What I saw this week #42: May 19, 2017

Video: The Infinite NowArmand Dijcks, whom I met in Hawaii many years ago, released these hauntingly beautiful animated cinemagraphs from photos by Ray Collins scored by André Heuvelman and Jeroen van Vliet.

Photographs of Films – Jason Shulman does long exposure photography of entire films. Very cool.

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance – Netflix is creating a 10-part prequel series to one of my most favorite Jim Henson classics.

Stars within 50LYRecent work suggests that the "kill zone" for supernova can be extended to 50LY from Earth. There are thousands of stars visible to the naked eye within that distance (and, very likely, thousands upon thousands more not visible). Each year there are 50 supernovae in the Milky Way. So. Sleep well.

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