black Out Design, Gerard Durling of Coal…
Being on the \”Ask the Web Marketing Experts\” panel
Yesterday I was privileged to represent Condron & Cosgrove (more on this in January) at the NEPA Defense Transition Partnership panel discussion, through the Scranton Small Business Development Center, called Ask the Web Marketing Experts. I was flanked by other experts in the area including Jack Reager of Black Out Design, Gerard Durling of Coal…
Being on the \”Ask the Web Marketing Experts\” panel
Yesterday I was privileged to represent Condron & Cosgrove (more on this in January) at the NEPA Defense Transition Partnership panel discussion, through the Scranton Small Business Development Center, called Ask the Web Marketing Experts. I was flanked by other experts in the area including Jack Reager of Black Out Design, Gerard Durling of Coal…
Being on the \”Ask the Web Marketing Experts\” panel
Yesterday I was privileged to represent Condron & Cosgrove (more on this in January) at the NEPA Defense Transition Partnership panel discussion, through the Scranton Small Business Development Center, called Ask the Web Marketing Experts. I was flanked by other experts in the area including Jack Reager of Black Out Design, Gerard Durling of Coal…
Being on the \”Ask the Web Marketing Experts\” panel
Yesterday I was privileged to represent Condron & Cosgrove (more on this in January) at the NEPA Defense Transition Partnership panel discussion, through the Scranton Small Business Development Center, called Ask the Web Marketing Experts. I was flanked by other experts in the area including Jack Reager of Black Out Design, Gerard Durling of Coal…
Being on the \”Ask the Web Marketing Experts\” panel
Yesterday I was privileged to represent Condron & Cosgrove (more on this in January) at the NEPA Defense Transition Partnership panel discussion, through the Scranton Small Business Development Center, called Ask the Web Marketing Experts. I was flanked by other experts in the area including Jack Reager of Black Out Design, Gerard Durling of Coal…
Being on the \”Ask the Web Marketing Experts\” panel
Yesterday I was privileged to represent Condron & Cosgrove (more on this in January) at the NEPA Defense Transition Partnership panel discussion, through the Scranton Small Business Development Center, called Ask the Web Marketing Experts. I was flanked by other experts in the area including Jack Reager of Black Out Design, Gerard Durling of Coal…
Is GoPro doomed?
Those that follow along here on my blog know that I love my GoPro. And I “only” have the HERO 3. See this, this, this, this, and this for examples of me playing around with my GoPro. GoPro’s stock price and sales figures are plummeting. And as I sit here, going over everything they have, and…
The Loop Magazine closes
Jim Dalrymple: I hate failure, and this was a failure for me. I will learn from it and focus my attention back on The Loop website, where it belongs. I’m sorry to the subscribers of the magazine, and hope you enjoy the upcoming issues I have prepared for you. We’ve all failed. We have an…