Weigh in: Week Sixteen

Sixteen full weeks of being on the diet. I never ever thought I’d get this far, have this type of response, and this type of personal success. I encourage anyone that has been thinking about starting a diet to do so, going in with the frame of mind that losing weight is not an extremely quick and painless process, but rather that you will need to change your habits for the rest of your life in order to succeed.

That being said, lets get to the weigh in. Last week I weighed in at 188.4 pounds, this week I am at 185.6 pounds for a loss of 2.8 pounds for the week and an overall loss of exactly 40 pounds!

Lets put this into perspective shall we? What is 40 pounds? What things typically weigh 40 pounds? According to the American Kennel Club a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier should typically weigh about 40 pounds. Another example, for those of you with children, is that most state laws require that children over 40 pounds must be in a booster seat, and I believe most children get to that type of weight when they are about 3 years old. For those of you with a love of boats, a 15-foot canoe weighs about 40 pounds.

So you could say that I lost a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, or a 3-year old child, or even a 15-foot canoe worth of weight. No matter how you slice it. I’m really happy to hit this milestone.

Something else I’m happy about is I am now considered healthy! My BMI is a healthy 24.5. I’m only .4 within the healthy range, but I’ll take it!

I hope everyone had as good of a week, and weekend, as I did.

[tags]diet, the diet, weigh in, bmi[/tags]

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