What I saw this week #20: November 19, 2016

I’ve been sick most of the week and terribly busy so this week’s links are coming a day late.

Inside Apple Design – Nice video showing some of the people and the workshop behind Apple’s iconic products.

Wilderness – A gorgeous, chill video from Alastair Humphreys – someone on my follow list.

PhotoScan by Google – Excellent video for what looks like a fantastic app.

Chris Messina Product Hunt AMA – The inventor of the hashtag, among other things, and long-time internet friend Chris Messina did an AMA on Product Hunt. I managed to glide in there and get a question in. You can see that here.

Ugmonk Swag Pack – Jeff Sheldon put together a nice little bit of swag for Ugmonk. Reasonably priced.

Microsoft Connect(); – Some nice announcements out of Microsoft this week including Visual Studio for Mac. I would have liked to see a larger push for Windows 10 apps though.

Arrival – I saw this with two friends this week. A must-see.

Phantom 4 Pro – DJI continues to increase their lead over their competitors.

Dronebase – Speaking of drones, if you have one and would like to make a few dollars with it this seems like a good place to start.

Surface Studio Review – Tested’s review has been the most comprehensive I’ve seen so far.

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