Search results for: “blog”

  • Why we write

    Mandy Brown: You cannot know what you know until you’ve written it. As you write, you learn what you know—or, more likely, what you don’t know, which, let’s face it, is most everything. I have hundreds of unpublished drafts for this blog, yet, I’m so happy that I wrote them because I was able to…

  • Let’s force Mozilla to change how passwords are shown in Firefox

    Mid-summer last year Elliot Kember discovered that Chrome saves passwords in plain text on your computer and, with a few clicks, anyone sitting at your desk can see them. This made some waves in the community and, as you can see from the bottom of Kember’s post, had the likes of Chrome’s Head of Security,…

  • I say, it’s OK to use HTML

    Jonas Downey, of Basecamp, on Signal vs. Noise: It would surely be easier to do that with 8 simple, straightforward HTML files than with some custom WordPress installation that’s several versions out of date. So what if I have to repeat the navigation markup 8 separate times? It’s not that hard. We used to do…

  • Marco Arment on Good Portable Headphones That Aren’t Beats

    Marco Arment: I haven’t tried every headphone on the market — far from it (much to my chagrin). But among those I’ve tried, there are some clear winners, and a handful of models I haven’t tried seem worth consideration since they’ve gotten so much acclaim. He mentions more models in his blog post than I’ve…

  • Let’s start talking again

    For the past several years the trend has been swaying away from open, real, face-to-face communication — especially in tech culture. No meetings, remote work, less email, more chat. Over the last few months our team has been working hard to create a coworking community in Scranton, PA. We’ve been reaching out to freelancers, creative…

  • How we use Unmark

    You may have read how I use Unmark, but here also is how Chris does, how Tim does, and how Kyle does.

  • Yes, it is more work to subscribe than to follow, but that is OK with me

    Fred Wilson, in A Founder’s Notebook, describing how “hard” it is to subscribe to a blog that isn’t on Tumblr but is on the open internet. My only complaint is that its not on Tumblr, where it would be an instant and easy follow. It takes more work to follow a blog when its on…

  • You should go to meetups

    Last night I joined Kyle Ruane, Michael O’Boyle, and Bruno Galvao and drove two-and-a-half hours to Brooklyn — simply to attend a small tech meetup. If you’ve been subscribed to my blog for any amount of time you’ve probably seen that I go to a lot of meetups, even some that are 12 hours away,…

  • Systematic #89

    I was very happy to be a guest on Systematic #89. Brett Terpstra and I discussed building things behind closed doors and in the open (which I’ve recently covered a little on our company blog), about our favorite services shutting down, about watercolor painting, kayaking, and our three picks of the week. For those wondering,…

  • CMS recommendations

    There are a lot of CMSes out there now. So what should you use? Should you use just one CMS and live with it for every project? Should you choose different CMSes based on the project your working on? My recommendations for CMSes vary and are biased (since I’m one of the team behind Barley…

  • Crafting link underlines on Medium

    Marcin Wichary, on Medium: Unfortunately, for all the advances in web typography we’ve seen during the years — better CSS properties, more support for internationalization, custom web fonts — underlines remained mostly as they were, with very little customization available to web designers. Marcin goes on to show exactly how they did the best they could to clean up…

  • How I use Unmark

    Some have asked how I use Unmark, our to-do application for bookmarks. We only just recently redesigned, rebuilt, and released Unmark so I waited a few weeks to write this post until my habits formed more clearly. Every link I see goes into Unmark On average I will see between 2 and 50 links per…

  • Ron Husband, on Beauty and the Beast

    In October of last year I mentioned Ron Husband’s blog in one of my “What I saw this week” posts. Man I miss composing those. With Unmark out, I really should get back to doing them. Ron Husband was a Disney animator and is blogging his experiences through the years. Just recently he published a post…

  • Move the web forward

    Jeremy Keith, on his personal blog: It is entirely possible—nay, desirable—to use features long before they are supported in every browser. That’s how we move the web forward. If we waited until there was universal support for a feature before we used it, we’d still be using CSS 1.0 and HTML 2.0. We agree. For…

  • The anonymity I know

    Chris Poole, founder of 4chan, remarks (on his personal blog) on the debate for and against anonymity on the web: The combination of anonymity and ephemerality has fostered experimentation and creativity rarely seen elsewhere. It’s incredible what people can make when they’re able to fail publicly without fear, since not only will those failures not…

  • Fresh URL

    Fresh URL is a JavaScript library that strips away all of the extra cruft at the end of URLs but does so only after each service that uses that cruft gets the data they need. Brendan Schwartz, CTO of Wistia, writing on their company blog on how it works: Here‘s how it works. Fresh URL…

  • Using Image Capture to clear your Camera Roll on iOS

    David Sparks, on his blog MacSparky: I‘ve been sloppy about cleaning out my camera roll. I could do this on the phone but it isn‘t very fast. So I fired up my favorite Mac app for managing/copying/deleting lots of images at once, Image Capture. I‘m often surprised by how many Mac owners don‘t even know…

  • Non-nerds missing out on RSS?

    Conor McClure, on his personal blog: What is an RSS feed? I thought you’d never ask. No, really; the non-geek community is seriously missing out by not taking advantage of RSS in this online-media-dominated world we live in. I agree. And sometimes, on Twitter, I pretend to know the way out. Sometimes I think that…

  • A readable Wikipedia

    The people behind 1910 Design & Company took at stab at redesigning Wikipedia: While big parts of the internet have gone through an amazing journey in terms of typography these last years, Wikipedia’s reading experience is still stuck in the 90’s. We wanted to take a few days and propose a direction through which Wikipedia…

  • Pedometer++ 2.0

    I’m loving Pedometer++. If you don’t have it, get it. It is free. And, it has just seen a significant update that adds some great features and a new design. Also worth reading is the tidbits that David Smith has learned from his development of this application and the feedback he’s gotten from those that…

  • Choose the right path for you

    Chris Poole, on his personal blog: Not every idea represents a venture-backed opportunity though. That isn’t to say the idea or opportunity lacks merit—it’s just that another vehicle may be more appropriate for pursuing it. Bootstrapping, borrowing from close friends and family, a traditional bank loan, et cetera can also help bring an idea to…

  • Jared Sinclair on the new Dark Sky

    Jared Sinclair, on his personal blog, on the new Dark Sky: The raw idea for the redesign is good; the three-panel view with a side panel for the globe is an interesting riff on two established navigation patterns. But the execution is sloppy. It lacks clarity. It fails to shape the data into visually coherent…

  • Hackathon recap

    The official ADN blog: The fourth #adnhackation was this past Saturday, and, as always, developers worked on some extremely creative and inventive projects, which open up new uses for an account. Really hard to believe this was the fourth hackathon already. As in the past, some great projects seemed to have come from this…

  • Killing the Crunch Mode Antipattern

    Chad Fowler, CTO of 6Wunderkinder, has written a post on his personal blog about how our industry glorifies working long hours and how it is ironically counterproductive. I agree and in general Chad is spot on. I’ve helped lead and develop software products for 15 years of my career and this is the lesson that takes…

  • There was a supernova in the Cigar Galaxy yesterday

    Well, not yesterday. Since the Cigar Galaxy, or M82, is roughly 12 million lightyears from our little hometown planet this supernova likely occurred some, well, 12 million years ago. Mike Hankey, quoting Star Wars: A New Hope, on his personal blog:  Was yesterday one of those days when you felt a disturbance in the Force, as…

  • No one geotags photos on Instagram

    I do. MG Siegler does. But, as he writes, on his personal blog: Instagram is a service with hundreds of millions of users. And it seems that a large percentage of them are not aware of a key feature of the service. I frequently get the same question as MG does: “where was this photo taken?”…

  • True wisdom from Ben Brooks

    Chris Gonzales has started an excellent Artifacts series on his personal blog Unretrofied. His first in the series is with Ben Brooks and, well, I suppose you learn something new every day. There‘s only like a two-month span of the year where my nose isn‘t runny. These little packs of tissues are crucial. I only…

  • Internet 3.0

    Fred Wilson, on his personal blog, on the doomsday scenario that is likely being created by the ruling on Net Neutrality: Telcos will pick their preferred partners, subsidize the data costs for those apps, and make it much harder for new entrants to compete with the incumbents. I hope not. Oy.

  • Glucose level measuring smart contact lenses by Google[x]

    Brian Otis and Babak Parvis on the Official Google Blog: We’re now testing a smart contact lens that’s built to measure glucose levels in tears using a tiny wireless chip and miniaturized glucose sensor that are embedded between two layers of soft contact lens material. Whatever we think about Google these days this sort of…

  • Developer Tip Tuesday

    Dara Skolnick, who has a beautiful personal blog, writes a tip on Tuesdays for developers. She has a two-part series on developing locally. As you’ve probably already figured out, WordPress is written in PHP, which is a server-side language. This means that the website has to communicate with a server in order to display the…

  • Building an open source Nest thermostat

    Fun, neat thing Spark did. They built an open source Nest thermostat in a day: All in, we spent about $70 on components to put this together (including $39 for the Spark Core); the wood and acrylic were free. We started working at 10am and finished at 3am, with 3.5 engineers involved (one went to…

  • What does quality mean?

    Derek Sivers, on his newly rejuvenated personal blog, on Quality, quoting Benjamin Joffe: In Japan, if I ask almost anyone what quality means, they’ll say, ‘it’s perfect – zero defects’. Japanese culture emphasizes the importance of striving for perfection. Fascinating yet strangely unsurprising yet still a great reminder of a read.

  • Stupid people and the stock market

    I had written a much longer draft of this post called “Greed and ignorance in the stock market” but after writing what became a very long, whiny post about how I used to work at a stock brokerage and have thus learned how completely broken and stupid the entire system is — I realized it sounded…

  • You, too, can be a geek

    John Siracusa, on his personal blog, The Road to Geekdom: You don’t have to be a geek about everything in your life—or anything, for that matter. But if geekdom is your goal, don’t let anyone tell you it’s unattainable. You don’t have to be there “from the beginning” (whatever that means). You don’t have to…

  • Fuelling the iPad-as-Camera Bandwagon

    Shadoe Huard, on his personal blog: I‘m officially coming out in favour of iPads as cameras. Brave man. Loosely related: Craig Mod’s piece in The New Yorker, and Apple’s new iPad ad.

  • Brett Terpstra goes indie

    No one can say his name correctly, but Brett Terpstra has pumped out a slew of amazing projects over the years — most of which were offered for free. Brett has decided to part ways with Aol Tech and strike out on his own. Now is the time to open your wallet and show your…

  • Writing it down

    Brian Doll, on his personal blog: Today, while technology has seeped into every cranny of our personal and professional lives, when a thought comes to me, when I want to remember something now, when I need to draw that sketch of an idea, or make yet another list of lists, writing it down in a…

  • Writing from home

    Me, last night on Twitter: I know @jkottke said blogs were dead. I know I said they were “just sleeping”. It might be Jason’s fault, but I think they’re on the upswing. Jeremy Keith has noticed too: I’m not saying that this is a trend (the sample size is far too small to draw any…

  • Will we lose the web?

    Cory Doctorow, on his personal blog, is worried we’ll lose the web this year: Try as I might, I can’t shake the feeling that 2014 is the year we lose the Web. It is worrisome. “They” have always ruined everything. We know we can’t have anything nice. And for the last several decades we’ve had the…

  • The Indie Ocean

    Jared Sinclair, on his personal blog, on the potential for indie devs to up their game. My finger-to-the-wind says that apps and services aiming for mainstream consumer appeal, which were already impossibly hard, are only going to get harder in the coming years. There’s too much noise, and attention is fleeting. Any company that hasn’t…

  • Source Code in TV and Films

    If you’re even remotely geeky you’ll have noticed countless instances of code showing up in television shows and movies. And, usually, you can see that the code is total junk. In comes this tumblog which showcases code in TV and films and goes the extra mile to detail what the code is actually designed to…

  • Comments are not dead

    Tina Roth Eisenberg on Twitter: Comments are not dead. She’s right, of course. However, I don’t have comments on my blog for the following reasons. I do not want to manage them I’d much rather people respond via their own blog, Twitter or email I do not want to manage them This topic will simply…

  • Jelly

    Biz Stone and Ben Finkel have launched Jelly. Jelly changes how we find answers because it uses pictures and people in our social networks. In short, if you’re wondering about something and have a question you can use Jelly to ask those in your extended social network to find the answer rather than searching for…

  • \”Write for two people\”

    Speaking of blogging, Matt Mullenweg (who knows a thing or two about blogging), gives his tips for writing on your blog and not worrying about stats and click-throughs and sensational headlines. The antidote I’ve found for this is to write for only two people. First, write for yourself, both your present self whose thinking will…

  • \”Write for two people\”

    Speaking of blogging, Matt Mullenweg (who knows a thing or two about blogging), gives his tips for writing on your blog and not worrying about stats and click-throughs and sensational headlines. The antidote I’ve found for this is to write for only two people. First, write for yourself, both your present self whose thinking will…

  • \”Write for two people\”

    Speaking of blogging, Matt Mullenweg (who knows a thing or two about blogging), gives his tips for writing on your blog and not worrying about stats and click-throughs and sensational headlines. The antidote I’ve found for this is to write for only two people. First, write for yourself, both your present self whose thinking will…

  • \”Write for two people\”

    Speaking of blogging, Matt Mullenweg (who knows a thing or two about blogging), gives his tips for writing on your blog and not worrying about stats and click-throughs and sensational headlines. The antidote I’ve found for this is to write for only two people. First, write for yourself, both your present self whose thinking will…

  • \”Write for two people\”

    Speaking of blogging, Matt Mullenweg (who knows a thing or two about blogging), gives his tips for writing on your blog and not worrying about stats and click-throughs and sensational headlines. The antidote I’ve found for this is to write for only two people. First, write for yourself, both your present self whose thinking will…

  • \”Write for two people\”

    Speaking of blogging, Matt Mullenweg (who knows a thing or two about blogging), gives his tips for writing on your blog and not worrying about stats and click-throughs and sensational headlines. The antidote I’ve found for this is to write for only two people. First, write for yourself, both your present self whose thinking will…

  • \”Write for two people\”

    Speaking of blogging, Matt Mullenweg (who knows a thing or two about blogging), gives his tips for writing on your blog and not worrying about stats and click-throughs and sensational headlines. The antidote I’ve found for this is to write for only two people. First, write for yourself, both your present self whose thinking will…