Search results for: “blog”
- for Teams
Manton Reece: Today we’re launching a new feature on support for multi-user blogs, so your whole team can write posts on a shared blog. We think it’s going to be great for small companies, families, and schools, with everything from shared photo blogs to podcasts. This is a big update. You may remember that…
Colin Walker on personal blogging
Colin Walker: Call it an inferiority complex, a belief that my life isn’t interesting as I don’t do that much. But, as Adam says, it’s the ordinary lives, the “random glimpses into humanity” that pique your interest, not just the grand gestures. My favorite blogs tend to be those that are informal, unedited, and reflect…
Alastair Humphreys on blogging for 18 years
Alastair Humphreys, adventurer, blogger: I wrote my stories as I cycled around the world and updated my website intermittently whenever I found an internet connection stable enough to send a bunch of text. The screech of dial-up internet and being plunged into darkness by power cuts were regular accompaniments to my early days of blogging.…
Andy Sylvester on making blogging a priority
Andy Sylvester: The other important part of the habit was making it a priority (I tried writing at lunch before, but ran out of time after web surfing, so I changed the order and – voila – I was able to write!). Writing first works for Andy. It also works for others like Fred Wilson…
Another bad reason not to blog \”I’m not a web developer\”
Jamie Tanna, in a post about why everyone should have a web site, and it isn’t that you have to be a web developer: Having a website and/or blog is not about being a web developer, nor about being a celebrity of sorts, but is about being a citizen of the Web. Read the entire…
Another bad reason not to blog \”I’m not a web developer\”
Jamie Tanna, in a post about why everyone should have a web site, and it isn’t that you have to be a web developer: Having a website and/or blog is not about being a web developer, nor about being a celebrity of sorts, but is about being a citizen of the Web. Read the entire…
Another bad reason not to blog \”I’m not a web developer\”
Jamie Tanna, in a post about why everyone should have a web site, and it isn’t that you have to be a web developer: Having a website and/or blog is not about being a web developer, nor about being a celebrity of sorts, but is about being a citizen of the Web. Read the entire…
Another bad reason not to blog \”I’m not a web developer\”
Jamie Tanna, in a post about why everyone should have a web site, and it isn’t that you have to be a web developer: Having a website and/or blog is not about being a web developer, nor about being a celebrity of sorts, but is about being a citizen of the Web. Read the entire…
Another bad reason not to blog \”I’m not a web developer\”
Jamie Tanna, in a post about why everyone should have a web site, and it isn’t that you have to be a web developer: Having a website and/or blog is not about being a web developer, nor about being a celebrity of sorts, but is about being a citizen of the Web. Read the entire…
Another bad reason not to blog \”I’m not a web developer\”
Jamie Tanna, in a post about why everyone should have a web site, and it isn’t that you have to be a web developer: Having a website and/or blog is not about being a web developer, nor about being a celebrity of sorts, but is about being a citizen of the Web. Read the entire…
Another bad reason not to blog \”I’m not a web developer\”
Jamie Tanna, in a post about why everyone should have a web site, and it isn’t that you have to be a web developer: Having a website and/or blog is not about being a web developer, nor about being a celebrity of sorts, but is about being a citizen of the Web. Read the entire…
Repost: Adam Tinworth on blogging
👉 Adam Tinworth: In an age where the shortness and speed of content, of hot takes and clickbait, there’s still a role for slower, more considered writing. And that’s why I carry on blogging.
Jake Dahn returns to blogging
Jake Dahn, who co-authored a blog called Waking Ideas with Danny Nicolas over 10 years ago: I’ll write some thoughts in another post about why I’m getting back into blogging. But for now I wanted to say thanks to Danny and Colin who both inspired me to take the leap and to start hitting publish.…
Bad reasons not to blog
There are a lot of bad reasons not to blog. Here are a few of them and why they are bad. Update: See “I’m not a web developer”. If you have any desire at all to have a blog and have ever thought that any of the above bad reasons should stop you – please…
Chris Hannah on blogging
Chris Hannah: If you are trying to start a blog, then the best advice is to just start writing, and then press publish. Sure, it might not be the best content you’ll ever produce, but it’s something. Then with the experience of writing and publishing that post, the next one will be slightly better. I…
Repost: Brent Simmons on blogging
👉 Brent Simmons: Here’s the thing: blogging is like any other human activity — some people stop and other people start. It’s natural.
How’s Discover is curated
Jean MacDonald: The Discover timeline has evolved and will continue to evolve with the community. The guidelines will evolve too. We want to have additional curators from the community. We need to build some tools to make that possible. It would be particularly nice to have curators who can encourage discussions and connections in languages…
Khoi Vihn on the impact his blog has had on his career
Khoi Vihn, in an interview on Own Your Content: It’s hard to overstate how important my blog has been, but if I were to try to distill it down into one word, it would be: “amplifier.” Writing in general and the blog in particular has amplified everything that I’ve done in my career, effectively broadcasting…
You can now follow any blog on
Neat feature from Here is Manton Reece, from his personal blog, on the new feature: You can now follow blogs in the timeline, even if the blogger hasn’t yet registered on Manton describes this feature as another type of “username”. I understand why he’s framing it that way but I’m unsure if…
On blog search engines
Brent Simmons has been reminiscing about blog search engines and writing down some ideas for how one could be made today. Something he wrote sparked a memory. Instead of having it crawl blogs, I’d have it download and index RSS feeds. This should be cheaper than crawling pages, and it ensures that it skips indexing…
Joshua Blankenship celebrates 15 years of having a blog
Joshua Blakenship (dude has a name like a superhero doesn’t he?) on 15 years of blogging and on bringing his personal blog back online: I don’t know much, but I know I miss 2004 web, personal websites, and curation that has nothing to do with algorithms. And maybe you do, too. So here we are,…
A new interview with Manton Reece of for 2019
Last year, around this time, I published an interview with Manton Reece – founder of (M.b) – about how the platform was growing and what the goals for 2018 were. It was such a great interview and it helped me to understand the direction that M.b was going that I knew I had to…
Repost: Anton Peck on blogging in 2019
👉 Anton Peck on Twitter: Prediction: 2019 will be a noticable shift back to blogging. Social networks may see a slight hit. People have things to say, ideas to write about, stories to share.
Ton Zijlstra linking curiosity to his blogging
Ton Zijlstra, replying to Frank Meeuwsen’s post that was replying to my post, took a different angle: Over the last 16 years my blog has been a good instrument to trigger, feed and explore my curiosity. Me blogging more means I’m curious to expand my horizons again. His post reminded me of a discussion that…
Repost: Aaron Parecki \”blogchain\”
👉 Aaron Parecki: what if instead of webring we called it blogchain
Repost: Aaron Parecki \”blogchain\”
👉 Aaron Parecki: what if instead of webring we called it blogchain
Repost: Aaron Parecki \”blogchain\”
👉 Aaron Parecki: what if instead of webring we called it blogchain
Repost: Aaron Parecki \”blogchain\”
👉 Aaron Parecki: what if instead of webring we called it blogchain
Repost: Aaron Parecki \”blogchain\”
👉 Aaron Parecki: what if instead of webring we called it blogchain
Repost: Aaron Parecki \”blogchain\”
👉 Aaron Parecki: what if instead of webring we called it blogchain
Repost: Aaron Parecki \”blogchain\”
👉 Aaron Parecki: what if instead of webring we called it blogchain
We got blogging right 20 years ago – Jack Baty
Jack Baty: Looking at my blog from 2003 makes me think we got blogging right early on. Yep. Everything else has been additive. But a blog from 20 years ago, like mine, would be just as good today as then.
Dialog – An Android app for
Dialog: At launch, the app makes available a number of features you’ll be familiar with from using the service including being able to view your timeline, your mentions, and the Discover page. Currently, you are unable to create a new post. This is planned for a future release. The current app is very much…
One year of
Manton Reece: A little over a year ago we started rolling out to Kickstarter backers. So much has happened since then — from new platform features to companion apps like Sunlit and Wavelength — that I wanted to highlight a few milestones. See also, my interview with Manton earlier this year. So much has…
Daily blogging is freeing
Dan Moore on how blogging every day for 100 days lessened the pressure of publishing: But once I committed to writing once a day, I was focused on getting something out. I still wanted to be proud of it, but there wasn’t as much pressure. It could even be something really short, or just a…
Simmons returns to the blog
Brent Simmons: I realized that I want my blog to be me on the web. This used to be true, but then along came Twitter, and then my presence got split up between two places. Welcome back to using one spot to blog and microblog Brent. I find myself in the same dilemma with Instagram lately. I…
Austin Kleon on daily blogging
Austin Kleon: Also, quite frankly, Twitter turned into a cesspool almost overnight. My friend Alan Jacobs was very vocal about his split from Twitter, and after reading his vibrant blog and new book, How To Think, I just decided to give daily blogging a go again, and this time, to do it on my URL, on my old-school WordPress blog,…
- confusion
Jeena Pa: I’m still super confused about He then lists just a few things that lead to his confusion. One of which I also scratched my head about recently. When you view this thread and you click on the timestamp you expect to go directly to the post on M.b so that you can…
Repost: Becky Hansmeyer on deleting blog posts
👉 Becky Hansmeyer: Every once in awhile I have to fight off the urge to go through my blog and delete old posts that I consider stupid or poorly written. I have to remind myself that they’re all part of the journey; I’m a better writer now than I was four years ago, and a better…
An interview with Manton Reece of
I have fond memories of the very early days of WordPress (when it had just been forked from b2/cafelog), of Twitter, of Brightkite, of, of Mastodon… just to name a few. The early days of any platform or so important to what they will become. They are the most fun to watch. The early…
- is now public
Manton Reece: is now available to anyone. There’s a limit of 100 new sign-ups each day, so that we can better respond to feedback as the community grows. I’ve been using on the web, Mac, and iOS for a few months and the community there has been great. In fact, the vast majority…
Evergreen blog post traffic
Rod Hilton, creator of the aforementioned Machete Order, in December 2015 just as The Force Awakens was released: Wow, this Machete Order thing got big! After the post first "went viral" and got mentioned on, I started getting around 2,000 visitors to it per day, which I thought was a lot. But then in…
Doug Lane’s photo challenge
Doug Lane: I thought we could start on Saturday (Nov. 11) and go for seven days. He has a theme for each of the 7 days. I’m in.
- for Mac beta Mac users can use the native for Mac app. It’s a free download and supports most of the same features as the iOS version. You can see a short video of it on Manton’s blog. You’ll even notice a rather handsome avatar make an appearance. Unfortunately I cannot give this a spin yet…
Get your NEPA BlogCon 2017 Tickets
NEPA BlogCon 2017 tickets are available: Attendees can expect presentations and roundtable discussions on branding, content development, podcasting, vlogging, and more. I like the format changeup. (See also) Looks like some friends are presenting as well. Go grab your tickets.
Mobile blogging goals (audio)
Recorded September 10, 2017 Starting with this audio bit I’m making a few changes. I’m ditching the episode numbers. My audio bits are not a podcast, they aren’t really episodes, and keeping track of the numbers is just more work. I will, however, denote in the title that this is an audio post. I’m also…
Jack Baty: “Please just start a blog”
Jack Baty on his rather handsome looking new blog: Would you all please just start a blog? I don’t care which platform you choose. Pick one and publish. Cross-post or don’t. Implement Webmentions or don’t. Allow comments or don’t. Tweak the design to within an inch of its life or don’t. Publish long posts or…