Ch-ch-changes on the site and ads
Just a quick link to the site because I’ve switched to a different template from The Theme Foundry. I was itching to do a theme from scratch myself but thought better of it considering how busy I am currently. I’ll leave designing to designers for now. I also changed the way that ads are displayed […]
The first fishing trip this year
Yesterday we had the opportunity to go fishing for the first time this year. I didn’t catch a thing and only had a single bite but it is early in the season and that isn’t really why I went. My main objective was to get my new pole and reel set up and to test […]
The time waster is every developer’s bane
Every developer’s bane is a problem that seemingly has no cause or solution. Most times, after wasting hours and hours and hours trying to solve the issue, I will discover that there was a cause and there is a solution – but it is the time wasted, the sweat, the tears and the fist pounding […]
A short review of Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton
Make no mistake, Crichton’s posthumously published Pirate Latitudes is an adventure book. This book has everything you’d expect in a pirate adventure; pirates, warships, KRAKEN!, cannons, lewd women, drunken brawls, and hurricanes. However it still manages to lack a certain sense of wonder or tension. This may perhaps be because of popularity of Pirates of […]
Random 60: Learn to play music?
Special guest Nick Ogozaly and I ponder whether or not people should expand their horizons by learning to play an instrument in this episode of Random 60. What do you think? Sound off in the comments. Originally recorded in December 2009. First-frame photo credit: Eliza Devroe.
Is there a future for Mac software?
Warning: This post may have a slight taste of jealousy when you bite into it at first but I tried my best to only use a teaspoon. iPhone was, as Scott Forstall recently put it, a gold rush for developers. Simple, relatively inexpensive applications for iPhone that hit the top paid, popular or featured lists […]
Game Table for iPad
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Many of the third-party iPad applications I’ve seen so far have me wishing that I wasn’t so sure that I’m not getting one. Game Table for iPad is no exception. It includes Checkers, Chess and a deck of cards (and some chips) for only $.99. I love this bit. "Game Table is not […]
Hud Growl theme from Komodo Media
Several years ago I turned off Growl. I found it to be far too distracting. The little blobs of horribly designed text popping up above my work every few moments reminded me far too much of the Windows’ pop up bubble thing. You know, that incredibly annoying yellow bubble that pops up to tell you […]
The seedlings need a do-over
This is how I found my seedlings this morning. I’m fairly certain they will not recover so I lost about two weeks of growth. The culprit? My cat Pickles. The blame? Me. I put these little guys in a position that he could easily access and I knew that he would eat them if he […]
Homemade nest box shots
Wildlife photography isn’t an easy venture. It takes patience, a lot of time and a bit of luck. Unless of course you create your own environment for the shot you want. That is exactly what Alan Murphy has done in his "Fun with a Home Made Nest Box" [sic] wherein he captures some bluebirds in […]
iPad – Guided tour videos
Apple has just released guided video tours of using iPad. There are guided tours for just about every application that will ship with the device.
Style guides make code collaboration easier.
In this week’s Monday By Noon article Jonathan Christopher covers establishing style guides in code to make collaboration between multiple developers easier. Although it may seem like an anal attempt at control style guides can go along way in making a lot things easier in the project workflow. Reading through and fixing bugs in someone […]
Big green
Took this while jogging yesterday before the rain. This is a very big evergreen tree.
Finding possible duplicate photos in iPhoto using Smart Albums
Yesterday I said that I’d share the many ways in which I use Smart Albums in iPhoto. Instead of sharing all of the ways in one post I figured I’d break them up. One of my Smart Albums helps me to locate possible duplicate photos. Here is why and how this works. I stress possible […]
Pickles, almost 8.
He’s a good lookin’ dude. Hard to believe this was four years ago and that, next month, he’ll be 8.
iPad by any other name.
When the iPad was announced I said I was surprised at its name. In a list entitled ‘Surprises’ I wrote: "The name. I’ve tried to let iPad sink in and I still think it will (it will have to) but I am still surprised." Then, I few days later Neven Mrgan changed my perspective on the […]
Mike Matas’ new Web site
Mike Matas, the designer behind things like Delicious Library, many of the iPhone’s interfaces, Photo Booth, and most recently the iPad’s Maps and Photos applications, has a brand new Web site. Stunning and cool.
Premium Tumblr themes
Tumblr has announced that there are now premium themes available for Tumblr. Premium meaning that they cost money and are generally much more refined then the over 350 free themes already available for Tumblr. Two things: First, I love that Tumblr is doing things to monetize their platform for both themselves and their design-savvy community. […]
Google vs. Apple – Tech War II?
Apple vs. Microsoft was a tech war for the ages. The two companies battled each other vigorously. Who won? Some would say Microsoft clearly won based on marketshare while others think they simply sold out and made an inferior product to Apple. However, the clear winner was neither company – it was us, the consumers, […]
Instapaper Pro for iPad
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Marco Arment has now confirmed and previewed Instapaper for the iPad. In the post he says "an iPad without native Instapaper Pro is not a device I want to own." I agree. Instapaper on the iPad is like the drugs . However, having purchased a new Macbook Pro just a little over […]
Voting for new NFL overtime rules
I’ve said it before, I believe the NFL’s overtime rules suck. Harsh words, I know. But I’m not alone. That post just-so-happens to be one of the more popular pages on this blog – it being the page people click on when searching for "NFL overtime rules suck" on Google. Today there was a vote […]
Small honor system library in West Virginia
In West Virginia, last spring, we happened upon this small book store/library that was completely open with no one on staff at all. Just a building along a road with the door open, actually open not just unlocked, where you could go in grab a book or two. Totally awesome.
Easy page translation with Google Chrome
From the department of ‘I never knew I’d really need that’ comes the latest Google Chrome update that makes it dead simple to translate a Web page from many different languages into your native one. I hadn’t realized how many Web sites I’d been missing out on until this update rolled through. Then I found […]
Catapulting your brand
Many young companies will leverage their founder’s or team’s personal brands to catapult the company’s brand. They’ll attempt to "get the word out" about the company’s product using the networks of their own team. They’ll try to mold the message of the company using their own voices rather than the company’s collective one. If you […]
Switching from Tweetie for Mac to Echofon
This should come as no surprise to those of you that follow me on Twitter but I’ve switched from Tweetie for Mac, which hasn’t seen an update for months, to the oft updated Echofon. Tweetie for Mac still has a few standout features that draw me to using it – but any software that runs […]
The iPad commercial from the Oscars – too fast?
Last night while watching the Oscars I saw this iPad commercial, which Engadget has shared, and I immediately thought it was too fast. I have seen the Keynote announcing the iPad and have poured over its features on the Web site – so I’m pretty familiar with what the iPad will do out of the […]
Using an Airport Express to extend a wireless network using the LAN port
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Recently Eliza and I signed up for Netflix. Ever since moving into our new apartment I haven’t had the Xbox 360 connected to the Internet because of the location of my cable modem/router and because the Xbox 360 does not come Wifi-enabled by default. This hasn’t been too much of an issue […]
Social Media and the tsunami
Roxanne Darling of Barefeet Studios and personal friend recaps the way Social Media had an impact on how information flowed around the globe about the tsunami created by the earthquake off the coast of Chile. When I awoke Saturday morning to the news of the quake, which I first saw via Twitter, I immediately sent […]
Massive 8.8 earthquake in Chile
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] The earthquake, which had an epicenter just offshore in Maule, Chile, has sent tsunami warnings across the entire Pacific region including Hawai’i, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, and many other countries. Additional resources has a lot information but no single URL. USGS map of South America. Tons of aftershocks. The Pacific Tsunami […]
Tracking the Hawai’i Tsunami
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] One of the best places to track the tsunami that will be hitting Hawai’i in a few hours is the #hitsunami tag on In Hawaii Now.
A snow day.
Kids Snow = Generally an awesome time (and soreness).
Five years ago today: We were at a hockey game.
Cape Lookout
Cape Lookout off the coast of Beaufort, North Carolina in October, 2008.
Interview with GitHub team member Scott Chacon
I was digging through this interview of GitHub developer Scott Chacon trying to find the most quoatable portion to paste here in hopes that you’d follow the link to the interview to read it. The fact is, though, the entire interview is dripping with awesome. Read it. /via Simon Willison.
The Mariana Trench to scale
This has been passed around a bit lately but it is just too awesome not to share. Here is an image showing the Mariana Trench to scale showing a human being, a Blue Whale, and some various depths as you work you way down 36,000ft. of water. Amazing. /via John Gruber (who called it "Spooky".)
Updates to the Tumblr API
Tumblr is rolling out updates to its API. I’m liking the updates that I’m seeing so far and I think Tumblr could really benefit from having a stronger API offering.
Visiting Franklin Hill and Amoré on the Lehigh Valley Wine Trail
Eliza, my mother-in-law Carla and I took a drive last week to visit a few wineries along the Lehigh Valley Wine Trail. Due to winter hours, a long lunch, and some shopping – we only got to two wineries along the trail. The first winery was Amoré in Nazareth, Pa. Although having recently been through a […]
Eating 28 chicken McNuggets
A few years ago, and I have the video to prove it, I said that I wanted to try to eat 100 chicken McNuggets from McDonald’s. Those whom I asked to try the challenge with me refused (looking back this was a wise choice) and so it never happened. Since then, however, I’ve always wanted […]
Google Buzz and the whole Google Accounts fiasco
Yesterday Google began to release Google Buzz to its Gmail users. Buzz appears to be a compelling service – especially since it plugs right into something many of us use already. For more information about what Buzz is and does visit the Google Buzz site for a nice demo. I can’t have much more of […]
Big blind
A few more hands before our friend Burke goes away for two months.
SUV on roof
Saw this at 12:30 on Sunday afternoon at the intersection of Routes 106 and 247. Everyone seemed to get out OK though.
Tumblarity is gone. Thanks Tumblr.
Last August I complained about Tumblarity and I wasn’t alone. Many people didn’t like how Tumblarity motivated the Tumblr community to post and repost drivel and I’m very happy to see that the Tumblr team has, as far as I can tell from my desk, decided to do away with it. But I also said […]
Geronimo Jack’s Beard – A new LOST podcast from Jorge Garcia
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] This is too awesome for words but I’ll try my best anyway. Jorge Garcia, whose blog I’ve been subscribed to for – well, a long time now, has started a LOST podcast – aptly named Geronimo Jack’s Beard (presumably in tribute to Geronimo Jackson which has been mentioned on LOST a few […]
Switching to Google Chrome Developer channel
For months I’ve been using Chromium the open source browser that powers Google Chrome. Using Chromium had its advantages and disadvantages. I had the bleeding edge of what was offered by the Chromium team – whether it was stable or not. But, I also had to manually update my personal copy of Chromium on a […]
5 by 5 Studios – Talk radio for the Internet
Or, maybe we should call it Talk Internet now? Talk radio still sounds better. Anyway… Dan Benjamin, who like me has always been a very big fan of talk radio, has launched a new network for audio podcasts called 5 by 5 Studios. I’ve listened to the first few episodes of each of his shows […]
LOST – Season 6 Episode 1 chat. Live.
[ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Who says blogs are dead? Lets have a live discussion about tonight’s upcoming episode of LOST Season 6, live, right here in the comments on my blog. To participate simply leave a comment below and wait for some replies. If you want, share a link to this post via Twitter, Facebook, or […]
More social media icons
Speaking of icons for popular social media services, Komodo Media, who recently updated their collection, has a set of over 130 icons also.
Vector Social Media Icons
Icon Dock (love the name, branding, pretty much everything) has just released a set of 50 icons based on today’s popular social media services in full vector including the one I love most. Very nice and very free. Be sure to check out their other products. Thanks Icon Dock. /via David Kaneda.
Pack your CSS and JavaScript
Pack, by fellow Viddler team member and friend Andrew Smith, is a great utility to compress your CSS and JavaScript for deployment. The real meat of Pack comes from its ability to take an entire directory of scripts and compress them using a set of instructions. Nice work Andrew.
Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.
Series archives: Diversions, WIS, typicalday