Paddling for snapping turtles
Check out this guy (or gal). A screenshot from a GoPro video. This past Saturday afternoon we had some beautiful weather and so I went kayaking at a nearby lake. This time of year is an incredible time to paddle since every animal is very active, making nests, waking up from the winter, preparing for […]
While Photos on OS X began to slow down
While Photos on OS X began to slow down at 10,000 photos, Photos on iOS is starting to slow down as I approach 40,000 photos on my iPad and iPhone.
Though they are all the same number of hours, some days seem longer than others. Today felt long. I didn’t even write on my site! I’ll fix that tomorrow.
Played bocce in Honesdale. Beautiful day.
Played bocce in Honesdale. Beautiful day.
Two-hours of basketball is better than zero hours of basketball.
Two-hours of basketball is better than zero hours of basketball. Strained my leg muscle though. Also mowed the lawn for the first time this season.
Working from Honesdale today
Working from Honesdale today at The Stourbridge Project. The only thing I would change about the space are the acoustics. They leave these heater fans on 24/7 and I need to take pills every time I’m here.
If Apple announces
If Apple announces a down y-o-y quarter today the internet and market are going to lose their collective minds. So, really, no different than when they announce an up y-o-y quarter.
Lightning just struck within a few thousand feet of my home office and shook everything.
Lightning just struck within a few thousand feet of my home office and shook everything.
Observations about “tweeting” from my site
It is hard to believe that it has been over 6 weeks since I began posting status messages from my site rather than through Twitter or Facebook. Here was my first status update. Here are some observations that I’ve made: I figured out my process of updating, and replying, within about 10 days and have […]
Year one of the Apple Watch
In January I wrote: The Apple Watch could be called a flop if it sold so poorly and customer demand or interest was so low that Apple totally shelved the project. But they haven’t. I’m willing to bet they made a lot of money on the Watch so far (far more than any of their […]
I’m no Kobayashi but I have eaten six hotdogs in 2 days.
I’m no Kobayashi but I have eaten six hotdogs in 2 days.
Trying out Microsoft’s new iOS keyboard called Word Flow. It is eerily good.
Trying out Microsoft’s new iOS keyboard called Word Flow. It is eerily good.
Might be a good day to get my kayak in the water.
Might be a good day to get my kayak in the water.
Went kayaking. Fell into the lake catching a snapping turtle. Worth it.
Went kayaking. Fell into the lake catching a snapping turtle. Worth it.
Great photo of Prince from Lloyd Bishop
Great photo of Prince from Lloyd Bishop:
Wearing a Star Wars shirt, like a proper 35 year old white male.
Every app: “You’re currently offline.” Nope. Just Photos for OS X trying to upload. Ugh.
Every app: “You’re currently offline.” Nope. Just Photos for OS X trying to upload. Ugh.
Prince. 🙁
Prince. 🙁
Perfect evening basketball weather.
Perfect evening basketball weather.
The cost of Unsplash
Luke Chesser shares what it cost to run Unsplash in February (minus humans): Hopefully getting a behind-the-scenes look at what it costs to run a site like Unsplash will help you with your own business, or at least give you a better understanding of what’s involved. It is nice when people share information like this […]
Barley 2 is a few lines of code and a spit-shine away from beta.
Barley 2 is a few lines of code and a spit-shine away from beta. Want to be a beta tester? Send me an email.
Little Island Park, October 2015
Little Island Park, October 2015
Searching for a specific year on YouTube produces interesting results.
Searching for a specific year on YouTube produces interesting results.
The Snapchat update is glorious.
The Snapchat update is glorious.
This thing looks amazing for programmers…
This thing looks amazing for programmers. Also, notice the demonstrator’s computer name.
At least it is a beautiful day.
At least it is a beautiful day.
From above Adezzo, Scranton, PA
From above Adezzo, Scranton, PA
We’re looking for new web development projects
We’re looking for new web development projects
Japan 🙁 Ecuador 🙁
Japan 🙁 Ecuador 🙁
Hotels overtuck.
Hotels overtuck.
As far as I can tell Photos for OS X didn’t upload a single photo all night…
As far as I can tell Photos for OS X didn’t upload a single photo all night last night. Can I drive my computer over to Craig Federighi’s house?
Congratulations to…
Congratulations to Kobe Bryant for scoring 60 in his final NBA game, to Steph Curry for hitting over 400 3-pointers in a single season (this number is baffling), and to the Warriors for winning 73 games in a regular season. Last night was an amazing night for basketball.
Since starting to work from home again I have not used my headphones. That changes today. Headphone mode.
Since starting to work from home again I have not used my headphones. That changes today. Headphone mode.
Sunset in the backyard
Sunset in the backyard
How was Breakthrough Starshot not already a great band’s name? Also, lasers!
How was Breakthrough Starshot not already a great band’s name? Also, lasers!
I wish I were better at debugging code.
I wish I were better at debugging code.
Keuka Lake, February 2016
Keuka Lake, February 2016
The Warriors may break the all-time season winning record tonight. Be sure to tune in.
The Warriors may break the all-time season winning record tonight. Be sure to tune in.
Time to play some basketball.
Time to play some basketball.
Yes, I watch basketball and tweet about space exploration. Nerd.
Yes, I watch basketball and tweet about space exploration. Nerd.
Dug up a sewer today. Bucket list item checked.
Dug up a sewer today. Bucket list item checked.
Every time Zuck says “bot” I’m going to eat a Frito.
Every time Zuck says “bot” I’m going to eat a Frito. #f8
Is GoPro doomed?
Those that follow along here on my blog know that I love my GoPro. And I “only” have the HERO 3. See this, this, this, this, and this for examples of me playing around with my GoPro. GoPro’s stock price and sales figures are plummeting. And as I sit here, going over everything they have, and […]
“Needed: Rockstar, expert, ninja, WordPress developer. $100.00 budget”
“Needed: Rockstar, expert, ninja, WordPress developer. $100.00 budget” Job boards are funny.
Twitter’s problem
I already quoted Gary this morning but I might as well do it again. In Daily Vee #29 (go right to the moment here) he said: I know that 8 years ago if I said “follow my friend Joel, he’s awesome” 2,000 people would do that when I had 7,000 followers and now 37 will do […]
I only have one feature request for the iPhone SE. Make it waterproof.
I only have one feature request for the iPhone SE. Make it waterproof.
I was reading up on ipfw…
I was reading up on ipfw (deprecated on Mac I guess), pf, and dnctl (which is within pfctl?) over the weekend. My *nix firewall foo is lacking to say the least. My goal is to find a way to create a pipe just for Photos for OS X and limit its bandwidth to only a few […]
PHP is pretty bad
Since I wrote "I’m perfectly happy using PHP” last week I figured I’d show the other side’s viewpoint as well. There are those out there that loathe the language. Evee goes off on PHP like no one else could: PHP is an embarrassment, a blight upon my craft. It’s so broken, but so lauded by […]
I do like Mondays. This one was no different.
I do like Mondays. This one was no different.
What will vehicles look like when they become completely autonomous? What about non-passenger vehicles like delivery trucks? What about when they are all electric and autonomous? The near future is going to look very different.
Writing helps me think more clearly and to form or transform my opinions. I write about what interests me such as blogging, photography, technology, social media, and my personal creative projects.
Series archives: Diversions, WIS, typicalday