GitHub is now more affordable


We couldn’t be more excited to announce that all of our paid plans on now include unlimited private repositories. GitHub will always be free for public and open source projects, but starting today there are just two ways to pay for

$7/m for personal accounts, $9/m per user for organizations (only $25/m for the first 5 users).

This makes using about as affordable as possible for anyone that needs collaborative, online version control. At Plain we had switched to BitBucket because their model was better for our specific usage (lots of private repos, low head count). But this change could bring us back someday.

I’ve written a few times about how git isn’t just for programmers. The same goes for GitHub. I think their way forward, and for growth, would be to begin separating the experience for different uses like writers, designers, researchers. I wonder if making it more affordable is a step towards that.

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