Interesting discussions here on

Blog posts seem to just scroll by like a never ending treadmill of information. It is one of the reasons that I show related posts on the page and in the RSS feed. I feel that old content is, perhaps, some of the best content.

Because my Web site doesn’t have a huge subscriber base – some of the best discussions are struck only after the posts get indexed by search engines are are shared through various social networking sites.

I thought I’d point to a few interesting discussions that are still going on, or have been updated, within the last few weeks here on Oh, and as an aside, you can subscribe to all of the comments on my site to keep up-to-date, if you’re interested in that sort of thing.

These are the top three. There are several others.  I think I’m going to redesign my front page to include recent comments, or perhaps – popular posts.  If anyone has any suggestions on how to properly promote older posts with good discussions, I’m all ears.

And as always… thanks to everyone that comments here. I always enjoy feedback and other’s points of view. I try to reward those that comment here by turning off ads for you. Maybe I can reward commentary in another way. Stay tuned.

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